Author Topic: [IC] GMK Bushidō  (Read 120516 times)

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Offline Vigrith

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Re: [IC] GMK Seppuku
« Reply #150 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:28:57 »
Imagine not understanding the difference between acknowledging something happened and celebrating it through a product

Imagine thinking this set celebrates suicide.

Having a fundamental sense of propriety is a weak argument for changing the theme? Ha! Ok buddy.
You can't say that only 10 people would disagree with the previous theme. Half of all the people here took issue with the naming, and it's possible that more did, but didn't say anything. Scale that up to the size of the community, and you have to realize something is wrong. Otherwise, you're just delusional.
But look at you, projecting again from behind the safety of your screen. I never said we should "pretend bad **** never happened". That's not the point. Remembering the bad **** that happened needs to be done, but carefully and in the right context. Nobody in their right mind would make a Lego concentration camp set. Similarly, plastic keycaps would not have been the place to bring up a Japanese suicide ritual.

Biip decided to change the name. The set still looks fire. The end.

What do you mean the end? You just spouted like 10 lines of armchair psychology - I didn't mean to upset you, I figured we were just having a reasonable discussion and me calling out your argument as weak (which it still is) is hardly personal - the fact you clearly cannot keep a level head is pretty disappointing. How come you're mad that I'm voicing my opinion behind a screen? Are you hinting toward the fact you would like to get physically violent or that someone else would if that weren't the case? Little concerning.

Offline zurbo

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #151 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:36:33 »

As I said somewhere else, I understood that the old name (GMK seppuku) may be offensive since the seppuku was used to advocate for kamikazes suicide in the Japanese army in WWII which is close history which hurt a lot of people.
I also supported the idea of a name change to Biip yesterday for this reason.

But here it seems like the problem is the samurai iconography. And the samurai wars against China or Korea which are 400 years old.
I think it's a problem since this iconography is widely present in the pop culture in general (films, toys, etc).

If you are offended by this set (with the new name), why ?

Offline Capsy

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #152 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:39:50 »

As I said somewhere else, I understood that the old name (GMK seppuku) may be offensive since the seppuku was used to advocate for kamikazes suicide in the Japanese army in WWII which is close history which hurt a lot of people.
I also supported the idea of a name change to Biip yesterday for this reason.

But here it seems like the problem is the samurai iconography. And the samurai wars against China or Korea which are 400 years old.
I think it's a problem since this iconography is widely present in the pop culture in general (films, toys, etc).

If you are offended by this set (with the new name), why ?
The set's name has been changed. The discussion should die or be about the actual set now. But people

Offline zekkin

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Re: [IC] GMK Seppuku
« Reply #153 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:42:46 »
Sometimes, arguments get idiotic, but this is not one of them. Other people have feelings, and they are just as valid as yours. So, why would it be a good idea to bring the theme of Seppuku to a bunch of plastic caps? Who needs a set that makes them think, "Oh yeah, that red line totally reminds me of where a samurai would have spilled their guts!" Why does anyone need that? It's not even necessarily offensive, but it's 100% tactless. There is a time and a place for everything. This ain't it. And yeah, actually some of us actually do care that some themes or topics are sensitive to other people around the world. You don't need to project your completely unsympathetic nature on the rest of us.

They don't. Your argument is weak, not every set has to appeal to everyone and not everyone has to want to own a set that reminds me of where a samurai would have spilled their guts. Others might, or might just not care. Plenty of people find slasher horror movies tactless (and the same goes for ones that portray authoritarian regimes etc), the way that usually is handled by someone's who's not a complete idiot is they don't go watch the movie.

Why should seppuku as a theme be banned from keycap sets because it reminds 10 people of people they knew that killed themselves? Or why should there not be (alluded) Nazi symbolism in a set that's themed after a TV series that tries to depict what modern day would look like if the Axis won WWII? Rpiguy9907's reply last page is fantastic, about as objective and sensible as it's gonna get, really the only argument that can be made in favour of potentially considering the name to be positive. Or we can all continue to pretend bad **** never happened and that even the slightest mention of it should be silenced which seems perfectly reasonable.
Imagine not understanding the difference between acknowledging something happened and celebrating it through a product

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

If the Japanese themselves can "celebrate" this aspect of their history through cinema and literal legend, and hollywood can "celebrate" the same thing (and even pervert it), why can't someone make a keycap set related to it, especially since so many in this hobby are also tied to that same Japanese cinema?

