Author Topic: Vote for Trump  (Read 175620 times)

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #800 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:48:58 »
Ít's funny when you say liberals can't tell Trump from a terrorist when it's clear that most republicans can't tell a regular Muslim from a terrorist either.

It's funny that liberals hate America and Republicans don't.

By "hate America" you mean letting immigrants and refugees in, right? Granting asylum to US Military interpreters, families fleeing conflict and political persecution, right?

And by "don't hate America" you mean setting fire to people's property, right? Just because they have a different religion which they are free to practise because of the constitution, or preventing people with visas and green cards from coming into the country, which is protected by the constitution, right?

That's a lot of hate speech, not sure what you mean.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #801 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 15:49:57 »

The liberals, progressives and globalists on the left don’t seem very concerned with their own fellow citizens. They are more concerned with their jihad to spread their values to the rest of the world.

Consistently I see the media showing more concern for non-citizen Muslims, than for the victims of Muslim terrorism. If a Muslim is insulted in the NYC subway it makes headline news, but stuff about Christians being massacred in the Central African Republic by Muslims or Yazidis being genocided by Muslims tends to make smaller headlines.

Americans have been kidnapped and held hostage and terrorized and beheaded by Muslims for decades, and there are almost never any demonstrations. Now Trump follows up on a campaign promise and slaps a TEMPORARY ban pending extreme vetting on countries that have been a proven source of terrorists for years, and literally millions turn out to demonstrate.

Boston Marathon Massacre didn’t bring millions into the streets. Protecting the migration ‘rights’ of Iraqis did. Clearly the liberals prefer people who routinely shout ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’ over Boston victims.

I don’t understand why the US must ‘defend’ Europe against Russia. The EU has an economy 10 times the size of Russia, a population 3 times as big, and far superior technology. If Turkey is included, European NATO has 4x the military manpower that Russia has. All the statistical advantages are in European hands. If they can’t or won’t defend themselves, then NATO should be disbanded.

Likewise the USA has no business defending South Korea against the North. South Korean GNP is 40 times that of the North. Their population is 2x as big. They spend 3x as much on their military. Their technology is literally world class. I’ll bet that not a single member of geekhack does not have multiple examples of South Korean high technology in his home. If mad dictator Kim is still a threat to South Korea, that is because South Koreans are willing to accept a Kim dictatorship.

Madonna just took another two Malawi infants in for adoption. Like many Hollywood celebs, she loves making a big show of taking some third world kids from their homelands and raising them in conditions of great privilege. Strangely these celebs pay very little attention to the poor and disprivileged in the USA. I’m sure Madonna is rich enough to pay for a total overhaul of the Flint water system and Meryl Streep can buy up and fix entire neighborhoods in Detroit. But they’ll rather go to Cambodia and Ethiopia for their trophy non-white infants.

Liberals will beat and burn Trump in effigy, but not Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. That Der Spiegel magazine cover, portraying Trump as Jihadi John, really says it all. They can't tell an elected president from a murderous terrorist. At this rate we won't be able to tell Der Spiegel from Der Sturmer.

Recently Trump’s wall building and visa blocking have caused many Silicon valley hypocrites to pop out and make pious statements about liberal values. Quite ironically, Mark Zuckerberg just built a mile long wall to block off Native Hawaiians from accessing a public beach, and tried to sue and drive off hundreds of Natives from their ancestral lands. He has 700 hectares that he doesn't need to farm. Many of these natives have just a few acres to farm, surrounded by Zuckerberg property. He wants to deny access using legal tricks when access is already part of traditional Hawaiian land rights. To me, this is symbolic of the problem of liberalism. Their charity doesn’t begin at home. It begins 5000 miles away.

This is so completely delusional and divorced from reality that I would not even know where to start to respond to it.

Just because the rabid radical ultra-ultra-Right calls themselves by the name "Patriots" does not make it so:

"“I’m a Leninist.” Bannon elaborated: “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

is not a statement made by a person who loves his country.

Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #802 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 16:43:19 »

The liberals, progressives and globalists on the left don’t seem very concerned with their own fellow citizens. They are more concerned with their jihad to spread their values to the rest of the world.

Consistently I see the media showing more concern for non-citizen Muslims, than for the victims of Muslim terrorism. If a Muslim is insulted in the NYC subway it makes headline news, but stuff about Christians being massacred in the Central African Republic by Muslims or Yazidis being genocided by Muslims tends to make smaller headlines.

Americans have been kidnapped and held hostage and terrorized and beheaded by Muslims for decades, and there are almost never any demonstrations. Now Trump follows up on a campaign promise and slaps a TEMPORARY ban pending extreme vetting on countries that have been a proven source of terrorists for years, and literally millions turn out to demonstrate.

Boston Marathon Massacre didn’t bring millions into the streets. Protecting the migration ‘rights’ of Iraqis did. Clearly the liberals prefer people who routinely shout ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’ over Boston victims.

I don’t understand why the US must ‘defend’ Europe against Russia. The EU has an economy 10 times the size of Russia, a population 3 times as big, and far superior technology. If Turkey is included, European NATO has 4x the military manpower that Russia has. All the statistical advantages are in European hands. If they can’t or won’t defend themselves, then NATO should be disbanded.

Likewise the USA has no business defending South Korea against the North. South Korean GNP is 40 times that of the North. Their population is 2x as big. They spend 3x as much on their military. Their technology is literally world class. I’ll bet that not a single member of geekhack does not have multiple examples of South Korean high technology in his home. If mad dictator Kim is still a threat to South Korea, that is because South Koreans are willing to accept a Kim dictatorship.

Madonna just took another two Malawi infants in for adoption. Like many Hollywood celebs, she loves making a big show of taking some third world kids from their homelands and raising them in conditions of great privilege. Strangely these celebs pay very little attention to the poor and disprivileged in the USA. I’m sure Madonna is rich enough to pay for a total overhaul of the Flint water system and Meryl Streep can buy up and fix entire neighborhoods in Detroit. But they’ll rather go to Cambodia and Ethiopia for their trophy non-white infants.

