Author Topic: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?  (Read 21942 times)

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #100 on: Tue, 03 December 2024, 16:12:02 »
Atkins, South Beach, Keto, Carnivore, Caveman, Cholesterol-Code

It's all the same garbage fad diet, not only is it insanely destructive to blood vessels (cholesterol - > heart disease), it causes cancer.

Carnivore is straight stupidity on top of being Horrible for Climate Change.

Reminder, Dr. Atkins died extremely overweight, and his wife refused autopsy to determine cause of death.  Allegedly he went into the hospital for slipping on ice, but most likely he had a stroke/ heart attack which caused him to fall.

It boggles the mind how people can be convinced of something so idiotic, like eating sticks of butter can be the natural human diet.

Social media is kryptonite for morons. People who want to believe SO BADLY that cheeseburgers are the secret to health.

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #101 on: Tue, 03 December 2024, 16:49:37 »
Carnivore is a diet of eating only meat?

Wow! I always thought that balance and variety were the goal.

I used to wonder about those Eskimos eating seal blubber all winter ....
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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #102 on: Tue, 03 December 2024, 17:21:13 »
I used to wonder about those Eskimos eating seal blubber all winter ....

The preferred term is Inuit,  Eskimo is like their "N-word."

The Inuits eat seal blubber due to their extreme environment, there's no reliable farming, but the seal blubber is NOT good for them .

500 year old Inuit mummies were discovered frozen in the ice, they had Severe heart disease (atherosclerosis).

The cause? The damn seal/whale blubber. 

Many modern Inuit women have highly toxic breast milk, it's so polluted that they can not breast feed their babies.

The same thing happens with modern Dolphins (mammals) where the very First born pup usually dies from the mother's toxic milk.

Humanity's industrial output dumps roughly ~300 Tons of chemicals per person alive into the environment PER YEAR, why are we then surprised that the ocean is a toxic soup. This toxicity bio-accumulates up the ocean food chain, the larger fish that humans eat are super poisonous.

Not to mention, humans eating bottom feeder ocean- cockroaches (shrimp/lobster), and filter feeders (shells).

If mothers, humans or dolphins, eat tons of fish/ seafood, there will be a huge buildup of mercury, pcbs, dioxins, etc.  The only way OUT of the body for many of these chemicals is breast milk.  Poof, sick/ dead babies.

It makes you wonder why we have all these idiots walking around eating sticks of butter.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #103 on: Wed, 08 January 2025, 04:30:16 »
Ahh man I know it's trite, but these kids on their phones at the gym.
No exaggeration, I saw this kid do 3 sets of 20 on the cable machine in 40 minutes (no I wasn't stalking him, it is just a very tiny apartment complex gym). Each set took him about 2 minutes, and the weight wasn't even high, like you could tell he set it a much lower than he could lift.

Meanwhile, I took 1 45 second break only after my first 20 minutes of cardio that entire time. Why are you even there bro? Does your dad beat you at home and you're waiting for the drink to knock him out? And I feel like I'm wasting MY time going to the gym, seeing that ***** **** just motivated me to pump harder today  :p

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #104 on: Tue, 28 January 2025, 00:27:35 »
After trying a lot of protein bars over the last 10 months, there is only one clear winner.
The only requirements were: A minimum of 20g protein, 200 calories or less, taste like candy.

[ Specified attachment is not available ]
Barbells are hands down the tastiest high protein workout bars I tried. All the flavors are great, but for me the Caramel Cashew really delivers on that candy bar taste. I'd eat it on it's own as a treat, let alone as a post-workout bar with decent marcos. I'm so jealous of Sweden, as they have all sorts of limited and exclusive flavors and varieties. 
Honorable mentions go to Built Puffs and Snickers Hi-Protein, but they are not even in the same league as Barbells in terms of taste. Puffs are really good, but I think you can only get them online so their distribution sucks. Snickers is kinda hard to find, and VERY chewy, so you'll get a jaw workout as well.
« Last Edit: Tue, 28 January 2025, 00:32:29 by noisyturtle »

Offline iri

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #105 on: Tue, 28 January 2025, 04:36:29 »
Noisy, move to England, Barebells are in every supermarket and every petrol station here =)
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #106 on: Tue, 28 January 2025, 07:55:29 »
Noisy, move to England, Barebells are in every supermarket and every petrol station here =)

They're everywhere on the East Coast of the US too

Offline chyros

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #107 on: Tue, 28 January 2025, 10:55:32 »
Why are you even there bro?
Oh dear, Noisy is turning into one of THOSE gym people :p .

Gonna see if I can find the bars though. I know a couple of bars that are good, but those are impossible to get, so I'm interested in some good-tasting ones :D .
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