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High end big Man's chair?
« on: Wed, 11 October 2017, 23:59:59 »
I like Herman Miller. I pulled out a Embody again hoping I could fit. My back is where your shoulders should be. Plus width I have to flip out the arm rests to exit. I had been using the Eames which is not a technical chair but was comfy. I wore out the cushion already. Same thing with biggest Aeron. Their big man's chair sucks. Along with every other company I know of. It is prejudice. There are many very wealthy big Folks who also care about ergonomics.

Does anyone know of a high end technical big chair? If it is a true big model it is rated 450 or 550#. I only weigh 372. Many of you know about me. I am not at all fat. It is just a common misconception. Regardless, I still have love for fat folk's too. I just cannot find a high end technical chair. It seems no company cares. I see a market for this but not going into the seating business. If anyone can help find something it would be much appreciated. I am so bummed. The Eames was just okay until the foam crushed. This sucks!

Offline JohanAR

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 12 October 2017, 02:34:37 »
I have a Håg chair which has an extra wide version and you can get a very tall gas lift with it (I got this version by accident when I ordered mine). I couldn't find max load for the chair though and the H04 4650 isn't available at their US site at all but maybe you could try contacting them if it sounds interesting.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 12 October 2017, 16:55:21 »
I have to check this out. Thank you. Meanwhile I could not stand my bottom or back. The Eames is not a big mans chair but it is big enough for me. So my Wife is good with sewing. We opened the cushions and replaced the foam with 12 pound Viscoelastic foam. Actually as I expected it is better than it was new. I am a fan of Viscoelastic foam. The cavities on those cushions are deep enough that it will not bottom out plus it is 12 pound foam. You do not usually see that. We were very careful and it worked out real good. I think We just turned Herman Miller's $5,000 chair into a $10,000 one LOL. I still would appreciate a technical task chair like the Embody I yearn to fit into. I will go check this out. The embody seems like a marvel but you have to be on the small side which I am most certainly not. Actually the Eames is only rated 250# but I bet it would hold 1,000#. The Embody I had nerve to even try it. With the control on that thing I may as well have easily broken it. If I like that and cannot get it there must be something in the US. How come all the big man's chairs are very basic. I want a fully adjustable 8-10 hour chair. Not how long I sit but how they are rated. Although I have been known to sit 16 hours working.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 12 October 2017, 17:10:53 »
Wait! That is a 20" wide seat? Hon makes a interesting chair that is just standard size at 23". Of course get into their big chairs they are not fully adjustable. I had used a Hon but I am not sure they are built like they used to be. Although the old all metal was standard 250#. The new plastic frame models are 300# in the standard line. I am not sure about Hon now. Looks made cheaper. They get heavily discounted but always did. a $1,500 chair ends up being $750. It is certainly not Herman Miler but those get big discounts too. Interestingly your chair looks just like the Hon HLWU that I am speaking of.

Offline JohanAR

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 13 October 2017, 01:37:32 »
Yea, the wide one has a 20" seat so it might not be very large by US standards. Maximum seat height is 31" so I was thinking it ought to be tall enough for you at least

