Talked to Kono Store about your guys' feedbacks, and got confirmation that all prices are updated to be correct now.
I will try to answer questions you raised.
Nice! What about South America customers? Don’t neglect us, please.
you should get to proxy for australia
I'm afraid we are not going to have more proxies for this GB. It requires a lot to trust and to work with a proxy for such a long time group buy. Kono Store works with current proxies for a long time and they manage to run many GBs. It's not a good practice to involve some new proxy for this GB for now.
Are we gonna have different price tiers for different MOQs? Or is it just one fix price regardless?
We will not have different price drops. It's too hard to perform price drops since we have 20+ kits and three different vendors/proxies. Once we add proxies we lose flexibility. So it works in a way that each kit has an estimated MOQ, based on popularity. Some kit has a lower price at higher MOQ, while some other kit has a higher price at lower MOQ.
I don’t know if this has been brought up but the spacekeys kit also seems really highly priced. I mean if that’s what they are then it is what it is and that’s fine, but could you double check the pricing on that kit as well?
I will wait for Zfrontier too.
But why is the space keys $53.99? That's more expensive than the alphas!
In for CADR, the price is high but not unreasonable - but spacekeys is a different story. That's gotta be a mistake at $54, right? The exact same spacekeys kit in SA Oblivion was $25 without any MOQ price drops.
Yeah, Cadet is ridiculous too. There's no way those two kits are priced correctly. I'd actually like to get cadet, but now for $40. I'm waiting to join until it gets fixed or at least confirmed that's it's just grossly overpriced.
I got confirmation from Kono Store that all current prices are correct. The Cadet kit's price is a bit high because it's priced at lower MOQ while Novelties kit's price is at higher MOQ. In the end you will see the same prices for both. The Spacekeys kit's price is high because it has 3u keys and it has lower MOQ for pricing.
It's not just that simple to count the number of keys in a kit and sum their prices to get the final kit's price. The popularity and sold number should be considered too. It's counterintuitive at the first look.
Waiting for Zfrontier
Kono Store had sent the info of this GB to Zfrontier and Mykeyboard. It will be online soon.