Author Topic: Caffiene Detox  (Read 47771 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #50 on: Thu, 02 August 2018, 12:41:54 »
Finally went through with the caffiene detox, I'm on week 3 of non-dependence. First week was no caffeine input at all, second I introduced kombucha/tea, and this week I've reversed the habit in that I drink caffeine on weekends for fun.

First couple days were hell, but after that it was just willpower to overcome the physical habit. Really enjoying it so far and how I feel. Although I miss how good coffee tastes. I think the exercise in willpower made it easier to fast for me as well.

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

Offline 9999hp

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #51 on: Thu, 02 August 2018, 12:54:49 »
Finally went through with the caffiene detox, I'm on week 3 of non-dependence. First week was no caffeine input at all, second I introduced kombucha/tea, and this week I've reversed the habit in that I drink caffeine on weekends for fun.

First couple days were hell, but after that it was just willpower to overcome the physical habit. Really enjoying it so far and how I feel. Although I miss how good coffee tastes. I think the exercise in willpower made it easier to fast for me as well.

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

no argument there.

Offline jacethesaltsculptor

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #52 on: Wed, 01 January 2020, 20:56:03 »
I realized that a lot of my anxiety was being exacerbated by Caffeine, but that I had to go to bed late, so I needed something to keep going.

I did a few weeks without, which let me get off, and then decided to change up what I drink.

I've always been a tea guy, but now I'm drinking much less Caffeine in general, and am just doing a good half and half of Tisanes (teas that aren't the tea plant) and Tea. Which has done me a lot of good.

My current love is Honeybush with honey in it. It's amazing, almost like drinking a warm earthy comfortable honeycomb.

What I really need is a tea Post, I'm making one.

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Offline el_murdoque

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #53 on: Mon, 06 January 2020, 09:10:25 »
I lived on Coffee and Beer as my only beverages for months at times.
Nowadays it's simple. I have one cup of freshly ground hipster brand coffee,
hand pressed, in the morning. I started with 18 grams but I am down to 10.
I will have a third of a liter of water before that cup and one after it, to make up for the loss.

The funny thing is, after I started doing some of the things that are commonly known and recommended as healthy,
such as getting up not too late, drinking lots of water, exercise regularly, a small daily yoga routine, seeing the sun once in a while and participating in sports, I can stay up longer and be more productive without coffee or other enhancers than before, using the whole arsenal.
Maybe, if I did it now, I could raise the bar even further, but only for a little while. The body will come collect its debts. And running on coffee is running on a tab that's increasing with each cup.

Offline equalunique

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #54 on: Mon, 06 January 2020, 11:24:12 »
I go off and on caffiene for months at a time. The first few days after quitting aren't fun, but I honestly feel better without it in my life long term. I only started it recently because I'm doing a keto diet for the 3rd time now, and I don't know how to do keto effectively without "bulletproof coffee." After I loose 60lbs I'll quit caffiene again.

Offline bliss

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #55 on: Sat, 01 February 2020, 14:57:33 »
Had trouble with caffeine, too. Here's what worked for me:
  • switched brand - the coffee from a major brand left me with major withdrawal symptoms
  • limit intake to 10am thru 2pm so the sleep cycle remains untouched
  • two cups a day
And keep in mind that coffee/caffeine just mobilizes energy, but does not actually provide it.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: Sat, 01 February 2020, 15:36:47 by bliss »

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #56 on: Sat, 01 February 2020, 15:44:33 »
Finally went through with the caffiene detox, I'm on week 3 of non-dependence. First week was no caffeine input at all, second I introduced kombucha/tea, and this week I've reversed the habit in that I drink caffeine on weekends for fun.

First couple days were hell, but after that it was just willpower to overcome the physical habit. Really enjoying it so far and how I feel. Although I miss how good coffee tastes. I think the exercise in willpower made it easier to fast for me as well.

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

that is a retarded statement


that's you right now

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #57 on: Sat, 01 February 2020, 16:06:11 »

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

that is a retarded statement


that's you right now

Please do your research ,

Caffeine , Cigarettes , Alcohol, all raise dopamine to ~200% baseline level.

They are equivalent in terms of -the High- and addictive potential.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #58 on: Sat, 01 February 2020, 16:38:52 »

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

that is a retarded statement


that's you right now

Please do your research ,

Caffeine , Cigarettes , Alcohol, all raise dopamine to ~200% baseline level.

