Author Topic: geekhack community interview series, featuring katushkin (July 19, 2018)  (Read 2902 times)

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Offline Photoelectric

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This Question and Answer interview is intended to be a fun series targeted at well-known community members whom most, if not all of you have most likely "met" here on geekhack.  If you have username suggestions for further interviews, please add them in your comments.  If you want to see some questions added for future interviews, please type them in your responses as well! (Can't guarantee that all requested questions will be added, as keeping the overall interview length reasonable is important for respondents.)  This week I present to you an interview with katushkin, who is behind creating and maintaining the Keyboard of the Month competition section.

Previous interviews may be found here:

Question & Answer interview with katushkin:

Please let us know what motivated your username or else what it means to you, if it's not Top Secret information.
It stemmed from my days playing EVE Online and it was the surname I used for all of my primary characters. I can't remember if I just thought of it on a whim or if it was a stock, generated surname that the game had (I've been told Katushkin is a very popular surname in Russia) but it's pretty much followed me through the last 13 years or so on the internet. Chances are, if there's an active account somewhere then it's probably me :D Here's one of the many forum banners I used to have when I was interested in EVE and K-Pop

How did you get into the keyboard hobby?  Stories or anecdotes are welcome.
So I was coming back from a deployment to Afghanistan in 2011 and wanted to buy a high end gaming PC because I had always had consoles and never a PC. I basically just ended up buying the most expensive components I could find, and at that time that included a Razer Black Widow. I used it for a while and when I had a couple of issues with it I started looking around at something else mechanical. I was already active on reddit and found /r/mk and actually ripster's constant goings on about geekhack led me here and i've been here a lot more since then! Here's a shot of my setup when EVE and K-Pop were life, and normal screen sizes were not what I was after; that's a 32"and 50" squeezed onto that desk back in early 2013

What's your main area of interest in the keyboard hobby: the looks, the feels, the customization process (DIY or combining keycap sets with various keyboards), endless variety of keycap sets, artisans, ergonomics, anything else?
I think I've been invested in most of the areas you listed at one point or another. I've hit peak collection (for me anyway) which was around 15 boards, then I spent time trying to get into BroCaps and Clack raffles while buying artisans from other manufacturers and overpaying for aftermarket Bros when I couldn't get in raffles. I've tried DSA, SA, GMK and OG Cherry profiles amongst others, but I've not had quite as many sets as others have. Recently I guess I've gone more with ergonomics after buying an MX5000 and a trackball for work. I've always been envious of the makers in this community though; some of the things people pull out of their heads are just incredible, and I am very proud that my Keyboard of the Month section has been able to highlight some of that creativity. My favourite creations I think have been Yesguchi's vertical board, Bazh's Codename: Weaven and of course Kurplop's Planet 6. I haven't got a creative bone in my body, I am terrible at procrastination and I'm really bad at DIY, so I don't think i'll ever be able to accomplish what these people can, but I still get to bask in their brilliance and I think we are all so lucky that these people decide to choose keyboards as their outlet.

Show us a picture of your favorite keyboard [that you own] with a brief description
My favourite that I own is my LZ-SK. This was a secret "friends only" group buy done in 2015 with delivery in 2016. I've used it pretty much non-stop at home since then with a couple of breaks to try others. It has GMK SKIDATA and 65g Zealios which I'm pretty fond of. I'm tempted to change the switches out but I can't solder to save my life  :)) I haven't got many pictures of it but here is one I took after the UK Keyboard meet last year because so many people had asked me how much it weighs

What is your current "daily driver" keyboard(s)?  Also with photographs, if it's not the same board as above
My real daily driver that I use every day at work is my Cherry G80-5000HAMDE which for many is an endgame board, as it is for me. It is German ISO but I bought it NIB from a very good friend for a great price. I've had it for just over a year and since then I've not used anything else at work.

I also have a very nice carry case for it which was custom made for me by a user on this forum who's name unfortunately I can't find, but It's perfect for it.

Wish list or dream keyboard(s) or keycap sets?
Oh man, SO MANY! My dream sets would be GMK Red Alert and also an OG Cherry set with Cyrillic dyesubs.

As for boards, I just really need a custom TKL. I know I probably have no chance of owning any of these boards on my list but I would love at least one of the following; TGR Jane, GON NERD TKL, Cheat, 356.2, LZ-FE, 360c, KMAC and a Koala  :))

Favorite keyboard switch
Well of the ones I actually have had in a board, I've loved Ergo Clears. I made some that were lubed and stickered with clear switch housings and they were lovely. Unfortunately I sold the board they were on so I need to make some more. As for ones I've tried and not got in boards yet, are Kailh Box Navies. I tried them at the UK Keyboard meet earlier in the year in London and they were amaaaaazing. I've just bought a full set from MechboardsUK to replace the Zealiostotles in my Lightsaver V2 so there's a reason for me to learn how to solder.

