PrototypesIC Form V2 Discord
Running April 30th
Arch Linux: A minimal Linux Distribution with a focus on Modernity, Simplicity, Versatility, User Centrality, and PragmatismHey Geekhack! My name's Ram and I'm here to show my first ever keyset, GMK Arch, it's a keycap set inspired by the 5 principles of
Arch Linux which were stated above. This is a Linux Distro I’m especially fond of, and use daily as my main. 3 of its 5 principles,
Modernity, Versatility, and Simplicity, have influenced this set. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Arch Linux Foundation.
(Percentage will be 10-15%)
# ls gmk-arch/colors
# ls gmk-arch/kits│The Shell Kit is where it all starts, containing everything you need for the most common layouts along with
│alternatives if you want a mod pipe or no accent keys.
├── Shell 
│The TTY Kit is for those minimalists who prefer a uniform design, and allows you to use a full black
│and teal set, including an extra tab key so you can cover two boards of course.
├── TTY
│The Powerline Kit WIll cover any spacebar needs you might have.
├── Powerline 
│The GCC Kit will cover most niche layouts(Ortho/Ergo/40s) that you may use,
│and acts as a 2nd base kit with the included alphas!
├── GCC
│The Localization Kit Covers most European ISO layouts.(MOQ Will be Guaranteed)
├── Localization
│Can't handle a terminal? No problem, just install the GUI and you're set with full icon mods!
│For people like me who prefer just having icons over the busy look of text.
├── GUI
│The true way to show everyone that you use Arch, the superior distro, with an Arch logo and an
│I use Arch BTW Key included for that finishing touch.
# ls gmkarch/deskmats Samples Recieved in Prototype Post(1st Comment)
├── Deskfetch
├── Deskview
├── Trimat
kits subject to refinement# ls gmk-arch/rendersLoading...
├── Iron165 by Smith+Rune 
# ls gmk-arch/vendorsAll vendors have now been locked in, with their sites listed below, kitting has been sent to gmk for quotes as well.
├── US: Mechs & Co. ├── CA: AshKeebs ├── SA: Fancy Customs ├── EU: ├── OCE: DailyClack ├── SEA: ILUMKB ├── UK: protoTypist ├── KR: SwagKeys ├── CN: KBDFans ├── NR: Tastatur(Mekanisk) # ls gmk-arch/Collaborations
├── Cables:
Bear Cables &
Zeus Cables├── Artisans:
Asero Foundries Resin:
Golden Star Keycaps,
Fraktal Kaps MigiCaps GTBLabs DreadKeys SkullCaps Archetype Clackeys KeyCravings WinKeysLandCaps RascalCaps KrakenKap├── Sleeves:
MechFashion├── Wristrests:├── Switch Opener:
Nutcracker V2 Protos/Renders for Collabs to be shown soon!
# ls gmk-arch/Pricing 
# ls gmk-arch/To Do
Get Asero Engraved Photos
# ls gmk-arch/readme.txtCredits:DeskFetch: Myself
Trimat: Adxlk
Novelties: RayHungHingDailo
Logo: RayHungHingDailo
Kit Renders:Dudeship
Keyboard Renders: Thanks to SGhost and Skok for these great Renders!
Huge Thanks: Huge thanks to Nick's Clicks for all the help with the set and
especially the IC draft, this set would be no where near the same if it wasn't for you. Koha, iinko, Shiba, Allie, Ray, and SGhost for being a
monumental part of keeping me motivated and helping the set improve.
General Thanks: Bunny for helping me fix my lighting, Swishy, Lumi, Bachoo, Nathan, Guill3m, Halo, and Salt!(I definitely missed a
few people) You all played a huge part in making the set what it is now.
Add This to Your Signature to Help Support GMK Arch![url=][img width=320 height=120][/img][/url]