Author Topic: [IC] KBM Odin - YEA Another Manu change  (Read 57074 times)

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Offline atl22033

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[IC] KBM Odin - YEA Another Manu change
« on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:18:37 »

Quick disclaimer: this isnt a weeb set to some peoples very BASED opinions lo

Hi I'm pasta and this is my first ever set PBTfans Odin! My bases of this set is on the idea of the dead going back and reuniting with the god himself, Odin, in preparation of Ragnarok. I went with a black, white, and cyan set color way to represent the nothingness of the dead, and the white and cyan showing the light at the end where they will reunite with their fallen brothers and allies to serve their god once more. This set will be made with dye-sub

Interest Check Form


Listen I know oh god another manu change, but this is for the best due to the noveltys not working well with doubleshot, which is why the manu change has happened so novs can be kept to detail and quality please I know its a lot of changing but best with it, thank you

Click for larger images










Click for larger images

KBD Odin by KBDfans



Ellora65 By KikosLab

Alphas: Pantone 656U
Alpha Legends: Pantone Black 6U
Mods: Pantone Black 6U
Mod Legends: Pantone 635U
Accent: Pantone 635U
Accent Legends: Pantone Black 6U

Click for larger images

Light Deskmat

Dark Deskmat

Asero Foundry Artisan

CableMod Collab:


Here is a render made by Cylent creator of Epbt Kavala support that as well, and this is a render with the dark version of the deskmat


NA: Mechs & Co. Mechs&Co
CA: AlphaKeys   AlphaKeys
MX: Rheset   Rheset
EU: KeyGem KeyGem
UK: KeebCats   KeebCats
AU: AllCaps    AllCaps

Pricing TBA

[b]To do list:[/b]

Post the IC
Improvements to NordeUk
Some collabs


Some people I would really like to thank are:
i would like to thank the people in the designer community for helping me out and teaching me the ropes
I would like to give thanks to Cylent, Eg0, Imperfectlinkn, NoPun, and scott for helping me make this set
I would like to thank Mechs&Co for getting me a pantone book when amazon had cancelled that order
I would like to thank shmak for supporting me through out this whole process and making the signature art which is very nice
Someone who I would like to thank the very most is my artist Remiy who I would not be to live without who basically made all these novelties come to life
I would also just like to give a big thank you to everyone who helped support me through the design process.
and also thank you pomchamp andrew for saving my ass with from english errors
I would also like to thank Jakk for helping me improve my renders a lottt and also mark for helping with board conversion
I would also like to thank mark for saving my ass and helping so much with the deskmat


Guesss whatttt we got a collab with Asero Foundry for a metal artisan and it is looking beautiful, the interest thing has been added to the form is if you would fill it out it would mean a lot

So right now I have some deskmat protos coming in and I must say they look mighty fine, and this is all thanks to Zionstudios
here are some photos:
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ]
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ]

I've come to the conclusion that there will be two base kits
one with subs being the dark Ragnarok alt base kit
and one light without subs being the base kits

September 4th, 2021
Hey hey hey hey so guess what you guys asked for it so there are now runic sub-legends on the base kit I know in the render it is a little hard to see dw I will be working on making those a little larger.

August 30th, 2021
Another Quick update some improvements have been made to the 40s kit those will get rendered and labeled as soon as possible. I have Some Collabs that I'm working on which will include a metal artisan which I am hopping can be over 1u. I will get deskmat renders out soon so keep an eye out for that!

August 17th,
les go we got that deskmat design

Update August 5th, 2021:
I updated renders so they should be much better now. I have been looking at feedback and I am currently considering putting the sub-legends in the base kit. I also have made some kitting changes as follows:

Ragnarok alt:
Added 7u spacebar
Added uk terminal

removed top 3 keys because they are included in base kit

added two 3u alpha spacebars
added one 1u alpha spacebar
removed 7u spacebar
« Last Edit: Sun, 18 September 2022, 13:37:39 by atl22033 »

Offline AstralYT

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:21:20 »
Finally from pre-ic to IC. Took you long enough.

I'll insta buy it.

Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk

Offline shima

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:26:07 »
odin so lit
boards: anura

Offline klexoslethal

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:28:28 »
It seems the novelties are all r1, I can only imagine that it was a mistake. I forgot to put this in the IC form but I would like to see the Nordic sub-legends on the light alphas, maybe even in the base kit instead of the dark alphas. Aside from that I'm loving the set, will probably be buying this

Offline atl22033

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:29:42 »
It seems the novelties are all r1, I can only imagine that it was a mistake. I forgot to put this in the IC form but I would like to see the Nordic sub-legends on the light alphas, maybe even in the base kit instead of the dark alphas. Aside from that I'm loving the set, will probably be buying this

it was I just saw that lmfao give me one sec

Offline drunken_sailor

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:30:16 »
Goddamn, you fine. GLWIC!

Offline atl22033

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 16:34:58 »
It seems the novelties are all r1, I can only imagine that it was a mistake. I forgot to put this in the IC form but I would like to see the Nordic sub-legends on the light alphas, maybe even in the base kit instead of the dark alphas. Aside from that I'm loving the set, will probably be buying this

Novelties have been fixed and correctly labeled
« Last Edit: Wed, 04 August 2021, 17:16:26 by atl22033 »

Offline fiji water

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 17:19:24 »
uhh you're a bit late for april fools

Offline Scottw

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 18:17:44 »
Any chance you could add 2 3U spacebars?

In the spacebar kit would be ideal, but one in the spacebar and one in 40s would work as well.

Offline steebs

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 19:13:51 »
sad that the base kit doesn't include runes, but I know there are complications in kitting, is it more difficult to make mod kits and alpha kits separate?

sad that there isn't an alpha kit with only runes (to be fair no one does this, this is more of a gripe toward all Norse kits)

Offline scott_mk

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 19:18:13 »
Love the colors! Great to see your progress with this set. GLWIC

Offline brunosan_.

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #11 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 19:21:01 »
I really like the colors! GLWIC  :thumb:

Offline MikeTheTiger

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 20:12:01 »
Cool set. Looks like the backspace in the 40's kit is mislabeled.

Offline chat and team

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #13 on: Wed, 04 August 2021, 23:43:55 »
THESE color ARE so GOOOD i love them i love you
geekhack mods constantly break tos and refuse to read
Chinese overlords won

Offline gautema

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 05 August 2021, 01:07:41 »
I like your set a lot!

Wish you could make room for two 1.5U System keys and an extra Alt in a set. As a Mac and Tsangan user that would really please me.

Offline balbin

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #15 on: Thu, 05 August 2021, 02:37:19 »
Set it looking really good, loving the color scheme. I agree with other comments that it might look even better if the runes were also included on the base kit alphas.

Offline LilleJohn

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #16 on: Thu, 05 August 2021, 02:48:04 »
Epic set!

I have filled out the IC Form. :thumb:
Will buy for sure, Ill also spread the word to my Swedish Friends!

I also agree that the the runes would be awesome on the Base Kit Alphas as well!

I really do believe the letters ÅÄÖ (3 keys) need to be included in the same dark color as the RAGNAROK ALT ALPHAS.
They could either be included in RAGNAROK or the NORDEUK.
Ragnarök is a Swedish word that is used in the Swedish/Nordic Mythology.
So it would almost be an affront to the Mythology and the whole concept of this theme if they where excluded.

I do absolutely not mean to be rude, I really think you have done a fantastic effort with this Set! :cool:

Offline spikedsynapse

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #17 on: Thu, 05 August 2021, 20:06:53 »
Lookin good! Nice colors.

Offline Ciantha

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #18 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 02:49:10 »
Please consider the rune you have on the letter Q.
The rune you have for it is pronounced ng, so king, sing, etc. Yes there's one historian who believes that the shape of the ingwaz rune is inspired by the latin letter q. However far from all historians agree on this and really all the other runes seem to have been placed by what they sound like (not by what the shape of them might have been inspired by).

Offline Dragonhunt

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #19 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 06:39:59 »
To start off: The colours and novelties look really good, well done.

But in my opinion it would be better if you swapped the Base and the Sublegends kit:
Full dark Base kit / Nordic kit with Runic sublegends and include the white latin legends as an alt kit.

Or maybe include a dark Nordic kit with Runes?
I really like the dark look but also need the nordics :).


Offline Firebear31

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #20 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 10:44:33 »
looking great!

