Tp4 were doomscrolling, what not, someone mentioned Dreamlight valley in a feminist contention thread, it being an extremely popular game among women.
Tp4 investigates, this game really gives a person perspective.
Nothing dies, the protagonist is crafting and acquiring, but NOT to build guns to kill things. There's no objective to kill.
Scrubing through the footage, it's quite a contrast and a reminder of the ills of modern society. Our-entire-imagination is captured by what we can KILL or SUBJUGATE.
The vast majority of the games/movie/tv shows we're selling to young people, Here's money, go buy this gun, then kill this person you don't like, we don't like him, or, here's a weapon, go kill these animals, because they're just dumb animals, collect their body parts, so you can make more weapons to kill more animals.
Our media/ entertainment (Culture) aligns the general personality/inclinations of all individuals.
Is it any wonder that our civilization is amidst TOTAL COLLAPSE.
Are we to believe that, we're going to GUN our way out of this.