@lightsout714 - When i built the board a while ago, i started out with gateron browns because they were cheap. Recently i got some cherry clears, did some testing and indeed the cherry clears are very stiff. So i swapped the stem & top housing from the cherry clears into the gateron brown bottoms & springs. I used the cherry tops as they sounded slightly deeper than the clear gateron tops, there was no difference in how one top felt over the other (gateron vs cherry). While i had them open i did lube them but didn't have any issues binding/sticking while i was testing (un-lubed) before i decided what combination i wanted to go with. All i used was some dry PTFE lube (spray) on the stems and a dab of super lube (H-3) on both ends of the springs. I did not do anything to the inside of the bottoms of the switches. I put all the stems in a container for one half (aprox. 35 stems) and sprayed & shook/bounced to hit most of the stem (not scientific or surgical by any means). Then used a q-tip to apply small amount of super lube to the ends of the springs. Now, both sets of switches were rather new, not harvested out of an old board or NOS (new old stock).
combination thats working for me (at least for now, only have a day of use on them so far)
- cherry top housing (black)
- cherry clear stem (new)
- gateron brown spring (gaterons were black bottom, clear top)
- gateron brown bottom housing (black)
Also playing with some GMK QMX silencing clips (plate mount) on some keys. I have both kinds, the original pcb mount (black rubber) & newer plate mount (white/transparent rubber/silicone?). The newer plate mount ones do seem a bit tighter around the cap stem than the original ones, but they are still not getting stuck.
Again, your results may vary and i haven't had a full day on these yet, but i really like the result so far.