Liberals will beat and burn Trump in effigy, but not Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. That Der Spiegel magazine cover, portraying Trump as Jihadi John, really says it all. They can't tell an elected president from a murderous terrorist. At this rate we won't be able to tell Der Spiegel from Der Sturmer.

Recently Trump’s wall building and visa blocking have caused many Silicon valley hypocrites to pop out and make pious statements about liberal values. Quite ironically, Mark Zuckerberg just built a mile long wall to block off Native Hawaiians from accessing a public beach, and tried to sue and drive off hundreds of Natives from their ancestral lands. He has 700 hectares that he doesn't need to farm. Many of these natives have just a few acres to farm, surrounded by Zuckerberg property. He wants to deny access using legal tricks when access is already part of traditional Hawaiian land rights. To me, this is symbolic of the problem of liberalism. Their charity doesn’t begin at home. It begins 5000 miles away.

This is so completely delusional and divorced from reality that I would not even know where to start to respond to it.

Just because the rabid radical ultra-ultra-Right calls themselves by the name "Patriots" does not make it so:

"“I’m a Leninist.” Bannon elaborated: “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

is not a statement made by a person who loves his country.


it would seem neither of you understand what money is...

People have what they have..  they RESPOND to money as part of the collective for organization sake..  not because there's actually the ability to BUY your way out of a hole..

Dubai is a desert,  once they run out of oil,  it will go back to being JUST a desert..

A functional collective is often cruel to its individuals simply because the organizational overhead is too much for any single or even groups of humans.. 

Everything that seems unfair in your life, is actually just efficiency loss..   the loss is gigantic relative to 1 person.. But relative to all people, it's minimal..

The world is operating as well as could be done BY HUMANS..

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #803 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 20:29:23 »
Best thing about Trump is the way the Idiot Mass-Media is collapsing upon itself trying to destroy him.  They in fact taken it upon themselves to attack the people's choice here as President and they're losing the battle.

All the ones who voted for him are enjoying the decapitation of the idiot media by their hero and I for one find it highly entertaining.  The mass media has lost the plot here and we (the ones who love him) enjoy this complete meltdown of the media trying to control him.  He is totally ambivalent towards them and that would be the first time in political life anyone has done that to them.

Love hearing their descriptions of him and what he is doing and thus far it's been great theater that can never be repeated by any other forthcoming swampie parasite of the future here.  He again has taken the media by it's limp balls and squashed them repeatedly and watching them thrashing about in pain is very entertaining.  First time in history, US politics has suddenly become interesting because the Media can not set the narrative for him and his own party can not control the narrative as well.  We actually have a MAN with balls that won't bow down to his party on any issue and that is why the People of the United States chose him and many people far away, truly appreciate his courage and determination.

Very proud of him to continue his fight against the third nastiest political party on the Planet known as the Mass Media, keep it up Trumpie you are still much loved here in Convict Town  :thumb: .

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #804 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 21:13:10 »
Here's the lyrics for the Greatest Politician in Living memory;

No you don't have to say you love me
Baby it's alright
Cos honey I don't care
Oh baby I don't care
Oh honey I really don't care   8)

Courtesy of Wendy James of Transvision Vamp.
« Last Edit: Wed, 08 February 2017, 21:20:27 by Elrick »

Offline katushkin

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #805 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 21:21:57 »
Erm, okay?

45 and his administration are living in a bubble. A bubble where the lies are truths and the truth is completely out of reach. The fact that they have to make up terrorist attacks to try and justify the policies of a total imbecile is actually scary. Trying to instil fear into their own citizens to justify their policies that aren't founded in any semblance of truth is downright Fascist, if not Orwellian.

The media have lost the plot, definitely. There is no way to deal with this man or his administration in the way they would normally deal with a politician. There are no apologies, no retractions, no rationale, no research, no consideration and no facts behind the large majority of decisions and statements made on twitter, in person or on paper. Other politicians can't deal with him because he is irrational and has a temper the length of his "Political Experience" section on his CV.

Pointing fingers at the media and saying that everything they say is lies and everything you say is the truth is very, very dangerous. Especially when you have been proven of lying time and time again.
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Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #806 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 21:59:31 »
I blame it all on this two party system and the media... How in the hell is a country this diverse expected to be appeased by such a small group with more wealth than the whole they represent???

I really hate talking about this ****, but it seems ****ing crazy that no one can see things from both sides(or maybe I'm just not seeing it)... I see people in here making great points from all sides, but at the same time I see them looking passed a lot of faults too.

This is also me being bored at work cause I don't have my laptop... Damn you NEWEGG!!!

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Offline katushkin

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #807 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 22:05:12 »
To be honest I have no idea how some of these independent candidates get through. Who the **** was that guy actually on the ballot who had no idea that Aleppo was a city?

The two party system is truly ****ed. You just need an independent candidate that isn't a total ****ing imbecile.

I mean truthfully, Trump could have been an independent. Didn't need the money, didn't agree with a lot of the policies and rules set out by the party, I guess he only went with the Republicans to try and legitimise his candidacy.
« Last Edit: Wed, 08 February 2017, 22:07:01 by katushkin »
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #808 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 22:30:46 »

I mean truthfully, Trump could have been an independent. Didn't need the money, didn't agree with a lot of the policies and rules set out by the party, I guess he only went with the Republicans to try and legitimise his candidacy.
I feel like that makes sense and as an independent it would be too easy to pass on him as a wrench in the gears...

I still wonder why we even allow a solo person this kind of power??? How the hell do we not have a court of people by now (not congress either)?
I understand that America has this idea of keeping with tradition, but at what point do we try to push are melting pot society forward... whos to say that's even the right way, but it's gotta be better than what we have now? maybe...

I would be truly interested in where my $20 grand to federal is going... you know I could pay off my house with that...
{WTT}HoffNudes(WTS)BLK LightSaverV2         
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Offline katushkin

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #809 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 22:43:43 »

I mean truthfully, Trump could have been an independent. Didn't need the money, didn't agree with a lot of the policies and rules set out by the party, I guess he only went with the Republicans to try and legitimise his candidacy.
I feel like that makes sense and as an independent it would be too easy to pass on him as a wrench in the gears...

