Author Topic: Tsunami alert in Jpn  (Read 1870 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Tsunami alert in Jpn
« on: Sat, 20 March 2021, 10:24:23 »
Sigh.....    nooqular power is a noose around jpn's neck . Tsunami is the trap door lever.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 20 March 2021, 11:00:37 »
Edit: Seems like this recent quake was no big deal. *phew*

Old post:
Yep. There was a an earthquake in Japan almost four hours ago (18:09 local time). Scary that it was close to the same spot as the great Touhoku earthquake almost precisely ten years ago (March 11, 2011). Closer to the coast line this time though. It was followed by a tsunami warning and a small aftershock.

I frequent a chat room from travelling Japan. In there I got that the intensity (Japanese JMA scale) was 6- in Miyagi prefecture, with 5 being felt in Sendai and Fukushima, 4 in Iwate. It was practically imperceptible outside north-east Japan though Tokyo. In the magnitude scale, it is 7.2 with the aftershock magnitude 4.
The quake ten years ago was much bigger: magnitude 9, with JMA intensity 7 in Miyagi, and they felt 5+ in Tokyo.

The lack of frustration right now feels a bit frustrating. I haven't seen any info yet on tsunami damage, but ten years ago the power went out for many hours delaying communication.
Because the epicentre was quite close to the coast, chances are that there was no tsunami to speak of.
« Last Edit: Tue, 23 March 2021, 08:36:44 by Findecanor »

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 10:28:48 »
Stay safe out there TP4 and other geekhack users living in japan

Offline Olumin

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 14:44:17 »
It should really be prohibited by international law to operate nuclear reactors in regions at heightened risk of natural disasters like earth quakes, tornadoes or tsunamis.

It always goes well until it doesn’t, in which case the whole world gets to suffer the consequences. How are nations this short sighted?

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 15:15:33 »
It should really be prohibited by international law to operate nuclear reactors in regions at heightened risk of natural disasters like earth quakes, tornadoes or tsunamis.

It always goes well until it doesn’t, in which case the whole world gets to suffer the consequences. How are nations this short sighted?

The primary reason any modern nation takes up nooq power plants is to build infrastructure for nooq weaponry.

There's no way to just say, hey I'mma build the weapons, so they need this publicly acceptable SLEAZE into constructing the infrastructure,  BECAUSE it uses the same infrastructure.

Tp4 is pr0 nooq weapons, as it is a fundamental lynch pin which makes Wars un-winnable for all nations, resulting in the unintended product of World Peace.

HOWEVER, these stupid ass reactors use WAY WAY WAY more material MILLIONS of pounds worth, is massively polluting, economically crippling, ENDANGERING the entirety of the plant's biosphere.

The power plants are WAY worse than the Weapons,  The weapons just sit there, and you barely need Any material. It's not good but it's also a very small quantity.   Nooq reactors on the other hand, needs a Constant fueling cycle, the contamination footprint is gigantic as it HAS to use enormous amounts of WATER, the stuff that you drink.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 16:24:03 »
Honestly Japan is a terrible geo location to start your civilization.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 18:05:47 »
Honestly Japan is a terrible geo location to start your civilization.

After the USA bombed the civilians in hiroshima/nagasaki as a demonstration of the weapon as a show of force against the soviets,  (they didn't have to drop them, the war was ending anyway as the jpn production could no longer sustain the theater) (they did it anyway)   

There was public shame about having killed all these people,  So the United States in an attempt to steer the course "We're better than the Nazis"  decided on the Rebranding of the weapons system as Atoms for Peace.  Nooq weaponry has the SAME effects as chemical weapons, and heavily pollutes the population with genetic damage and increased health risk over time.

We then through CIA shell corporations sponsored the Japan's War Criminal Matsutarō Shōriki (because none of the good Japanese wanted anything to do with US)  into purchasing major News outlets and Japan's first TV station to promote and SELL them the Nooq technology..

The legacy of that move continues till today as the control of the systems is dominated by Japan's worst humans with roots in then War Criminals and Yakuza.   It's basically the SAME as Saddam.  ABE = SADDAM

So, in reality, it was United State's move to Put nooqular power in Jpn,  The Then populace wanted nothing of the sort.

Offline Olumin

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 18:30:42 »
Honestly Japan is a terrible geo location to start your civilization.

After the USA bombed the civilians in hiroshima/nagasaki as a demonstration of the weapon as a show of force against the soviets,  (they didn't have to drop them, the war was ending anyway as the jpn production could no longer sustain the theater) (they did it anyway)   

There was public shame about having killed all these people,  So the United States in an attempt to steer the course "We're better than the Nazis"  decided on the Rebranding of the weapons system as Atoms for Peace.  Nooq weaponry has the SAME effects as chemical weapons, and heavily pollutes the population with genetic damage and increased health risk over time.

We then through CIA shell corporations sponsored the Japan's War Criminal Matsutarō Shōriki (because none of the good Japanese wanted anything to do with US)  into purchasing major News outlets and Japan's first TV station to promote and SELL them the Nooq technology..

The legacy of that move continues till today as the control of the systems is dominated by Japan's worst humans with roots in then War Criminals and Yakuza.   It's basically the SAME as Saddam.  ABE = SADDAM

So, in reality, it was United State's move to Put nooqular power in Jpn,  The Then populace wanted nothing of the sort.