Offline Lenux

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #21 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 13:33:44 »
I'm in :P

Offline KeyCartel

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #22 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 19:14:00 »

Offline PittaMan

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #23 on: Sat, 07 August 2021, 01:21:49 »
sad that the base kit doesn't include runes, but I know there are complications in kitting, is it more difficult to make mod kits and alpha kits separate?

sad that there isn't an alpha kit with only runes (to be fair no one does this, this is more of a gripe toward all Norse kits)
I second this. I want just runes. Its what keeps me from these sets that look great otherwise.

Offline nvh2092

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin
« Reply #24 on: Sat, 07 August 2021, 07:08:08 »
It seems the novelties are all r1, I can only imagine that it was a mistake. I forgot to put this in the IC form but I would like to see the Nordic sub-legends on the light alphas, maybe even in the base kit instead of the dark alphas. Aside from that I'm loving the set, will probably be buying this

Novelties have been fixed and correctly labeled
Can you add a R3 1u pipe key to the base kit for terminal ISO support?

Offline Xonuss

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #25 on: Sat, 07 August 2021, 09:22:05 »
Looks good! Any possibility of mono runic alt alphas?

Edit: actually doesn't matter the color, just want mono runic alphas
« Last Edit: Sun, 08 August 2021, 12:46:04 by Xonuss »

Offline FamilyJoule924

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #26 on: Sat, 07 August 2021, 10:22:51 »
Looks good! Any possibility of mono runic alt alphas?
i second this i would love mono runic alphas

Offline Nalio

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #27 on: Sun, 08 August 2021, 00:14:17 »
So the base kit spacebar is 6u instead of 6.25u?? Love your set btw, is looking really good!

EDIT : Thanks for the clarification on the base kit. :D
« Last Edit: Tue, 10 August 2021, 06:43:36 by Nalio »

Offline streetmeat5

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #28 on: Sun, 08 August 2021, 01:36:41 »
Okay a key set that’s easy to match

Offline phedd

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #29 on: Mon, 09 August 2021, 19:57:04 »
Wouldn't using the valknut (the symbol on the top left novelty etc) literally be illegal in parts of Europe? That's my advice, look that up so you don't get charged with hate crime.

GMK would never do it so good thing you picked ePBT.

I also agree that the the runes would be awesome on the Base Kit Alphas as well!

I really do believe the letters ÅÄÖ (3 keys) need to be included in the same dark color as the RAGNAROK ALT ALPHAS.
They could either be included in RAGNAROK or the NORDEUK.
Ragnarök is a Swedish word that is used in the Swedish/Nordic Mythology.
So it would almost be an affront to the Mythology and the whole concept of this theme if they where excluded.

I do absolutely not mean to be rude, I really think you have done a fantastic effort with this Set! :cool:


Also = for the numpad. And preferably icons only for Shift, Tab, Backspace and Enter for that og Europe keycap look.
« Last Edit: Mon, 09 August 2021, 20:03:32 by phedd »

Offline JQ27

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #30 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 09:28:26 »
Possible to split the EU vendor to have one for UK as well? Much easier for buyers in regards to purchasing it from the UK.

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Updated Kitting and renders!!
« Reply #31 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 10:36:52 »
Wouldn't using the valknut (the symbol on the top left novelty etc) literally be illegal in parts of Europe? That's my advice, look that up so you don't get charged with hate crime.

GMK would never do it so good thing you picked ePBT.

Not to devalue your advice (which I think is relatively reasonable) but I truly don't think GMK would have an issue with it - I have done a large amount of research on runes in general and in the past I've come across a few (relevant and up to date, not defunct) companies and businesses that use the valknut as/in their logos, most notably the one that I assume most people know being the one the German Football Association uses. As far as I'm aware the only point of contention is in specific area(s) in the US and nowhere else really, if anything I'd be surprised if they would even consider the fact that it could be seen as racist by anyone.

That said I also think it's a stretch to say it's "literally illegal" even in the US and I think it is even more of a stretch to think someone would get charged with hate crime for it but having seen weirder things happen in America it probably wouldn't hurt to at least get legally informed just to be sure.

