Interest Checks / Re: [IC] Glazed Beige--Full Glazing Surface Keycap Sets by MM Studio
« Last post by zharkomi on Sat, 18 January 2025, 01:02:06 »Looks good. Why are there no color options for shifts, tab and enter? Any plans to add?
I could see damage possible if pushing 5v into a data port. Quick google says red = positive, black = negative, white = data +, and green = data -.Correct, so long and red and black are correct nothing will happen except a warning saying unknown USB device.
I think having a standardization of exposed GPU faces to allow the GPU to grab ambient air is the solution.That was how the NCase N1 works, except it's sucking from underneath, giving a buffer on the noise compared to sucking from the front and it didn't require any extension or anything.
Doom eternal, too much or too little platforming? Thoughts.You ever played the Yakuza games? Think they'd be right up your street.
On the to play list.