Author Topic: We won't make it.  (Read 1502 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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We won't make it.
« on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 13:28:52 »
Our genetic legacy, pervasive in our culture, assures self destruction.

What are we teaching this and every generation that came before??

How does a teenager even DECIDE to shoot up a school, well? Maybe because our CULTURE teaches him that guns are the beginning and end to all problem solving.


Offline fohat.digs

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 13:59:49 »
An exquisite demonstration of why "gaming" has never interested me.
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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 16:56:06 »
Conflict is the easiest thing to create gameplay around, the player and character must have something to battle against to engage, progress, and grow. The only real exception is puzzle games and 'walking sim' games. No one is going to get together with 4 of their closest friends to play a game about visiting your grandmother. We are not talking about the contents of the game, we are talking about structure.

The point you are trying to make is shortsighted, flawed, and misrepresented.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 17:01:49 »
Is it?

Embedded in the culture, is the worship of violence. Embedded in our economy, is the worship of slavery.

Embedded in our education, is to ERASE curiosity, replace it with indoctrination to ready young people for a lifetime of servitude.

You are born owe-ing, Nothing beneath your feet is yours, you have no rights to anything until you work and pay RENT. 

How we disconnect the human and the World is at the core. Slaves are property, Women and Children were once traded in commerce, they still are illegally.  The world is just a set of things for humans to Exploit, the animals are there for humans to kill, we have NO RESPONSIBILITY for the Cost/ Death of the Ecosystem. They are externalities, Neither accounted for in our economy, nor our culture, certainly not our games.

Our games reflect what we can Kill, Butcher and Exploit, it ONLY counts how that violence is relevant to US, how Glorious such violence is. There are no games about the victims,  it's all about being the Winner. What did we win, a dying ecosystem, and psychiatric mileu of the existential crisis.   

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 17:26:59 »
You do not understand player engagement and sense of progression that is built around game play meant to progress player skill, story, and game mechanics. This is a shining example of of false equivalence. Your argument is almost the same as Joseph Lieberman saying Mortal Kombat will turn your child into a serial killer.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 17:35:57 »
Mortal Kombat hasn't turned children into serial killers.

Children are already born into a Prebaked-Full-CULTURE of serial Killers.

What is the 80 Billion animals we kill each year if not a holocaust.  What is the 10-100 Million Indians we slaughtered in the founding of America if not Serial Killing. What is the 5-10 million middle eastern innocent people we killed only a few years back, and found 0 WMDs.

Game mechanics are what they are,  but what does it TAKE to kill another person.

Well, first you have to dehumanize them.  Republicans will yell libtard, Democrat will denounce with Maga.

The Chef, will say, Beef, Pork.

Humans debase nature and all that is around them so they can place themselves as the center of all things.

Islam says we're infidels,  We say they're terrorists, meanwhile,  we carry out identical violence towards each other.

Our Video-GAMES are born from this corrupted culture.

You don't see it as such because this is Our - Normal.  Violence, Genocide, Murder, Rape are our cultural cornerstones.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 18:33:26 »

Joseph Lieberman saying Mortal Kombat will turn your child into a serial killer.

I would love to see a legit study of serial killers and their involvement with computer games.

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 19:04:02 »
On the surface of games don't turn kids into killers, that's clearly not correct. Apart from our Genocidal violent culture / Carnism that we're already born into.

What are school shootings then, Maybe they're not SERIAL-killers, but they're kids, of course they're bad at it.  You cook a kiddo for 30-40 years, one that understands the game mechanics better, how to destroy evidence, how to cover his trails. You wouldn't ever find the super serial killers you've just trained. Or they lead billion dollar corporations/hedgefunds and do their killing overseas.

We are so desensitized that disemboweling human beings, the severe maiming of bodies, the dissection of animals NO LONGER even register as images of aversion. We put it on T-shirts, we put it on cars, we use hypersexuality and violence as online avatars.

