Author Topic: [IC] GMK Forge (GB 3/20 - 4/20! - Pricing update and new vendor!)  (Read 58901 times)

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Offline driftingbunnies

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GB Post ->

Current status:
We're waiting for the final quotes on the spacebars and secondary alphas kit. We'll announce pricing next week and everything should be good to go! Pictures of the kits will be updated with renders once they're available. Thanks guys! Let's make this happen!

Huge shoutout to kinterra_ for the sick illustration



Artisan Makers
Golden Star Keycaps!

The people behind Golden Star Keycaps have graciously decided to collaborate with us for GMK Forge. These are the two mockups that they provided and they're currently working on the color matching process. I think they turned out amazing! I hope you guys are as excited about these as I am. GSK will be the ones managing the raffle and determining which sculpts will be available. However, we've both agreed that Magnus is perfect for this set so you can be assured that Magnus will be available. Keep an eye out for more information once the GB starts.



Note: We also are talking with another artisan maker but we are not sure if he'll be able to slot us in. We'll keep you updated on this one.

Hey everyone! After receiving some feedback, I'm going to revamp what was GMK Burnt Orange to GMK Forge. Many of you really love the colorway, so the colors will stay roughly the same, but now we can introduce some novelties to go with the set!   

Note: I had no idea that there was a GMK Forge that tried to run in 2018. That was before my time. I sent the GB runner a message to use GMK Forge but if that name is not available, I'll update it to something else. I've been given permission to use GMK Forge!  :thumb: We're good to go.

RAL and Pantone colors lit by daylight coming from the windows behind me.


      1a : to form (something, such as metal) by heating and hammering
Tracing back almost 9000 years, forging has played a large part in shaping the world we live in today. The art of forging was predominantly used in early human history to create weapons and tools using small fires. Later, charcoal forges were used to create bronze and iron which contributed to the production of weapons during the Dark Ages. As the technology improved, so did the tools and weapons that were created. Currently, forging is predominantly used to produce decorative objects from precious metals. The forge itself is a type of hearth used for heating metals. The heated metal comes out of the forge with a nice orange glow.


The dark gray blue mods provide a foundation for the orange to shine as the fire from the forge. Using the Forge theme, there will be five kits. The Anvil kit (Base), Axe Kit (40s), Forgemaster's kit (Novelties), and Molten White Alphas. The idea is to have a full (and heavy) base kit so that it will cover most common layouts (min ISO support included). Any uncommon layouts can look to the 40s kit. The accent legend has been changed to burnt orange to reduce the contrast with the other keys, but regular mods will be included for those who don't like the accents. The novelties consist of a mixture of forging tools and the fictional side of blacksmithing as we see on TV, movies, and/or games. Depending on whether GMK can mold the small details, the novelties might change a bit to accommodate.

Anvil Kit (Base)

Hammer Kit (Split Spacebars)

Forgemaster's Kit (Novelties)

Molten White Alphas (Secondary Alphas)







Special Thanks
  • Gondolindrim - Helping iron out the different kit names and novelty ideas
  • Abec - For renders and kit suggestions
  • OneCreativeMind - For creating the novelties
  • PheonixStarr - For helping out with colors and quick renders
  • J3ffLeopard- For general feedback and helping with the theme
  • Matt_Bass, Visionarie, Sushiimi, Moon, Mcnos, Aslejoh, Nebulant, ArcticFox, onefiftynine, Rensuya - For general feedback on the set
  • Fcoury, Jae, Worldspawn, Nat, Abec - for 40s kit feedback
  • Kingk22 - For the initial renders
  • MechsOnDeck and Texas Discord servers - For feedback and ideas

To do:
  • Review suggestions/interest
  • Work on theme
  • Update IC with new theme and renders
  • Bring to vendors - Vendors let me know if you're interested
  • Deskmat design
  • Finalize Kits
  • Get quotes from GMK in Q4 2019
  • Talk to Artisans/cable makers
  • Launch GB!

Last but not least, I'd like to leave you with some great blacksmith sayings!
  • Strike while the iron is hot!
  • Iron sharpens iron
  • Never miss your anvil and whack your kneecap
  • Welding is like sewing with fire
  • All that glitters is not gold and all that's black is not cold

Google IC FORM - In case you didn't fill it out above.


