. There will
be any charges for rental space and bring any snacks you would like.
(22.09.16)Hey guys,
I know that there are some mechanical keyboard enthusiasts here, but it is pretty sparse.
So my objective is trying to find anyone in the city to have a meet-up, but lets not limit it to just members of the community. Bring any friends that may show some interest in the field; maybe video gamers, maybe typists. Anyone and everyone is welcome and I want to try and organize something for us all to do.
I was most likely thinking the Board Room Café on Barrington would be an awesome choice but may be a bit pricey. Another option could be Dalhousie University as they have various facilities and rooms that aren't being used after hours. I am open to any suggestions!
Let me know what you guys think and help me find some more MK users in this barren city of rubber domes.
If we get enough interest I will definitely try to contact some vendors to see if they will donate some things to be given away at the meet-up. Maybe I will even give away some of my artisans!
Also posted to reddit:
https://redd.it/53yddhIC Form: https://goo.gl/forms/Szx450OeuhEQDjUI3(01.10.16)Current IC Replies:

Looks like the weekend of the 21st is winning by a hair and the Boardroom is unanimous. We have 7 forms filled with a potential of 4 guests and one other member of the community who may also be interested. Who knew there were 12 people of the keyboard community roaming these streets.

I currently need to contact the Boardroom and am working on some items for giveaways; these will most likely be some artisans or other items donated by me. May try contacting some vendors to see if they would like to help with the gift of giving. Would love to see everyone leave with something.
Please contact me if there are any concerns or questions regarding the meetup!

reddit update:
https://redd.it/55g1vb(24.10.16)So guys I'm back at it again with another update!
IC Form Replies

The final date has been set to be the weekend of November 25, 2016. I am now in the process of contacting the Boardroom to see if we can use them as a venue. Once finalized I will post another update. Remember this is a 19+ venue and you may require an ID to enter. This include any potential guests.
The IC form now has 10 forms filled with two other attendees and a wopping 8 potential guests. Round of applause Halifax. I didn't think you had it in you.
Mobbo and Drevyek will be working fairly closely with me and helping when they can, but if there are any questions please contact me.
We are looking at doing a kind of open marketplace as well. We want to give people the chance to make trades and transactions in person. The more interaction the better. Offer your skills and services to one another and make friends.

We also have some fun announcements I would like to share in regards to donations:
- On the artisan side of things eat_the_food of NightCaps, zorberema of ZorbCaps and baddy126 of BadMojo Keycaps will be doing some custom stuff to be given away at the meetup for you lucky folks.
- Vendors such as jchan94 of KeyClack and Zeal of ZealPC have also agreed to donate some small items to be given away as well.
(07.11.2016)So I'm back with more news on venue pricing and am here to get you guys opinion.
ADDED 08.11.2016: Any friends that you will be bringing will be required to pay as well. They have an equal chance at winning the raffles and will be entitled to a meal and beverage. Please get them to fill out the form with a method of contact in the username area if they do not use reddit/slack/geekhack. I want to have a gauge of exactly how many people will be coming so I can determine if any additional funds need to be raised to cover the cost of the venue.
If The Boardroom Cafe is selected the date of the meet-up will be Sunday, November 27th, 2016.Current IC Replies:

The total cost of the rental would be
$575CAD. This would be an unlimited amount of time in the backroom of The Boardroom Cafe. This Fee would include a meal and beverage for everyone up to 25 people. Every person after 25 people would be an additional
In order to cover this cost we would require
23 people if charged
$25CAD/person. This seems like the most logical price point due to the current turn out on the original IC Form (14 + 12 potential guests).
Primary food options are grilled sandwiches and pizzas, with snack bowls (candy, chocolate, pretzels, etc) also available. Beverages include coffee, tea, beer, wine, cider, milkshakes, and soda.
If the decision is yes and there isn't enough turn out I will front the remainder of the cash and probably sell a cap or two to reimburse myself the money. Anyone may feel free to donate extra cash to go towards venue cost but there would be a $25CAD minimum fee.
Food and Beverage Option ICIf there are enough objections another venue will be located.On another note meetup donations are arriving and being shipped.
- ETF's Custom Fugu's have arrived:

- Zorb has casted some new sculpts which will be premiering at this meetup.

- Baddy126 is shipping next week or the week after.
- Jchan94 has sent 4 DIY Cable Kits that are in transit.
- Zeal is awaiting receipt of R4 Zeals to provide the switch sampler.
In the event any package does not make it in time for the meetup the item will be raffled, a note will be taken and the prize will be provided to the winner upon receipt of the package.If the Boardroom is selected I will be providing my PayPal to collect the $25 dollars from each individual. This will ensure that the payment for the venue. Whether people can attend or not.
(23.11.2016)Donations are still arriving and in transit.
- ETF's Custom Fugu's have arrived:

- Jchan94's 4 DIY Cable Kits have arrived:

- Baddy126 Pyros have arrived:

- Zorb has casted some of his new sculpt for the meetup. In transit.

- Zeal is awaiting receipt of R4 Zeals to provide the switch sampler.
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