Ok, first prototype is here. Build quality is great (other than the admitted missed etching on some of the holes), and overall, very good case. I went with a smoked and green transparent case. Top sent to me was actually matte black and gives it a nice touch.
Also, there were 2 types of mounting holes provided so that I could give some feedback. The first was the etched hole to allow a flat head screw to be countersunk and be flush. Where the etching lined up (on the feet mount), the process works perfectly. The etching leaves a little bit of material in the countersink, but once cleaned out, fits perfectly. I believe that if you wanted counter sunk, a drill bit would still be the best option here. I have a countersink drill bit with a pilot and will be giving this a run on the off centered etchings.
Center etching on left, off center on the right:
With screw tighten in place. Still a little higher than flush (also in this photo, you can see how the interior plates/pieces are cut to allow the brass riser to be held in place):
The other option was an oversized hole that is just a little smaller than the diameter of the flat head screw. There is not much material being grabbed by the screw head, but considering that this is a no load area and that it is still just a 60% case, I foresee no issues here. I actually prefer this method as it allows a little more wiggle room to make sure the case is nice a straight before tightening everything down. Also, the flat heads are much more flush.
One item to note is that the mounting of the pcb is still in the works. The bottom panel was drilled to the mounting points for my Pure, but the 3mm screws were too large to use with the risers (also, at 8mm height, were a little too tall). I have some m2x5mm risers on order and will report back how they work out. In addition, 2 of the mounting holes were just a hair off (I am remeasuring my pcb today). Most likely error on my part
Here is the setup assembled. The acorn nut on the foot was just done for a quickie assembly. The foot is actually the disks with the flush flat head pictured above.
This is how it looks with my pcb in there (mocked up with cardboard to get it to 5mm).
Note that I didn't do a very good job lining up the layers for these pics. I actually sits perfectly flush as seen in the pics above.