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« Last Edit: Thu, 12 March 2020, 11:38:20 by driftingbunnies »

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Forge
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:30:17 »
8/11/19 - Added screenshot of RAL/Pantone colors to original post and updated kits screenshot. Also updated renders for a white board with burnt orange legends on accent keys.
8/13/19 - Added text logo on top. Added rows to kit layout.
8/14/19 - Commissioned some novelties and working out ideas on a theme. Updated ISO support to US ISO.
8/15/19 - Updated screenshots of colors to include RAL/Pantone codes and updated formatting of the IC. Removed some spacebars and added 1.5u Enter in 40s kit
8/31/19 - Prepping IC thread for new update
9/1/19 - Huge update to renders, kits, and theme. Will start talking with vendors to see if any are interested and possibly cut down on kits and update novelties.
9/16/19 - Added US and EU vendors and posted tentative GB date
10/1/19 - Deskmat design has been finished
10/25/19 - Updated kit added to OP. Please provide any feedback on the thread or IC Form.
11/13/19 - Updated kit to include spacebars in white alphas kit. Added 1.25u enter in 40s.
11/20/19 - Waiting for vendor to get quote from GMK
2/13/20 - Added vendor information and artisan collabs. Still waiting for a quote from GMK...
3/6/20 - Received quote and waiting for final requote on spacebars and secondary alphas kit. Talking with artisan makers to make sure everything is ready to go.
« Last Edit: Fri, 06 March 2020, 21:47:28 by driftingbunnies »

Offline dimo

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #2 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:32:30 »
Lot of work will need to be put into making sure the colors turn out that accurate in real life. And if it does turn out, it’s a really beautiful set :))

Offline CodeMayhem

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #3 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:37:03 »
has a nice jamon look to it.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #4 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:47:17 »
Just got my hands on a beezaree set so you KNOW I love this look.


Personally I’d like to see an even darker burnt orange for mods instead of gray.  I had a set I was mocking up with this exact same orange and cream accents but I was calling it GMK Mars (with the darker burnt orange mods)

Hope this gains interest. 

« Last Edit: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:49:26 by pixelpusher »

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #5 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 12:50:52 »
The beezaree's orange is real strong  :thumb:. I'm hoping to have a more reddish/burnt hue to the orange. Also the mods look gray but they're actually a gray/blue. It's a little difficult to see in the renders but they're there. I hope this gains interest as well! GL on your GMK Mars!

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #6 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 13:32:04 »
The beezaree's orange is real strong  :thumb:. I'm hoping to have a more reddish/burnt hue to the orange. Also the mods look gray but they're actually a gray/blue. It's a little difficult to see in the renders but they're there. I hope this gains interest as well! GL on your GMK Mars!

Yeah, they're a bit more bright and saturated than I would have in a perfect world, but you get what you can get :)

I love the the idea of burnt orange though.  It's always makes me think of:


Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 13:35:11 »
Here's where I was throwing ideas around in the past.

The second one is more in line with what you are proposing.  It looks like I acutally was doing a lighter mod look at that time.  I don't plan to carry on with it, but I hope you'll be able to make this set come to life.  Feel free to post in keebtalk interest checks too:

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 13:52:37 »
Here's where I was throwing ideas around in the past.

The second one is more in line with what you are proposing.  It looks like I acutally was doing a lighter mod look at that time.  I don't plan to carry on with it, but I hope you'll be able to make this set come to life.  Feel free to post in keebtalk interest checks too:

That second one looks really nice actually! I've seen quite a few light alphas/dark mod sets recently. Looks like that might be the next trend. I just posted on keebtalk as well. Thanks!

Offline minifridge

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 14:07:21 »
as a lifelong Texas Longhorns fan 1) yes 2) hook em


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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 15:23:15 »
This color scheme is fantastic. Run it.

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 15:31:16 »

Offline hineybush

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 16:05:23 »
The accent color rubs me the wrong way for some reason, otherwise I like

Offline Capsy

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 19:53:20 »
The accent color rubs me the wrong way for some reason, otherwise I like
I agree with this. I'm not sure what accent will go well BUT this one seems like it does not belong with the set.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #14 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 20:19:49 »
The accent color rubs me the wrong way for some reason, otherwise I like
I agree with this. I'm not sure what accent will go well BUT this one seems like it does not belong with the set.