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 13 October 2017, 04:51:07 »
You know this is a fundamental problem in the US so go figure. Supersize Mcdonald's all day. The truth if you did not know is I am a health nut and avid exercise freak. I weigh 372 and have a Sick pack. At my height that is not really heavy though. That just amazes me. 20". Americans are a bunch of slobs LOL. Most US big chairs are like 28". There was a very nice Hon 6213 but long gone. The new ones seem cheaper built but hold more weight so I may be wrong. I am just not going to find anything like the Embody. I noticed why Herman Miller is so high end. They make lighting too. They are really a functional art company. There is nothing else like 3 of their chairs that I know of. I am good with the Eames again now but really wish I had more adjustment. It is odd the Eames is so big. Well, different type of chair. There is a Hon showroom here so I could check it out. It is most certainly a high end chair but not Herman Miller. That thing is like for an 700# 9 foot tall man LOL. Many of their standard chairs are 23" and 40" high so that is actually fine. Just goes to show the size of Americans. Not all certainly but I guess they figured just in case. Just the Embody is one of a kind but the point is moot. I cannot fit in it.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 08 November 2017, 23:39:36 »
Just an update on this. I tried a lot. I am a little too big for a standard office chair. A big man's chair is much too big for me. So, I am needing a custom chair! Bodybilt will build a very nice custom chair for $1,400USD but it will last a lifetime. Even if you were 19. Lifeform will build a crazy custom chair for over 6 grand! It is mainly cosmetics so I am not even into that. I wish I could use my Embody. Adjusted all the way I am simply just slightly too big for it. Bummer. Please do not say lose weight. It is not that. I am honestly over 7 feet tall. The top of the Embody is like my Lumbar LOL. I might just reupholster the old Hon, found it. It met all my needs. I really do not want to spend 2 grand. In that thread of poorly built chairs those were designer show offs. The core brands tend to be mostly fine. Yes, you can break the Embody but even I did not bust it. Well that is the story unless I come across something. It is money.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #7 on: Tue, 14 November 2017, 01:21:27 »
I have been using the Embody. It feels great even though I do not actually fit. I think if you are average size it is the nicest chair but YMMV. Even not fitting properly I love it and no pain. So now I see no reason to spend more money. It is obviously a god chair if it can accommodate someone 5X too large for it. You look at those foam cushion chairs and they simply do not compare. No matter how fancy. So I am done with this for now. I am not going to spend when I already have what I like. Even if I am much too big for it. Amazingly it works. I also talked to a guy 6' 9" and 315. So not far off. It can manage it. Perhaps not ideal but it certainly works. It is not that I don't want to spend. I just love the Embody. If I were average size I am sure there would be no other choice whatsoever. Even they say 6'5",300# it can go much higher. Mainly in height. I imagine at 400# you would be stuck in it due to the arms. Or put them down and maybe it does support 400#. Of course any of these sizes void your warranty but they have no way of knowing. I highly recommend anyone try it!

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #8 on: Tue, 14 November 2017, 09:45:40 »
I have been using the Embody. It feels great even though I do not actually fit. I think if you are average size it is the nicest chair but YMMV. Even not fitting properly I love it and no pain. So now I see no reason to spend more money. It is obviously a god chair if it can accommodate someone 5X too large for it. You look at those foam cushion chairs and they simply do not compare. No matter how fancy. So I am done with this for now. I am not going to spend when I already have what I like. Even if I am much too big for it. Amazingly it works. I also talked to a guy 6' 9" and 315. So not far off. It can manage it. Perhaps not ideal but it certainly works. It is not that I don't want to spend. I just love the Embody. If I were average size I am sure there would be no other choice whatsoever. Even they say 6'5",300# it can go much higher. Mainly in height. I imagine at 400# you would be stuck in it due to the arms. Or put them down and maybe it does support 400#. Of course any of these sizes void your warranty but they have no way of knowing. I highly recommend anyone try it!

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #9 on: Tue, 14 November 2017, 09:54:04 »
I'd love to see photos of the modded Herman Miller. That sounds pretty cool. I have never been able to find a good balance between comfort and durability. On one hand i'd love to have the support and durability of a car seat but I would also love to have something like a Stressless Magic office chair... but $3500 is a lot to spend on a chair.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 15 November 2017, 02:29:19 »
TP, I am over 7 feet tall and already a very longtime vegan! The weight just comes with that height.  Muscle weighs more than fat and I am ripped as well. I am a health and fitness nut. Being older does not stop me. I mean sure my chest is not as tight as a 20 year old but I still have a six pack and pecs. My back kind of hurts a little now in this chair but I think I strained it carrying it up four flights of stairs. It weighs about 75#. Not a lot to me but involve the stairs......

