Can you point me to an explanation / instructions regarding the ErgoDox "with buzzer mod"? Thanks. I'm about receive my two EgroDox PCBs from Massdrop.
Initial mod:.....
Thanks, I'll look at that more closely when I understand what it means

Which may be after the boards and parts get here.
Which prompts another question.
Can I buy the expander chip from anyone on here, group buy, spares, etc? Otherwise it has to be an order to Mouser most likely and that won't be for some time until I build up more than £50 order value.
I should have the Teensy on the way. I can get, or have got 1N4148's and resistors.
Also some info on where to get sensibly priced solder paste for surface mount diodes would be good as I looked in the UK catalogues and it was up to 8 times the price of a reel of solder!
I have some early 1990s cherry black PCB mount switches that I plan to unsolder from the G80 and use but I'll want some cherry red style springs. Would anyone reading this be able to point me to some please? Or some more progressive springs that start light like the reds but become heavier once past the actuating point, so the bottoming is more buffered.