I still wonder why we even allow a solo person this kind of power??? How the hell do we not have a court of people by now (not congress either)?
I understand that America has this idea of keeping with tradition, but at what point do we try to push are melting pot society forward... whos to say that's even the right way, but it's gotta be better than what we have now? maybe...

I would be truly interested in where my $20 grand to federal is going... you know I could pay off my house with that...

Looking at it from a neutral point of view, if he had run as an independent that would have been the best way to shake up the political system. No need for financial backing, and going up against Ted Cruz and Hillary? Please. It would have been fairly easy.

As for executive orders, it is a pretty ridiculous system. Obama exploited it at the end of his tenure, and I'm sure 45 won't be the last.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #810 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 23:01:59 »
Ít's funny when you say liberals can't tell Trump from a terrorist when it's clear that most republicans can't tell a regular Muslim from a terrorist either.

It's funny that liberals hate America and Republicans don't.

By "hate America" you mean letting immigrants and refugees in, right? Granting asylum to US Military interpreters, families fleeing conflict and political persecution, right?

And by "don't hate America" you mean setting fire to people's property, right? Just because they have a different religion which they are free to practise because of the constitution, or preventing people with visas and green cards from coming into the country, which is protected by the constitution, right?

That's a lot of hate speech, not sure what you mean.

Really ridiculous straw man that Katushkin has set up. US right wingers and alt right people have been doing things that discredit the conservatives, such as spewing insults and threats and randomly vandalizing things.

Muslim terrorists have been doing things that discredit the Muslims, such as blowing people up and shooting people dead randomly.

Just compare the two and ask me what is worse and what causes more discrediting:

1) Conservatives who don't rein in the misuse of free speech by the alt right. Example, David Duke has never physically hurt anyone in his life, but he is always making obnoxious speech that even a fence sitter like me finds infuriating.

2) Muslims who don't speak out against Muslim terrorism that leads to real deaths. Muslims who don't make the effort to show that they have migrated to the West and intend to assimilate and respect Western norms.

How about this Katushkin, I take 1000 insults against me. You can spit on my face. I don't have a headscarf, but you can pull off my cap and throw it on the floor. You can throw 10 pigs heads at my door.

I blow up your workplace, I shoot your kids' school up, and I join a mass rape of your daughter.

Which set of actions are more contemptible, fearsome, and deserve our contumely?

Liberals are completely delusional and divorced from reality that I would not even know where to start to respond to it.

Just because the rabid radical ultra-ultra-Left calls themselves by the name "Progressives" does not make it so. They are massively importing people with unprogressive thinking into the West and doing all they can to shield and encourage such people. That's not progress at all.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #811 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 23:20:28 »
Normal Muslims DO speak out against radical Muslims. All the time.

How many Muslims have shot up schools in the last five years? (spoiler alert; it's zero).

How many first generation immigrants from the countries affected by this executive order have actually committed acts of terrorism on US soil? Are swastikas on the underground and attacks on places of worship to entice people to "assimilate into Western norms" by preventing them from practising their religion, which is a Western norm protected by your Western constitution.

There are bigger issues in America and the world than asylum seekers. Should probably not get rid of background checks for firearms seeing as the amount of people killed by firearms in the US is five figures every year.

Yes, we should stand up to terrorism. A lot of Muslims stand up to terrorism. Yes we should stand up to hate speech. A lot of conservatives stand up to hate speech. But there are those on both sides who do not. This distinction is important, but we should not punish all Muslims (see; travel ban) or all conservatives (see; deplorables) for the crimes of the few.

Liberals are not standing up for terrorists, at all. The left isn't advocating an open door policy, they just want people who are entitled to enter the United States to enter the United States. Children fleeing war should be allowed to enter a safe country without the risk of being sent back to a warzone.
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Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #812 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 01:22:53 »
Liberals are not standing up for terrorists, at all.

Who was providing Al Nusra in Syria with taxpayer funding and weapons for the last 6 years? 

Let's not get all High and Mighty about the Liberals here unless you really want to show everyone your real ignorance of what has happened in the Middle East since Obama took over.

Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #813 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 02:20:21 »
Liberals are not standing up for terrorists, at all.

Who was providing Al Nusra in Syria with taxpayer funding and weapons for the last 6 years? 

Let's not get all High and Mighty about the Liberals here unless you really want to show everyone your real ignorance of what has happened in the Middle East since Obama took over.
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

Thank goodness we have Captain Aussie on the case.

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"#baby****fangerz" -Vesper 2015

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #814 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 03:17:22 »
Thank goodness we have Captain Aussie on the case.

 ****ING LOL............. but I would have gone with Captain Kangeroo, Ensign Emu, Commodore Koala,  Warrant Officer Wombat, Petty Officer Platypus, Leading Aircraftman Lizard or something with a straya spin.

I get CAPT America works really well for a US twat because of the whole Generation Kill thing,  but it doesn't seem to have the same effect when applied to Australian's (not calling Elrick a twat here just assuming that was what Apocalypse was trying to convey).

Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #815 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 04:47:03 »
Thank goodness we have Captain Aussie on the case.

 ****ING LOL............. but I would have gone with Captain Kangeroo, Ensign Emu, Commodore Koala,  Warrant Officer Wombat, Petty Officer Platypus, Leading Aircraftman Lizard or something with a straya spin.

I get CAPT America works really well for a US twat because of the whole Generation Kill thing,  but it doesn't seem to have the same effect when applied to Australian's (not calling Elrick a twat here just assuming that was what Apocalypse was trying to convey).
it's the little things.  :)) :-*
{WTT}HoffNudes(WTS)BLK LightSaverV2         
"#baby****fangerz" -Vesper 2015

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #816 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 07:49:21 »
Normal Muslims DO speak out against radical Muslims. All the time.

How many Muslims have shot up schools in the last five years? (spoiler alert; it's zero).

How many first generation immigrants from the countries affected by this executive order have actually committed acts of terrorism on US soil? Are swastikas on the underground and attacks on places of worship to entice people to "assimilate into Western norms" by preventing them from practising their religion, which is a Western norm protected by your Western constitution.

