Change Log:May16th 2021Added:- Launch Trailer
- Vendor Pricing
- Small error on Katakana kitting fixed
- Nut Cracker Render
- BOX60 Render
- Rocket Cables Mock Up
Deskmats:Unfortunately, we were only able to run two of the
SEVEN deskmats we had planned. We went with the most popular ones from the IC which were Sunset Sky & Midnight Sky. The first post has been updated to show this.
15th March 2021Revealed GB date - 1st June 2021 to 30th June 2021
15th January2021Quotes requested - Kitting unlikely to change.
Added Charlotte renders.
Treasure Type-9 render
Added Crafted by Annie to Collaborators.
Added Confirmed vendors list.
02nd December 2020Updated kitting:Fixed Colevrak (Added the G)
Fixed 40s Gradient/Colours
Added 1.25u Raise/Lower to 40s Kits
New renders:GEIST by Maschine
Whimsy by _prkns
Candybar by TKC
Announced collabs:Rocket Cables; Cable & Wrist Rest
Mechfashion; Keyboard Sleeves
Thok; Metal Artisan
Deag; Artisan
Shirouu; Artisan
okeydokey; Artisan
09th November 2020Moved non-accent coloured space bars to Alpha kits to accommodate 40s users with such a preference.
Added an extra 1.5u Tab to 60s Mods kits.
Added R4 1u Ctrl & Alt to cover NK65, BM60, DZ60 type layouts.
Added Additional keys to support various 65% boards.
Updated Colverak kit to include coverage for Colemak's DH and DHm variants, as well as solve some issues with the original kit.
01st November 2020:Profile changed from DSA to KAM.
Added a mono legend Hiragana alphas kit.
Added a Colevrak kit to support Colemak and Dvorak users
Added a Norde+++ kit which will allow compatibility to our Danish, Estonian, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish & Finnish friends.
Added custom icon mods and text mods across all layouts.
Split our offer to 40s users into a 40s kits and ortho kit.
Re-worked our Ergo kit to offer more than just blank keys.
Created a separate novelty "extras" kit that will include 3 new Kan-moji's, and new Heart and Bunny Head designs.
Added a Blank Mods & Alphas Kit.
Removed "Clear Sky" deskmat design.
09th October 2020:Added colour/Pantone graphic, Added F13 keys to Mods kit, Identified changes to be made to Katakana kit.
07th October 2020:IC Launched!