So. much. King. Gizz.
Oh man, another King Giz fan! 
Murder of the Universe is one of the greatest pieces of music ever created. I can only listen to it a couple of times a year because it's just too intense to handle. It's too much.
Omnium Gatherum is a work of sonic art. I can't understand how they can crank out so much good albums. 
Hell yeah! I saw them a few weeks ago in St Paul, and it was probably my favorite concert of all time. Just incredible. I can’t get enough, lol.
MOTU is sooo good, and seems criminally underrated. I also think Eyes Like the Sky is underrated but I’m sure I’m in an even smaller minority there. 🤣
Speaking of OG, Gaia has been stuck in my head since hearing it live. 🙌 I’m partial to KG and LW myself, something just really unique about those. Need to stop myself from rambling too much, haha.
Also… it’s been
weeks since their last album, what’s going on?