Author Topic: Vote for Trump  (Read 181648 times)

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Offline dante

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #750 on: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:09:03 »
Anyone who thinks Hillary would have given women equal pay are as delusional as the Trump supporters who think he's going to bring all the jobs back.

I probably would have voted Hillary if the Democrat/Soros machine did a better job at hiding the rapes and other brutal crimes by Syrian/Middle Eastern refugees in Europe.

I'm not afraid of Islam: I'm afraid of religion.

« Last Edit: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:44:43 by dante »

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #751 on: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:20:06 »
So let's hear some thoughts on the USA trading California to Mexico in return for Mexico paying to build the wall?

Then Cuba can be added as a state to keep the usa at 50.

It would be easier to just add one of territories.  I vote for Guam, American Somoa, or US Marshall Islands, another Pacific state would nice.  Or keep it close and go with Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands.

I guess I'm going to have to brush up on my Spanish.  Do you think they will get enough money to run the wall along the California/Arizona,Nevada, Oregon, border as well?

I wonder how they will work it around the Lake Tahoe Basin.

On behalf of my friends and coworkers from Iran, what the actual **** is this retard doing?

What a frickin fiasco.   I'm just starting to think that he needs to undergo psychiatric evaluation.  The belief is conspiracy theories and impulsive policy making as a president is just too much.  At least get some decent legal counsel that will prevent unconstitutional executive orders.

However, if I'm a struggling American in a dire situation (although not as dire as being forced from ones home and country), I have to ask: Why all this compassion for immigrants and refugees, but not me?  Where is my help and team of protestors?

Did anyone else catch Ashley Judd's recitation at the Women's event last week?

No, I generally don't pay attention to celebrity activism or speeches because they are not in positions of power that are responsible for decisions that affect hundreds of millions of people.  Celebrity fueds and controversies are simply a distraction to take our minds off other more pertinent matters, like how your elected and appointed officials are abusing their power.  That's what we always must be aware of and not allow wedge issues to pit us commoners in separate corners.
« Last Edit: Sat, 28 January 2017, 22:00:06 by vivalarevolución »
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline iceman2733

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #752 on: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:21:02 »
Sorry didn't mean for it to be good sir and I really don't mean to single out the other gentleman.  My point is this act was put in place I do understand the UN does works with organizations to help population control.  My point is only as adults we should understand for each action there is a a consequence.  Cause and affect.  Provide help to those that truly need it but murdering babies because the adults do understand the consequence to there actions is needless.  Not meaning to pick a fight but as a working class guy with a family I am sick of everyone else living off of our hard earned tax dollars while the rest of us do the best we can and live and pay for our consequences. 

I don’t see why taxpayer money should go towards funding abortion if significant numbers of people are strongly opposed to it. Trump hasn’t outlawed abortion, nor should it be outlawed. Just don’t use other people’s money to pay for something that ultimately you are responsible for.

Well, saying that the tax money is simply going towards mitigating unwanted side effects of procreation is quite misguided and is a drastically simplified dismissal of a significantly larger issue. For starters, the money is not only used for providing abortion related services, but also many other things such as basic contraceptives, cervical cancer screening, maternal health, STD prevention/treatment/education, and so on. By denying funding based on a small section of what an NGO does, it removes support for all of the above as well.

Secondly, as far as abortion itself is concerned, one also has to look at it through the lens of the countries that these NGOs serve in, not a modern one. We're talking countries where people don't have proper sex education, and have no idea what and how it actually happens. Countries where millions of uneducated underaged women get pregnant through no fault of their own. For that matter, how can people be responsible for their actions, especially women, if they are completely clueless, defenseless, and often basically kids? How can someone pin the blame for abortion on someone that may routinely be forced into marriage, raped in a war conflict, or abused by their family? Is the lack of empowerment of women in those countries really a thing that can be willfully ignored for the sake of simple hand-waving and excuses?

Earlier in the thread some voiced their discontent at overpopulation and high birth rates in some parts of the world, yet it's all quite conveniently forgotten when it's so easy to have a knee-jerk reaction. Well, here it is, the "liberal" solution to overpopulation - education, prevention, empowerment of women, and yes where needed, abortion. Helping countries cut down on high birth rates (primarily via education and birth control, not abortions), on vast poverty that results from that, is a far more preferred alternative than isolationism and eventual wars and migrant crises that will inevitably result. I wonder what is currently more acceptable, taxing people to help other countries, or taxing people to mingle in a conflict in other countries that is at least partially due to a population crisis. Relevant link, for those who can't bother to read long studies with statistics. Lack of access to basic contraceptives as the direct result of cut funding will only increase the rates of abortion and in turn since nobody will be able to perform them safely, high death rates for women attempting to have some semblance of normal life for themselves in abject poverty.

