Author Topic: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?  (Read 97295 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #200 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 09:47:31 »
Fohat,  Harris will send your kiddos off to war. 

Get the draft dodging tickets ready,  New Zealand perhaps.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #201 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 19:52:48 »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #202 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 20:38:42 »
I've drank water this one time, as a poor person, it's very good water, like you never had. We will take the water, from Canada, they have been hoarding all this water. It's just sitting there, I have a great relationship with Trudeau. I am sure he will have no problems with it, and if he does, I've got a plan, a great plan, I'm going to negotiate, I am the best negotiator, my MIT uncle, and Elon Musk, smart guys, they agree I am great at negotiations. I will get the water, California will have more water than it could ever drink, but it's not enough water for the migrants, the illegal immigrants coming from all over, it wouldn't matter if we got all of the water, they will drink it all, we have to keep migrants out, you know Biden, he's just letting all these illegal mexicans drink america's water, not on my watch, Canada's water is for Americans only, and American water is making america great again.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #203 on: Tue, 24 September 2024, 14:48:00 »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #204 on: Tue, 24 September 2024, 15:03:32 »
Fine people, the best people.

Obama authorized the largest assassination campaign (Drone strikes) ever conducted by the United States.  From the perspective of the other country,  we are the terrorists.

Everyone in higher office, are dehumanized killers.   Don't be lulled into believing there is a moral superiority here.  This is our American Imperialism and the unlimited use of violence to justify itself.

Kamala is even weaker than Obama. 

Biden might be too damn old, but at least he has clot and can swing his own ideas.

Bernie was America's last chance.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #205 on: Thu, 26 September 2024, 09:01:50 »
Fine people, the best people.

Obama authorized the largest assassination campaign (Drone strikes) ever conducted by the United States.  From the perspective of the other country,  we are the terrorists.

Everyone in higher office, are dehumanized killers.   Don't be lulled into believing there is a moral superiority here.  This is our American Imperialism and the unlimited use of violence to justify itself.

Kamala is even weaker than Obama. 

Biden might be too damn old, but at least he has clot and can swing his own ideas.

Bernie was America's last chance.

I'm sorry, but if you think Bernie Sanders is somehow "stronger" than "weak" Kamala Harris, it's blatant sexism.  You've said it over and over again, and I've tried to read around it, but you have a pretty glaring issue with your reasoning.  This is the reality that we are "not going back" to.  It's gonna hurt, but you have to put up with women who are wiser, stronger, and better at running the world than you.
« Last Edit: Thu, 26 September 2024, 09:03:25 by pixelpusher »

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #206 on: Thu, 26 September 2024, 09:15:54 »

you have a pretty glaring issue with your reasoning.

TP4 is a nihilist, and has placed himself in a downward spiral of negativity and cynicism.

*    *    *    *    *

"The number of people who spend their lives engaged in violence and dishonesty is tiny compared to the vast majority who would wish others only well. According to the Dalai Lama, our survival has depended and will continue to depend on our basic goodness.  Ethics for the New Millennium  presents a moral system based on universal rather than religious principles. Its ultimate goal is happiness for every individual, irrespective of religious beliefs."
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #207 on: Thu, 26 September 2024, 09:26:02 »

you have a pretty glaring issue with your reasoning.

TP4 is a nihilist, and has placed himself in a downward spiral of negativity and cynicism.

*    *    *    *    *

"The number of people who spend their lives engaged in violence and dishonesty is tiny compared to the vast majority who would wish others only well. According to the Dalai Lama, our survival has depended and will continue to depend on our basic goodness.  Ethics for the New Millennium  presents a moral system based on universal rather than religious principles. Its ultimate goal is happiness for every individual, irrespective of religious beliefs."

Tp4 has never argued that people spending their lives engaged in violence and dishonesty is the problem.

Those are all aspects of every human, and every communication system.

The problem is not with our methods,  it's with our distorted world view, and limited capacity to even COMPREHEND the greater good.

The vast majority of Rich people, are Not Evil.  But they ARE SICK.

Their world view is entrenched in the concept of capitalistic economic success, which only quantifies near term resource/energy conversions.

No amount of tweaking of this system can solve the true problem humanity faces.

Every tweak we make to the burning-killing machine results in slightly more or less burning and/or killing.

This system is crashing, will fully crash, and billions will die.

Why BERNIE.    He is one of the few guys, that made his policies to start Turning the MACHINE OFF,  and Redefining what economic success actually counts.  The environment was going to be on the balance sheets (indirectly).