Lovely set by the way - another vote from me for mono runes (which I believe is yet to be done by anyone) but I'm buying regardless.

edit: I lied, Canvas had mono runes. I even have a set, not sure how I forgot. Either way hasn't been done outside of XDA.
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 August 2021, 10:49:42 by Vigrith »

Offline jabe8i

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #32 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 11:11:37 »
Is there supposed to be two extra 2u shifts? I thought it would be an extra 2.25u and 2u.

also an extra tab on the alt alphas would be cool

Offline Cylent

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #33 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 11:12:07 »
If you're not an IP lawyer who is certified to practice IP law, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, thanks.

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #34 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 11:48:29 »
If you're not an IP lawyer who is certified to practice IP law, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, thanks.

I'm pretty sure phedd wasn't (and I definitely wasn't) talking about IP at all. His concern is the fact that the valknut has been, in certain areas of the US, associated with racist strands of Odinic/Ásatrú religion and as such may be illegal relating to hate crime law or however else it'd be categorized, not IP or CR related. I think that's a big stretch as said but not completely unfounded.

Offline Cylent

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #35 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 12:14:25 »
If you're not an IP lawyer who is certified to practice IP law, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, thanks.

I'm pretty sure phedd wasn't (and I definitely wasn't) talking about IP at all. His concern is the fact that the valknut has been, in certain areas of the US, associated with racist strands of Odinic/Ásatrú religion and as such may be illegal relating to hate crime law or however else it'd be categorized, not IP or CR related. I think that's a big stretch as said but not completely unfounded.

My mistake. If you're not a lawyer, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, IP or otherwise.

Offline _rubik

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #36 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 12:30:42 »
But in my opinion it would be better if you swapped the Base and the Sublegends kit:

I agree with other comments that it might look even better if the runes were also included on the base kit alphas.

I also agree that the the runes would be awesome on the Base Kit Alphas as well!

sad that the base kit doesn't include runes, but I know there are complications in kitting

I might get some flack for this, but I don't think having the runes in the base set makes sense from an MOQ standpoint. Generally the more niche aspects of sets are reserved for addons -- the base should be just that: the base

I do agree though that having two alpha and one mod set might solve this problem (at the expense of logistics)

That said, my opinion is almost meaningless when we have IC form results :)
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 August 2021, 12:33:35 by _rubik »
ai03 Meridian ¤ Mech 27 ¤ E8.5 ¤ Brutal60 ¤ SSK White Label ¤ HHKB Pro JP ¤ vAEK68 Alps Blues ¤ RF87u

Offline Atacx

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #37 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 12:38:23 »
I'm in! Filled out the IC Check as well.

Looks great, but I think the light alphas in the base kit do need thoes runes too! They look super awesome!

(Or add that as a kit if you don't want to change the base kit. I really need these alphas with runes qwq)

Wouldn't using the valknut (the symbol on the top left novelty etc) literally be illegal in parts of Europe? That's my advice, look that up so you don't get charged with hate crime.
(The valknut is legit the symbol of the DFB - gigantic german football club. At least in germany its fine lol.)
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 August 2021, 12:47:04 by Atacx »

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #38 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 13:02:53 »
My mistake. If you're not a lawyer, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, IP or otherwise.

I have an MS in Applied Criminology and a DPhil in International Relations. I don't need to be qualified in hate crime legislation to comment on the matter, nor does phedd, and although I agree that calling it "literally illegal" is pretty poor wording I don't think there's any issue bringing up potential litigation or backlash from using the valknut in the novelties. There's no harm in suggesting legal guidance or just letting OP know to consider something they may not be aware of in case they want to research it and decide for themselves; that was the whole point, which you might have missed. I'm just speaking for myself here but I had no intention of acting like I hold the whole truth, it was specifically stated.

Really no need for gatekeeping here, legality is a serious concern anywhere, I'm sure you are aware of this considering you seem super adamant about enforcing its integrity, it's okay to warn someone of potential trouble or even discuss views on the matter, even in an online internet forum like this. To be clear I think the use of the valknut here is great, especially with the name of the set I think it definitely should remain included in the kit.

Offline _rubik

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #39 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 13:09:02 »
My mistake. If you're not a lawyer, please do not go around on online forums talking about what is and isn't illegal, IP or otherwise.