We have cultural memes which up-regulate violence and gore. Those who can handle/ digest/ INFLICT the Most-Violence becomes our cultural heroes, virtual or otherwise..

Don't even get Tp4 started on what's on the Dark web and the various statistical studies.

Offline TomahawkLabs

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #8 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 21:35:56 »
I grew up with a family of hunters. I personally own more firearms than fingers. I grew up playing PS2 and Xbox360, almost exclusively shooters (halo, cod, gta5) as well as racing games.

Fast forward 14 years of adulthood. I haven’t fired a round in 7-8 years, I drive a sports car, but drive it like it doesn’t have a turbo. Fantasy is fun, but not reality. I fully understand I can’t physically harm people. I also cannot drive it like I stole it, because there are real world consequences. It has way more to do with separating fantasy and reality and understanding the difference.

Japan plays hyper violent games and have single digit firearm deaths a year and a society that is largely passive. Lack of parenting is the issue. Talk to your ****in kids.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #9 on: Fri, 21 February 2025, 21:45:26 »
Japan plays hyper violent games and have single digit firearm deaths a year and a society that is largely passive. Lack of parenting is the issue. Talk to your ****in kids.

Japan plays tons of violent video games, but they have very strict background checks for gun ownership. If they remotely suspect you're unstable, or have an unusual sudden desire to buy a gun, you will not be approved.

Japan watches alot of Loli in their anime and games,  Guess Waht? Japan is the #1 consumer of child-pr0nographi and a hotspot for trafficking. Their entertainment district is directly controlled by the yakuza who manages the JK exploitation empire. 13% of schoolgirls are involved in some magnitude of compensated-dating (prostitution). 1 in 10 japanese men own child exploitation material.

That is a society which has absolutely 0 intention to stop.

Japan also does not have independent media whatsoever, both to coverup the ongoing massive Social Health Disaster that Fukushima has caused, and is ON GOING.  But also because the Japanese are particularly thin-skinned and can't handle criticism.

Exposure to something, across time, Normalizes that thing, whatever that thing is. This is NOT-controversial.  Smoking / drug use/ alcohol anything.

If alcohol was invented today, it'd be instantly illegal.

Offline TomahawkLabs

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 22 February 2025, 18:35:19 »
You’ve identified the solution to gun violence is red flag laws and basic standards of obtaining a firearm. The issue in America is we let the issue fester and our guns outnumber humans, there is no going back for America.

Regarding underage material in Japan, it’s only been illegal for 1 generation. It was 100% legal to sell and produce up until 1999 and only in 2017 was it made illegal to own.

None of these things have to do with video games. The cure for petty, violent crime is to invest in areas to give people a legit alternative to violence and petty crime. That’s why rich people like among other rich people. They only commit fraud and financial crimes. “Victimless” crimes they call it.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 22 February 2025, 18:43:37 »
The problems we face stem from the cultural roots of mankind.

The interplay of desire, and means.

It does not so much matter that "WE" technically have a higher Gini Coefficient, When all the stuff we buy to make our society run is produced somewhere that has what's essentially slave labor. 

So, the violence and ugliness in a consumption based economy that seems to have alleviated is actually just exported.

We've refused to address what we are, a plague species. Our entire framework for Behavior, resource consumption and growth, will culminate in the Singular outcome of Killing the HOST, the death of our Ecosystem.

The amount of guns is only a small part of the problem.

Culture reinforces behavior.  If we refuse to change culture, we will keep behaving like sociopaths.

The other mistake that people often make,  is that these are all Separate problems. They are NOT.  Everything we do is a problem, because our Framing of Progress is NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with the resource and emissions capacity LEFT on Planet Earth.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 22 February 2025, 19:28:53 »
Here is a remarkably different perspective.

False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: We won't make it.
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 22 February 2025, 19:58:16 »
That guy's a moron. Those arn't even opinions, he's just parroting fox news with no supporting logic / evidence.