Modded Herman miller? Did I say that? I think you mistook me or something if you mean I said that. My chair has every option but it is all stock. I do not think you could possibly make this chair better. It was designed by Two foremost expert anthro engineers. Plus input from orthopedists etc. Just like Topre it is not for everyone but if you love it, you love it. I can't shrink but the fact I can even sit in it is a testament to it's quality in it's own right.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 18 November 2017, 06:44:34 »
You know what? I love the Embody even though I am 3 sizes too large for it. With armrests on I get up and so does the chair LOL! It is still awesome. It really depends if you like it. It is very different. I would not honestly recommend it if you are over 6;2", 180#. Sure HM says 6;5" and 300#. Both of which I greatly exceed. Again muscle weighs more than fat, okay? There is no losing weight involved here unfortunately. I do not see a reason for a new chair even though I do not really fit I just dig it. In it's configuration it would be $1,760+$170 tax+119 delivery and setup. So I have my 2 grand chair already even though it could be a better experience. Although I still like it. I do not want a big man's chair truthfully. They look hideous. The Embody looks like something from Terminator. IE, cool. I think overall it is the most preferred Coder's chair. A lot of people balk at the price but if it jives with you, you will be buying one :)

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 18 November 2017, 07:16:39 »
ah ok. My mistake.

I sit in a HM at work and although its specs say I'm too big for it... it fits great and has held up fantastic over the years. The only thing i dont like is the lumbar support piece but i honestly dont know how you could make it much better.

This thread has inspired me to go looking for an upgrade to my broken chair at home.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #13 on: Sun, 19 November 2017, 04:02:50 »
If you like it and want to spend the embody is incredible to me. so incredible that I am using when it clearly states I am like 60% too tall for it and 30% too heavy.  I can imagine if you were like 180# this is wonderful.  It would really depend if you like it. I can say you need like 90 days to get used to it. No way you can try it in a showroom. The back adjustment is very tricky and key to the proper function. It is worth the money. Say you do not go nuts and get one for $1,260. Figure that over 15 years of feeling good. Now, it is actually cheap. Everyone wants all the options and I have them but they are all just cosmetic. You will read you need the Balance fabric. I had talked to a design Engineer at HM. He told me this is in peoples mind because it costs more. He said functionally in every way the Balance and Rhythm are exactly the same. The only difference is the Rhythm has higher Tensile and Shear strength. Also the Balance can be more fragile in certain situations like pets nails. I have the whole thing but I am telling you, you do not need it. It is all solely cosmetic. Unless you really like the color etc.

As far as custom I have an idea. I might make a plate under the bolts on the arms to extend them further outward. Honestly without the arms it is okay. Even though  technically I am way too big for it. I guess it runs very big. Even the arms are just barely touching me. I personally feel it is a fantastic chair. There is nothing else remotely like the technology.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #14 on: Tue, 21 November 2017, 10:03:40 »
You might have to search out an older Steelcase highback executive chair, and have it reupolstered if it needs it. They show up on ebay once in a while. The last one I saw was about a year ago. The older designs have a screw type height adjuster, so that you'll never get that sinking feeling as the pneumatic adjuster gives way.
I picked up a set of steelcase chairs back in '86. I still have them. At my heaviest, I was 365. That was in the mid 90's. I'm still 330 pounds, and all the chairs are working just as when I purchased them.
They came in three types; standard office chair with locking tilt, sorta high back (that would be a mid back for you), and the top of the line with a real high back, which I can rest my head on (I'm six foot four) and not reach the top of the chair with the back of my head. That would be your target.
This one would do, but it had a hydraulic height adjuster which is worn out, and of course, the hydraulic or pneumatic adjusters are terrible anyway. But you get the picture of what they look like if you see on for sale. Just watch the height adjustement type. You want the screw type adjuster. These chairs all have an adjustable recliner mechanism, you can adjust the tension as well as lock it in upright position (there's a rocker switch under the left side of the seat).
Good luck. People who own these chairs don't give them up. I had one, and gave it away to a friend who had back problems. That was over ten years ago. He still has it. And I haven't found another one, even though I've been watching online and searching used office furniture stores.

I could sit on that chair for 10 hours and then get up and feel fine. That's how good they are. Steelcase unfortunately had switched to a pneumatic or hydraulic lift mechanism, because that's what 99% of the population of normal sized people want. And it leaves us big people without an adequate office chair.
M, M13, M4-1, still rockin' 2500K@4.5, Vapor X 8GB