... legality is a serious concern anywhere, I'm sure you are aware of this considering you seem super adamant about enforcing its integrity, it's okay to warn someone of potential trouble or even discuss views on the matter, even in an online internet forum like this.

Just look what happened to GMK Blink (or black pink). These things happen from time to time. We ride a tight line when borrowing from and profiting off existing motifs.

While I've never seen a GB get shut down for hate crime related iconography, I wouldn't necessarily rule it out. Dixiemech changed up their branding for a lot less.
ai03 Meridian ¤ Mech 27 ¤ E8.5 ¤ Brutal60 ¤ SSK White Label ¤ HHKB Pro JP ¤ vAEK68 Alps Blues ¤ RF87u

Offline Cylent

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #40 on: Thu, 19 August 2021, 14:15:42 »
Legality is important. "I am concerned that there could be legal problems with x things, you should look into it" is a fair thing for a non-lawyer to say. Reading back through the conversation, that may have been the intent behind phedd's statement, though worded poorly.

However, I encourage caution, especially for non-lawyers, myself included. If you are unauthorized to provide legal advice or services, not only may it be illegal to do so, but it also may be highly irresponsible.

Offline nguyenhimself

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #41 on: Fri, 20 August 2021, 01:40:21 »
Love the colors. It almost makes me want to build an ISO board just so I can use that ISO Enter!

Just one feedback: The base kit without sublegends look rather bland.
You should either:
1. Add the runic sublegends (from the Ragnarok kit) in black to the white alpha keys, or:
2. Bring the Ragnarok's alphas into the base kit.
I think (1) would be the best option here, as I'm sure there are many who want runic sublegends but would prefer black-on-white alphas.

Look forward to new updates and the eventual GB.
WAH! ;)
« Last Edit: Fri, 20 August 2021, 01:42:43 by nguyenhimself »

Offline cbarmes123

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #42 on: Fri, 20 August 2021, 09:20:45 »
ePBT Odin on KBDfans Odin???

Offline Lil Pai

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #43 on: Sun, 22 August 2021, 13:13:48 »
I need this.  :eek:

Though I would've preferred the NorDe kit to have been in the alt colorway and with runes. I'd say for me personally that I would've preferred dropping the white alphas without runes all together and just go for an all 'alt' colorway.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 August 2021, 13:18:35 by Lil Pai »

Offline stevesie

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #44 on: Wed, 01 September 2021, 00:13:59 »
I would be all in if the alt alphas were not sublegends and were mono runes.

Any way we could swing for all runes on the alt colored alphas?

IMO it looks cleaner and I in general prefer mono legends.

Offline CC2224

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin DESKMATTT!!!!
« Reply #45 on: Wed, 01 September 2021, 01:20:41 »
Very interested. Filled out the form, and I’ll agree with wanting the Nordic symbols on the white key set.

Offline Cebrilung

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Vendor Announced !!
« Reply #46 on: Thu, 02 September 2021, 06:30:13 »
I like the idea and the colors, but I would split and expand the kitting a bit. IMHO It would be better to sell the Base and Ragnarok alphas separate from the Modifiers, this way people would not end up with an unused extra set of Base alphas if they wish to use the Ragnarok alphas in their build. I also urge you to add a NorDeUK Ragnarok kit with the appropriate sublegends, at the moment there are barely any keysets with this option (major shoutout to Gok for Kuro/Shiro!), and we Nords most definitely want these! ePBT is a great choice for vendor, they are quite flexible with their kitting and produce great quality keycaps.

Offline Keybjorn

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin Vendor Announced !!
« Reply #47 on: Thu, 02 September 2021, 10:56:11 »
It would really be great if the runes appeared in the base kit too. Or maybe add light modifiers to buy and also buy the alt alphas to match.

Offline hottnucks

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Re: [IC] ePBT Odin small Base kit change
« Reply #48 on: Sat, 04 September 2021, 20:22:41 »
Can you offer a latin alphas kit?

Offline speaktobrett

  • Posts: 93
  • Location: Melbourne, AUS.
Re: [IC] ePBT Odin small Base kit change
« Reply #49 on: Sat, 04 September 2021, 22:41:36 »
Can you offer a latin alphas kit?


Any chance of latin alpha's?
Sublegends make the keyset too cluttered in my opinion.