Author Topic: This year may be biblical  (Read 132509 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #50 on: Wed, 28 June 2023, 18:55:24 »
The writing on the fever patches says, I don't have a fever.

Shanghai Heatwave


Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #51 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 11:37:31 »
Meanwhile if Florida,  MALARIA is BACK..

Don't get bit, skeets

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #52 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 12:17:55 »
On a positive note, California is no longer in a drought condition. In fact, most of the reservoirs are full or near full. Had the state spent money on water infrastructure instead of bullet trains to nowhere, we would be exporting water in times of need. Here in SoCal, this has been one of the most pleasant years on record.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #53 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 12:28:56 »
The train is part of the decarbonization process.  We need alot more trains.

As for reservoirs,  this is a good year out of a multi decade long drought.  WHICH, is itself part of the desertification process occurring in the west.

Deserts follow civilization, this has always been the case, and we're at that tail end.

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #54 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 12:58:50 »
So what you’re saying is that all news is bad news. Even if it looks good.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #55 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 14:11:54 »
A very wet winter certainly helped buy the SW some time, but the groundwater there is still severely depleted.

Water is a very precious resource that we all grew up taking for granted and considering almost "free" ....
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #56 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 14:35:01 »
So what you’re saying is that all news is bad news. Even if it looks good.

Yes, but Tp4 is quite at peace with this, if you think about it, witnessing the-very-END of human civilization in the coming 5-10 years is SUPER Lucky.

Takes 100s of thousands of years for us to come this far, and we got to try all the best stuffs.

If you were born even 100 years ago, the best we had then was some pieces of wood on another piece of wood, the pinnacle of entertainment.

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #57 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 14:57:54 »
A very wet winter certainly helped buy the SW some time, but the groundwater there is still severely depleted.

Water is a very precious resource that we all grew up taking for granted and considering almost "free" ....

Yes, I agree. California has had cyclical drought/abundant rainfall years for quite some time. By now California politicians should have recognized the need for more reservoirs and collection areas to replenish the aquaphors which have been critically compromised because of bad policies. This is not a new problem.
So what you’re saying is that all news is bad news. Even if it looks good.

Yes, but Tp4 is quite at peace with this, if you think about it, witnessing the-very-END of human civilization in the coming 5-10 years is SUPER Lucky.

Takes 100s of thousands of years for us to come this far, and we got to try all the best stuffs.

If you were born even 100 years ago, the best we had then was some pieces of wood on another piece of wood, the pinnacle of entertainment.

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These are exciting times, for a number of reasons. It is important to appreciate the times we live in whether good or bad, do what we can to help, and recognize that some things are out of our control. Personally, I would rather focus on more immediate needs that threaten the public good than apocalyptic predictions that are decades or centuries away.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #58 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 15:12:21 »
These are exciting times, for a number of reasons. It is important to appreciate the times we live in whether good or bad, do what we can to help, and recognize that some things are out of our control. Personally, I would rather focus on more immediate needs that threaten the public good than apocalyptic predictions that are decades or centuries away.

Agreed Kurplop, Check out these diagrams based on IPCC data. Remember the food industry actively lobbied them to prevent the IPCC from recommending a plant-based diet as a means of rectifying climate change.

Notice, that Animal Agriculture (growing feed crop), 39 grams of food goes in for 1 gram of meat out, uses up an enormous 37% of the land surface. A deficit of 3 Trillion Trees opportunity cost.

98% of carbon sequestered on Land is in the PLANTS in the white circle.  That is ~3x as much as in the atmosphere.

Because of the deficit in Trees (3 trillion),  the Feed crop we grow for animals only sequester ~2% of carbon.

Animal agriculture is the #1 root cause of climate change.

85% of what humans eat, is grown in that green corner on the right.  The giant RED blob is what we FEED to LIVESTOCK which only accounts for 12% of food, we then bottom trawl 4 billion acres of ocean (size of Russia) to obtain only 3% of food from fish, that is the size of africa


Land Surface Distribution


Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #59 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 15:52:47 »
TP, I  may not be properly understanding your map and charts but it looks like you may be confusing grazing land with land used for animal crops. Much grazing land isn’t suitable for forests or much of anything but for growing native prairie grasses. These areas require some water but are rarely irrigated. It is incorrect in assuming that much of this land could be transformed into forests. The map shows the North American continent to be a major carbon sequestered of CO2 which supports forestry numbers showing that US forests are as well or better  populated with trees than before 1910.

