Author Topic: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.  (Read 1162 times)

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Offline dirtyblacksocks

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I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« on: Thu, 06 February 2014, 21:07:54 »
So I'm a Disabled Veteran under a Government program that pays for my college, housing, etc.

Over the past month or so, everything has been falling apart - my primary physician was moved to a female only echelon of care, so I had to find a new physician. Due to the nature of the medications I take for pain, both myself and my old physician were fairly certain I would not be able to find some one willing to continue the schedule of medications.

Due to this I wasn't sure if I'd be able to attend college this semester or not - the withdrawal period on one of the medications is significantly long and intense, so I went to the college and told them my problem. They said no problem, register for your classes and fill out the rest of the paperwork after you talk to the Doctor.

So last Friday I was scheduled to see a Doctor - finally - it had been about a month long wait, and he calls in sick for what I can only imagine is a 3 day Super Bowl vacation. So I get rescheduled to this Wednesday.

Lo and behold, this Wednesday I see a Doctor, and surprisingly enough she is fine with the medication regiment after about two hours of me explaining certain things about my quality of life and what they do to improve it - as well as the school situation. She has to jump through a ton of hoops to prescribe one of these particular medications that I won't disclose - so it's a big surprise.

So I get onto my school program to start printing out the paperwork today, and see that I've been dropped from all of my classes - further inspection shows that some one screwed up at the college and didn't mark my account, so I was dropped as a "non payment" despite being an account that doesn't have to make any payments in the first place.

So here I am now - this is the third semester in a row this college has royally screwed me. Last semester I got dropped from a math class, which nearly bumped me down to a low enough rate to where I would lose my housing. The semester before that they neglected to submit the proper paperwork to the VA - so I was going to college without any books or supplies for five weeks before it all processed through. The semester before that they lost my file altogether - and I was forced to take a semester off (which technically makes it two semesters before that), which is why if I take a semester off this time I will lose my Government funding.

So tomorrow, I'm going in there to find out if they can fix this, and if they can't then I am literally going to lose my home, 5 years of hard work in school to get a degree, and a lot of long term plans with loved ones I'm supposed to meet up with in April due to being homeless and unemployable.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to get my degree that I was promised and find a job that pays a decent wage so I can live my life - but things unravel, constantly, it seems like nothing ever goes according to plan since I started attending this particular college. They literally do not care, every other college I've ever been to fixes problems immediately, problems much bigger than something like this - but here I just have this gut feeling that they are going to screw me again this semester, and this time it won't be something I can just ignore and fix on my own.

I don't suppose anyone here works in the Moreno Valley Community College school district, or knows the Dean of RCC or MVC? Lol. I'm seriously about to start breaking stuff in the house I'm so angry and frustrated.

Every program in place to get Veteran's back on their feet that I've dealt with thus far (I got out in 2007) has been nothing but a headache. It seems like most of this stuff is designed around making me fail until I just give up and stop asking for the help.

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Offline riotonthebay

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 06 February 2014, 21:41:10 »
I'm sorry to hear that this happened. I unfortunately don't have any advice except that you shouldn't give up; if you don't get the outcome you deserve from your meeting, do not hesitate to send an email to important people at the school. Their email addresses should be publicly listed somewhere.

Offline demik

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 06 February 2014, 21:42:42 »
When it rains it pours.

Is it possible to move onto another CC?
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline quickcrx702

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 07 February 2014, 00:19:53 »
Use your anger to do something positive.  There are a lot of workplaces that give preference to veterans, so keep on looking.  It might not be something you want to do long term, but it would keep you off of the streets until you find something else.  You can also transfer to another college as demik suggested, though not all of your credits will likely transfer, so you would lose some but not all of your time.  Just by saying that you are a disabled veteran, it's clear that you've been through much harder situations, so don't let this get you down.  If they are really ****ing you over that hard, call a news station or two, I'm sure they'd be all over it.  In the meanwhile, start coming up with a backup plan, because the only person you can count on in this life is yourself.  Good luck.

Offline heedpantsnow

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 07 February 2014, 14:27:31 »
Man, I'm sorry to hear about your problems.  It seems everything run by the government is so screwed up.  I wish I could give you a job.
I'm back.

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Carbon Fiber keyboard base:

Offline baldgye

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 07 February 2014, 14:43:56 »
How long did you serve for?

Offline dirtyblacksocks

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 07 February 2014, 14:50:03 »
Just under 2 years. Injuries got me med boarded. I broke my left heel bone in Basic training, week 2, and kept going on it - shifting all my weight to my right side for the training, ruck marches, etc. tore up my right knee pretty good and put stress changes in my hip, went through AIT without any major problems, in Airborne training my hip snapped in two on the first jump. Done deal, no more Army for me.

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Offline osi

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Re: I'm a Veteran and I need to vent somewhere.
« Reply #8 on: Fri, 07 February 2014, 14:54:53 »
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Even though brief, thanks for your service!