The vast majority of these policy works was actually ported into Biden's initial green deal,  but that fell through instantly because Biden / Harris is just another puppet for status-quo-capitalism, and the bill we ultimately passed, is basically just Burn more fossil fuels, economic growth at all cost.

Biden Harris has done absolutely NOTHING for the environment. In fact they've made it significantly worse.

Bernie was the last chance
, he was the ONLY person with legitimate environmental policies.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #208 on: Thu, 26 September 2024, 10:15:17 »

Turning the MACHINE OFF

The world has become much much "smaller" and more firmly interconnected in the last half-century, and there can be no doubt that we are desperately in need of some sort of mechanism that can "oversee" the whole of the planet, at least to mitigate the most egregious depredations of weak by the powerful. My guess is that we are still far away from any sort of "world government" but it seems inevitable if the human race is to continue in the long term - and the US and its allies are simply incapable of "policing" the whole world, even in the relatively straightforward task of defending national border lines.

"Reform" has always meant those with power relinquishing portions of their power to those without it. Modern democracies have been striving to do this with some small successes, but since the beginning of the Reagan era our country has been relentlessly moving in the wrong direction.
Worst of all, bad actors have now learned to use the world wide network of interwebs to drown the general population in confusion, and far too many are not emotionally and intellectually prepared to reject it.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #209 on: Thu, 26 September 2024, 10:26:24 »
Scientifically it is possible that the self-destructive attitude of our existing social structure is hardcoded.

Nature has gotten their utility out of mankind, there were too many trees at one point, pushing the earth into ice-ball, humans successfully trimmed enough trees such that it doesn't happen. Now we self extinguish, and allow the trees to come back.

Extinction may be inevitable.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #210 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 12:31:45 »
"We wouldn't have hostile takeovers of Springfield, Ohio, Aurora, Colorado, where they are actually going in with massive machine gun-type equipment.
They are going in with guns that are beyond even military scope, and they are taking over apartment buildings.
They're taking over real estate. They're in the real estate development business. Congratulations.
These are in that case people from Venezuela, young street-gang members that were sent here by the government of Venezuela.
- ex-pres Drumpf - in public (onstage in NC) 2024-09-26

Does reality even matter to the MAGA crowd any more?
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #211 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 17:46:52 »
"We wouldn't have hostile takeovers of Springfield, Ohio, Aurora, Colorado, where they are actually going in with massive machine gun-type equipment.
They are going in with guns that are beyond even military scope, and they are taking over apartment buildings.
They're taking over real estate. They're in the real estate development business. Congratulations.
These are in that case people from Venezuela, young street-gang members that were sent here by the government of Venezuela.
- ex-pres Drumpf - in public (onstage in NC) 2024-09-26

Does reality even matter to the MAGA crowd any more?

There is one apartment building in like Aurora or something that had some gang members living there. But then again, almost any low-income/affordable apartment housing in poor areas will have gang members living there. They were just bold because they were making TikTok videos of them shooting their AKs at street signs and stuff. When I lived in Aurora we had Bloods in our building who would always be hanging out on the steps smoking weed and playing loud music, but the President never talked about them. Wonder why.
Another story based in truth, totally distorted and made into a lie by Trump.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #212 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 18:20:31 »

They are going in with guns that are beyond even military scope, and they are taking over apartment buildings.

Another story based in truth

You are being pretty generous there.

Check out this gem by JD and let me know what "truth" you think it is based on:

"In particular, there’s evidence that the car seat rules that we’ve imposed — which of course, I want kids to drive in car seats — have driven down the number of babies born in this country by over 100,000."
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #213 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 18:31:47 »
"We wouldn't have hostile takeovers of Springfield, Ohio, Aurora, Colorado, where they are actually going in with massive machine gun-type equipment.
They are going in with guns that are beyond even military scope, and they are taking over apartment buildings.
They're taking over real estate. They're in the real estate development business. Congratulations.
These are in that case people from Venezuela, young street-gang members that were sent here by the government of Venezuela.
- ex-pres Drumpf - in public (onstage in NC) 2024-09-26

Does reality even matter to the MAGA crowd any more?


"And that is why last year we set an ambitious goal.  Our nation will cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by no later than 2030.  And by no later than 2050, we will reach net zero emissions."

^ That's also a lie.
   The consequence of which is far more devestating than Drumph's fake Venezuelan machine guns.

Clearly, truth doesn't matter to the democrats either.  Under Biden/Harris, we've now become the largest oil producer on the planet.