People are failing to see the forest for the trees, and when such outlooks become the de facto policies of the entire country it spits in the face of decades of hard scientific research and selfless work of millions that work and volunteer for NGOs in the hardest conditions possible. It seems that some are all too happy to start dancing on the freshly dug grave of progress.
Let's put it this way than why should US tax dollars go to help other countries that aren't helping themselves?????   Is the US the only country that can help them I highly doubt it.  Maybe as a society we should stop giving excuses for individuals actions and start making individuals be accountable for there actions.  There is no accountability given anymore everything and everyone has accuses and if they can not come up with one someone else will.   As a society we need to stop expecting others to pay or do for us and learn to do for ourselves.  A good saying give a man a fish he will eat a meal, teach a man to fish and he will have food for life. 

The middle class US worker is getting nothing but taxes taken from them to pay for others while who helps them pay for thier families or pay to put there children/kids thru schooling.  As I have said before no one offers to help the American citizens that are a working providing tax paying individual/family but than again who are we just the people paying the bills.

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Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #753 on: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:35:24 »
Anyone who thinks Hillary would have given women equal pay are as delusional as the Trump supporters who think he's going to bring all the jobs back.

I probably would have voted Hillary if the Democrat/Soros machine did a better job at hiding the rapes and other brutal crimes of Syrian/Middle Eastern refugees in Europe.

This is just the normal turn of events in that 8 years of Demicraps means you will get the return of the Republicans to even the keel of democracy here.  Although now it's the first time an 'uncontrollable' is put into the white house instead of another party-camp felcher (which has occurred throughout US history - really confused with what had happened).

Hope having a non-party member in power, will pay dividends here but we need time to see what shall happen over the next few months.
« Last Edit: Sat, 28 January 2017, 21:37:43 by Elrick »

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #754 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 00:53:05 »
The wage gap is a proven myth, anyone even slightly educated in the matter knows this.

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #755 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 01:36:39 »
The wage gap is a proven myth, anyone even slightly educated in the matter knows this.

The part that kills me is that its made to sound like these two metaphorically equal people with the exception of gender, are doing the same job and the woman is only paid ~77 percent of the man. Its simply not true and unsurprisingly, men also die on the job at a rate 9x that of women. Height discrimination is a much more real thing.

Women do face real prejudices in the workplace but not in this wage-gap war cry.

BTW Ashley Judd, all prescriptions for men and women are tax-free and over-the-counter medications (i.e. Rogaine) are taxed in all but 8 states. If they made female hygiene products tax-free, I wouldn't care.

I've come to view humanity as predominantly monkey business.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #756 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 02:15:34 »
The wage gap is a proven myth, anyone even slightly educated in the matter knows this.

The part that kills me is that its made to sound like these two metaphorically equal people with the exception of gender, are doing the same job and the woman is only paid ~77 percent of the man. Its simply not true and unsurprisingly, men also die on the job at a rate 9x that of women. Height discrimination is a much more real thing.

Women do face real prejudices in the workplace but not in this wage-gap war cry.

BTW Ashley Judd, all prescriptions for men and women are tax-free and over-the-counter medications (i.e. Rogaine) are taxed in all but 8 states. If they made female hygiene products tax-free, I wouldn't care.

This is only because you're not a man working in a company that makes female hygiene products... 

Offline katushkin

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #757 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 02:32:40 »

So let's hear some thoughts on the USA trading California to Mexico

Don't be ridiculous. California should annex Mexico and become the California Republic again. California's GDP is twice as large as Mexico's.

That's weird, I watched the Mask of Zorro yesterday...

I am completely in awe of this travel ban. Green card and visa holders being prevented from travelling back HOME. A Scottish student with an Iranian passport can't get back to Scotland from Costa Rica because her flight takes her through the USA.

Unconstitutional doesn't even cover it.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline chyros

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #758 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 07:18:07 »
OK, let's just cut through the bull**** here for a second. The guy is as close to openly evil as is politically possible and millions voted for him. I mean what the hell, America?!
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #759 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 08:32:16 »

I mean what the hell, America?!

