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Novelkeys has kindly agreed to be the US vendor

I’m good w any variant color wise
Fully support you cutting out anything possible to keep the base kit price at 135 or less as MOQ is hard these days. I’ve used double zero before but would rather have this be made than a 140$ base kit that gets canceled like some other sets recently. 

I'd buy full base kit versions of each of these colors if I could. Especially the Magenta(?) used on the Caps Lock and Left Shift
Perhaps there might be a possibility in the future, but I'd like to see how these sample turns out first. Yes, I would love to a super neon pink keycap set if there's interest. For this set, I'm calling the pink on the modifiers 'Magenta' and the pink on the alphas 'Fuchsia'

I did not liked the red color actually it is better to be without red color
Appreciate your opinion/thoughts! As I don't have samples yet, please note that my current renders are not potentially the most accurate, and the 'red' has since been changed to RAL 2005 (the same as GMK Flare) since I was concerned it would be a bit too difficult for 'red' match the fluorescent energy of the other colors. In fact a lot more 'orange' in nature, and not red. I'm calling it 'orange-red', but I'll try to play with some renders and see if it really adds much to the set. The original concept had alphas primarily only orange (with yellow homing keys), which is why the 'red' was initially used; to help introduce a bit of visual variety with the bottom row modifiers. Now that the alphas are a mix of orange and fuchsia, it's purpose is less meaningful visually. So I'll have a play around to see if the 'red' is that important...

I love the changes to the base kit so far, however is there any chance one of the variations of F/J could be Scooped? Having both options of scoop. And bar is a staple I feel that should be considered. Please consider scoop lovers :(.
For now, the yellow F/J will come as both scooped and barred homing keys, whereas the fuchsia F & orange J will come only as barred. Trying to keep the base kitting price in mind atm.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] Finn, Gasket 60XT | Prototype Ordered
« Last post by nathanchere on Mon, 17 February 2025, 03:41:56 »
Please consider split space bar support :D
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] TORO60 - CWKL 60% with Exploded Spacebar
« Last post by nathanchere on Mon, 17 February 2025, 03:35:33 »
The combination of the Exploded spacebar and the Chinese Win-key blockers reduces the amount of space we can use. Hence, 7u was not possible.

But it could still be possible to have this layout and support split spacebar (2.25 + 1.25 + 2.75) :D :D :D
I love the design but obviously this won't take a standard DZ60/etc PCB, so if there isn't split space support on the official PCB then this is no bueno for me.
Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by phinix on Mon, 17 February 2025, 03:13:53 »
The Gorge.
I'm going to watch it tonight, hopefully a nice one, I like the story so far :)

Off Topic / Re: Gaming PC Parts discussion thread.
« Last post by phinix on Mon, 17 February 2025, 02:58:30 »
I love the changes to the base kit so far, however is there any chance one of the variations of F/J could be Scooped? Having both options of scoop. And bar is a staple I feel that should be considered. Please consider scoop lovers :(.
Updated Rendors.....Current status of GB Responses:

~93 Percent of respondents want the base kit.

~63 Percent of respondents want the novelty kit.

Only about 40 percent want novs in base, so that'll remain separate.

NorDeUK has an interest rate of 25 percent, which is significant.

Still looking for someone to carry this set, but I think it's something unique and different for this profile.

Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] KAM Soda Squid - Feb 17 to Mar 17
« Last post by kinnju on Mon, 17 February 2025, 02:19:45 »
We're just figuring out an issue with the KFA listing but other than that, all links are now live!
Please email me and I can send replacements.
Making Stuff Together! / Re: AEKII Board Repair
« Last post by jacobolus on Mon, 17 February 2025, 01:44:04 »
It doesn't look like those traces are so damaged that you couldn't figure out some way to patch them back together. You just need a solid electrical connection between the switch pins and the trace. If you look up PCB / trace repair in a web search you can find plenty of sources. You can even just add a little patch wire if you really need.

If you already desoldered everything, in the worst case you could always try to obtain a replacement PCB that fits the same switch layout, which various people have done in the past, e.g. a web search turns up Or you could even hand wire everything on the back; the switches can be held in place sufficiently by the switch plate. Then you can use an alternate keyboard controller, supporting N-key rollover, etc.

Bent switch leads are annoying to desolder, and take a bit more practice and a few times more work than straight leads. Sometimes you have to suck out most of the solder, then get the lead hot enough to unstick / unbend, then finish sucking more solder out in a separate step. A set of dental picks and some small pliers can be helpful. If you do a web search for something like "desolder bent leads" there are probably good sources about this too.
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