I like the accent bc it has that Mars feel to it that attracted me to the burnt orange.  But maybe a lighter version of the modifiers could work too. A medium gray-blue.  Light enough to accent but dark enough to contrast with the cream legends

Offline euphxenos

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #15 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 21:33:37 »
Nice work.  I love the colorway, and the base kit already has everything I want.  Can you post a photo of the RAL/Pantone color cards?  The only concern I have is getting the colors to match the renders.

Offline yap68

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #16 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 22:01:00 »
Totally fine with the accent. Goes well with the set.

Offline rondg

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 22:07:38 »
Looks really good. I'm interested.

Offline nguyenhimself

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[IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 10 August 2019, 23:00:28 »
Deleted by me
« Last Edit: Mon, 12 August 2019, 13:55:58 by nguyenhimself »

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #19 on: Sun, 11 August 2019, 19:53:27 »
Nice work.  I love the colorway, and the base kit already has everything I want.  Can you post a photo of the RAL/Pantone color cards?  The only concern I have is getting the colors to match the renders.

Added screenshots. Unfortunately I don't have the books/cards and won't get them until I know there's enough interest. However, since the renders use Keyshot that reference the actual RAL/Pantone codes, I think we should have a pretty good idea of what it'll look like. I'm currently searching for the chips for RAL but they're not as readily available.

Offline TokyoExpress

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #20 on: Mon, 12 August 2019, 03:57:21 »
would kill for some novelties on this

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #21 on: Mon, 12 August 2019, 04:06:08 »
would kill for some novelties on this

What type of novelties would you suggest?

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 11:22:04 »
would kill for some novelties on this

What type of novelties would you suggest?

Cute novelties.

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #23 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 12:32:31 »
would kill for some novelties on this

What type of novelties would you suggest?

Cute novelties.

I'll see what I can do. I'm currently looking to apply a theme I have in mind to breathe some more life to it without changing the colorway .  :thumb:

Offline depletedvespene

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #24 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 13:04:25 »
Interesting color combination (I'd expect the blue to have a more grayish hue, but WDIKAA).

I DIG the numpad equals key (having it replace the Num Lock forever is my one of my pet dreams). :D

The above subjective comments said, please take note of the following: ISO support. As the kit stands now, you've got neither full UK ISO support nor US ISO support, but are instead falling "in the middle of the pond", producing something called "Atlantis ISO". To fix this in the base kit, you have two (ok, three) options:

1) Scale back to US ISO support. To do this, remove the R3 '@ and R3 #~ keys and add an R3 \| key instead. the R4 \| key has to remain.

2) Complete the UK ISO support. To do this, do not remove anything, and add the three missing keys in R1: , 2" and .

3) Offer full UK+US ISO support. To do this, do not remove anything, and add the three missing keys in R1: , 2" and , and the missing R3 \| key.

Hope this helps!

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #25 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 13:09:34 »
Interesting color combination (I'd expect the blue to have a more grayish hue, but WDIKAA).

I DIG the numpad equals key (having it replace the Num Lock forever is my one of my pet dreams). :D

The above subjective comments said, please take note of the following: ISO support. As the kit stands now, you've got neither full UK ISO support nor US ISO support, but are instead falling "in the middle of the pond", producing something called "Atlantis ISO". To fix this in the base kit, you have two (ok, three) options:

1) Scale back to US ISO support. To do this, remove the R3 '@ and R3 #~ keys and add an R3 \| key instead. the R4 \| key has to remain.

2) Complete the UK ISO support. To do this, do not remove anything, and add the three missing keys in R1: , 2" and .

3) Offer full UK+US ISO support. To do this, do not remove anything, and add the three missing keys in R1: , 2" and , and the missing R3 \| key.

Hope this helps!

Much appreciated! I haven't received much feedback on ISO support but it seems like the logical move would be to update the R3 keys to support US ISO.

Offline norb

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #26 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 14:14:47 »
that's a really nice combination and an awesome orange, if this is made i can throw my tai-hao orange/black in the trash :eek:

Offline sam278

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #27 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 14:48:13 »
I prefer the accents in the original renders tbh. The new ones just look off to me

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #28 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 15:28:07 »
I prefer the accents in the original renders tbh. The new ones just look off to me

haha goes to show you that you can never win  :))

Offline euphxenos

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #29 on: Wed, 14 August 2019, 23:22:46 »
would kill for some novelties on this

What type of novelties would you suggest?

