Author Topic: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)  (Read 4705472 times)

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Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30850 on: Mon, 16 December 2024, 09:57:30 »
In FIST,  stage hazard electrocution instant-kills my rabbit, he should be able to take a hit, he's a cybered up rabbit. This is preposterous.


Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30852 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 00:52:22 »
Trees are way too straight in video games. Go to any real old growth forest, they've all got a little tilt and character.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30853 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 03:40:31 »
100% is not accurate enough. Game customization fail.

I'm sure there's a TP4tissue joke in there somewhere.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline Findecanor

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30854 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 04:24:13 »
Meeting later today with the unemployment office. These past three months, I've had a kind of job training/internship, and I'm afraid that they are going to take that away from me, which would pull the rug out from under my feet, hurting my chances of getting employment at my current workplace.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30855 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 11:32:00 »
Hate how the video designers are deliberately testing people's political resolve.

Do you bring the frumpy support character with more useful heal ability.

Or the better looking ones because they're better looking.

But then they go and give the better looking character a peg leg, because you know, flaws,

And THEN they give her a shirt that shows cleavage, but she's washboard, Yennefer.exe not found.

The Tp4 suspects, since there is a very sizable female audience for the Dragon Age game series, perhaps, this was a deliberate design choice. 

Perhaps all this is to say, Tp4 is slightly taken aback that this game doesn't MERELY exploit the male gaze. Even though they picked a smokey sounding voice actress to thrist trap people all the same.. Some other online commentary proclaimed that this game hates bewbs.


Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30856 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 12:59:47 »

Tp4 is slightly taken aback that this game doesn't give him the bulge that he wanted.

Fixed that for you.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30858 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 17:01:09 »
Making characters ugly is like the new hot thing in game development. I don't care what they are wearing, but look at their monstrous faces.
Developers don't understand people play games to escape their reality, I don't WANT to be fat and ugly and represented in games. I don't even want to be me irl, why in the **** would I want to spend dozens of hours as an exaggerated simulation of that?

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30859 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 17:22:19 »
Given no exogenous beauty standards,  take a look at 2 cats,  which one is more beautiful ? Is it any different from looking at 2 birds, or 2 rocks or 2 shrubburies.

So, I guess the more enlightened path is in fact to face the potential that the monopoly on appearance is merely a temporal coincidence rather than something inherently objectifi-able.

To that end, we admit there are inherent inclinations, but we also must accept, those inclinations are not relevant to our survival odds, and therefore may represent an unwarranted prejudice.

Tp4 says this under only 63% self-serving as he is squarely low-mid. 

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30860 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 08:32:29 »
Omg, this 1 youtuber be like, Cybrpunk has GREAT WRITING,  Dragonage Veilguard writing is bad.

/shakes head. Cybrpunk writing is gud' ?

Offline Coreda

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30861 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 09:26:01 »
Writing wasn't amazing but the Japanese voice acted version of Cyberpunk transformed what I felt was relatively cringe English delivery into a pretty cool overall vibe.

I'm of the opinion every game should be played in whatever language one feels has better delivery and vibes. Sometimes that's English but not always.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30862 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 10:20:04 »
American voice actors are typically just "some guy." They're not professionally trained.

Where I think it's better is, the personality is more varied in the English sense. Whereas the Japanese voice acting, it's like enforced type casting, and you always have THIS TYPE of voice for THIS TYPE of character.

So, every anime feels like you're watching the same anime with the same voices..  Unless you're otaku level obsessed, you can't pick seiyus out of a lineup.

But of course where the TRAINED voice excels is in clarity in emotional delivery. You don't have to guess or think, you know exactly how SERIOUS the conversation is, how happy you should be feeling.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30863 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 16:03:06 »
"The news of the moment is the looming prospect that the federal government will shut down over the weekend. We’ll have to see how much damage this does, but it’s already clear that assuming the worst happens — and it’s hard to see how it won’t — this will be the dumbest shutdown ever. I’d say that the incoming Musk administration (so far Musk, not Trump, appears to be calling the shots) is trying to hold itself up for ransom, but it doesn’t even rise to that level."