Animals continues to be an excellent source of protein as well as other needed nutrients for humans. The animals turn plants that are indigestible for humans into food. You may argue about the inhumane treatment of livestock but the land use argument is pretty weak.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #60 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 16:07:05 »
TP, I  may not be properly understanding your map and charts but it looks like you may be confusing grazing land with land used for animal crops.

NO, that is not what grazing land is. The vast majority of grazing land is FOREST that we CUT and BURNED over the Millennia, we've done this for roughly 10,000 years.

The Map is only blotched off in color to explain SCALE,  in real life,  It's distributed across the earth's surface with exception of the desert.

It is 100% possible to assume this much land was forest, because we have records of modern deforestation in America, Forest was all there was..

The REVERSE,  reforestation is also true, because again, we've done this to vast areas, and the Trees grow back without human intervention.

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #61 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 16:10:24 »
TP, I  may not be properly understanding your map and charts but it looks like you may be confusing grazing land with land used for animal crops.

NO, that is not what grazing land is. The vast majority of grazing land is FOREST that we CUT and BURNED over the Millennia, we've done this for roughly 10,000 years.

In the US?

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #62 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 16:12:38 »

In the US?

YES, for america the Indians didn't have that capacity. The invaders did.

What is less talked about is, we continuously BURN grazing land, because otherwise the TREES start to grow back.

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #63 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 16:23:25 »

In the US?

YES, for america the Indians didn't have that capacity. The invaders did.

What is less talked about is, we continuously BURN grazing land, because otherwise the TREES start to grow back.

How do you explain the increased forests then?

Offline kurplop

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #64 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 16:23:50 »

In the US?

YES, for america the Indians didn't have that capacity. The invaders did.

What is less talked about is, we continuously BURN grazing land, because otherwise the TREES start to grow back.

How do you explain the increased forests?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #65 on: Tue, 04 July 2023, 17:08:12 »
Yesterday, July 3, 2023, was the hottest day ever recorded on the Planet Earth.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #66 on: Wed, 05 July 2023, 21:57:48 »
Record broke only a day after. Apocalyptic Famine soon.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #67 on: Fri, 07 July 2023, 08:12:35 »
3rd hottest day ever record broken

The end of times is near.


Offline Rhienfo

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #69 on: Sat, 08 July 2023, 04:55:25 »
Wow... that's extremely morbid info, maybe this will be the sign for the people in charge to actually do something (Probably not sadly)
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #70 on: Sun, 09 July 2023, 11:08:26 »
Here on Earth, we can only blame ourselves.

The Sun doesn't care what we are doing, and has its own behavior. Maybe the northern US will get a show this week.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #71 on: Sun, 09 July 2023, 11:20:54 »
Our grid is also not remotely ready for a CME.

It could quite literally be the end of Humanity, because the failure cascade as all the solid state controllers burn out in our grid, we'll have multiple me1td0wns across the country.

Without proper p0wr infrastructure working, repairs/ coordination can easily become impossible. Each rea(tor in america is equivalent of 6 (hernoby1s worth in the fuel pools alone because they're overfilled.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #72 on: Mon, 10 July 2023, 18:04:36 »
One wonders if in the distant future, short shorts would become socially acceptable for men to wear, because it'd be too hot otherwise where regular shorts won't cut it..

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #73 on: Mon, 10 July 2023, 18:20:47 »
One wonders if in the distant future, short shorts would become socially acceptable for men to wear, because it'd be too hot otherwise where regular shorts won't cut it..

Show Image

I don't know I feel that people will still call it gay or something.

All of this news makes me wants to invest in a sunscreen companies.
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #74 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 19:07:35 »
So right now, Canada fires have already burned ~20,000,000 acres. That is currently the size of South Carolina.

For perspective, Australia's recent Black Summer, among the most devestating fires mankind has ever witnessed, was ~60,000,000 acres,  that's the size of an entire Wyoming.

Canada fires began 1 month earlier than the normal fire season,  fingers are crossed that they get some "earlier" rain as well,  But the reality may be, it's Canada's Turn for Black Summer.

For perspective, usa's official records began in 1983, recent peaks at 10mil acre in a year.


USA acre burned per year.