Hey man, I'd like to point you towards this post from earlier in the thread, which I think really captures the major pain points with the set:

OK first I'm not offended (at least as I understand the meaning of the word). I'm not from US and don't really care for your political talk points.

But, I just had a friend commiting suicide for unknown reasons, and it emotionally devastated his family anf friends. Like most bad things in life, you don't care about it until it happens to you. Trust me, knowing your loved ones doing that, it can break you, hard.

Culturally sanctioned or not, Suicide.Is.Not.Good, and while I completely, 110% agree that Seppuku has historical significance, that doesn't mean we should try to glorify it either. Especially when:
- Japan has notorious suicide rate.
- Many suiciders in Japan think of it as a modern form of sepuku, "preserving their honor".
- We know for a fact that seeing/reading about/hearing of/knowing people commiting suicide can lead others to do the same.
- We have historical records that many were forced to commit Seppuku against their wills.

I know "cancel culture" is a thing in the US now. If you go ahead with this IC and eventual GB, it's... fine. It's not very kind to people with unfortunate circumstances like me, but I can just ignore it entirely. I just hope this will give you some perspective on this complex topic.

These four bullet points are describe very real, very modern (i.e. happening in 2019) things.

In contrast to the heavy focus on individuality in the West, many Asian countries subscribe to a lifestyle that puts group harmony above individual happiness. In the West, we have what's known as a guilt-based culture; we make mistakes and whatever consequences, if any, are placed upon you and you alone. In the East, there is what's known as a shame-based culture; someone makes a mistake and the consequences fall on not just the one who made the mistake, but your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your city, etc.

In modern times, this sense of honor still remains, and people are still taking their own lives in response to or to save themselves from the great shame they may bring upon themselves and those around them.

The third point is especially poignant here as this is also something that is very real and can be seen happening today, most notably in the case of survivors of great trauma; one survivor simply cannot bear the pain any longer and other that were hanging on may decide it's what they want as well.

In regards to your point about Japanese people "celebrating" this part of their history in various forms of media, I'm almost positive very little to no major works focus solely on the act of seppuku, but more so on the various tales of individuals from something like the Sengoku period (also known as the Warring States period). The focus is on the people and the tales of heroism or resilience in the face of impossible odds, not on the taking of one's own life.

All that being said, the set has been renamed and we should try to get this thread back on track.
« Last Edit: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:46:43 by zekkin »

Offline zurbo

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #154 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:45:14 »

As I said somewhere else, I understood that the old name (GMK seppuku) may be offensive since the seppuku was used to advocate for kamikazes suicide in the Japanese army in WWII which is close history which hurt a lot of people.
I also supported the idea of a name change to Biip yesterday for this reason.

But here it seems like the problem is the samurai iconography. And the samurai wars against China or Korea which are 400 years old.
I think it's a problem since this iconography is widely present in the pop culture in general (films, toys, etc).

If you are offended by this set (with the new name), why ?
The set's name has been changed. The discussion should die or be about the actual set now. But people

I know, but some people seems offended even with the new name... So I want to understand ?

Offline NathanielGoodtimes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #155 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:48:10 »
I like red!

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Offline Holicalis

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #156 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:53:11 »
Interesting and original design! This is the first time I've seen dual toned legends split directly in half. I'll be following the set closely

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #157 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:56:27 »
The set has been renamed (thank you biip for the sensitivity and cooperation with community requests).  I understand some people think this is an overreaction, but if we all agreed about everything it would make for a mighty boring world.  ;)  Feel free to disagree and mutter things under your breath at your desk.

