Author Topic: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????  (Read 9684 times)

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Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« on: Sun, 06 October 2019, 10:11:26 »
So Tp juss got off dat fone..

Some kiz in the family haz Rickets..  YEA that thing written about in the 1640s,

Sigh....   historically Rickets often reached epidemic lvl around factories during localized industrial revolutions.   Whereby the factory exhaust blocked enough UV light from the sun from reaching the Ground lvl, that proximal people became deficient in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is NOT a vitamin, it's a hormone, produced by the skin + sunlight xposure.

So.. We're now seeing a resurgence of it among children in sigh.... industrial nations where air quality is bad.


This is all my fault, I bought this new laptop I didn't really need, and now someone's got bow legs.


Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 06 October 2019, 11:07:55 »

This is all my fault, I bought this new laptop I didn't really need, and now someone's got bow legs.

Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president.
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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 06 October 2019, 11:33:02 »
Is it the air quality or is the problem that they too sit indoors using laptops they don't need rather than going out to play as the children of yesterday did?

Sounds like a very random phone call either way...
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 06 October 2019, 11:42:33 »
Is it the air quality or is the problem that they too sit indoors using laptops they don't need rather than going out to play as the children of yesterday did?

Sounds like a very random phone call either way...

It's a combination of both,  specific to the locale of heavy industry China, the UV is indeed blocked along wit internets.

Tp4 were there out in the sun for 5 hrs a day mid-day hosing off machinery, and noticed that Skin stayed pretty pale , despite several days of continuous Xposure. The sky is very hazy.

The Indoor activity lifestyle also has an impact, but the case here is, EVEN IF they wanted to get some sun,  There is not enough UV.

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 07 October 2019, 11:11:03 »
So Tp juss got off dat fone..

Some kiz in the family haz Rickets..  YEA that thing written about in the 1640s,

Sigh....   historically Rickets often reached epidemic lvl around factories during localized industrial revolutions.   Whereby the factory exhaust blocked enough UV light from the sun from reaching the Ground lvl, that proximal people became deficient in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is NOT a vitamin, it's a hormone, produced by the skin + sunlight xposure.

So.. We're now seeing a resurgence of it among children in sigh.... industrial nations where air quality is bad.


This is all my fault, I bought this new laptop I didn't really need, and now someone's got bow legs.


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Offline Kavik

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 07 October 2019, 11:35:25 »
Change household light bulbs to be UV lights.

In the US, this is why milk is fortified with vitamin D; although, I understand that only those of northern European descent can digest milk after a certain age apparently; not to mention, TP4 would object to milk because of cancer and heart disease. Are any other foods fortified with vitamin D?
Maybe they're waiting for gasmasks and latex to get sexy again.

The world has become a weird place.

Offline dgneo

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 07 October 2019, 12:01:12 »

Offline mizzoperator

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 07 October 2019, 13:00:25 »
My condolences to the person in your family with Rickets.
If it makes you feel any better, correlation does not equal causation. Just because you bought a new laptop doesn't mean you are responsible for one of your family members suddenly having Rickets (unless the money spent was meant for a treatment procedure or something).
There's no way to predict this sort of thing unless you just happen to notice all the external factors beforehand, it's not your fault.

Is it the air quality or is the problem that they too sit indoors using laptops they don't need rather than going out to play as the children of yesterday did?
Sounds like a very random phone call either way...

That is so close to being a boomer moment, if it weren't for the implication that we're no different.
Additionally, going out to play in the middle of the industrial side of China probably isn't a very good idea.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Freakn' Rickets, RELALY , Ricket s????
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 07 October 2019, 14:49:34 »
Change household light bulbs to be UV lights.

In the US, this is why milk is fortified with vitamin D; although, I understand that only those of northern European descent can digest milk after a certain age apparently; not to mention, TP4 would object to milk because of cancer and heart disease. Are any other foods fortified with vitamin D?

The only practical solution in the East is probably just Vitamin D supplement pills.

In the West, most flour is fortified,  but they don't eat a huge amount of flour in China, especially southern China which is all Rice.  People wash the rice before cooking, so fortifying that wouldn't work. They West also eat alot of refined foods/ cookies etc, that are fortifiable. In China there's a general aversion towards prepackaged food, of course everyone still eats some, but in much smaller quantities..