Offline yz

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #75 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 20:23:16 »
One wonders if in the distant future, short shorts would become socially acceptable for men to wear, because it'd be too hot otherwise where regular shorts won't cut it..

Show Image

that used to be the norm in the NBA in the 60s, gotta bring that back in fashion  :D

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #76 on: Wed, 12 July 2023, 08:44:46 »
Vermont flood,  NICE !! climate change is fake news !!

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #77 on: Wed, 12 July 2023, 10:34:07 »

climate change is fake news

You would think that all those working class guys who have collected arsenals would start going after Republicans for lying to them all these years.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #78 on: Wed, 12 July 2023, 12:13:25 »

You would think that all those working class guys who have collected arsenals would start going after Republicans for lying to them all these years.

Specific to COAL,  this is going to sound wildly unpopular, but we might need to significantly increase coal burning in the mean time as a temporary measure to stabilized the climate, while we convert the energy FROM said burning into Solar Panels and Wind Power.

Many new scientific papers recently has come out indicating that the pandemic shutdowns which dramatically reduced  Aerosol cover from burning fossil fuels, is what triggered the intense drought and flood situations across asia/ europe/ australia.  and now NOW , USA.

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #79 on: Thu, 13 July 2023, 00:55:53 »

You would think that all those working class guys who have collected arsenals would start going after Republicans for lying to them all these years.

Specific to COAL,  this is going to sound wildly unpopular, but we might need to significantly increase coal burning in the mean time as a temporary measure to stabilized the climate, while we convert the energy FROM said burning into Solar Panels and Wind Power.

Many new scientific papers recently has come out indicating that the pandemic shutdowns which dramatically reduced  Aerosol cover from burning fossil fuels, is what triggered the intense drought and flood situations across asia/ europe/ australia.  and now NOW , USA.

Yeah I could see why we would need to do that, while we definitely need to phase out all of this stuff quickly, we have the infrastructure to speed up coal harvesting and to have a stockpile of it while we build more solar/wind turbines.

We can't comprise or do half measures when it comes to the climate, so if we need to run coal to completely implement the more renewable energy sources than we have to.
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #80 on: Fri, 14 July 2023, 13:22:03 »
Siberia over 100F/38C above the Arctic Circle.


ps - it was above 90F/32C on the beach at the Arctic Ocean
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #81 on: Fri, 14 July 2023, 13:40:20 »
Siberia over 100F/38C above the Arctic Circle.


ps - it was above 90F/32C on the beach at the Arctic Ocean

Starting to think 5 to 20 years left of humanity is an over-estimate.

It's probably 2-10 years tops. Once the methane loop pops,  it's nearly game over.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #82 on: Fri, 14 July 2023, 15:27:06 »
Arizona gonna be 120+ tomorrow

Offline Leslieann

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #83 on: Fri, 14 July 2023, 16:58:31 »
Arizona gonna be 120+ tomorrow
Arizona heat isn't the same as the rest of the country because it has such insanely low levels of humidity (often single digit humidity).

Typically, 120F in Arizona feels about the same as roughly 100F or so in the midwest.
Not saying it's pleasant or that it won't blast you in the face like a blow dryer when you walk outside but it's not the 120f you would expect.

*I've lived all over the southwest, including Arizona.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline chyros

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #84 on: Sun, 16 July 2023, 06:24:57 »
Worst weather I've had yet was in Singapore. 32 C in 100 humidity is incredible, all you want to do is flee. It's like it activates a primal instinct in you or something.

45 in Vegas and the Sahara was nowhere near as bad.
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #85 on: Sun, 16 July 2023, 06:43:35 »
Feline Corononavirus killed 300,000 cats in Cyprus,  has likely already left the country, too late for containment.

Good thing cats are typically indoors, but you know, stay away from other cats if you have cats.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #86 on: Tue, 18 July 2023, 08:08:59 »
US Western fires expected to Splodz soonish.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #87 on: Tue, 18 July 2023, 10:58:31 »
11% deficit in antarctic sea ice this year vs previous.

This is a hugely important indicator, but also a major tipping point because ice is a large component to land Albedo, (reflectivity) of sunlight.  WITHOUT WHICH, we'd burn up even faster.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #88 on: Wed, 19 July 2023, 16:41:02 »

TL;DR - Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), who leads the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, in a hearing Thursday alleged that the Biden administration’s climate agenda was tackling "a problem that doesn’t exist."
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #89 on: Wed, 19 July 2023, 16:59:51 »

TL;DR - Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), who leads the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, in a hearing Thursday alleged that the Biden administration’s climate agenda was tackling "a problem that doesn’t exist."