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #15 on: Tue, 21 November 2017, 23:24:14 »
I could purchase a BodyBilt I guess. Same kind of thing by the sound of it. They have rated to 600# but they told me holds 800# no problem lol. I think just their standard chair is big enough for me. Or they even have a tall model. It is probably the only thing I can actually obtain. I do not wish to break the Embody and would like to give it to a friend. The new Steelcase no way they support people like us. All plastic, even the frame. Certain old HON were as you describe as well. They were very good compared to the junk they are making now. The Steelcase would be interesting if I ever found one. There are many things so good they are hardly ever sold.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 06 March 2019, 03:32:14 »
Faced the same problem, I am rather large and cannot choose a new chair, the old one is already falling apart. Stopped on models DXRacer Tank.  :-X
The agony and back pains were decided by the sport and the chair.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #17 on: Wed, 06 March 2019, 11:08:32 »
I have a Håg chair which has an extra wide version and you can get a very tall gas lift with it (I got this version by accident when I ordered mine). I couldn't find max load for the chair though and the H04 4650 isn't available at their US site at all but maybe you could try contacting them if it sounds interesting.

I'm small, but I tried one Hag and was the most comfortable chair ever. Pity for the 2k pricetag.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #18 on: Sun, 05 May 2019, 17:39:06 »
Workaround: get a driver's car seat from an old car that you were comfortable in. Put it on regular office chair wheels, add handles, weld it.
I sit in a chair made from an old Honda seat (not sure from which car exactly, probably 90's Civic), my father has a chair with a seat from Mercedes W124. These are absolutely amazing.

You can get one here for 150$ or make one yourself for even less than that.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #19 on: Thu, 25 July 2019, 22:08:55 »
I'm in somewhat of the same predicament. Being tall, I'm not likely to order a chair unseen because of what appears to be short leg rests and back heights. I currently use a king size La-z-boy recliner.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #20 on: Sat, 22 February 2020, 03:21:53 »
For ergonomic sitting always try to choose Homall single recliner chair because it gives ergonomic sitting experience for long hour sittings. I really love to use this recliner. And due to the use of this product my back pain recovered.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #21 on: Tue, 25 February 2020, 16:34:23 »
I did end up getting a car chair but I ordered a brand new 2018 Mercedes S65 AMG seat! I will let you guess the cost. It is what I drive so I already knew it was perfect. There is a kit to make it a office chair with full motorization. It plugs in instead of a battery.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 26 February 2020, 20:24:32 »
I thought I better mention something. I keep saying I am a coder. I code because I enjoy to. I can do anything I want really. I am actually a managing partner at Alphabet Inc. So that is how I can blow money. I figured I should clear that up before any one calls me out on a coders salary. If you see my old posts about my cars and such. Actually back then I think I was a partner at Microsoft. Like some other people I climbed the IT ladder.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #23 on: Sun, 01 March 2020, 17:17:44 »
Search for a "zero gravity camp chair"... best thing I ever did. A friend got some and they were insanely comfy. When I got increasingly agitated by regular chairs for long hours, decided to make a zero-g chair into a reclining workstation. Best thing I ever did for my working life.

Monitor on an arm/stand next to the chair (or arm hard-hacked to the chair itself), no more back pain, easier to work long hours, wonderful. I did get a little too sedentary though, so started exercising regularly, and have never felt better (to exercise hard at lunch and then come and recline without muscles being all tense and getting work done, super nice).

Only mod for comfort made was a basic cushion for lumbar support, job done.

Most recently got a split keyboard and mounted it to the arms of the chair with added trackball, workstation setup has never been so comfy.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #24 on: Sun, 01 March 2020, 19:32:26 »
I would call that more of a "bed" LOL.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #25 on: Sun, 01 March 2020, 22:03:32 »
I would call that more of a "bed" LOL.

I don't completely disagree; all work chairs in my future will be able to recline dead flat :)

...during the day I fidget through a various angles, muscles doing their things of wanting you to move every now and then, and if the coffee cup has sustenance then I'm usually sitting up or close to it... drinking while laying flat still a challenge.

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Re: High end big Man's chair?
« Reply #26 on: Sun, 01 March 2020, 22:17:59 »
I put the seat all the way back and flat in the full size Mercedes. I will refrain from saying how tall I am because people are going to disbelieve me again. I could have had a BB scholarship. I am pretty good(was). I am honestly just a nerd though. My only interest was in IT and it eventually paid off for me. I am a noodle though. Even at this height I barely weigh 145. I so wanted the Embody chair. I am just much too tall. I swear to you I sit at the table in the stand position!