Upcoming issues, Besides veggies, that are important.
America's Ukraine War. (Generally positive) Capitulating to Putin has the benefit of not getting everyone drafted in the next few years. We already lost it anyways. This is the 1 thing Trump does right on, america should not have started the Ukraine war.
Wealth Gap, this was always going to grow, but it will grow much faster now. Please hit the books hard, Mathematics and Computer programming, These are the jobs that most people can't or won't do.. Wages side of things will probably get very rough. But keep in mind, if you absolutely HATE those subjects, sitting in front of a computer, go to trade school for Welding/Electrician/Machining/Auto-mechanic.
Doctor/Lawyer/Biotech, not recommended, this stuff is a waste of your life regardless of how much it might pay in the short term. The medical industry is sick care, not health care. Lawyers spend more time arguing than solving problems. Biotech merely feeds back into people's worst health choices, Get phat, get sick, pay for surgery+medicine. Your life is your life, you can't buy that with any amount of money, why waste it cleaning up after people's stupid decisions.
Inflation is, sigh...
Getting Drafted in the near term is unlikely under Trump. But you always want to have a plan. If it happens, do your best to go anywhere else, outside of the American umbrella, like New Zealand. Play dead, play dumb. Don't involve yourself in a senseless meat grinder.
There is absolutely NO Point in dying for any reason. The military does not protect anything other than capitalism, don't do that. It's not worth your life.
Stay AWAY from marijuana. This is highly problematic, the heavy investments GOP and DEMO tell you everything you need to know, it is designed to Heavy-Gate, Income barrier the lower class, dooming them forever in servitude. Lifetime education and earnings of marijuana users, On-Average, is severely degraded. If you use drugs and alcohol, social mobility becomes untenable.
We are likely to have another major pandemic soon. BE prepared. Buy the antiviral prescriptions from the grey market teledoc sites EARLY, Don't wait. Refresh every year.
Always wear masks in a crowd, Vaccinate if you are in a high contact industry.
Finally, Veggies is still 110% the most important democratic/economic decision a human can make.