Harris, made a promise to further increase military spending, foreign military aid, and she's agreed to expanded fracking.

So, they say 1 thing,  meanwhile, carries on capitalism as is, the imperialist burning and murdering continues.

You see, Harris and Trump, they're in the exact same business of Lying.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #214 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 18:42:49 »

They are going in with guns that are beyond even military scope, and they are taking over apartment buildings.

Another story based in truth

You are being pretty generous there.

Check out this gem by JD and let me know what "truth" you think it is based on:

"In particular, there’s evidence that the car seat rules that we’ve imposed — which of course, I want kids to drive in car seats — have driven down the number of babies born in this country by over 100,000."

Truth in so much as there were gang members brandishing rifles around an apartment building. But in Colorado seeing someone carrying a gun into their home is not at all out of the norm. Pretty much where the story begins and ends. I highly doubt they are even illegal immigrants, and not US Citizens who happen to have Venezuelan heritage, which really has nothing to do with anything.
Damn sure not a 'hostile takeover' of a city. That is fearmongering and idiotic.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #215 on: Tue, 15 October 2024, 18:31:32 »
"While no one was watching almost 90 million shares of DJT changed hands today."

- T J Lord 2024-10-15
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #216 on: Tue, 15 October 2024, 18:34:30 »
There's a million ways to smoosh money around. Literally why churches still exist.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #217 on: Tue, 15 October 2024, 22:12:19 »
I like this recent rally where Trump just stopped taking questions and danced geriatricly for 30 minutes to copyrighted music while intermittently pointing at the crowed.
You can see the entire audience bored and on their phones, and looking at each other shaking their heads like "WTF is going on?"

This is your guy, huh? You really think this is the best choice we have?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #218 on: Wed, 16 October 2024, 07:42:59 »

You really think this is the best choice we have?

He is the same stupid ridiculous buffoon that we have been seeing on the newspaper racks at the supermarket line checkout for 30-40 years.

The astonishing thing is that a political party chose HIM to represent them on a ballot, and that he garnered any votes at all.
« Last Edit: Wed, 16 October 2024, 09:57:29 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #219 on: Wed, 16 October 2024, 10:53:32 »
He is the same stupid ridiculous buffoon that we have been seeing on the newspaper racks at the supermarket line checkout for 30-40 years.

The astonishing thing is that a political party chose HIM to represent them on a ballot, and that he garnered any votes at all.

Applies to all average human beings. We're really not that smart, it only looks ok when we're compared to pets.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #220 on: Wed, 16 October 2024, 16:44:09 »

You really think this is the best choice we have?

He is the same stupid ridiculous buffoon that we have been seeing on the newspaper racks at the supermarket line checkout for 30-40 years.

I have to disagree. Trump is WAY more of an unhinged clown than any candidate I've ever seen be taken as seriously. It isn't even close. Dangerous as well.

Offline TomahawkLabs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #221 on: Wed, 16 October 2024, 20:26:21 »
His economic platform is tax the rich less and add tariffs on imports from China. His plan to make everything more expensive for the average person and give those who already have too much, even more. It's wild that people don't understand that tariffs are not paid for by the country the are applied to, but rather the US importer importing the good from said country. They then pass the cost to the distributor, who passes the cost onto retail outlet, and then onto the people. Until the cost of importing goods is higher than the cost of producing said good domestically the tariffs will act as sales taxes for the general population.

Even if tariffs worked the way they think it does, do you think China (or any other country) would eat the cost to export and not raise their prices to offset the new tax? No shot these foreign manufacturing plants would take the economic hit and not find some way to offset the new "expense". It would just raise the price per unit of the good which then cost importers more to purchase/import each good into the US (see above).
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #222 on: Wed, 16 October 2024, 20:33:39 »
Your brain gets a disproportionately large cut of your body's operational sugars. ~33%.

Society is the body, the brain is the ruling class. It is up to the ruling class to decide what to cut/pinch/reduce.

We're at a stage in our evolution, where Neither the body, Nor the mind is evolved to deal with our SEEMINGLY temporarily limitless resources.  And so this system begins to grow WASTEFUL like cancer and will bankrupt the ecosystem.

This is where we are. Famine/Mass-die-off is already occurring.

Offline fohat.digs

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“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #224 on: Sat, 19 October 2024, 09:17:56 »
What a guy!

Fohat, 99% of the ultra wealthy/ politically connected are exactly like Harvey Weinstein.

