Group Buy thread is live hereLast IC Update: GB has had to be delayed by one week to March 8th (March 15th for ilum) - GB thread coming as soon as I can confirm regional pricing
Edit notes:
- Added US and SEA vendor 19/01
- Added typing video 19/01
- Added UK vendor 22/01
- Adjusted colours 28/01
- Added CA Vendor 11/02

Photo credit
Angel is a “pin-mount” seamless 65% keyboard. It follows the design language/mount system of the Prophet exactly but in a different form factor. Here are some links to further details about prophet
Prophet IC Thread Prophet GB ThreadThe aim of this mount style is to create a nice consistent type feel and sound profile and with the proto round I have had excellent feedback about this and I am pleased with the results.
The following demonstrates how the mounting system works:

there is no pressure from the top half of the case on the plate. There are 4 pins in the corners of the base that hold the plate in place and it rests on the lip of the base. The theory is that the lack of downward pressure allows the plate more freedom of movement towards the center whilst still retaining an even pressure around the edge of the board
It will be manufactured from Aluminium and finished in 3 colours. The current plan is for e-black, silver and 1 undecided colour though this is subject to change
It includes a custom PCB designed by me that supports ISO/ANSI layouts.
The tops will be in WKL or Standard (WK) (both have 0.5u arrow blocker)
Plate materials will be: POM or Polypropylene. ISO plates will likely be made available in a single material only - this depends on sales figures and will be the more popular material. Plate files will be released so you can make/modify your own as you like.
The current target price is $375 though this is subject to change. This will include at least 1 plate and PCB. Final pricing for the group buy will be set when I get a better idea of what quantity is expected to sell in total
The current target timeline is to open March 1st for 2 weeks. Shipping should then take place in October. This is still subject to change as I try to arrange everything with the vendors
Current projected MOQ of 100, no upper limit. Each different top has an MOQ of 50. Extra tops will be considered based on the feedback to this IC
Additional plates and PCBs will be available during the group buy stage though there is no pricing currently available for this.
Vendor table as it stands (will be updated on any further confirmations)
If you would like to act as a proxy for your region please feel free to get in touch with me using the contact methods below:
If you have any questions or comments about the case/pcb/buy structure please ask here or by any of these contact methods:
Geekhack, email:,
Here is an extremely sexy set of photos by the extremely sexy
Album on ImgurVOD of a build stream that was hosted by The International KitTyping video by PoesjuhThank you for your time