08/04/2021 -- Prototypist added as a proxy to this set!
02/20/2022 -- Updated base kit and keyboard renders, replaced nemui render for txcp. Render changes are purely on the pad printing.
05/20/2022 -- GB Date has been added, added Latrialum to list of collaborators.
05/31/2022 -- GB Date has been pushed back from June to August. Added AleeKeycaps & Melonkeys to the list of collaborators.
08/01/2022 -- I will be postponing gmk underworld further and going with a different manufacturer. This new manufacturer can do tripleshot abs (it's not jtk) and I will be working on the set over the next few days, so expect some new renders soon:tm:
10/08/2022 -- This is a new manu and they have some "constraints" when it comes to the novelty kit, I've made all the modifications and I'm still going back and fourth with them if the kitting I've worked on is feasible with them and then we can start looking forward on a date. Once the kitting I've submitted is approved I will be re-rendering everything once again.
11/17/2022 -- All the files needed have been submitted and approved. For the designers in here considering working with pbtfans, they don't actually provide quotes until color samples are approved, so I am just waiting for samples to be produced/arrive @ my place.
12/05/2022 -- Still waiting for samples to arrive
01/08/2023 -- I am estimated to get the samples next month :prayge:
02/09/2023 -- Checking in with pbtfans on the status of the samples, they should either be shipping to me this month or have finished production
06/09/2023 -- It has been a whole YEAR now since we were originally supposed to start the gb with GMK. Time flies doesn’t it? Going forward we’ll be moving Underworld from PBTfans back to GMK. The reason being is that it has been 8 months (since October 2022) and PBTfans has unfortunately not been very cooperative nor proactive about the process in getting Underworld off the ground and into production despite all of their requested files and information being provided since then. I’ve been blindsided by the radio silence on their end, and am concerned about the extraneous issues that have been reported regarding their recently fulfilled keysets. So, I’ve figured it’s been long enough waiting for them to respond or provide any action, if you are a designer considering working with PBTfans I would highly suggest considering other options. The original reason Underworld was moved from GMK to PBTfans in the first place is because this was when GMK was still experiencing massive delays and issues in their manufacturing process, and overall had a large backlog in their queue. Nowadays GMK has been showing better results, so I personally feel more comfortable running with them again. Another bonus to this is that I still have all the files/renders required for GMK Underworld so we can get GB started at any time. I am currently consulting my lead vendor on what date would be best to get the GB up and running.
07/12/2023 -- We got quotes back for GMK Underworld, the tenative GB date is
still set to be
September and here is the initial pricing set from Mekibo:

07/13/2023 -- Added hex keyboards as asia vendor