We actually need 3-Trillion trees, and a moratorium on Animal Agriculture, which is the LEADING root cause of deforestation / Land use, and thus CLIMATE CHANGE.

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #90 on: Wed, 19 July 2023, 23:09:24 »
U.S. Forest Service trying to “secure the edge" (IN CANADA), quoted saying,  "there's no taming these wildfires now, they were too vast and too hot."

Did we ever have a chance?

Offline chyros

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #91 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 04:58:42 »
U.S. Forest Service trying to “secure the edge" (IN CANADA), quoted saying,  "there's no taming these wildfires now, they were too vast and too hot."

Did we ever have a chance?

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Something about a bag of cheeto dust that keeps calling climate crisis a hoax?
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline Leslieann

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #92 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 05:52:17 »
U.S. Forest Service trying to “secure the edge" (IN CANADA), quoted saying,  "there's no taming these wildfires now, they were too vast and too hot."

Did we ever have a chance?

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Something about a bag of cheeto dust that keeps calling climate crisis a hoax?
All they had to do was rake their forests!
Maybe they can nuke them like we did those hurricanes.

Better yet, let's just redraw the maps with a Sharpie, then the fires will just move to a safe location.
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Offline chyros

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #93 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 06:10:51 »
U.S. Forest Service trying to “secure the edge" (IN CANADA), quoted saying,  "there's no taming these wildfires now, they were too vast and too hot."

Did we ever have a chance?

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Something about a bag of cheeto dust that keeps calling climate crisis a hoax?
All they had to do was rake their forests!
Maybe they can nuke them like we did those hurricanes.

Better yet, let's just redraw the maps with a Sharpie, then the fires will just move to a safe location.

On a related note, I always forget whether we need to nuke the whales or Japan to save on CO2 emissions because plankton either absorb or release an enormous amount of it.
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #94 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 06:26:06 »
Japan is already nvking the pacific. 400+ Tons of ground water in direct contact with the melted fvkv5hima cores is discharged into the ocean Every day.  This is incredibly rad1oa(tive water, MORE toxic than the stuff they're planning to dump.

400x4500 days since disaster, 1.8 Million tons.   The dissolved rad1onuc1ides then BIO accumulate up the marine food chain, highly toxic fish.

Try to avoid eating pacific fish, or buying japan cooking products (rice cookers), certainly avoid any japan grocery imports, rice/ fruits/ etc..

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #95 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 11:28:12 »
ha ha

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline Darthbaggins

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #96 on: Thu, 20 July 2023, 12:18:49 »
U.S. Forest Service trying to “secure the edge" (IN CANADA), quoted saying,  "there's no taming these wildfires now, they were too vast and too hot."

Did we ever have a chance?

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Something about a bag of cheeto dust that keeps calling climate crisis a hoax?
All they had to do was rake their forests!
Maybe they can nuke them like we did those hurricanes.

Better yet, let's just redraw the maps with a Sharpie, then the fires will just move to a safe location.

On a related note, I always forget whether we need to nuke the whales or Japan to save on CO2 emissions because plankton either absorb or release an enormous amount of it.

Don't forget the Trees like it as well - that must be why the fires are most active in certain areas. .

 bkrownd:"Those damned rubber chiclet keys are the devil's nipples."   >:D

Offline chyros

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #97 on: Fri, 21 July 2023, 01:37:53 »
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #98 on: Tue, 25 July 2023, 08:37:03 »
Antarctic sea ice  @ Record low.

"To say unprecedented isn't strong enough," Oceanographer, Dr. Edward Doddridge said.

"For those of you who are interested in statistics, this is a five-sigma event. So it's five standard deviations beyond the mean. Which means that if nothing had changed, we'd expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 million years."

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Re: This year may be biblical
« Reply #99 on: Fri, 28 July 2023, 05:53:46 »
The era of global warming has ended and "the era of global boiling has arrived", the UN secretary general, António Guterres

What do you guys think, should we subscribe to Soylent Green or Soylent Red ?

Red Probably tastes better since it's darker and closer to the original color of the base ingredient, therefore it's been less processed/bleached/dyed ?