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Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by chyros on Tue, 17 September 2024, 01:59:01 »
That is blatantly false.

We have 2 Right wing parties today, one very right, one extreme.  The left does not exist in american politics.

What is your vision of the left? A bunch of freebleeding anticapitalist anarchists tossing molotov's at banks?
I must admit that from a foreigner's perspective, the Democrats and Republicans seem like right-wing extremists and right-wing fundamentalists, respectively.

You'll probably think the inverse of the parties in my country, though.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL Modern ASCII
« Last post by maxgpdx on Tue, 17 September 2024, 01:38:12 »
As an owner of both of the OG boards this set is inspired by, I am interested but IMO would be a hard sell in the current market.

It seems like you could go one of two ways with this. You could make a set with light inspiration from the ASCII board which would have broader appeal but seems like it'd be too much like Honeywell with Hiragana sublegends. Alternatively you could with what you have here. But if you go this direction I'm not sure if enough people would be interested. Split color alphas and forced mod ; ' aren't likely to be popular outside of people who know what board it's inspired by, which is a small population who are less likely to be GMK buyers in the first place. If you are to go this route I think it needs something a little extra to really push the ASCII inspiration. True thumb shift layout isn't possible, every key would need a new mold. But I think not including the Katakana and numpad front printing is a missed opportunity. Also, the colors are pretty off. WS32 is not a match at all for the left alphas, it's a light beige when unyellowed. WS1 would be a lot closer. GR1 seems like a decent match for the right alphas though. Also maybe consider a red alt? It's one of the most distinctive parts of the OG board.

All in all I think this is a cool idea. I've thought about what a set inspired by this board might look like before, so it's nice to see someone trying it out. GLWIC!

Interest Checks / Re: [IC] DCS Cafe | A classy colorway now in DCS
« Last post by madmax13 on Mon, 16 September 2024, 23:32:52 »
If you do a deskmat for this, I love the MW "Color Wheel" matt they ran with their set.
Interest Checks / Re: Lily - HHKB 60%
« Last post by Narcolepsy on Mon, 16 September 2024, 23:14:18 »
I totally missed this too... but seeing that it's yet another 'group buy' where they post here until they get your money then only communicate on Discord, I'm fine with missing it.

Afaik Gok doesn't have a Discord server. He's posted/update the main post of the thread several times with updates throughout the IC process. Then it went to GB with the vendors, and they give out updates. This is an IC thread, once it went to GB there isn't really much else to post here. There also isn't a GB thread on Geekhack that I am aware of.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK Cosmos - GB Sept 15 - Oct 20, 2024
« Last post by Shareeth on Mon, 16 September 2024, 22:26:00 »
Back in July there was an ALT option for textured black keys and iridescent blue or red characters. Is this no longer an available option?
Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Mon, 16 September 2024, 21:56:05 »
Oled finally does justice to dark skin tones.

On LCD, for example, in dark scenes, black people actually look blue.
i love gooooooooooooold
Who doesn't? :)

NorDeUK kit should be an option to pick in the IC form?

I just wrote it in the comment text box but seems strange :-)
Hi thanks for pointing that out, I've added it to the IC form, alongside a JP sublegends alpha kit.

absolutely love this set !!!

i remap and use media keys religiously so if those get made it would be amazing~
not to mention both novelty kits are just up my alley ⟡

however-- the joker hat nov in the casino royale kit throws me a bit off. cant quite put my finger on it but i think it might be: if you consider the shape of a typical joker hat, it doesnt really make sense for there to be a gap between the left and right dangly parts, unless there is a fourth one (invisible to our eye due to positioning) in front of the back one but behind the front two ? or the blacked-out one is in front... but if that was the case then the left and right ones should be smooshed a little towards the center where they all meet. either way-- would recommend modifying that one design if you can! perhaps bring in the side parts so there is no gap, change the inner shape, or draw out the fourth 'front' part's silhouette ?