Brexit X 1000
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
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Offline chyros

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #760 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 08:56:25 »

I mean what the hell, America?!

Brexit X 1000
As if that wasn't "what the hell" enough D: . 2016 was a miserable year, I think we can all agree.
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Offline ideus

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #761 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 09:49:53 »
Anyone who thinks Hillary would have given women equal pay are as delusional as the Trump supporters who think he's going to bring all the jobs back.

I probably would have voted Hillary if the Democrat/Soros machine did a better job at hiding the rapes and other brutal crimes of Syrian/Middle Eastern refugees in Europe.

This is just the normal turn of events in that 8 years of Demicraps means you will get the return of the Republicans to even the keel of democracy here.  Although now it's the first time an 'uncontrollable' is put into the white house instead of another party-camp felcher (which has occurred throughout US history - really confused with what had happened).

Hope having a non-party member in power, will pay dividends here but we need time to see what shall happen over the next few months.

US bought a dangerous and expensive lottery ticket. The outcome could be very nasty. It feels now that there will be no winner at all, but a wounded and divided country.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #762 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 10:11:23 »

there will be no winner at all, but a wounded and divided country.

Assuming that the wound is not fatal, I feel certain that this will finally wake up and unify progressives at least.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline chuckdee

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #763 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 12:04:22 »

there will be no winner at all, but a wounded and divided country.

Assuming that the wound is not fatal, I feel certain that this will finally wake up and unify progressives at least.

We've been through similar things, and the country still stands.  I hold on to that hope, and the hope that it does not turn to violence before it starts to get better.

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #764 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 12:29:59 »
I'm pretty annoyed by the ham-fisted immigration order... what a cluster f*ck ...  I have seen Officials for DOJ and State saying nobody talked to them about any of this and they just blindsided everyone with this ...

Offline iLLucionist

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #765 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 13:42:27 »
It's funny... everywhere I see posts like "Trump did XYZ. Not nice! Sir, I'm retracting my vote for you!" Hahahaha... yeah... if it would only work that way.
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Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #766 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 14:11:34 »
It's funny... everywhere I see posts like "Trump did XYZ. Not nice! Sir, I'm retracting my vote for you!" Hahahaha... yeah... if it would only work that way.

I didn't actually vote for him... I accidentally refrained from voting for while looking at my absentee ballot I couldn't initially stomach either obvious choice... so i skipped it planning to come back to it.. and forgot and sealed the envelope at which point I figured... meh just as well.

I'm hoping Trump learns from some initial missteps and learns to work with State and the DOJ ..well and other Governmental Agencies before trying to massively revise something again.   The goal of keeping terrorist threats out is great and all... but the way this was bungled is not a great way to start off.

Anyone with any sense advising Trump should have strongly warned him that this plan was highly likely to get an injunction and probably loose in court, and as such should not be initiated in this form as to avoid an embarrassing climb down defeat out of the gate...

However... I kinda see a possible long view someone might be pushing...   

Go for it... get rebuked

wait... and sooner or later some radical lone wolf or terror cell launches some sort of attack

then go on the offensive about how you tired to protect the people and blah blah blah ...liberals stopped you... and ride a populous wave to enacting even more draconian polices  and to re-election..

but who knows... it could just be loose cannon central over at the WH right about now????

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #767 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 14:26:58 »

I didn't actually vote for him ....

Frankly, I hold you personally responsible for this mess.

It is  you and 96 MILLION others just like you  who allowed 26% of the eligible voters in the US to put those stubby fingers on the red button.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #768 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 14:34:48 »

I didn't actually vote for him ....

Frankly, I hold you personally responsible for this mess.

It is  you and 96 MILLION others just like you  who allowed 26% of the eligible voters in the US to put those stubby fingers on the red button.

do you by any chance work for CNN...taking the first six words out of context... nice...  :)

also living in CA my vote didn't matter.. nobody in their right minds would have thought voting for anyone or anything was going to change the result in CA..     If I was a swing state voter, maybe I'd feel worse about forgetting to go back and picking someone..  Honest mistake on my part... **** happens.. it had been a long day.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #769 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 14:39:50 »
OK, let's just cut through the bull**** here for a second. The guy is as close to openly evil as is politically possible and millions voted for him. I mean what the hell, America?!