There are bigger issues in America and the world than asylum seekers. Should probably not get rid of background checks for firearms seeing as the amount of people killed by firearms in the US is five figures every year.

Yes, we should stand up to terrorism. A lot of Muslims stand up to terrorism. Yes we should stand up to hate speech. A lot of conservatives stand up to hate speech. But there are those on both sides who do not. This distinction is important, but we should not punish all Muslims (see; travel ban) or all conservatives (see; deplorables) for the crimes of the few.

Liberals are not standing up for terrorists, at all. The left isn't advocating an open door policy, they just want people who are entitled to enter the United States to enter the United States. Children fleeing war should be allowed to enter a safe country without the risk of being sent back to a warzone.

I read the liberal press all the time. If a racist says a mean word to a Muslim, the news would report it. If a Muslim did anything marginally tolerant and positive, the liberal press would crow over it. The NYT has been praising Syrian immigrants for two years now, devoting more front page praise to Syrians, than showing any care or concern towards the economic problems of depressed zones in the US (now Trump voterland).

Most liberals simply don’t understand facts any more than the most rabid conservative ideologues do. Syria is/ was a polygot nation. It has been like that since the Roman empire. You have some highly educated cosmopolitans, and a lot of tribal, ultraconservative people who don’t accept that the earth rotates around the sun. It is very easy to find examples of Syrian researchers and PhD holders. But there are also a whole lot of Syrians who hate the West, or who won’t shake hands with women, or who won’t drink from Red Cross-given bottles because of the cruciform symbol. Only extreme vetting can sieve out the religious crazies from the smart globalists.

Trump should have appeased the liberals by offering 10000 Syrian visas to the most highly educated and reasonable sounding people. Then he should have just paid for neighbouring countries to house the religious millions in refugee camps. Trump is a businessman and he needs to use business skills in DC to trade political favors.

Looks like you have not heard of the Beslan or Pesharwar massacres. Not attacks by deranged individual shooters. A bunch of Muslims got organized and and systematically massacred large numbers of school children. Looks like it is much easier for deranged individual Muslims to find other deranged individual Muslims, than it is for deranged other people to join forces. I don’t think these deranged individuals got together in churches, temples, synagogues, nightclubs or intellectual salons. They probably met at their local mosque.

How many first generation immigrants (or migrants) became terrorists? I don’t know, there’s Syed Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik, Nidal Hasan, the Tsarnaev brothers, Omar Mateen, Jamal Zougam and 5 other people who escaped, Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, 9 people involved in the Paris attacks some of whom were second generation, 5 people in the Brussels Airport attack some of whom were first generation, Amedy Coulibaly, the Kouachi brothers, Mohammed Merah... and I’m only naming those who are responsible for many deaths each, and within the past few years.

No one who is not a citizen is entitled to enter the United States. That’s the basic of international law. Everything else comes from visas, green cards, treaties between countries – all of which can and should be renegotiated when conditions change. Trump’s problem is that he is too arrogant and poorly advised. He should have gotten legal advisors to draft his order in a manner compliant with law.

I don’t think age matters anymore. Young children can be easily indoctrinated. With modern technology, 12 year olds can do a lot more damage now than they could in the Bronze age. Nigeria has been seeing a wave of attacks from 8 year olds. They’re arresting lots of kids in Australia now because they got brainwashed by other Muslims into preparing terrorist acts. No society has a responsibility to take the children of a failed society. Would George Soros have welcomed and sheltered 1000 Hitlerjugend members?

The only way to take in refugee kids, is if someone vouches for them and assumes full legal liability. Madonna is worth over $600m. If she assumed liability for 5 Afghan kids and they all turned into radicals, Madonna could pay up $500m to the victims and still be a very rich woman. Likewise Zuckerberg can take responsibility for 7000 refugees and house them on his 700 hectare estate. He has the resources to pay for damage caused by fake refugees. At most only 1% will be blowing people up, and Zuckerberg’s billions can pay for damage done by 70 people.

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Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #818 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 08:31:35 »
How many first generation immigrants from the countries affected by this executive order have actually committed acts of terrorism on US soil?

How many first generation immigrants (or migrants) became terrorists? I don’t know, there’s
Syed Rizwan Farook - Parents from Pakistan
Tashfeen Malik - Born in Pakistan, kicked around in Saudi early on
Nidal Hasan - Parents from Palestine
the Tsarnaev brothers, Omar Mateen Afghan Parents
Jamal Zougam  Morocco?
and 5 other people who escaped
Hasib Hussain Pakistan parents ?
Mohammad Sidique Khan Pakistan Parents?
Shehzad Tanweer Pakistan Parents?

9 people involved in the Paris attacks some of whom were second generation, 5 people in the Brussels Airport attack some of whom were first generation,
Amedy Coulibaly Republic of Mali Parents ?
the Kouachi brothers Algerian Parents
Mohammed Merah Algerian

So does the ban mainly apply to the following countries...  Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen ? Sorry I have not been really reading much about this. Maybe there is a wider reach or something? If so I don't think any of the people you listed by name meet Katushkin's criteria. Also some of these were not on US soil, yet again not part of the criteria. I mean I do see where you are coming from (and as a side note, there is probably quite a bit you and I would agree on), but it just seems you were building what appeared to be a well constructed argument which kinda misses the point.

I assumed Katushkin was arguing against the travel ban and its effectiveness, not that terrorism is a serious problem that is predominantly utilized by radicalized Muslims. I don't know I see two different issues, but maybe I am missing a big piece of the puzzle with regards to the Trump ban thing, in that it actually does block these states?

Seriously school the **** out of me if I have misread the Trump thump or misunderstood one of you guys, Katushkin and dantan.


Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #819 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 08:50:22 »

So does the ban mainly apply to the following countries .... 

The ban does not apply to any country where Trump owns hotels and/or is negotiating business deals.
Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

Offline dantan

  • Posts: 288
Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #820 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 09:49:15 »

How many first generation immigrants (or migrants) became terrorists? I don’t know

I thought you were a native speaker of English?

