I lived on Coffee and Beer as my only beverages for months at times.
Nowadays it's simple. I have one cup of freshly ground hipster brand coffee,
hand pressed, in the morning. I started with 18 grams but I am down to 10.
I will have a third of a liter of water before that cup and one after it, to make up for the loss.
The funny thing is, after I started doing some of the things that are commonly known and recommended as healthy,
such as getting up not too late, drinking lots of water, exercise regularly, a small daily yoga routine, seeing the sun once in a while and participating in sports, I can stay up longer and be more productive without coffee or other enhancers than before, using the whole arsenal.
Maybe, if I did it now, I could raise the bar even further, but only for a little while. The body will come collect its debts. And running on coffee is running on a tab that's increasing with each cup.