There's minimal genetic difference between him and every other man on the planet.

When any male human attains the resources to operate without consequences. He turns into a Harvey Weinstein.  The ones who don't are the exceptions.

Next time you see a rich old guy, > Harvey Weinstein.

Which emperor didn't keep a harem/wasn't a lecher? How come they won't release the Epstein case in full, who's being protected? How come the princes of England can just commit an Epstein in full, and suddenly not face extradition.

We only "sort of" live in a rule based society. Don't be too quick to point fingers, the only difference between you and a perceptually bad guy isn't morality, only fate.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #225 on: Sat, 02 November 2024, 08:46:43 »
Look at 1:30 and 3:10 for the memorable stuff.

« Last Edit: Wed, 06 November 2024, 11:19:22 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #226 on: Sat, 02 November 2024, 15:45:08 »
How is Elon Musk, as a non US citizen blatantly tampering with the election with misinformation and offering bribes, not under investigation by the DOJ?
Is it really just, the more money you have you can get away with anything out in the open?

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #227 on: Sat, 02 November 2024, 17:05:39 »
That's exactly how human societies have always operated. Nothing's ever changed.

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #228 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 09:20:39 »

It was fun while it lasted....

How is Elon Musk, as a non US citizen blatantly tampering with the election with misinformation and offering bribes, not under investigation by the DOJ?
Is it really just, the more money you have you can get away with anything out in the open?
Yes. Especially in capitalist extremist countries.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #229 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 09:36:08 »

It was fun while it lasted....

How is Elon Musk, as a non US citizen blatantly tampering with the election with misinformation and offering bribes, not under investigation by the DOJ?
Is it really just, the more money you have you can get away with anything out in the open?
Yes. Especially in capitalist extremist countries.

It's OK, Eat veggies.

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #230 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 09:42:24 »

It was fun while it lasted....

How is Elon Musk, as a non US citizen blatantly tampering with the election with misinformation and offering bribes, not under investigation by the DOJ?
Is it really just, the more money you have you can get away with anything out in the open?
Yes. Especially in capitalist extremist countries.

It's OK, Eat veggies.

What's the point now, especially in the US? He's gonna turn the whole planet into a charcoal grill.
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #231 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 09:50:04 »
What's the point now, especially in the US? He's gonna turn the whole planet into a charcoal grill.

Grilled veggie kebabs.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #232 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 11:28:10 »

It was fun while it lasted ....

blatantly tampering with the election with misinformation

For 45 years I have been continuously astonished at how short-sighted and narrow-minded US Republicans can be. Even my own brothers and sisters.

It is as if they cannot assemble even a basic understanding of the history and current events of the world - or even to recognize reality itself.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #233 on: Thu, 05 December 2024, 17:41:59 »
I will say I do love whatever the hell is happening with my Crypto portfolio. A lot of new millionaires will be minted in the next few months.

But again, the richer you are the more money you make back. More investment, less risk, more return. Capitalism really is a kinda broken system.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #234 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 00:08:27 »
I suspect there's some people in the know that might be betting on a weird injection of bitcoin use in government because Elon-said-something.

To what extent is that going to happen.

/Not financial advice

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #235 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 08:13:07 »

because Elon-said-something

The raw numbers that the incoming administration could generate from being focused on enriching itself and its cronies will be a spectacle rarely witnessed in the modern world.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #236 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 08:43:30 »

because Elon-said-something

The raw numbers that the incoming administration could generate from being focused on enriching itself and its cronies will be a spectacle rarely witnessed in the modern world.

Not true, all of that was already happening under Biden and every prior president.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #237 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 08:50:06 »

The raw numbers that the incoming administration could generate

that was already happening

We are going to find soon enough whether this is something new, or just more of the same.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #238 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 09:17:17 »

Every government is a kleptocracy, that is the only known true state of governments, its the ONLY way it can function.

A King can not rule alone, he has to pay his constituents, with WHAT?, the money he stole from the people.

You can observe this in nature. Wolf Packs have hierarchies, the top dog eats first.   They all did roughly the same amount of WORK to catch the antelope.   So the top-dog is exacting a TAX,  he will be slightly stronger, more fit, and with this, he continues to oppress the rest of the pack.

In nature, there are constraints which remove bad DNA,  the top-dog is continuously tested/challenged, he will be deposed and killed at some point.

This is true of human societies, but without the kleptocracy, NO order can be maintained whatsoever, and we devolve into much more scattered systems.