People have been drawing parallels to Nazis here.  Would you also make the same argument against a US Air Force set (a set that has been produced), because the US military has committed some fairly heinous acts in its history?  Likely not.  Nazis, on the other hand, have a very distinct and clear black mark on their history and it's generally agreed upon that their imagery is "off limits" (right or wrong, that is not the discussion at this point). 

In similar fashion, a "rising sun" themed set was shut down a few years ago.  In my opinion, the broad categorization of "samurai" does not evoke a similar emotion to the other two glaring examples.  Again, feel free to disagree, and I'd personally appreciate some context if relevant (my Japanese history is admittedly not great, as an American). 

[Edit: In fact, I just realized that I have a reference to samurais in a quote in my signature!  How fitting.  Serious question, do people find that sort of reference to samurais offensive?]

Lastly, I want to comment on some reports of this thread to clear some things up.  Threads posted to the IC subforum do not require approval, unlike the GB subforum.  This means that an offensive or inappropriate thread in the IC forum should be reported to make the mods aware of it - it does not mean that the mods are racist, enacting double standards, or encouraging such threads. 
« Last Edit: Thu, 24 October 2019, 11:58:48 by HoffmanMyster »

Offline maximize

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Re: [IC] GMK Seppuku
« Reply #158 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 12:08:54 »
Imagine not understanding the difference between acknowledging something happened and celebrating it through a product

Imagine thinking this set celebrates suicide.

Having a fundamental sense of propriety is a weak argument for changing the theme? Ha! Ok buddy.
You can't say that only 10 people would disagree with the previous theme. Half of all the people here took issue with the naming, and it's possible that more did, but didn't say anything. Scale that up to the size of the community, and you have to realize something is wrong. Otherwise, you're just delusional.
But look at you, projecting again from behind the safety of your screen. I never said we should "pretend bad **** never happened". That's not the point. Remembering the bad **** that happened needs to be done, but carefully and in the right context. Nobody in their right mind would make a Lego concentration camp set. Similarly, plastic keycaps would not have been the place to bring up a Japanese suicide ritual.

Biip decided to change the name. The set still looks fire. The end.

What do you mean the end? You just spouted like 10 lines of armchair psychology - I didn't mean to upset you, I figured we were just having a reasonable discussion and me calling out your argument as weak (which it still is) is hardly personal - the fact you clearly cannot keep a level head is pretty disappointing. How come you're mad that I'm voicing my opinion behind a screen? Are you hinting toward the fact you would like to get physically violent or that someone else would if that weren't the case? Little concerning.

You're great at twisting words. Why on Earth would you insinuate that I want to get violent over this? It's honestly incredibly rude and a dirty tactic to make me look bad; that's what is now irking me a bit. "From behind the safety of your screen" simply implies that I don't think you would have gone about this discussion in the same way if it were face-to-face. Anonymity provides a kind of "safety" -- I don't think we need to go over that.

I've been as level headed about this discussion as anyone here. I haven't implied that you're an idiot ["Plenty of people find slasher horror movies tactless (and the same goes for ones that portray authoritarian regimes etc), the way that usually is handled by someone's who's not a complete idiot is they don't go watch the movie"]. I haven't falsely accused you of being violent [see above]. And I've actually provided valid responses to each of your counterpoints, but you don't seem to want to do the same.

"This isn't a good place for this theme" is a perfectly valid argument, and definitely a better one than "do what you want because who cares about being insensitive to other people".

"The end" referred to the fact that this discussion should be over, since biip has now changed the name and I would really rather not side-track things any further.
« Last Edit: Thu, 24 October 2019, 12:11:50 by maximize »

Offline NathanielGoodtimes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #159 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 12:46:00 »
Hey guys, maybe we can get back to focusing on this awesome key set?

Offline x86ect

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Re: [IC] GMK Seppuku
« Reply #160 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 13:06:28 »
These four bullet points are describe very real, very modern (i.e. happening in 2019) things.

In contrast to the heavy focus on individuality in the West, many Asian countries subscribe to a lifestyle that puts group harmony above individual happiness. In the West, we have what's known as a guilt-based culture; we make mistakes and whatever consequences, if any, are placed upon you and you alone. In the East, there is what's known as a shame-based culture; someone makes a mistake and the consequences fall on not just the one who made the mistake, but your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your city, etc.