Favorite keyboard layout/size:
I'm torn between 75% and TKL. They are the two sizes that I use but I do like a full size as well. If I had to choose one then I think I would have to go for 75% but that's only with a gun to my head!

Any guilty-pleasure keyboard type or size, or layout that you would never be caught using? (at least outside the secret privacy of your hidden typing shrine, like an old shiny Razer BlackWidow or a very pingy Model M)
Oh boy, I just admitted to owning a Black Widow in a question above without even looking down at this question!  :)) I think a layout I'd never use is a 40%. It's just so small and there's not enough stuff on there that I need all the time. I also know that from my very short time using a 60% that I would never be able to get used to the function layer!

Favorite plate material or lack thereof and why
Uhhhhh.... I really haven't owned enough boards with a plate material I've known what it is to make a decision! I've tried a couple of polycarb plates and I really love the feel of them, but I am very happy with the plates I use in my Lightsaver and LZ, so I want to say it's aluminium?  :blank:

What is your current mouse?
I am using a Logitech G502 wired mouse that I bought last year after testing one out at a local LAN/gaming event. I was using a Mad Catz RAT5 before that just because it went with my white PC build and honestly, it was terrible.

I also use a CST L-Trac at work because the MX5000 doesn't leave much room on my desk to move a mouse around!

Any ergonomic / desk organization preferences?
My desk, whether it's at home or work, is totally disorganised and just full of crap. It's actually pretty embarrassing. I've got vape stuff, old consoles, pens, paper, external hard drives and just random bits and bobs on my desk at home, and my work desk always has food, my phone, drinks, a notepad and other work things on it so it's really terrible. I would love to have a clean, minimalist desk, maybe a sit/stand setup, but I've honestly not got the space in my current apartment to be able to afford that luxury. My desk at home is also slightly too high for my desk chair, so I get shoulder pains when gaming intensely because my arms are too straight, so that's an issue!

Please share your favorite drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) or snack
My favourite non-alcoholic drink at the moment is probably Ribena Light Pineapple and Passion Fruit. People outside of the UK probably won't know what I'm talking about, but those in the UK YOU NEED TO TRY THIS. IT'S SO GOOD. Alcoholic drinks wise I am big into IPAs at the moment having just come back from America and been there a couple of times in the last couple of years. I am mostly a cider drinker but I'll drink anything that isn't spirits to be honest. I found this great grapefruit beer when I was out a few months ago called Schofferhofer which I've discovered I can get on Amazon which I have to get a load of for the summer. It's only 2% ABV but it's just so refreshing. As for snacks, I just discovered Caramel M&Ms on my last America trip, so those :D

We'd love to learn about your other hobbies, if you wish to share
As many people will know I'm big into American sports. I've been a fan of the NFL for about 11 years now after just happening to catch a game one Sunday and I've been following the Washington Redskins ever since  :'( This has also brought me into following the NHL starting in about 2012 and the NBA the last couple of years as well.I've kept the Washington theme going with everyone I follow so the Wizards and Capitals are my boys. I was in the US for the Stanley Cup this year and almost cried when we won it, having felt the weight of Washington's awful playoff run lifted from my shoulders as I'm sure many Washington fans felt.

This has also led me in the last three years or so into the world of caps, and I now have a collection of 22 hats from various manufacturers, covering NHL, NFL, NBA, esports, F1, bands, VW, Pokemon and my friend's streetwear brand. I wear most of them on rotation, although there are some I bought when I didn't know my head size very well, and others i'm just not that into anymore.

I am also slowly getting more into sneakers although I have a few more pressing things I need to save up for so I've only bought a couple of really nice sets of shoes recently. Those who were at the London MKUK meetup this year would have seen me in my AJ1 NRGs, and I think the AJ1 is my favourite shoe shape. The NRGs are the gold and black (not everyone's cup of tea, admittedly) below and there are my other really nice AJ1s which are the AJ1 Retro High Nouveau which I bought from the US back in 2016.

I'm also into cars. I've got an old Mk2 VW Golf which I've owned for about five years currently sat in a garage gathering dust as it's broken, but I always love going to car shows, see how the scene is developing, and meeting new people with great cars. I've always had big plans for my car but it's a long process with other things like a wedding and a new car to get in the new year. Something more practical and reliable I think! Here's the old car on the left with what I'm currently driving:

I'm also slowly getting into vaping, but again my lack of DIY skills means I don't think I'll ever get into building my own coils or having some super fancy rigs, but I just enjoy the tastes and blowing clouds, and it helped me quit smoking which is what it's there for I guess!