That merit based anarchy would be our next social evolution given adequate education and food supply, if climate change doesn't kill us, but we already know it's probably too late.

We just have to put up with capitalism as it rapidly unravels, then the radiation comes.

Enjoy the world now, Eat veggies, See what you think you need to see, it's always your last opportunity.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #239 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 13:04:00 »

NO order can be maintained

Modern social democracies have seemed to do pretty well in comparison to the others.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #240 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 14:41:46 »
I read that Muskaswamy points to veterans' health care as a top choice to eliminate to save money.

Horrible as that is, it might help in the long run if were to turn the military against the MAGAs - their teeth could be blunted quite a bit.
(Enlisted service that is, senior management already has a more judicious outlook.)

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline Leslieann

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #241 on: Fri, 06 December 2024, 18:54:22 »
I will say I do love whatever the hell is happening with my Crypto portfolio. A lot of new millionaires will be minted in the next few months.

But again, the richer you are the more money you make back. More investment, less risk, more return. Capitalism really is a kinda broken system.

Every time Bitcoin has a run up or hits some high mark it craters as they pull the rug. You should be selling, not buying.

I read that Muskaswamy points to veterans' health care as a top choice to eliminate to save money.

Horrible as that is, it might help in the long run if were to turn the military against the MAGAs - their teeth could be blunted quite a bit.
If they do that, conscription/drafts  will be necessary and that will be what it requires to actually get attention.
They can't fill the ranks as it is between drugs, criminal records, obesity, politics, etc...  and with threats by Trump to deploy on home turf, it's going to be even more difficult. 

As for taking away V.A. care having an effect.
Few realize just how much of a ghost town the V.A. was for a while, Reagan killed of free V.A. care for life in the 80's and it was only Bush Jr who enabled some of us (combat vets only) to finally get care there (unless you were absolutely destitute). Biden added more (due to Gulf War Syndrome) and now it's very obvious who served in what war just by looking at people, the age difference is so great. So while you think this will sway people it really won't. It's not going to effect enough vets (vets are less than 1% of the population, and closer to 0.01% who actually use the V.A.), nor is there enough young adults capable and wanting to serve who will be swayed by enough by this to actually vote regarding it, unless it comes down to a draft, then suddenly people will care.

This is exactly why the V.A. was in the state it was in, it wasn't news worthy how rundown everything was and it didn't effect enough people, so it was an easy, safe place to make cuts. It still is. Truth is this country really doesn't care much about its vets, words and a few statues (for dead ones) is about the extent of it most of the time.  And if Reagan got away with gutting it, Trump can.

I find it funny  how all these politicians tell you how bad socialized medicine is, when they themselves get it and I'm happy to report the V.A.,  at least mine, has been fantastic since they cleaned it up. I could only wish everyone got treated so well but it wasn't always that way.
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #242 on: Wed, 11 December 2024, 10:29:57 »
Isn't the stench of Drumpf a matter of common knowledge?

And then there is this:

« Last Edit: Wed, 11 December 2024, 10:32:22 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #243 on: Wed, 11 December 2024, 11:51:36 »
Really wonder if the Trump diaper smell thing is just a rumor.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #244 on: Wed, 11 December 2024, 22:48:07 »
What an insult his inauguration is going to coincide with MLK Day.

I can't wait for all the "I'm not a racist, but..." and "A historical day to remember..." switcharoo jokes all the angry racists will drop that day

Offline fohat.digs

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“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #246 on: Sun, 05 January 2025, 16:48:10 »

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #247 on: Thu, 09 January 2025, 01:38:17 »
I do hope everyone here have deleted their Meta and X profiles and moved on to platforms that do not support hate speech and suppress free speech.

I would urge you speak with your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same as well. Don't be a point of data to add to their user base. There are a few great options out there that still have your interests in mind.

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #248 on: Thu, 09 January 2025, 04:16:24 »
I'm still on Twitter and plan to stay on there. I find it important not to close yourself off to what people you disagree with say, personally. Too many people only listen to news and opinions they agree with, while I think it's important to know WHY I disagree with my opponents.

That said, Twitter is a very depression cesspit by now.
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #249 on: Thu, 09 January 2025, 04:28:32 »
I'm still on Twitter and plan to stay on there. I find it important not to close yourself off to what people you disagree with say, personally. Too many people only listen to news and opinions they agree with, while I think it's important to know WHY I disagree with my opponents.

That said, Twitter is a very depression cesspit by now.

What percentage of posts in your feed are from friends and family, and how many are advertisements and targeted content?