An immigrant is anybody who migrates to another country for permanent settlement. Immigrants can be citizens or legal residents or illegal residents. It essentially means in-migrant. Obama's father was not an immigrant because he went back to Kenya and didn't show any interest in staying permanently in the USA. Nearly all of the Japanese interned in 1941 were not immigrants because they had not made the choice to migrate - they were born in the USA.

Nearly all Muslim terrorists are immigrants or foreigners because very few were actually born in the West. The few that were born in the West, tend to be converts.

With diehard liberals in charge, immigrants would be handed citizenships on arrival anyway, so your definition is basically dishonest. Handing citizenships out unconditionally doesn't change 'immigrant' to 'native'. These guys are still aliens in every way except for legal fictions concocted by diehard liberals.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #821 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 19:07:54 »
Trump should have appeased the liberals by offering 10000 Syrian visas to the most highly educated and reasonable sounding people. Then he should have just paid for neighbouring countries to house the religious millions in refugee camps. Trump is a businessman and he needs to use business skills in DC to trade political favors.

Not there yet, remember he is still acclimatizing to the President's role here.  Eventually to push though his agenda, deals shall be done but don't forget forthcoming elections for the Libs in which they will lose even more seats if they hamper the President in any way, remember the majority chose their President so even the Republicans are nervous about stepping on him just yet.

Looks like you have not heard of the Beslan or Pesharwar massacres. Not attacks by deranged individual shooters. A bunch of Muslims got organized and and systematically massacred large numbers of school children. Looks like it is much easier for deranged individual Muslims to find other deranged individual Muslims, than it is for deranged other people to join forces. I don’t think these deranged individuals got together in churches, temples, synagogues, nightclubs or intellectual salons. They probably met at their local mosque.

How many first generation immigrants (or migrants) became terrorists? I don’t know, there’s Syed Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik, Nidal Hasan, the Tsarnaev brothers, Omar Mateen, Jamal Zougam and 5 other people who escaped, Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, 9 people involved in the Paris attacks some of whom were second generation, 5 people in the Brussels Airport attack some of whom were first generation, Amedy Coulibaly, the Kouachi brothers, Mohammed Merah... and I’m only naming those who are responsible for many deaths each, and within the past few years.

Many countries surrounding certain nations whether it's inside Israel, Yemen (disaster still ongoing), Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria (West's failure to initiate Regime Change) and the ongoing threats on European soil literally rests everything upon the involvement of the West within all those conflicts being supported via money and or weapons through 3rd parties.  The West suddenly thinks it absolves them from blood and corpses but when you are complicit with supplying money and weapons/instructors (training) to conduct murders, then you are as guilty as the perpetrators.  In the end you reap what you sow, simple as that.

Trump shocked all the Liberal Neocons when he stated the bleeding obvious here when interviewed by Bill O'Reilly about applying the "Killer" description on the United States and watched them choke on that factual statement.  They couldn't handle the fact that dropping bombs, supplying weapons and toppling elected foreign Governments,  lead to mass killings all around the globe.  First time ever an Honest Leader described the bleeding obvious here and the mass-media went into toxic shock.  All the Democratic garbage couldn't believe that for the first time in history a US President spoke the TRUTH and that is what makes him a dangerous man to the corrupt establishment, who for years thought it was their job to murder people around the globe for selfish reasons like promoting their own demented version of democracy.

No one who is not a citizen is entitled to enter the United States. That’s the basic of international law. Everything else comes from visas, green cards, treaties between countries – all of which can and should be renegotiated when conditions change. Trump’s problem is that he is too arrogant and poorly advised. He should have gotten legal advisors to draft his order in a manner compliant with law.

Trump only got into power a couple of weeks ago hence his timing is way off BUT he was elected upon his promises which the people of the United States believed in him, so he is in a rush to implement his promises but if the GOP tries to slow it down don't forget senate seats are up for election soon so if they are showing resentment to his agenda it will reflect in the polls and then watch those who opposed him vanish from Washington altogether.  The People are no longer interested in excuses and lies like it was delivered previously they want ACTION, so that is a good thing when the old paradigms are torn down.  In the end Trump wants the Government to benefit the average American citizen directly, instead of wasting time and money on fake causes overseas, wasted on funding wars and terrorism.

Instead of the democratic losers crying about their loss they should instead get behind Trump to make their country better but I suspect like most ignorant babies they are happy to cry all the time about losing.  Some losers are born that way because they never achieve anything within their own lives and are far happy to see everything burn down for their own perverted gratification.  Fortunately not all Americans are like them because most see a constructive future with a lot of promise whilst the losers are happy to slosh around in their own stale muck.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #822 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 19:20:14 »
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

All of this has happened before under both political establishments here, so I don't know why you think because both have done it that it must be okay for some reason?

Maybe that is why your recent election delivered someone who isn't tainted by party ideology because those old demented doctrines need to be forgotten in the 21st century, if you want any progress towards peace.

Hanging onto the old fantasies of the past is good for moronic cretins who enjoy repeating it constantly but we need to look towards the future here and build upon a far better outcome, then continue along the same doomed path like past leaders.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #823 on: Thu, 09 February 2017, 20:07:46 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?
Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

Offline dantan

  • Posts: 288
Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #824 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 02:20:58 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?

Not to be a républicain at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.

If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.

If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

if you’re not a leftist or socialist before you’re 25, you have no heart; if you are one after 25 you have no head!

if you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

All quotes from famous people. If you can't understand these quotes, you're indeed an elderly liberal.

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #825 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 02:28:23 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?

Not to be a républicain at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.

If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.

If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

if you’re not a leftist or socialist before you’re 25, you have no heart; if you are one after 25 you have no head!

if you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

All quotes from famous people. If you can't understand these quotes, you're indeed an elderly liberal.

What famous people were these quotes from?

Offline dantan

  • Posts: 288
Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #826 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 02:28:51 »

The biggest aid givers to Syrian refugees are Western liberal-controlled countries.

Saudi Arabia gives less than Estonia in absolute amounts, not just as a proportion of GNP. Estonia is not even a rich country. It's got no natural resources except for amber and permafrost.

The other oil rich Muslims are nowhere to be seen. Qatar, UAE, Kuwait basically spend their oil riches funding the Taliban (which they used to recognize as the government of Afghanistan).