No, he's not openly evil..  He's just TRANSPARENT as to how the GAME is played in politics..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Then there is the REALITY of how people are..  self first.. then if you're lucky, he sees the rest of humanity.

Offline iLLucionist

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #770 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 15:32:14 »
The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

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Offline chuckdee

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #771 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 15:42:21 »

I didn't actually vote for him ....

Frankly, I hold you personally responsible for this mess.

It is  you and 96 MILLION others just like you  who allowed 26% of the eligible voters in the US to put those stubby fingers on the red button.

do you by any chance work for CNN...taking the first six words out of context... nice...  :)

also living in CA my vote didn't matter.. nobody in their right minds would have thought voting for anyone or anything was going to change the result in CA..     If I was a swing state voter, maybe I'd feel worse about forgetting to go back and picking someone..  Honest mistake on my part... **** happens.. it had been a long day.

Don't worry.  It's this kind of thinking that makes it so people pretend not to know how the electoral college doesn't work until the popular and electoral college votes don't line up, then do nothing about it in the intervening years until it happens again.

Offline chyros

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #772 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 15:43:04 »
OK, let's just cut through the bull**** here for a second. The guy is as close to openly evil as is politically possible and millions voted for him. I mean what the hell, America?!

No, he's not openly evil..  He's just TRANSPARENT as to how the GAME is played in politics..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Then there is the REALITY of how people are..  self first.. then if you're lucky, he sees the rest of humanity.
You really ought to go out and see the rest of the world for a change, you'd be surprised at how the rest of humanity manages :p .
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #773 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 15:52:39 »

 .... taking the first six words out of context ....

I seek clarity and directness in my comments. I seldom quote entire posts, because I wish to respond to specific individual statements.

And I re-checked my figures, the non-voters who allowed Trump to slither in numbered ~93M rather than ~96M. Anyone in that group should be ashamed.

How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline iLLucionist

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #774 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 16:31:40 »
OK, let's just cut through the bull**** here for a second. The guy is as close to openly evil as is politically possible and millions voted for him. I mean what the hell, America?!

No, he's not openly evil..  He's just TRANSPARENT as to how the GAME is played in politics..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Then there is the REALITY of how people are..  self first.. then if you're lucky, he sees the rest of humanity.
You really ought to go out and see the rest of the world for a change, you'd be surprised at how the rest of humanity manages :p .

Actually, I really agree and deeply belief about the "self first"-disease. We are raised by it, nurtured by it. We are taught that self-interest is "logical" and "makes sense" and that it is what a "rational" being would do. Of course, it is not our true nature - or so I have decided to belief - but if you reiterate a falsehood long enough it becomes truth.

Whole neoliberalism is founded on this idea: it is only rational to look out for yourself. And then it became: so you should.

If we are being fed this nonsense, people with a moral identity, with a weak moral development, will not learn to resist their urge to f**k anybody over because "the peeps at the top say it is good if I do this" and we keep being screwed over and over again.
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #775 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 17:17:58 »

Whole neoliberalism is founded on this idea: it is only rational to look out for yourself. And then it became: so you should.

If we are being fed this nonsense, people with a moral identity, with a weak moral development, will not learn to resist their urge to f**k anybody over because "the peeps at the top say it is good if I do this" and we keep being screwed over and over again.

I am not sure what you are saying but I think that you must be pretty young.

For Americans, the whole "Greed is Good" thing was the ugly evil mantra that the horrible hateful Reagan rode in on in 1980.

Liberalism is rooted in the idea that we are all in this together and that fairness and compassion are the virtues to strive for.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #776 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 17:21:58 »
OK, let's just cut through the bull**** here for a second. The guy is as close to openly evil as is politically possible and millions voted for him. I mean what the hell, America?!

No, he's not openly evil..  He's just TRANSPARENT as to how the GAME is played in politics..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Then there is the REALITY of how people are..  self first.. then if you're lucky, he sees the rest of humanity.
You really ought to go out and see the rest of the world for a change, you'd be surprised at how the rest of humanity manages :p .

Actually, I really agree and deeply belief about the "self first"-disease. We are raised by it, nurtured by it. We are taught that self-interest is "logical" and "makes sense" and that it is what a "rational" being would do. Of course, it is not our true nature - or so I have decided to belief - but if you reiterate a falsehood long enough it becomes truth.