In modern times, this sense of honor still remains, and people are still taking their own lives in response to or to save themselves from the great shame they may bring upon themselves and those around them.

The third point is especially poignant here as this is also something that is very real and can be seen happening today, most notably in the case of survivors of great trauma; one survivor simply cannot bear the pain any longer and other that were hanging on may decide it's what they want as well.

In regards to your point about Japanese people "celebrating" this part of their history in various forms of media, I'm almost positive very little to no major works focus solely on the act of seppuku, but more so on the various tales of individuals from something like the Sengoku period (also known as the Warring States period). The focus is on the people and the tales of heroism or resilience in the face of impossible odds, not on the taking of one's own life.

All that being said, the set has been renamed and we should try to get this thread back on track.

This is a good set of arguments for your point.  I appreciate the intelligence and sensitivity you have applied.  I would like to argue equally as intelligently and sensitively, but as you've said, the name has already changed, so I will refrain.

With regards to the new name...
Bushido, and the new "less aggressive" novelties Biip is going to rework, have the potential to undermine the value of the color scheme (why is this "Bushido" set so dark?).  It has ruined the cohesive quality that gave the original set "life".  The value of the Biip's original work was in it's dedication to the goal; which is the ultimate nod of respect that could be given to the theme.

I might go so far as to say that the act of muddying Biip's vision to appease others is in direct contradiction to some of the tenets of Bushido: Rectitude, Courage, Loyalty, Character, Sincerity (though I acknowledge that Mercy for the pain others feel is also there)

But... this is all too heady for a keycap set; I just hate when artistic vision is ruined like this.

Offline LetoDaleko

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #161 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 13:14:54 »
Its time for GMK Gulag to top it all. Think Il start working on it.

Offline PyroL

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #162 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 13:50:39 »
It’s so sad to see that people that aint concerned by that made stupid drama, it’s not the URSS, we have freedom of speech right ? Idk if you guys realise that we came to a point where set’s name are censored.
Biip worked really hard to do something around that special theme, it’s an hommage... but whatever.
Im waiting for some people to say that GMK White On Black is controversial now lmao.

I guess we can close the debate and apprecieate the beauty of this set, this set deserves a lot of love.

Offline KingOfMemes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #163 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 13:52:42 »
Yo one good thing about all these snowflakes freaking out about the name is that the set has a great deal of hype around it. Controversy brings in the hype, meaning you got interest  :thumb: :thumb:

Offline eirunoopi

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #164 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 14:08:16 »
oh look. it's yet another japanese set.

Offline MMKB

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #165 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 14:30:34 »
Now Bushido is a less controversial name than seppuku or kamikaze. Glad you changed it

Offline switchnollie

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #166 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 14:32:53 »
I'm guessing that someone from this thread is the one who posted the short-lived "GMK Offended" IC today. On a serious note, if you or anyone else is willing to move forward with that set, I would personally and unsarcastically love to own a Pepe-themed keeb.

Btw biip, as a Korean-American designer, I find this set to be a pretty ingenious inspiration-to-product example of thinking in the keyboard space. Regardless of whether or not people find the precedent to be distasteful (as they have a right to express that opinion), the thinking behind this set is very unique and I'd like to see more colorways explore this type of creativity.


That set you have there reminds me more of Shrek lol :cool:

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Offline bliss

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #167 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 16:45:46 »
Brilliant set, made my day... interested in Base / Samurai / Dishonor / Spacebars!
Keep up the good work  :thumb:

Set renamed. I will change the text novelties soon.
I kindly request to please keep as much edge as feasible on the novelties. TBH, I love the Death / Suicide mods combo, but I understand... maybe keep Death as it reminds us that life is precious and should not be squandered? Or maybe just bring more novelties in addition in order to keep the original ones!

Also, design changes may please one group but drive another away...

Offline Tonkatonk

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #168 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 17:23:03 »
I'm guessing that someone from this thread is the one who posted the short-lived "GMK Offended" IC today. On a serious note, if you or anyone else is willing to move forward with that set, I would personally and unsarcastically love to own a Pepe-themed keeb.