Got any pets?  If so, let's see their photo(s)!
I have! Me and my fiancee have a cat called Fenton that we adopted a couple of years ago. He is a British Long Hair and about 9 or 10 years old. He's a big boy as well for a cat, weighing in at about 5.5kg!

Any advice for people who are just starting out in the keyboard hobby? 
I've got quite a lot of advice but maybe none people usually adhere to! Do your research on what you are buying, where you can get it cheapest and what other people think of it. Try as many things as possible. Meetups are great for that sort of thing, and I've tried so many things I didn't think I liked from the way people described them, but it turns out I don't mind them at all in person. And also, use all the tools available. Don't stick to just GH, or just DT or just reddit. All three communities have so much to offer and absorbing and sharing knowledge is how we all get better.

Closing words:
I'd like to mostly say thank you to a huge amount of people who have helped me in this hobby. So I don't take up too much space I'll just say thanks and not why :D I know some of them are no longer here, but here we go. Thanks to Hoff, CPTBadass, iamtootallforthis, alienman, Karura, demik, R1N3, ComradeSniper, billnye, Lastpilot, Tigersharkdude, Infiniti, Pexon, baldgye and Signature.

Thank you also to everyone who has taken part in and supported my Keyboard of the Month venture since I started it back in 2015. It's been a great ride, and while it can sometimes be a bit of a labour of love, I really enjoy doing it and showcasing this communities fantastic builds! Long live geekhack!
- Keyboards: LZ-GH (Jailhouse Blues)M65-a, MIRA SE, E8-V1, MOON TKL, CA66
- Keyboard Case Painting Tips -
- Join Mechanical Keyboards photography group on Flickr -

Offline romevi

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Offline Photoelectric

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Weekend task for katushkin: go out and get some boxes or a drawer unit, and organize your desk! :) I've found that having proper storage makes all the difference in keeping work surfaces organized.

P.S.: that car sticker window vinyl decal thing  ;D :thumb:

P.P.S.: I've realized that I've not made it publicly clear yet, but I am extremely thankful to have katushkin answer these interview questions for us to read, and likewise for the previous people I interviewed.  It's not easy to be in the spotlight.  Every person has their own story of how they came into this hobby and what has kept them here, which can be an illuminating insight, a cautionary tale, an exciting anecdote, or even be like holding up a mirror to our own journey.
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 July 2018, 13:13:33 by Photoelectric »
- Keyboards: LZ-GH (Jailhouse Blues)M65-a, MIRA SE, E8-V1, MOON TKL, CA66
- Keyboard Case Painting Tips -
- Join Mechanical Keyboards photography group on Flickr -

Offline livingspeedbump

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Sweet interview! Basically a professional hobbyist with so many different interests.  :thumb:
<- My Collection (so far)

Offline chuckdee

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Very nice interview!  Thanks for sharing! :thumb:

And you have to ask Chyros!
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 July 2018, 16:39:42 by chuckdee »

Offline HoffmanMyster

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So many visits to the US, still hasn't visited the midwest.  :|  I am disappoint.

Great read, thanks for sharing!  :)  I agree that you need to get your desk organized, it's definitely a worthwhile effort.  And yes, I know I am a huge culprit here too.  xD

Offline xtrafrood

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Man, EVE and K-Pop, what a combination. I'm not one to judge--I just would never have guessed.  :thumb:
Chris Schammert

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Man, EVE and K-Pop, what a combination. I'm not one to judge--I just would never have guessed.  :thumb:

AOA.. is the new (Younger) SNSD..

Offline jebbra

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Man, EVE and K-Pop, what a combination. I'm not one to judge--I just would never have guessed.  :thumb:

AOA.. is the new (Younger) SNSD..


Offline katushkin

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Man, EVE and K-Pop, what a combination. I'm not one to judge--I just would never have guessed.  :thumb:

I'm not into either anymore  :-X plz no judge

Sweet interview! Basically a professional hobbyist with so many different interests.  :thumb:

Yeah, I don't know if that's a good thing  :)) I never get into anything completely, except keyboards and hats it would seem.

So many visits to the US, still hasn't visited the midwest.  :|  I am disappoint.

Great read, thanks for sharing!  :)  I agree that you need to get your desk organized, it's definitely a worthwhile effort.  And yes, I know I am a huge culprit here too.  xD

I'm sorryyyyyyy  :'(

Yeah, I have tried a couple of times, but I just keep running out of space.... I think a bigger place will be of more help  ;D


Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
Katushkin's Clearout | Twitter | Steam | Instagram| Discord - katushkin

Offline CPTBadAss

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I had no idea Ribena had other flavors than blackcurrant; which I love.  Ribena Light Pineapple and Passion Fruit sounds insane and I want it in me NOW.