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Off Topic / Re: Tattoos
« Last post by tp4tissue on Fri, 20 September 2024, 20:38:33 »
/headscratch.   no.... ?

Tp4 only sees it amongst poor people. /just kidding.  Yea it's pretty popular.

They used to teach in DARE class, how you can get HIV from tattoos, soooo, yea, scared for life.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] Spyder TKL - GB Live!
« Last post by nessMINI on Fri, 20 September 2024, 20:25:51 »
Damn! I missed out on the group buy..... :'(

 Will there be extras? Hopefully? Maybe?
Off Topic / Re: Ne1 try dat Potassium Chloride?
« Last post by noisyturtle on Fri, 20 September 2024, 20:14:51 »
I think people, Americans especially, tend to way oversalt their food. I only use salt as a prep ingredient, never add more to completed dishes because it is already salted. There should be zero reason for you to reach for the salt at a restaurant, or for a premade meal. Just use less salt. It is not hard to do.
Off Topic / Tattoos
« Last post by noisyturtle on Fri, 20 September 2024, 20:11:26 »
It seems like these days spotting anyone under 50 without a tattoo is like spotting a unicorn. Everyone and their mother has a tatt.

I don't feel like growing up in the 90s tattoos were even close to as prevalent. What cause the surge in people wanting to get inked? Doesn't everyone having one ruin the entire point of individualism they kinda represent?

Personally I never got one cause I get bored of things quickly, and there is literally nothing I could imagine that I'd want on me forever. I do like them on other people, unless it is on the face/neck/or stomach.

It is just crazy to me how frivolously people decide to get one. Just on a whim they'll get something that doesn't hold any real meaning, and I just don't understand the carefree attitude to something that will be seen by everyone for the remainder of your life. Like any character from anything, a band logo, memes. Like, you get a dragon tatt, cool. You get a tatt of the dragon from Shrek 2, why would you do that? I see a lot of Pokemon tattoos that will for sure look great on some 89 year old grandma that has eevee spreading it's ******* on your shoulder.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] DCS Cafe | A classy colorway now in DCS
« Last post by SafeAtShore on Fri, 20 September 2024, 19:36:43 »
DCS minibars don't exist, do they? You should change the labels in your kitting image from SB to R4 (the render seems to be non-convex already).
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] SA Grand Budapest Round 2 – A Community-Driven Comeback
« Last post by kim-kim on Fri, 20 September 2024, 18:10:08 »
Please. Make it. Happen. Again
geekhack Media / Re: Post your Artisan Caps
« Last post by Rob27shred on Fri, 20 September 2024, 17:31:53 »
Some fun pics I took with a few of my caps that reacted well to UV light (blacklight)!
geekhack Media / Re: Post your Artisan Caps
« Last post by Rob27shred on Fri, 20 September 2024, 17:22:53 »
(Attachment Link)

Sodiecaps Spacejams "Hipermax" (HKS livery) with strands of carbon fiber

Nice grab! I was mad I had to pass on this raffle LOL! Loved the colorway, just didn't have the extra funds for one at the time unfortunately.
geekhack Media / Re: Post your Artisan Caps
« Last post by Rob27shred on Fri, 20 September 2024, 17:20:47 »
Prism - Vector - Unbranded.caps

(Attachment Link)

First other person I've seen with one of these. I got it in a random trade and know next to nothing about Unbranded but dig it.  :thumb:

Show Image

Very cool sculpt! Yeah I've never heard of Unbranded caps myself & am fairly into collecting artisans.Wonder if they are still around & casting? Speaking of rather unknown makers I recently got this cool cap in from Poochie Dingo. Don't know much about him & just happened to stumble across this raffle on reddit, decided to take a shot cause I liked the cap. There was a little grumbling about Poochie ripping off Wheat Keys cause they both have a cap that has a similar crown on them as the design. Although Wheat's is a R4 Fn key & Poochie's is a R1 key. Also I believe Wheat said Poochie had his out first. So I think that was more a case of two similar ideals popping up around the same time. Gonna give Poochie the benefit of the doubt for now, then I know Wheat wouldn't purposely rip anyone's designs. He seems like a pretty cool & solid dude from the little bit of interaction I've had with him on Diego's Discord & from winning caps from him.
Alyssia extras are up!

This will likely be my last post for this thread, it's been a wonderful journey, I hope all the Alyssia owners out there are happy with their boards! <3

Congrats on the successful GB! Was so sad I couldn't join, but hey can't have them all I guess. Also I might be able to grab an extra before they're gone, so fingers crossed there! Anyways an all around lovely board, great job on this!
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