Btw biip, as a Korean-American designer, I find this set to be a pretty ingenious inspiration-to-product example of thinking in the keyboard space. Regardless of whether or not people find the precedent to be distasteful (as they have a right to express that opinion), the thinking behind this set is very unique and I'd like to see more colorways explore this type of creativity.

Pardon my ignorance, but what have you designed?

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Offline hansikhouse

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #169 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 18:03:32 »
I'm guessing that someone from this thread is the one who posted the short-lived "GMK Offended" IC today. On a serious note, if you or anyone else is willing to move forward with that set, I would personally and unsarcastically love to own a Pepe-themed keeb.

Btw biip, as a Korean-American designer, I find this set to be a pretty ingenious inspiration-to-product example of thinking in the keyboard space. Regardless of whether or not people find the precedent to be distasteful (as they have a right to express that opinion), the thinking behind this set is very unique and I'd like to see more colorways explore this type of creativity.

Pardon my ignorance, but what have you designed?

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Nothing in keebs (yet, but hopefully soon!). I'm an architect by background and currently developing an urban development/real estate app. Working on a set of layered acrylic TKLs at the moment to try my hand at a small initial GB.

Offline OtherAndrew

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #170 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 19:38:22 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #171 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 19:42:35 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

weebs don't care
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"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #172 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 19:57:30 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

weebs don't care

Can confirm.

Offline KingOfMemes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #173 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 20:13:39 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

weebs don't care

Offline NathanielGoodtimes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #174 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 20:19:33 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

weebs don't care

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Offline cekagekh

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #175 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 21:10:29 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.
« Last Edit: Thu, 24 October 2019, 21:12:23 by cekagekh »

Offline Tom_Kazansky

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #176 on: Thu, 24 October 2019, 21:33:24 »
Set renamed. I will change the text novelties soon.
I kindly request to please keep as much edge as feasible on the novelties. TBH, I love the Death / Suicide mods combo, but I understand... maybe keep Death as it reminds us that life is precious and should not be squandered? Or maybe just bring more novelties in addition in order to keep the original ones!

Also, design changes may please one group but drive another away...

I suggest using Honor / Death mods combo for the novelties.

I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

weebs don't care

it looks cool so... yep, don't care

Offline biip

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #177 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 04:34:19 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Could you explain me what’s wrong? I’m taking Japanese lessons and took the inspiration from some “modern” Japanese fonts. I tried to simplify the strokes without denaturing them. I also shown it to some native and they did not have any issue with it. I’m definitely interested to improve the font if I can.

Offline Fredington

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #178 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 06:35:02 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Out of place in what way? Are you sure you're not just used to seeing Hiragana, so Katakana looks "weird" to you? I've long felt that Hiragana is too round and script-y to be paired with block Latin legends and that Katakana is a much better match stylistically.

Offline CodeMayhem

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #179 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 08:44:07 »
サムライキット Samurai kit
aka novelties kit
Enter: Disgrace
From left to right: Death / Suicide / Dishonor / Punishment
I'll make new text novelties with less aggressive titles…

what does the r1 katakana mean? and could you include another with the white font so that it does clash with the two tone for those just using the base kit?

Offline biip

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #180 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 09:31:13 »
what does the r1 katakana mean? and could you include another with the white font so that it does clash with the two tone for those just using the base kit?

This is a mix of resentment and regret.

Offline audiosl4ve

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #181 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 09:46:47 »
i must say that those samurai helmet novelities are just awesome  :thumb:

Offline OtherAndrew

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #182 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 13:41:29 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Could you explain me what’s wrong? I’m taking Japanese lessons and took the inspiration from some “modern” Japanese fonts. I tried to simplify the strokes without denaturing them. I also shown it to some native and they did not have any issue with it. I’m definitely interested to improve the font if I can.

Take a good, long look at "V2" hiragana sublegends.

Offline radam

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #183 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 14:18:31 »
I don’t speak or write Japanese, but aesthetically, I like your katakana sub legends and think they pair well with the design of your set.

