First go-round with 1984. Please be kind
I think this type of dystopian construct take very large liberties with a human's ability to _remain_ dedicated.
You might join a cult, but once the honeymoon period's over, and they're not doing the free shrimp buffets no more..
Brain washing is one thing, but it's actually tremendously difficult to keep people in that state without creating debilitating mental trauma.. so much so that they wouldn't be able to procreate effectively or DO WORK..
So, then they give you the argument, well, this is the imagining of a totalitarian regime at its worst..
Yea, but what has history shown, NONE of these types of regimes stand for very long..
So it's not a dystopian future, it's more of a dystopian civil war regime..
Either way, there's nothing to fear for humanity if the timescale is lengthened beyond 20-30 years.
Skynet is much more realistic..
Though of course Tp4 is already 100% skynet compatible.