Whole neoliberalism is founded on this idea: it is only rational to look out for yourself. And then it became: so you should.

If we are being fed this nonsense, people with a moral identity, with a weak moral development, will not learn to resist their urge to f**k anybody over because "the peeps at the top say it is good if I do this" and we keep being screwed over and over again.

It's not a belief, iLLucionist ,    it's a designed spec..

There would be no other people without the Self..     Because we are not fiber-optically linked..  Our systems can not truly empathize AT LARGE..

It has the processing capacity to take SOME air-cross i/o via empathy neurons stimulated by the body's sensors,  But this system is very very very limited on bandwidth..

The cost to connectivity between humans is simply too great, relative to simple subjugation (slave) to main processors..   Which is why the economic model is the way it is.. It exists because even though we SERVE,  the productivity improvement is superior to a truly democratic decision tree.. WHICH no human would actually have time or processing capacity for.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #777 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 18:24:28 »
For Americans, the whole "Greed is Good" thing was the ugly evil mantra that the horrible hateful Reagan rode in on in 1980.

Liberalism is rooted in the idea that we are all in this together and that fairness and compassion are the virtues to strive for.

Pretty much the main Bill Board of the American Lifestyle served everywhere on this Planet.

Reagan can't be solely blamed for this but he did contribute to the interference by way of God and Country onto every sphere of Political discussion and it is still alive and well within Washington.  Don't really see it changing much but thus far Trump has definitely kicked that perverse mantra down the road a bit.  Pretty difficult to completely remove it from the reins of power, since most Republicans still believe in their right to do anything much like the perverted fanatics in the Middle East and having the previous President using them to promote "Regime Change" helps to further distort the real meaning of fairness and compassion.

Since Isis came into existence under the previous incumbent what's left now is a totally damaged world where the main stream media is lost in it's portraying of the next deluded narrative.  Have to wait and see how they'll spin the next set of lies to promote their sick agenda.

Trump thus far has acted upon what he promised during his election campaign and so far he has been far more honest than Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama have ever been.  They all LIED to their constituencies and that is why the American Public are through with trusting anymore corrupted Political Parasites, who have constantly served the interests of Wall Street and the perverse Liberalization of the Planet.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #778 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 18:39:40 »
For Americans, the whole "Greed is Good" thing was the ugly evil mantra that the horrible hateful Reagan rode in on in 1980.

Liberalism is rooted in the idea that we are all in this together and that fairness and compassion are the virtues to strive for.

Pretty much the main Bill Board of the American Lifestyle served everywhere on this Planet.

Reagan can't be solely blamed for this but he did contribute to the interference by way of God and Country onto every sphere of Political discussion and it is still alive and well within Washington.  Don't really see it changing much but thus far Trump has definitely kicked that perverse mantra down the road a bit.  Pretty difficult to completely remove it from the reins of power, since most Republicans still believe in their right to do anything much like the perverted fanatics in the Middle East and having the previous President using them to promote "Regime Change" helps to further distort the real meaning of fairness and compassion.

Since Isis came into existence under the previous incumbent what's left now is a totally damaged world where the main stream media is lost in it's portraying of the next deluded narrative.  Have to wait and see how they'll spin the next set of lies to promote their sick agenda.

Trump thus far has acted upon what he promised during his election campaign and so far he has been far more honest than Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama have ever been.  They all LIED to their constituencies and that is why the American Public are through with trusting anymore corrupted Political Parasites, who have constantly served the interests of Wall Street and the perverse Liberalization of the Planet.

These concepts are all Fine on their own..

The reality of PEOPLE is much different..

It's naive to believe that any animal adheres to the impossible intellectual ideals.

Every person can imagine a perfect sphere, and even possibly define it..

However, the creation of such a thing is outside our ability.

It is the same with all other cognitive creations.

Offline ideus

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #779 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 18:55:53 »
Ignoring the nature of Economics does not eliminate its effects. US Economy is intrinsecally linked with the world's. It is like an organ in a body, it just could not live in a stand alone form.

Jobs are part of an economy, they cannot be created by an executive order. This POTUS can make a great show and even convince the average Joe that he is fulfilling his promises, but turning the Economic system up side down will not help anyone in the long term.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #780 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 18:57:32 »
Ignoring the nature of Economics does not eliminate its effects. US Economy is intrinsecally linked with the world's. It is like an organ in a body, it just could not live in a stand alone form.