Offline NathanielGoodtimes

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #184 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 14:23:11 »
I don’t speak or write Japanese, but aesthetically, I like your katakana sub legends and think they pair well with the design of your set.
Agreed, something different then all the other sets that offer japanese sublegends

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Offline radam

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #185 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 14:28:17 »
I’d also like to say “find a designer to help you” or “take a long look at this” is not helpful or constructive criticism. It’s rude. Learn to identify what you find odd or displeasing about his design and verbalize it.

Offline biip

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #186 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 14:45:33 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Could you explain me what’s wrong? I’m taking Japanese lessons and took the inspiration from some “modern” Japanese fonts. I tried to simplify the strokes without denaturing them. I also shown it to some native and they did not have any issue with it. I’m definitely interested to improve the font if I can.

Take a good, long look at "V2" hiragana sublegends.

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Katakanas and Hiraganas are two different things. Did you even read the IC?
It would be nice if you’d be able to at least explain things.
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 October 2019, 14:51:34 by biip »

Offline kolyz

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #187 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 15:16:02 »
biip's set uses Katakana, not Hiragana.

Offline OtherAndrew

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #188 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 15:21:21 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Your set has missing legends, plain and simpe.

Could you explain me what’s wrong? I’m taking Japanese lessons and took the inspiration from some “modern” Japanese fonts. I tried to simplify the strokes without denaturing them. I also shown it to some native and they did not have any issue with it. I’m definitely interested to improve the font if I can.

Take a good, long look at "V2" hiragana sublegends.

Show Image

Katakanas and Hiraganas are two different things. Did you even read the IC?
It would be nice if you’d be able to at least explain things.

Your set has missing legends, plain and simple.

Offline Tonkatonk

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #189 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 15:22:18 »
I strongly urge OP to use accurate Japanese sublegends instead of what he has currently.

Agree. OP definitely needs some extra help from a few Japanese designers who have good taste in type design. The current font looks really out of place when paired with GMK's latin legends.

Could you explain me what’s wrong? I’m taking Japanese lessons and took the inspiration from some “modern” Japanese fonts. I tried to simplify the strokes without denaturing them. I also shown it to some native and they did not have any issue with it. I’m definitely interested to improve the font if I can.

Take a good, long look at "V2" hiragana sublegends.

Show Image

Katakanas and Hiraganas are two different things. Did you even read the IC?
It would be nice if you’d be able to at least explain things.

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Noxary PC268.2 | Red Nunu | Purple PC Nunu | Ogre | Vulcan Pro

Offline psxndc

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #190 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 15:45:09 »
Katakanas and Hiraganas are two different things. Did you even read the IC?
It would be nice if you’d be able to at least explain things.

Your set has missing legends, plain and simple.

I'll try to translate. In GMK Striker, the Z key has both the hiragana tsu and then small hiragana tsu to represent a doubled consonant. In this set, there's only the katakana tsu. Same thing for the numerals, e.g., in GMK Striker, 9 has small "yo" but doesn't here.

Of course, OtherAndrew didn't say that outright; they just put up a snarky comment about consulting a designer.
Ortho. Always.

Offline biip

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #191 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 16:11:32 »
Katakanas and Hiraganas are two different things. Did you even read the IC?
It would be nice if you’d be able to at least explain things.

Your set has missing legends, plain and simple.

I'll try to translate. In GMK Striker, the Z key has both the hiragana tsu and then small hiragana tsu to represent a doubled consonant. In this set, there's only the katakana tsu. Same thing for the numerals, e.g., in GMK Striker, 9 has small "yo" but doesn't here.

Of course, OtherAndrew didn't say that outright; they just put up a snarky comment about consulting a designer.

But there are sets with Hiraganas which doesn’t have The doubled consonant, such as Bentō.
Only the ロ is missing atm on Bushidō.