I conclude that liberals love Muslims more than other Arab Sunni Muslims love their fellow Arab Sunni Muslims.

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #827 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 02:31:24 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?

Not to be a républicain at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.

If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.

If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

if you’re not a leftist or socialist before you’re 25, you have no heart; if you are one after 25 you have no head!

if you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

All quotes from famous people. If you can't understand these quotes, you're indeed an elderly liberal.

What famous people were these quotes from?

I grabbed it off a google page. One is Victor Hugo. For the rest just cut and paste into google search.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #828 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 03:11:50 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?

Sorry sunshine, wasting time here in between changing gearboxes and replacing time schedules (between two workshops), precludes hours of truly understanding your fvcked up system in any logical manner.

If I got enormous amount of time to sit down and waste away like your good self, I could examine the pathetic garbage known as Necon Propaganda pushed daily by your so-called, none-news services.  So many lies distributed yet nothing noteworthy or truthful to believe in.

Maybe you can understand the traditional mass-media gossip that got so many things wrong before the election and after, yet it never stops.  Best thing as always, earn the big bucks and enjoy life because YOUR current system is so corrupt only the delusional actually believes you can change it for the better.

Wish Trump all the best because you lot need all the help necessary in draining out that horrid swampland (only quote worth remembering about the US system)  ;D .

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #829 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 04:14:08 »
Is it possible for someone to translate this alternative-fact-alternative-universe-speak into coherent sentences in the English language?

Sorry sunshine, wasting time here in between changing gearboxes and replacing time schedules (between two workshops), precludes hours of truly understanding your fvcked up system in any logical manner.

If I got enormous amount of time to sit down and waste away like your good self, I could examine the pathetic garbage known as Necon Propaganda pushed daily by your so-called, none-news services.  So many lies distributed yet nothing noteworthy or truthful to believe in.

Maybe you can understand the traditional mass-media gossip that got so many things wrong before the election and after, yet it never stops.  Best thing as always, earn the big bucks and enjoy life because YOUR current system is so corrupt only the delusional actually believes you can change it for the better.

Wish Trump all the best because you lot need all the help necessary in draining out that horrid swampland (only quote worth remembering about the US system)  ;D .

I'd lick your gearbox you old **** (I can say that, its not a personal attack if your from Australia so back off mods).

Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #830 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 05:02:37 »
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

Maybe that is why your recent election delivered someone who isn't tainted by party ideology because those old demented doctrines need to be forgotten in the 21st century, if you want any progress towards peace.

Yeah no party ideology needed. I'm not a fan of it myself... I do like that Trump talks as if he is against the standard party/status quo, but his actions are not convincing. Ranting and mud slinging on twitter is not how you get **** done.

I really hope he is the guy that breaks the mold and gets **** going in the right direction... but I've seen nothing but a megalomaniac thus far. Fingers crossed.
{WTT}HoffNudes(WTS)BLK LightSaverV2         
"#baby****fangerz" -Vesper 2015

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #831 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 07:05:50 »

What famous people were these quotes from?

Variations of these have been kicking around for a long time. Probably the most recent and famous was Churchill.

As usual, I run against the trend - I was born and raised "conservative" and have become steadily more progressive after I awakened to an adult intelligence and as I continue to learn and grow.
Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #832 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 11:53:17 »
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

Maybe that is why your recent election delivered someone who isn't tainted by party ideology because those old demented doctrines need to be forgotten in the 21st century, if you want any progress towards peace.

Yeah no party ideology needed. I'm not a fan of it myself... I do like that Trump talks as if he is against the standard party/status quo, but his actions are not convincing. Ranting and mud slinging on twitter is not how you get **** done.

I really hope he is the guy that breaks the mold and gets **** going in the right direction... but I've seen nothing but a megalomaniac thus far. Fingers crossed.
The good and bad thing about Trump on twitter is that everything comes straight from the horse's mouth and the media can't twist those statements. I am excited for the future, especially the part where he grows a bit thicker skin.
I've come to view humanity as predominantly monkey business.

My Classifieds Thread

Offline chuckdee

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #833 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 12:09:00 »
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

Maybe that is why your recent election delivered someone who isn't tainted by party ideology because those old demented doctrines need to be forgotten in the 21st century, if you want any progress towards peace.

Yeah no party ideology needed. I'm not a fan of it myself... I do like that Trump talks as if he is against the standard party/status quo, but his actions are not convincing. Ranting and mud slinging on twitter is not how you get **** done.

I really hope he is the guy that breaks the mold and gets **** going in the right direction... but I've seen nothing but a megalomaniac thus far. Fingers crossed.
The good and bad thing about Trump on twitter is that everything comes straight from the horse's mouth and the media can't twist those statements. I am excited for the future, especially the part where he grows a bit thicker skin.

As President of the US, he has a certain responsibility to the welfare of the country to temper his remarks on a media that is so volatile, and geared towards instant results and gratification.  There are other venues that he could utilize for this that would not rely on the media, and would allow him to be more tempered (i.e.  The possible ramifications have already been shown with this Ivanka/NM thing, i.e. the stock went down when he first tweeted, then back up later.  That's dangerous, for all of us.

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #834 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 14:27:46 »
So Bush Sr selling massive arms to Arab states is ok... but A Al Nusra General claims "Yes, the US supports the opposition [in Syria], but not directly. They support the countries that support us. But we are not yet satisfied with this support" is bad because Obama...

Maybe that is why your recent election delivered someone who isn't tainted by party ideology because those old demented doctrines need to be forgotten in the 21st century, if you want any progress towards peace.

Yeah no party ideology needed. I'm not a fan of it myself... I do like that Trump talks as if he is against the standard party/status quo, but his actions are not convincing. Ranting and mud slinging on twitter is not how you get **** done.

I really hope he is the guy that breaks the mold and gets **** going in the right direction... but I've seen nothing but a megalomaniac thus far. Fingers crossed.
The good and bad thing about Trump on twitter is that everything comes straight from the horse's mouth and the media can't twist those statements. I am excited for the future, especially the part where he grows a bit thicker skin.