They are equivalent in terms of -the High- and addictive potential.

Increased dopamine is a good thing. Eating food, vitamins, human contact, music, and being in the sun all raise dopamine levels as well. Should we all sit in dark rooms with the shades drawn and ear muffs on humming loudly? The same could be said for any of those things. You get a massage, your dopamine levels increase, you feel good. So now you are addicted to massages? Is that how it works?

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #59 on: Sat, 01 February 2020, 17:19:05 »
Increased dopamine is a good thing. Eating food, vitamins, human contact, music, and being in the sun all raise dopamine levels as well. Should we all sit in dark rooms with the shades drawn and ear muffs on humming loudly? The same could be said for any of those things. You get a massage, your dopamine levels increase, you feel good. So now you are addicted to massages? Is that how it works?

The system has natural thresholds, adjustable within a small range.

You go beyond 150% consistently enough,  and you end up with a personality , well, Like Noisy-Turtles.


Again , turtle, there's no argument to win here, just do a look up. The hedonic loop is well understood.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #60 on: Mon, 12 December 2022, 08:07:05 »
I tried to get rid of caffeine addiction myself

I have done it a couple of times over the years, and gone back after half a year or so. There is considerable research that finds little negative consequence from reasonable use. An informative and amusing personal account is found in this interesting book :
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #61 on: Mon, 12 December 2022, 11:22:34 »
I tried to get rid of caffeine addiction myself

I have done it a couple of times over the years, and gone back after half a year or so. There is considerable research that finds little negative consequence from reasonable use. An informative and amusing personal account is found in this interesting book :

Caffeine has significant impact on sleep quality.  it reduces critical cycles of various sleep stages.

essentially, a long term coffee drinker is aging their brains approximately 10-15 years.

Matt Walker, a sleep scientist who researches this has a great book on sleep, "Why we sleep"

Offline RitzyKraken

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #62 on: Wed, 11 January 2023, 12:09:25 »
I tried to get rid of caffeine addiction myself

I have done it a couple of times over the years, and gone back after half a year or so. There is considerable research that finds little negative consequence from reasonable use. An informative and amusing personal account is found in this interesting book :

Caffeine has significant impact on sleep quality.  it reduces critical cycles of various sleep stages.

essentially, a long term coffee drinker is aging their brains approximately 10-15 years.

Matt Walker, a sleep scientist who researches this has a great book on sleep, "Why we sleep"

That’s really interesting
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Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #63 on: Sun, 19 February 2023, 21:01:05 »
Finally went through with the caffiene detox, I'm on week 3 of non-dependence. First week was no caffeine input at all, second I introduced kombucha/tea, and this week I've reversed the habit in that I drink caffeine on weekends for fun.

First couple days were hell, but after that it was just willpower to overcome the physical habit. Really enjoying it so far and how I feel. Although I miss how good coffee tastes. I think the exercise in willpower made it easier to fast for me as well.

It's a drug..  as addicting as cigarettes..

that is a retarded statement


that's you right now
I had a caffeine addiction. It most certainly is just like any other drug. You build a dependency on it, build tolerance and need more and more of it. I've drank at least 1 can of Dr Pepper a day every single day of my life since I started highschool, and it's only now in my sophomore year of college that I'm kicking the habit. I was going through a 12 pack of Dr Pepper in half a week, which used to be just a 12 pack in a week, which used to be a can or two per day.
When I quit I got legitimate cravings to the point where if it wasn't for the fact I didn't have my car I probably would've hauled my ass to the store just to sate it.
It may seem like a stupid thing to be addicted to, but caffeine, like TP said, is a drug like anything else. Just because the government allows it in products doesn't make it any less dangerous.
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Offline TWX

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #64 on: Sun, 04 February 2024, 10:34:10 »
Hitting Panera for breakfast in the morning on my way into work I've managed switch from coffee to lemonade, surprisingly no caffeine headaches at all.
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Caffiene Detox
« Reply #65 on: Tue, 06 February 2024, 10:07:36 »
Just this week I am tapering myself off. I love coffee but I have an upcoming surgery and I don't want to go through it and its recovery while addicted.

I have been amazed at how well I have slept the last few nights!
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008