Is it?
Embedded in the culture, is the worship of violence. Embedded in our economy, is the worship of slavery.
Embedded in our education, is to ERASE curiosity, replace it with indoctrination to ready young people for a lifetime of servitude.
You are born owe-ing, Nothing beneath your feet is yours, you have no rights to anything until you work and pay RENT.
How we disconnect the human and the World is at the core. Slaves are property, Women and Children were once traded in commerce, they still are illegally. The world is just a set of things for humans to Exploit, the animals are there for humans to kill, we have NO RESPONSIBILITY for the Cost/ Death of the Ecosystem. They are externalities, Neither accounted for in our economy, nor our culture, certainly not our games.
Our games reflect what we can Kill, Butcher and Exploit, it ONLY counts how that violence is relevant to US, how Glorious such violence is. There are no games about the victims, it's all about being the Winner. What did we win, a dying ecosystem, and psychiatric mileu of the existential crisis.