As President of the US, he has a certain responsibility to the welfare of the country to temper his remarks on a media that is so volatile, and geared towards instant results and gratification.  There are other venues that he could utilize for this that would not rely on the media, and would allow him to be more tempered (i.e.  The possible ramifications have already been shown with this Ivanka/NM thing, i.e. the stock went down when he first tweeted, then back up later.  That's dangerous, for all of us.
I agree with you and he is using for his weekly addresses.  Trump knows his twitter is so powerful because of its immediate acknowledgement by millions of people who use the platform on a daily or hourly basis.
I've come to view humanity as predominantly monkey business.

My Classifieds Thread

Offline chuckdee

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #835 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 15:32:54 »
With great power, comes great responsibility.  Who will be the next entity to have their stock prices affected by a random tweet?  And what if other countries act as rashly in their policies towards his statements on twitter.  Diplomacy in 140 characters doesn't really make me feel very good...

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #836 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 19:21:00 »
man... this whole system is so rotten to it's should be demolished and built anew...

There are actually very few people in this country that deserve liberty and freedom at this point I say...  People are selfish, vain , idiotic simpletons that are easily roped into a system that is rigged against them from the start.

Some how they are convinced that either one of the Two parties in this country actually gives a flying **** about them and their welfare.

As far as the ban goes??   why??? why these countries and not some obvious other countries.. maybe it was on purpose to distract people while his supreme court guy gets in and DeVos get in??  maybe it is just a trap.... sooner or later some Islamic extremist nutjob is going to steal a truck and drive into a crowd.. and boom Trump can Willie Horton the left and moderate right all day??

The immigration thing drives me nutz ... how the left have managed to manipulate the conversation .. into simplistic non sense like "no person is illegal"... **** you nobody says they are.. but not every single person on earth has a right to come to the United States and ignore our immigration laws / requirements.      The left has done a great job of making any doubts on their agenda a sign of racism or prejudiced ...   And the right has done a great job of giving Corporations the keys to the kingdom and claiming the free market "works" .. meh... I'm so sick of these clowns..

I don't know... I feel like the decline and morals and consideration for our fellow man has given us all what we deserve collectively at this point.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #837 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 20:06:50 »

this whole system is so rotten to it's core .... it should be demolished and built anew ....

It disturbs me deeply to hear that you are a Steve Bannon supporter.

"“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.

Shocked, I asked him what he meant.

“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
- Jimmy Carter 2015

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #838 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 20:12:30 »

this whole system is so rotten to it's core .... it should be demolished and built anew ....

It disturbs me deeply to hear that you are a Steve Bannon supporter.

"“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.

Shocked, I asked him what he meant.

“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

well with all due respect .. anyone with 1/4th working brain can see the current system is fouled pretty badly up and starting over isn't the worst option...

any Bannon sounding is purely coincidental
« Last Edit: Fri, 10 February 2017, 20:17:09 by atarione »

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #839 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 20:47:35 »

this whole system is so rotten to it's core .... it should be demolished and built anew ....

It disturbs me deeply to hear that you are a Steve Bannon supporter.

"“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.

Shocked, I asked him what he meant.

“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

well with all due respect .. anyone with 1/4th working brain can see the current system is fouled pretty badly up and starting over isn't the worst option...

any Bannon sounding is purely coincidental

Sure, would love me some post World War I Soviet Union!  Why not?  Bring it on!

Starting over would be nice.  Starting over with Bannon in charge with his vision?  No thanks.
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #840 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 21:23:21 »
why do Trump's people keep making up fake terror attacks??   I mean there isn't a shortage of actual attacks they could point towards to make their case

Charlie Hebdo , Nov 2015 Paris attacks, Truck attacks in Nice and elsewhere..

San Bernardino ... ...etc etc...  No idea why they keep making up bulls*** one's that didn't happen...

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #841 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 21:33:47 »

this whole system is so rotten to it's core .... it should be demolished and built anew ....

It disturbs me deeply to hear that you are a Steve Bannon supporter.

"“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.

Shocked, I asked him what he meant.

“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

well with all due respect .. anyone with 1/4th working brain can see the current system is fouled pretty badly up and starting over isn't the worst option...

any Bannon sounding is purely coincidental

You're taking the god approach..  but because we are humans and not gods.. we don't actually have the ability to start over..

But IMHO, it's not the system at fault.. the bottleneck isn't the fact that we have bad policies..  the bottleneck is people Selfishly not following the rules..

There's no ideal way to counter this besides removing humans from decision making processes,  TO WHICH our current technology is not yet capable of..

But Big data is coming... so.. /fingers crossed..

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #842 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 21:35:39 »
why do Trump's people keep making up fake terror attacks??   I mean there isn't a shortage of actual attacks they could point towards to make their case

Charlie Hebdo , Nov 2015 Paris attacks, Truck attacks in Nice and elsewhere..

San Bernardino ... ...etc etc...  No idea why they keep making up bulls*** one's that didn't happen...

Hahahaha... Why does anyone lie,  to make something happen, that otherwise would not happen..

It's pretty straight forward..   They pay good money if you have this ability..

The person who LIED to you the most,  is the person who told you to be Virtuous as a way to succeed in life..

While in Every realistic conflict,   all choices between fact and fiction is GRAY , because humans and human systems do not have perfect awareness of prior or present information..

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #843 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 21:52:03 »
why do Trump's people keep making up fake terror attacks??   I mean there isn't a shortage of actual attacks they could point towards to make their case

Charlie Hebdo , Nov 2015 Paris attacks, Truck attacks in Nice and elsewhere..

San Bernardino ... ...etc etc...  No idea why they keep making up bulls*** one's that didn't happen...

Hahahaha... Why does anyone lie,  to make something happen, that otherwise would not happen..

It's pretty straight forward..   They pay good money if you have this ability..

The person who LIED to you the most,  is the person who told you to be Virtuous as a way to succeed in life..

While in Every realistic conflict,   all choices between fact and fiction is GRAY , because humans and human systems do not have perfect awareness of prior or present information..