- Paul Krugman 2024-12-18

« Last Edit: Thu, 19 December 2024, 19:14:47 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30864 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 17:22:28 »
"The news of the moment is the looming prospect that the federal government will shut down over the weekend. We’ll have to see how much damage this does, but it’s already clear that assuming the worst happens — and it’s hard to see how it won’t — this will be the dumbest shutdown ever. I’d say that the incoming Musk administration (so far Musk, not Trump, appears to be calling the shots) is trying to hold itself up for ransom, but it doesn’t even rise to that level.[/]"

- Paul Krugman 2024-12-18

Tp4 believes the last 20 years has been the "quickening" in the erosion of the American-Empire as a whole.

Our peak was post ww2.  We had the power to do anything we wanted as a relatively young nation, ample workforce, reasonable equality.

But as the Capitalist ROT set in, we became the butchers and easily the largest terrorist-adjacent war mongers the world has EVER SEEN.

Our solution to everything was I'll shoot you if you don't do what I say.

THIS WORKED, post WW2 because everyone was poor, europe was decimated, asia was decimated.  So we tried for the kill, we tried to occupy ASIA.

That didn't go down so well, so finally Nixon was forced to Pivot, it wasn't growing a conscience,  it was because our protracted imperialism became too costly to sustain, and so it failed.

AFTERWARDS,  every other country picked up, Germany faster than anyone else because they didn't have massive military spending weighing them down. 

China has already surpassed US's industrial capacity by leaps.

Russia is the same Frozen Throne it's ever been. It's too cold to get anything done, and they like it that way.

So, here we are, we pissed off THE WHOLE WORLD.  But now the WHOLE WORLD has some form of nuclear weapons, be it a power plant, or actual missiles.

So, we NO LONGER rule the world,  we never apologized for our Imperialism,  and now we're wondering why every mechanism connecting the outside world is being turned against us.  Social media, military, semiconductor.

What Imperialists always failed to account for is TIME. There isn't a single technology some other person can not replicate given enough time.

ALL TECHNOLOGY is made by PEOPLE.  If someone is determined enough, they can recreate anything.

There is no true dependence on THE KINGDOM (America), across time, so WHY would other nations KEEP doing what we tell them to do.   All vestiges of fallen empires indicate as much.

So if we continue this Imperialist doctrine as a primary for our foreign policy, we are already DEEP into decline. Great Britain, they had the best ships, best technology, best everything. Where did they go wrong. Now they've been beaten back to their own castle, and they're dependent on AMERICA, ironically, to defend and produce for them.

When Britain tried to do some Imperialist thingie in the mid-east / africa, they actually ran out of bullets, and America had to step in and save their asses.

We're turning INTO THAT.

Either we grow up as a nation, produce something useful and NOT use whatever "that" is as a weapon, or our decline will be faster still.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30865 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 21:09:15 »
Took 23 tries, but finally s ranked this stupid mission. Turns out mobility and burst speed beats raw firepower.

They should have a screenshot function where it takes screenshots automatically in SDR, because HDR screenshots won't display correctly.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30866 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 18:42:54 »
My entire life socks last me years with zero issues. The past 2 years or so not a single pair of socks have lasted more than a couple months without developing holes. I have tried many different brands, my sock-wearing habits have not changed at all, and I am wearing the same shoes I always have. It makes no sense.
Either sock manufacturing standards have sharply declined over the past few years, or someone is secretly shooting me with sock disintegration rays. Gotta be one of those two.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30867 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 19:10:41 »
I almost always wear cotton or mostly cotton socks, and they are comfortable and seem to perform well.

Are you getting socks made from strange synthetic fabrics? Are you drying them too hot?

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30869 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 20:43:45 »
I almost always wear cotton or mostly cotton socks, and they are comfortable and seem to perform well.

Are you getting socks made from strange synthetic fabrics? Are you drying them too hot?

I've tried 100% cotton, wool, 100% synthetic, and cotton blends. All develop holes, wool and 100% synthetic develop holes faster.
Some environmental factor has changed, but I cannot for the life of me pinpoint what it is that is causing my socks to wear out so fast.
Looking into chainmail socks

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30870 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 20:47:42 »
Windows 11 round corners are so dummmbbbb. Keep missing when trying to hit close.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30871 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 20:55:31 »

pinpoint what it is that is causing my socks to wear out so fast.

Is your laundry detergent too harsh?

I have been using Charlie's Soap (or the 365 knock-off) for 20+ years and it cleans well while being very kind to fabric (and colors).
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30872 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 21:14:49 »

pinpoint what it is that is causing my socks to wear out so fast.

Is your laundry detergent too harsh?