Offline Zurg Eon

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #192 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 17:46:49 »
I like the theme, colours and the legends. What are the chances of a nordeuk kit with a low MOQ?
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 October 2019, 17:51:22 by Zurg Eon »

Offline psxndc

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #193 on: Fri, 25 October 2019, 19:39:53 »
I'll try to translate. In GMK Striker, the Z key has both the hiragana tsu and then small hiragana tsu to represent a doubled consonant. In this set, there's only the katakana tsu. Same thing for the numerals, e.g., in GMK Striker, 9 has small "yo" but doesn't here.

Of course, OtherAndrew didn't say that outright; they just put up a snarky comment about consulting a designer.

But there are sets with Hiraganas which doesn’t have The doubled consonant, such as Bentō.
Only the ロ is missing atm on Bushidō.

I get it. I'm not complaining one bit about what you've done, I was just trying to facilitate the conversation. I wasn't supporting OtherAndrew's comment. They'll have to speak to that, hopefully in a tone more conducive to discussion.
Ortho. Always.

Offline MdotMaxson

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #194 on: Sat, 26 October 2019, 03:07:29 »
One of the only big keyboard designers who I think deserves respect. You can always count on your keyboard being covered if it’s being designed by biip. And if it doesn’t make MOQ at least he took the extra effort (is making a picture/render of a kit really that hard? I mean most of these guys have scripts for it. So like as hard as pressing enter) whereas most big designers, you ask where is ortho support, or say why are you missing this key from specialties, you just get a “deal with it” type response. If you get one at all.

Offline myyrddraal

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #195 on: Sat, 26 October 2019, 03:21:23 »
Yo one good thing about all these snowflakes freaking out about the name is that the set has a great deal of hype around it. Controversy brings in the hype, meaning you got interest  :thumb: :thumb:
My sentiments exactly. Winter set down upon humanity. Snowflakes everywhere.

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Offline Tonkatonk

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #196 on: Sat, 26 October 2019, 10:23:16 »

One of the only big keyboard designers who I think deserves respect. You can always count on your keyboard being covered if it’s being designed by biip. And if it doesn’t make MOQ at least he took the extra effort (is making a picture/render of a kit really that hard? I mean most of these guys have scripts for it. So like as hard as pressing enter) whereas most big designers, you ask where is ortho support, or say why are you missing this key from specialties, you just get a “deal with it” type response. If you get one at all.

Glad you found a set that embodies your essence enough for you to back. Maybe we'll even see you post it, and if we're really lucky see how an alpha like you really lives.

Meanwhile I'll just be here typing on a pink polycarbonate board with GMK Olivia.

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Noxary PC268.2 | Red Nunu | Purple PC Nunu | Ogre | Vulcan Pro

Offline Zurg Eon

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #197 on: Sat, 26 October 2019, 12:23:05 »
One of the only big keyboard designers who I think deserves respect. You can always count on your keyboard being covered if it’s being designed by biip. And if it doesn’t make MOQ at least he took the extra effort (is making a picture/render of a kit really that hard? I mean most of these guys have scripts for it. So like as hard as pressing enter) whereas most big designers, you ask where is ortho support, or say why are you missing this key from specialties, you just get a “deal with it” type response. If you get one at all.

Glad you found a set that embodies your essence enough for you to back. Maybe we'll even see you post it, and if we're really lucky see how an alpha like you really lives.

Meanwhile I'll just be here typing on a pink polycarbonate board with GMK Olivia.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Hey, I have been struggling with suicidal thoughts most of my life, and even I didn't get offended by the initial name. All it did was give me associations to cool samurai movies. If anyone should have been offended by this, it's the Japanese people. It's their history.
If you don't like the theme, then that's OK. Do you want the designer to change the name, the theme and the novelties just so you can like it? If it's not for you then stay out, just like I stayed out of the Olivia GB. No problem.

Offline regionfree

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #198 on: Sat, 26 October 2019, 23:02:20 »
In an age where everyone is rioting for freedom of expression and individualism, even to the point where we go against science and biology armed with nothing but feelings, we are so triggered and are trying hard to censor how an artist’s work should be named.

Call this GMK Irony.

Offline mtuanvu

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Re: [IC] GMK Bushidō
« Reply #199 on: Sun, 27 October 2019, 00:01:34 »
100% in