I don't think this set needs novelties, but if you just *have* to have them, given the name "GMK Burnt Orange", how could the novelties be anything other than an orange (the citrus fruit) on fire?  Just a piece of fruit with flames coming off of it.  It's an orange.  It's burning.  GMK Burnt Orange.

Offline luismonterieart

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #30 on: Thu, 15 August 2019, 03:09:06 »
Holy **** that is fantastic  ;)
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Offline vicissitude

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #31 on: Thu, 15 August 2019, 08:25:19 »
This is cool.  :thumb:
Gonna follow this.

Offline NimbleTortoise

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 16 August 2019, 01:29:45 »
I like the color combinations a lot, but it does feel that the orange overpowers the other colors.

I believe it's worth experimenting different arrangement of colors, like this ( For instance, I would consider replacing the entire number row with the dark blue to help tone down the orange a little. Also, in my opinion F5-F8 kinda kills the balance too, even though traditionally most people use different colors for distinction from f1-f4 and f9-12.

Offline GeekMaker

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #34 on: Fri, 16 August 2019, 02:30:31 »
My keyboard is black. I don't know if it looks good with a black shell.

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 17 August 2019, 12:36:09 »
My keyboard is black. I don't know if it looks good with a black shell.

I've done some renders on a black case and I think it'll look good  :thumb:

I've narrowed it down to 5 different main colors that I like but need some help/feedback on which one will appeal to the most people. Please take a minute to take a look and help me out! Thanks so much!


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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 17 August 2019, 16:01:07 »
TIL about that subreddit

Offline SwordLaker

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #37 on: Sun, 18 August 2019, 08:40:49 »
Obligatory request for an independent 40% kit with alphas, instead of Abaddon 40% kit.

Offline norb

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #38 on: Sun, 18 August 2019, 09:36:53 »

I've narrowed it down to 5 different main colors that I like but need some help/feedback on which one will appeal to the most people. Please take a minute to take a look and help me out! Thanks so much!

which one of the five is the same as the renders in the OP? i can't really find it due to the different rendering engine i guess.

Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #39 on: Sun, 18 August 2019, 09:47:35 »

I've narrowed it down to 5 different main colors that I like but need some help/feedback on which one will appeal to the most people. Please take a minute to take a look and help me out! Thanks so much!

which one of the five is the same as the renders in the OP? i can't really find it due to the different rendering engine i guess.

#4 is the original

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Offline driftingbunnies

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Re: [IC] GMK Burnt Orange
« Reply #40 on: Tue, 20 August 2019, 15:39:58 »
Obligatory request for an independent 40% kit with alphas, instead of Abaddon 40% kit.

If there's enough interest for it, maybe. What if I told you that you could possibly outfit a 40% without buying the base...

Offline driftingbunnies

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Huge updates made to the original post! Please take a look!  :thumb:

Offline lush_bunny

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Fuego. Did the blues get darker?

Offline driftingbunnies

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The blue is still using the same RAL code as before

Offline depletedvespene

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That's the largest secondary alphas kit I've ever seen.

And... as long as you're adding a second Tab key to allow users to make a full-size keyboard and a 60% one... consider adding a second (mod-colored) R1 Home key as well, so a 65% can be done, too.

Also, R3 #~ ? What's an underwater forge good for? ;D

Also also: given there is a 40s kit (the Axe kit), shouldn't the 2.0U Shift key be moved there from the base kit?

Offline lush_bunny

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The blue is still using the same RAL code as before

Took a closer look. Derp. This is pretty neat. I love orange, looking forward to the GB.
Filled up the IC, all I really want is to split the numpad from the base kit if possible.

Offline vicissitude

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OK. I'll buy.
Let's make this quick.  :cool: :cool:

Offline Mcnos

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 :thumb: nice

Offline wholypantalones

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  • text and icon mods plz.
Definitely digging the dark blue mods with the beige alphas. Kinda wishing it was a separate kit. Finally something without weeb alphas and without icon mods!

One suggestion is to shorten the scroll lock and num lock legends to one line so they fit the rest of the mods.
« Last Edit: Sun, 01 September 2019, 11:12:04 by wholypantalones »


  • Posts: 1923
I got excited because I thought GMK forge P3 red on CR was coming back. I loved that set and would buy again.

Still would buy base n bars here too, though