I have been using Charlie's Soap (or the 365 knock-off) for 20+ years and it cleans well while being very kind to fabric (and colors).

I've been a Gain man since I moved out on my own, just love the scent. I did switch from the liquid to pods just because they are easier to carry home from the store, but I'd assumed they have the exact same formula. None of my other clothes have been affected at all, only socks.
I did lose a bunch of weight, could being lighter have affected my gait somehow in a way it causes my socks to wear out more? I really don't know.

Offline iri

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30873 on: Sun, 22 December 2024, 05:27:34 »
Looking into chainmail socks
They are supposed to be worn without shoes!
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30874 on: Sun, 22 December 2024, 19:18:37 »

I did lose a bunch of weight, could being lighter have affected my gait somehow

No real knowledge on this subject, but if you feet began to shrink for some reason and your shoes are the same inside, the feet might be sliding around more inside the shoe.

Just a wild-ass guess.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline Leslieann

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30875 on: Mon, 23 December 2024, 03:26:42 »
Windows 11 round corners are so dummmbbbb. Keep missing when trying to hit close.
I despise the lack of definition between title bar and menu bars in Win10.

My entire life socks last me years with zero issues. The past 2 years or so not a single pair of socks have lasted more than a couple months without developing holes. I have tried many different brands, my sock-wearing habits have not changed at all, and I am wearing the same shoes I always have. It makes no sense.
Either sock manufacturing standards have sharply declined over the past few years, or someone is secretly shooting me with sock disintegration rays. Gotta be one of those two.
Check your feet for calluses but also check your insoles, the smooth fabric top coating may have worn through and is now eating your socks.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30876 on: Wed, 25 December 2024, 10:41:43 »
Had a dream last night. Tp4 were playn' dat suprNintendi.  Now he's awoken, he feels compelled to buy all suprnintendi stuffs. They is hacking people's dreams is real, beaming subliminals into our daily lives.

This stuff is reallly expensive, crist.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30877 on: Thu, 26 December 2024, 07:47:16 »
Tp4's tv is mounted at exactly 0.133 degree slant, +/- 0.033* depending on temperature.

This is pretty good, but, sigh, no way to get it perfect.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30878 on: Thu, 26 December 2024, 16:43:10 »
Now he's awoken, he feels compelled to buy all suprnintendi stuffs.
This stuff is reallly expensive, crist.

You are about 10 years too late for good retro game deals. What was once a hobby for the nostalgic and frugal to recapture that feeling and discover new-old games, is now just a flex for wealthy Millennials to fill some empty consumer void by painting it as a conservation hobby.
That hobby is all but dead to me too :(

Offline phinix

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30879 on: Thu, 26 December 2024, 18:17:30 »
Had a dream last night. Tp4 were playn' dat suprNintendi.  Now he's awoken, he feels compelled to buy all suprnintendi stuffs. They is hacking people's dreams is real, beaming subliminals into our daily lives.

This stuff is reallly expensive, crist.

Do you mean that Nintendo Classic Mini?
Is it worth buying for just 21 games?
12100 | 3070 | 2TB SSD | ROG STRIX B760-I ITX | 16GB RAM | SFX 600W | NR200p | Ruark Audio MR1 Mark II | LG OLED 48CX
Realforce 87u55 | CM QuickFire Rapid MX Blacks | Filco TKL 85g Gateron Oil Kings | Tiger Lite 85g Oil Kings | Logitech Pro Superlight
SA: Retro Petscii, 7bit Round6 'Symbiosis', Filco, Carbon Bone CHERRY: GMK Laser, OG double shot caps, CRP APL GSA: Retro High-light HSA: Hyperfuse XDA: Canvas

::: Phinix Cube ::: Phinix Nano Tower ::: Phinix Aurora ::: Phinix Chimera ::: Phinix Retro :::

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30880 on: Thu, 26 December 2024, 18:42:36 »
Do you mean that Nintendo Classic Mini?
Is it worth buying for just 21 games?

No, Tp4 would never buy the classic mini, but even the "good" rom carts for suprnintendi is 100s of dollars.