The German economy couldn’t sustain the war after operation Barbarossa went south and the high command knew this, but that didn’t stop the Nazis from continuing until every factory and major city was destroyed, and every village occupied. Why? Because they were extremists. The Japanese would have continued the fighting if it wasn’t for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and there is no evidence to the contrary. Everything else is just speculation. The Japanese like the Nazis were extremists that would rather commit suicide then surrender. There is no logic involved. The dropping of the bombs was a wise decision that saved the Japanese from an ugly full-scale land invasion and saved millions of lives in the long run.

The pilots of the planes that dropped the bombs stated that they never regretted what they did, and they shouldn’t have to.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 22 March 2021, 20:31:54 »
The pilots of the planes that dropped the bombs stated that they never regretted what they did, and they shouldn’t have to.

Psychopathic idiots, you have to be this way to be killers.

Having no regret for killing innocent civilians is evidence enough. It's only an indication of low empathy, NOT moral absolution.

We are not saying the Leadership of Japan did good, Fk'um,   but THOSE specific Hiroshima and Nagasaki CIVILIANS did not need to die, if we purport to be BETTER than the Jap and the Nazis,  we would've done it another way,  AGAIN it is agree upon by historians that Even without dropping the bomb, the War would've ended the same way.

This is also NOT an unpopular opinion, There was tramendous National shame and REGRET after we dropped the bomb, which Lead to the Re-branding of Nooqular weapons as Atoms-for-Peace in the first place.

The weapon system is not the mistake,  Using it on civilians is,   The technology is not a mistake, but the POWER plants ARE, because it produces net negative usable energy.

Offline Olumin

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #9 on: Tue, 23 March 2021, 02:23:09 »
The pilots of the planes that dropped the bombs stated that they never regretted what they did, and they shouldn’t have to.

Psychopathic idiots, you have to be this way to be killers.

Having no regret for killing innocent civilians is evidence enough. It's only an indication of low empathy, NOT moral absolution.

We are not saying the Leadership of Japan did good, Fk'um,   but THOSE specific Hiroshima and Nagasaki CIVILIANS did not need to die, if we purport to be BETTER than the Jap and the Nazis,  we would've done it another way,  AGAIN it is agree upon by historians that Even without dropping the bomb, the War would've ended the same way.

This is also NOT an unpopular opinion, There was tremendous National shame and REGRET after we dropped the bomb, which Lead to the Re-branding of Nooqular weapons as Atoms-for-Peace in the first place.

The weapon system is not the mistake,  Using it on civilians is,   The technology is not a mistake, but the POWER plants ARE, because it produces net negative usable energy.

They did what they were ordered to do, what else should they have done? Someone else would have done the job.

When you talk about these pilots, you are talking about every man and women that served. You cannot write them off so easily, and doing that discounts their sacrifice.

ALL casualties of this war died senselessly. All sides committed war crimes and killed civilians, some more than others. Others were better at disguising it. There is no shame in having to take extreme action when the ultimate outcome is for the greater good. The ends do justify the means in this case. Continuing their firebombing and starting an invasion of the Japanese home islands would have taken many more lives than the two bombs ever did, and would have killed many more civilians.

People always become wise after the fact. Studying history from the comfort of your armchair is one thing, reality is another. Humans are not rational beings, and they don’t always make rational decisions. War itself is rarely rational in the first place.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Tsunami alert in Jpn
« Reply #10 on: Tue, 23 March 2021, 08:16:18 »

They did what they were ordered to do, what else should they have done? Someone else would have done the job.

When you talk about these pilots, you are talking about every man and women that served. You cannot write them off so easily, and doing that discounts their sacrifice.

ALL casualties of this war died senselessly. All sides committed war crimes and killed civilians, some more than others. Others were better at disguising it. There is no shame in having to take extreme action when the ultimate outcome is for the greater good. The ends do justify the means in this case. Continuing their firebombing and starting an invasion of the Japanese home islands would have taken many more lives than the two bombs ever did, and would have killed many more civilians.

People always become wise after the fact. Studying history from the comfort of your armchair is one thing, reality is another. Humans are not rational beings, and they don’t always make rational decisions. War itself is rarely rational in the first place.

The soldiers shoulder a smaller part of the blame for following bad orders.  SURE we agree most of the fault lays with the High-Command which ordered the Killing of the Civilians, but it does not absolve ANYONE involved.

This DID NOT need to occur, we could've dropped it off somewhere more remote, close enough to SEE, but NOT on a population center.   The message would've been equally clear.

The ends justifying the means,  It's easy to say that because we Won the war.  Turn that around,  How would you react to the Nazis saying,  Oh the Ends justify the means on the use of Chemical weapons ?

Nooqular weaponry has the SAME effect of Chemical weapons, and it poisons the population and the landscape for Hundreds of years.  This is the case even with LOWER background radiation measurements taken near Chernobyl.

Our military specifically Hid the effects from study by NOT studying it for 5 years post Hiro/Naga.  The devastation and Human suffering from the secondary / tertiary effects of the bombs were nightmarish FAR WORSE than many of the other chemical weapons used at the time.