I mean.... the lies are actually hurting their case... if they just stuck to the facts... that people have come from the area's they are concern about some cases as refugees and then carried out attacks their position would be much better.. than if they keep going on about some made up nonsense in Bowling Green or ATL ... just doesn't make any god damned sense....


and humans can "reset" the existing just has an unfortunate tendency to result in a lot of head chopping off and all.... 

I'm just frustrated because there are serious issues that require serious discussion and work and our people and our leaders can't do anything other than play the worlds most dangerous game of "I know you are but what am I" seems..

if I'm honest I mostly would like to move to some remote village in Japan and make Washi paper and be left alone for the most part at this point... the world can go **** itself

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #844 on: Fri, 10 February 2017, 22:07:37 »

I mean.... the lies are actually hurting their case... if they just stuck to the facts... that people have come from the area's they are concern about some cases as refugees and then carried out attacks their position would be much better.. than if they keep going on about some made up nonsense in Bowling Green or ATL ... just doesn't make any god damned sense....


and humans can "reset" the existing just has an unfortunate tendency to result in a lot of head chopping off and all.... 

I'm just frustrated because there are serious issues that require serious discussion and work and our people and our leaders can't do anything other than play the worlds most dangerous game of "I know you are but what am I" seems..

if I'm honest I mostly would like to move to some remote village in Japan and make Washi paper and be left alone for the most part at this point... the world can go **** itself

Only a small percentage of people care enough to check facts, 

An even smaller percentage of those people are good enough at checking facts to arrive at the Truth,

An Infinitesimal percentage of people Knowing the Truth can DO Anything about it..

So,  given those assumptions,  if you need a quick return on investment.. Your best option is TO LIE..

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #845 on: Sat, 11 February 2017, 06:50:25 »
why do Trump's people keep making up fake terror attacks??   I mean there isn't a shortage of actual attacks they could point towards to make their case

Charlie Hebdo , Nov 2015 Paris attacks, Truck attacks in Nice and elsewhere..

San Bernardino ... ...etc etc...  No idea why they keep making up bulls*** one's that didn't happen...

Hahahaha... Why does anyone lie,  to make something happen, that otherwise would not happen..

It's pretty straight forward..   They pay good money if you have this ability..

The person who LIED to you the most,  is the person who told you to be Virtuous as a way to succeed in life..

While in Every realistic conflict,   all choices between fact and fiction is GRAY , because humans and human systems do not have perfect awareness of prior or present information..

I mean.... the lies are actually hurting their case... if they just stuck to the facts... that people have come from the area's they are concern about some cases as refugees and then carried out attacks their position would be much better.. than if they keep going on about some made up nonsense in Bowling Green or ATL ... just doesn't make any god damned sense....


and humans can "reset" the existing just has an unfortunate tendency to result in a lot of head chopping off and all.... 

I'm just frustrated because there are serious issues that require serious discussion and work and our people and our leaders can't do anything other than play the worlds most dangerous game of "I know you are but what am I" seems..

if I'm honest I mostly would like to move to some remote village in Japan and make Washi paper and be left alone for the most part at this point... the world can go **** itself

It's a tool to create their own reality that they can then use for their own means.  Straight from the autocrat's playbook.  And these are petty people in charge, not long-term problem solvers.

A small village in Mexico is closer, just make sure it isn't overrun by the drug cartels.
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #846 on: Sun, 12 February 2017, 06:46:36 »
why do Trump's people keep making up fake terror attacks??   I mean there isn't a shortage of actual attacks they could point towards to make their case

Charlie Hebdo , Nov 2015 Paris attacks, Truck attacks in Nice and elsewhere..

San Bernardino ... ...etc etc...  No idea why they keep making up bulls*** one's that didn't happen...

Hahahaha... Why does anyone lie,  to make something happen, that otherwise would not happen..

I mean.... the lies are actually hurting their case... if they just stuck to the facts... that people have come from the area's they are concern about some cases as refugees and then carried out attacks their position would be much better.. than if they keep going on about some made up nonsense in Bowling Green or ATL ... just doesn't make any god damned sense....

My contribution for the weekend

The mainstream media has really discredited itself over time. This has led to alternative media rising. I don’t like the alt media either because of fake news. But with real news so badly distorted and skewed by the manipulations of the mainstream media, fake is not that bad anymore.

Many crab cakes and crab sticks are fake. But they’re made of cheaper fish, and are still fully edible and provide nutrition.

Compare that to real crab meat from mutated and bloated crabs that grew up outside Fukushima. Which is better, fake crab meat or real crab meat?

The poisonous distortions of the real media works like radiation. By mutating real news, it causes real news to become less credible.

The West is so deluded that now I see a BBC article recommending that Muslims with mental health problems get more religious counseling instead.

A religion that by itself is a mental health issue, and you want to worsen the mentally ill’s conditions by referring them to religion? So shall I refer every mentally ill redneck to Hitler’s Mein Kampf?

Let’s say I believe in my prophet, Al-dof. I believe Al-dof is the prophet of an invisible and almighty God named Natas. Natas, through Al-dof, says that anyone who believes differently should be beheaded. No one is allowed to believe in multiple Gods or worship an idol. Infidel women can be raped and sexually enslaved as spoils of war. Believing women must always wear full length veils and must never drive or take a plane without a male guardian’s written permission.

So many people believe in this great Natas, that they often behead other people while screaming Natas is Great, Heil Al-dof! But now belief in this religion has so messed up many countries, that 60 million of their believers are seeking refuge in other countries. 99.999% of these believers refuse to conform to the values of the countries they are seeking refuge in. Even when they are attending a citizenship interview in Switzerland, they refuse to shake the woman officer's hand because they say it offends Al-dof. When they are denied citizenship, liberals rush to file a case before the European Court of Jesters because someone's religious rights are being denied.

Would liberals still tolerate and welcome my religion? What if I said that Dylann Roof was a member of this faith? Would you condemn all criticism of this faith as xy-phobia?

Offline 9999hp

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #847 on: Thu, 26 October 2017, 04:53:22 »
So it's been almost a year now, how does everyone think it's going?

Offline jihadu

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #848 on: Thu, 26 October 2017, 05:01:13 »
As an outsider , it's been hilarious so far

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #849 on: Thu, 26 October 2017, 05:43:19 »