also, the overall design language of the casino royale kit leans into solid blocks and silhouettes-- the lined hand+sword and joker hat seem a bit out of place to me

regardless though-- love where this set is going and hope it comes to fruition !! will be following and supporting for sure ♡
Thanks for the feedback :)
Your comment made me realise that the render is a little inaccurate and using an older illustration of the joker hat. The hat is missing a band that gives it a little more height and better proportions. Please see picture below of an initial draft kitting for novelties:
I didn't add a fourth dangly part behind because I wanted to keep it simple and adding a fourth part would've it look more detailed, making it more 3 dimensional as well, and yeah more stylistic mismatch.
The lined sword novelty on the 2u Backspace is based on the sword that King character in cards typically holds. I can cull it if people don't like it, or consider a switch to something else if there were any good ideas. One alternate idea was the lucky 7s from Slots (perhaps without the rectangular silhouettes seen in the above picture), however I wasn't sure about the appeal of that; and I prefer the 7s as 3 x 1u for the PrtScr, Scroll, Pause cluster for TKL.
I'm also not sure how popular the use of novelty for backspace is to be honest (I'm sure there's many here who prefer split backspace anyways) so I'm open to culling it the feeling towards it is lukewarm and there's no better ideas. At the moment, I've no plans to add the slot lucky 7s as seen in the draft above unless there's a fair amount of interest.

As mentioned before, I'm considering merging the GMK Kin to Koru IC with this to simplify it. Or just running black & gold first, and hold of the Japanese Black & Gold version for the future...

If they were merged, my current idea is 2 base kits perhaps:
Standard base kit - latin alphas with mix icon/text modifier legends (current)
Japanese kana base kit -  katakana modifier legends with JP alphas
> considering if the alphas should switch from monolegend to katakana sublegends for the base kit instead?

I would still like to offer a JP Alpha Kit (either kana monolegends, hiragana sublegend, or katakana sublegend) for those who will prefer getting the latin base kit. I've added this as a question/poll to the feedback form to determine the interest in this too, and what sublegends ppl prefer.

However I still end up with 4 novelty kits available... Art Deco, Casino Royale, Kintsugi and Shogun, and I like them all...
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Mon, 16 September 2024, 21:25:59 »
That is blatantly false.

We have 2 Right wing parties today, one very right, one extreme.  The left does not exist in american politics.

What is your vision of the left? A bunch of freebleeding anticapitalist anarchists tossing molotov's at banks?

It did not used to be a radical idea that the PEOPLE who worked at the factory would Own It.

America had a shot at this,  it was a very popular idea, even during Fohat's time, but it terrified the Owners of men.  And so america strongly pivoted against it, crushing all notions of it.

The fact that you associate ""freebleeding anticapitalist anarchists"" with something bad, unruly, devious, deviant,   is precisely the malicious indoctrination our-Owners planted in your education.   

Our entire culture is designed around making psychopaths the hero. Nearly every major american movie/ video game is a murder simulator that solves all problems with gun violence.  Good guy, bad guy, killing is the solution.

We are to be envious of oppressors, to worship and become them.

Earning a Wage as we do today is not different from Slavery.

In truth, you are in debt the moment you are born, you MUST make money to ensure your very right to exist, you have no claim to life until you accept those terms.

The Oligarchs have the exclusive right to Print money, and exclusive rights to violence, to kill you for stepping out of line.

Every other post, NT, you complain about your predicament, I can not ascertain if in truth you are as close to the line as you describe,  but the facts of the SYSTEM are right in front of you, it's directly responsible for your isolation and narrow options.

As for TP4's vision,    Let's get this climate change out of the way, before we discuss ideals.

Tp4 would gladly support a dictator at this point if it meant REDUCED CARBON EMISSIONS, the End of animal agriculture, and active reforestation..

Leaving decisions in the hands of an idiotic populace injected with deliberately bad education, taught to consume and collect garbage, to champion garbage as the epitome of Stylish living. Nothing good can come of this.
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by noisyturtle on Mon, 16 September 2024, 21:12:01 »
That is blatantly false.

We have 2 Right wing parties today, one very right, one extreme.  The left does not exist in american politics.

What is your vision of the left? A bunch of freebleeding anticapitalist anarchists tossing molotov's at banks?
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Mon, 16 September 2024, 20:57:50 »
That is blatantly false.

We have 2 Right wing parties today, one very right, one extreme.  The left does not exist in american politics.
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