Offline iri

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30881 on: Fri, 27 December 2024, 05:59:41 »
Come think of it, I actually own a Super Nintendo that's somewhere in the storage. It just needs a cable to connect it to the TV...
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30882 on: Sat, 28 December 2024, 00:52:45 »
I do not accept that a Flush has a lower probability than a Straight. It is objectively wrong. The guy who invented Poker was wrong.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30883 on: Sat, 28 December 2024, 05:20:14 »
Do you mean that Nintendo Classic Mini?
Is it worth buying for just 21 games?
It has been discontinued a long while ago. I instead built a RetroPi, with those games and a few dozen more.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30884 on: Sat, 28 December 2024, 11:51:35 »
Tryn' play dat mass effect legendary remaster,  and you look at the graphix, and be like, they is done a bad job.

Their ears look so weird.


Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30885 on: Sat, 28 December 2024, 21:15:16 »
When I am selling something for 2-3x less than the 2nd least expensive seller of the exact same thing, and people STILL don't buy my stuff and would rather pay more for the same item.
Like if I went up to someone and offered them 2 slices of cake from the same whole cake. One for $2.99 and one for .99¢ and the person still chose the $2.99 slice.
I cannot fix stupid, I don't know what is wrong with people.  :(

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30887 on: Sat, 28 December 2024, 21:48:17 »
Is it a gpu?

nah, I can't even afford one of those new-fangled GMX BTU 6190RF greytracing 10gazorp meraflurps future boards

Offline phinix

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30888 on: Sun, 29 December 2024, 10:11:24 »
Do you mean that Nintendo Classic Mini?
Is it worth buying for just 21 games?

No, Tp4 would never buy the classic mini, but even the "good" rom carts for suprnintendi is 100s of dollars.

why did they stop making those SNES minis?
12100 | 3070 | 2TB SSD | ROG STRIX B760-I ITX | 16GB RAM | SFX 600W | NR200p | Ruark Audio MR1 Mark II | LG OLED 48CX
Realforce 87u55 | CM QuickFire Rapid MX Blacks | Filco TKL 85g Gateron Oil Kings | Tiger Lite 85g Oil Kings | Logitech Pro Superlight
SA: Retro Petscii, 7bit Round6 'Symbiosis', Filco, Carbon Bone CHERRY: GMK Laser, OG double shot caps, CRP APL GSA: Retro High-light HSA: Hyperfuse XDA: Canvas

::: Phinix Cube ::: Phinix Nano Tower ::: Phinix Aurora ::: Phinix Chimera ::: Phinix Retro :::

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30889 on: Mon, 30 December 2024, 20:57:27 »
Bought a box of persimmons, didn't read the label, 1srae\i genocide persimmons. Sigh.. Can't eat it now.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30890 on: Mon, 30 December 2024, 23:20:28 »
People who are "in between sets" for 30 minutes on their phone hogging the one machine I need to finish for the day.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30891 on: Tue, 31 December 2024, 02:39:02 »
Cell phones should be forbidden in the gym, IMHO.

On local gym chain though uses a mobile app for pass keys, so people are required to carry their smartphone with them everywhere. That's just a lazy and dumb system, but they are the cheapest, so...

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30892 on: Tue, 31 December 2024, 02:49:56 »
Cell phones should be forbidden in the gym, IMHO.

On local gym chain though uses a mobile app for pass keys, so people are required to carry their smartphone with them everywhere. That's just a lazy and dumb system, but they are the cheapest, so...

A lot use them as music players, I do too. But there should be a rule that you must step away from a machine if you're going to be on your phone.
I hate the gym so much I need to mentally prepare and psych myself up, and when I walk onto that floor it is go time with zero rest. I allow myself only 30 seconds of sitting after my first cardio, otherwise my 'between reps' is switching to another machine and working a different muscle group. Honestly, my routine is probably just as annoying to others, but at least I am always doing something.

and don't even get me started on apps as keys. I have a coffee maker I cannot even use ever again due to the app being removed from the store. It is crazy how people use apps to lock their home and cars.

Offline iri

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30894 on: Tue, 31 December 2024, 09:15:28 »
People who are "in between sets" for 30 minutes on their phone hogging the one machine I need to finish for the day.
come and ask them to use the machine
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30895 on: Wed, 01 January 2025, 17:48:45 »
What's wrong with this picture?

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30897 on: Wed, 01 January 2025, 18:04:04 »

hmmmmmmm  :eek:

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30898 on: Wed, 01 January 2025, 18:28:29 »

it be dat Terrorism

I think it caught on fire by itself.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Online tp4tissue

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Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Reply #30899 on: Thu, 02 January 2025, 07:17:56 »
The episode of Foundation when they blow up the space bridge, that was the 911, and the rest until now is the string of bad human emperors.