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Hinduism with Tp4
« on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 01:13:45 »
In the quest to understand the aliens, which Krsna, the origin of Hinduism, probably is.

Tp4 will be diving into the study of one of the world's oldest religions. Tp4 is an agnostic, ancient astronaut theorist/disciple.

Here we go.... !!

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 01:25:15 »
Hrrrm..  right off the bat. Lord Caitanya, prominent saint 15th century. describes for us that the Mayavadi perspective, or later men's interpretation of the original Bhagavad-gita is wrong and open to pollution.

It's difficult to know for sure whether words are truly divine or original. And if it ever came into the language of MAN, some of it is undoubtedly an interpretation.

Alien side, probably historically, they would've had to dumb down whatever it is they were trying to teach us, to give it utility within the context of our present chronicle . in that way bhagavad gita's literal meanings (or whatever its base text was) can easily be misinterpreted when contexts and world views change.

We just don't know if any interpreter is truly validated by Krsna (alien bro).

Not saying Caitnya isn't, just that we don't really know.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 01:32:14 »
Krsna descends to the planet once every Brahma, 8.6 billion years.

Well, the time scale here is much more accurate than the christian bible. geological time aligns much better in billions of years.

Accounting for their FTL technology (time dilation), it's very possible that correspondence takes a long time.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 01:37:50 »
Krsna spoke the Bhagavad gita to the sun-god, Surya in the form of Vivasvan, the sun itself (hundreds of millions of years ago).

So, Krsna, is some head of an alien government, Surya/Vivasvan is the Sol-system administrator,  and this was the first chain of the highest authorization.

It's also possible Krsna might not be the highest, but was a local leader of local leaders.

In any case, higher than mankind, so ranking hardly matters.

There seems to be alot of context for RANK, certainly all conscious collectives need organization, and that is through some form of rank, but given their distance from humanity, arguments to and against seem inconsequential.

What exactly is the relevance of rank difference between a giraffe (alien bro) and a horse relative to a flea (humans)

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 01:50:50 »
The factual position of the living entities is to serve Krsna,  otherwise we serve illusions in the 3 modes of material nature, which entrenches man to the cycle of reincarnation, even liberated interpreters (mayavadi) are stuck in the cycle.

The cycle of life and death explained to someone without science probably sounds like reincarnation.

Krsna might represent a futuristic science or an advanced perpetual form of alien life. So when they say serve Krsna,  it might mean, research technology, learn, evolve, and one day, humans might also achieve something like immortality. 

But the cycle or reincarnation, it might mean, well you're going to die, but data is not lost in this universe, you will live through the will of the ether (causality chain), and the data is preserved by action and impression upon future generations of humans. therefore that is a stop gap reincarnation / data system.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 02:00:34 »
Serving Krsna vs Serving thy self.

In the age of Kali, as humans are titillated by the energy of Krsna (possibly scientific abilities we gain), we may pursue material comforts under the mistaken belief that, that is happiness. Being bound by material nature is illusory, and personal gratification will NOT lead to true happiness.

This is common in other religions that self serving hedonism really doesn't amount to much.

But this sounds like something hedonists figured out, but sure it could also have come from a divine being, since they must've taken a similar path in their own evolution to curtail a vapid pursuit of hedonism.

This is very pertinant in our systems today, if all you wanted to do was be happy, we have chemical analogs for that. As an end onto itself, hedonism / happiness is not productive.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 02:11:05 »
Caitanya seems pretty important, And this is supposed to be a 15th century person, so not that long ago.  One would imagine the aliens probably had a hand much earlier on..  or did they mean the 15th century person is a re-emerged version.

But then the Bhagvadgita is theorized to be composed in the 1st / 2nd century. hrrrm....

Born from within dark ignorance, spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge.

Read somewhere there isn't an exact distinction for the Master and the Master's knowledge, not that it matters much, but it could refer to either.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #7 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 02:29:03 »
So it starts with alot of names,  these are likely the aliens who were sol_system_admins. acknowledging their influence and godhood.

Krsna is the friend of the distressed and source of creation.

So we know Gaia theory is accurate, our earth ecosystem represents a super-consciousness, a living orchestra of life systems that can move mountains and oceans.

Krsna, perhaps at the alien level, they can converse, or have some connection to the larger supreme lifeforms to which humans are also a small part of.

The source of creation, could refer to these larger entities. now whether they are fully conscious of humanity's total whereabouts is debatable, they're involved, probably on the level of pet ownership. lol. 

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 02:35:32 »
So there are hierarchal and familial structures among the aliens. They're given designation of queen or king.

There's a class of Vaisnava devotees,  this is a step down from the aliens, possibly human or altered humans who <fulfills the desires of everyone like desire trees, they have compassion>

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 02:46:01 »
So, it seems the Bhagavad gita is a new testament of sorts, because there is some falling out that happened and the line of yoga, parampara, a disciplic succession system was broken, and the Lord spoke it again, to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra.

Mmm.. so this was a human war, among cousins, and just so lucky that the ones that came out of it alive, were ordained divine, and new trustees of the lord's Truths, mmm..... now we're getting into some man made strife.  it doesn't invalidate all textures of the bhagavad gita, but clearly there's much opportunity for human meddling in its origins.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 03:01:39 »
Svarupa siddhi,  perfection of one's constitutional position. So, through devotion, we become in touch with the supreme lord, a relationship, akin to the many billions and trillions of living beings, who also have relations. 

how come humans have all this extra step/ doing/ devotion, why are we not just relevant by existence. I can understand the concept of "To Contribute" to the greater ideal, that being the will of something of the supreme, but more clarity is needed on this.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #11 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 03:07:46 »
This Arjuna may be very problematic, these are yet more humans crowning themselves the True interpreters and receivers of the divine. mmm...  and they're high ranking humans in human society, so it's not unlike any other king of man devising their own relationship to godhood.

So we've got a hindu moses of sorts, but not even an original moses, this is yet another moses, and there will probably more of these guys if we keep doing religion absent science / good record keeping. 

Arjuna accepts Krsna as param brahma, the Supreme Brahman, a reference to strict indian caste systems.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #12 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 03:30:19 »
Our material existence is suffering, and humanity begins when we make inquiry into why we're stuck, athato brahma jijnasa. The promise is that there is no non-existence, despite our worries of death, or the common interpretations of death.

So if we pursue something without seeing it in the context of a grand or grander design, it was for naught, is how one could interpret that. Suffering, is the failure to fulfill some personal desire, but if there is a grand design, then we only exist within a causality flow and there's no real need for suffering at least cognitively speaking.

This may be the older way to question our value system. Human values are narrow and deviate from what is considered divine or simply (larger), eco-system level, and outside the confines of sol, we have galaxies, if there are conscious energies / interconnects, it balloons beyond comprehension. We are not disconnected, but as a being, to seek the greater in some way may be the takeaway.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #13 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 03:40:44 »
Living beings are the jivas, we are the parts / componentry of the controller (isvara)/ Krsna.

So, this is a benign rank description, but of course, when we deal with a collective of humans, well, there are distortions.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 02 February 2023, 04:12:32 »
isvara, Krsna
jiva, living things
prakrti, nature
kala, time
karma, activity

these are all framework type things to understand inter-relationships in and out of consciousness.  at this point we could probably say they're accurate but crude.

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Re: Hinduism with Tp4
« Reply #15 on: Sun, 26 February 2023, 09:03:55 »
yesterday I learned I speak more Hindi than the Hindi girl at work
My accent is atrocious, but I can straight up hold a convo now.

Hadn't even realized I'd learned this much until someone challenged me.

workin on my Urdu and Punjab tho