Thank you everyone for the really great feedback. There are some great suggestions here, and I’ll be making tweaks to the kitting to support everyone as best as is practical! I’ll try to answer related questions together:
can the norde kits be combined?
I feel like you can make your kits a lot smaller since most of the alt kits are the same but with a couple of different colored keys, for example norde and numpad, I don't see any difference in the Norde kits other than the 3 keys on the bottom, so maybe offering those 3 keys in a different kit so that people that want both colors dont get most of the norde kit duplicated
I’ve received this feedback from a few people, so I will investigate amalgamating the mods from both the NorDe and Numpad kits into just two single kits.
ne b in base avail
Would be great to have a "B" key in spacebars kits for anyone who use alice layout instead buying Norde kits just for the "B" key
There’s an extra B in the Nomad kit(s) for Alice layout, but I’m going to revisit the kitting for Nomad to make it easier to support 40% layouts, and make it simpler for Alice users to create a workable layout, either with the modifier kit alone, or with the modifer + spacebar kits. Most likely just by adding an extra B key to the base kit.
Hi, I suggest some changes to your base kit, about ISO keys, since you reverse the row order of cherry profile, i'm gonna go with your row order. I don't really know about any layouts that use a R3 1u "\|" key, if it's for ISO, I recommend moving this key to you R2 so your base kit can cover both US and UK ISO (US Iso only need a R2 "\|" key).
I think there’s an error on my part; one of the
\| keys is to support ISO-UK Mac, but that should be R2 rather than R1. This might seem like a particularly niche layout to support, but it’s what I use so I wanted to ensure it was covered (there are some other slightly unusual keys in the base kit that are for this layout, like
±§). (The row ordering is confusing to me too but apparently that’s how EnjoyPBT does their numbering, so I’ve stuck with it).
I would like to see mod pipe in the mod kits.
No mod pipe or tilde... Looks cool, but I'd have to use another set with mods I want to match it.
I’ll add both of these to the modifier kits!
Commented earlier but feel I would need to ask - will there be any issues regarding IP / copyrights running this?
IANAL but this has been asked a few times, specifically with regard to one of the novelties. All of the icon artwork is my own, but I’ll let an actual lawyer make a final call on whether I need to remove/alter any of the novelties before production.
- Two UK-only keys (#~ and '@) are present in the Norde kits.
I think this was a mistake on my part; I’ll move these into the base kit, since the intention is for that to have ISO-UK support.
- 1U R3 \| makes little sense, given that the rest of the keys required for a 14.5U alpha block are absent.
As I mentioned above, I think this was a mistake on my part: it should be a 1U
R2 \| key, for ISO-UK Mac support.
move the R1 <> key from the Norde kits to the base kit and with that you'll have full English (USA) over ISO support.
That seems reasonable, so I’ll look into doing that.
The Macintosh-specific alphas (R4 §± and R1 `~) are out of place as well, given no explicit Mac support is given (outside the icon-only modifiers).
I might not have made it explicit (and perhaps I should!) but I’m definitely seeking to support Mac users here, given how there’s a strong overlap with the creative community there.
Love the font, the execution, the modifiers, and the presentation. Too bad I only use Lightroom...
If only there was one for Lightroom and XD...but regardless I love this concept! Since I use both extensively, I was wondering if it was possible to make another kit that is a combination of both. I don't know how well that would look, but if it doesn't I don't mind buying individual kits depending on the price.
If this set is a success I would definitely be looking to follow up with other members of the Creative Suite family. As far as combination kits go, I did consider this at first (an early version had orange mods on one side, blue on the other) but it’s a little tricky to scratch everyone’s itch. My hope is that the pricing will be attractive enough that people can pick up a couple of mod kits and mix and match to their tastes.