Jobs are part of an economy, they cannot be created by an executive order. This POTUS can make a great show and even convince the average Joe that he is fulfilling his promises, but turning the Economic system up side down will not help anyone in the long term.

Turbulance is exactly what we need..

Economic upset is nausea in the short term,  but it is a REBALANCING in the long term.

Offline ideus

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #781 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 19:04:06 »
Ignoring the nature of Economics does not eliminate its effects. US Economy is intrinsecally linked with the world's. It is like an organ in a body, it just could not live in a stand alone form.

Jobs are part of an economy, they cannot be created by an executive order. This POTUS can make a great show and even convince the average Joe that he is fulfilling his promises, but turning the Economic system up side down will not help anyone in the long term.

Turbulance is exactly what we need..

Economic upset is nausea in the short term,  but it is a REBALANCING in the long term.

I'll see you in four years.

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #782 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 19:18:11 »
Ignoring the nature of Economics does not eliminate its effects. US Economy is intrinsecally linked with the world's. It is like an organ in a body, it just could not live in a stand alone form.

Jobs are part of an economy, they cannot be created by an executive order. This POTUS can make a great show and even convince the average Joe that he is fulfilling his promises, but turning the Economic system up side down will not help anyone in the long term.

Turbulance is exactly what we need..

Economic upset is nausea in the short term,  but it is a REBALANCING in the long term.

I'll see you in four years.

First two years are probably the most important to Trump while Republicans hold the majority in the House and Senate. Midterm elections in 2018 will certainly be interesting, especially considering that of the 33 seats up for grabs in the Senate, 25 of them are currently held by Democrats, not including Bernie Sanders.
I've come to view humanity as predominantly monkey business.

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Offline ANightOnCloudNine

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #783 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 21:47:57 »
wee woo wee woo

Offline ideus

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #784 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 21:51:03 »
Ignoring the nature of Economics does not eliminate its effects. US Economy is intrinsecally linked with the world's. It is like an organ in a body, it just could not live in a stand alone form.

Jobs are part of an economy, they cannot be created by an executive order. This POTUS can make a great show and even convince the average Joe that he is fulfilling his promises, but turning the Economic system up side down will not help anyone in the long term.

Turbulance is exactly what we need..

Economic upset is nausea in the short term,  but it is a REBALANCING in the long term.

I'll see you in four years.

First two years are probably the most important to Trump while Republicans hold the majority in the House and Senate. Midterm elections in 2018 will certainly be interesting, especially considering that of the 33 seats up for grabs in the Senate, 25 of them are currently held by Democrats, not including Bernie Sanders.

That's true.

Offline abjr

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #785 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 22:31:38 »
No point in feeding the troll. You will just get an ever-increasing avalanche of amoral Chinese psycho-babble.

Hahaha.. I always knew you were a racist bigot on the inside..

Right before these posts, I prove you wrong yet again.. and that time for Lying..

Now you pile on the name-calling..

/ fohat.dig.. so trashy..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Pot meet kettle. Not cool tp4. Not cool.
CM QFR | magicforce 68 (Gateron) | magicforce 68 (Outemu) | Acros 6311-K

Offline chuckdee

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #786 on: Sun, 29 January 2017, 23:21:12 »
No point in feeding the troll. You will just get an ever-increasing avalanche of amoral Chinese psycho-babble.

Hahaha.. I always knew you were a racist bigot on the inside..

Right before these posts, I prove you wrong yet again.. and that time for Lying..

Now you pile on the name-calling..

/ fohat.dig.. so trashy..

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Pot meet kettle. Not cool tp4. Not cool.

Well played.  Well played.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #787 on: Mon, 30 January 2017, 00:03:42 »

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Pot meet kettle. Not cool tp4. Not cool.


I used the term Jewish in a positive way..  But if you've interpreted that negatively, it's your own chip on the shoulder..

Offline digi

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #788 on: Mon, 30 January 2017, 14:55:00 »
For Americans, the whole "Greed is Good" thing was the ugly evil mantra that the horrible hateful Reagan rode in on in 1980.

Liberalism is rooted in the idea that we are all in this together and that fairness and compassion are the virtues to strive for.

Pretty much the main Bill Board of the American Lifestyle served everywhere on this Planet.

Reagan can't be solely blamed for this but he did contribute to the interference by way of God and Country onto every sphere of Political discussion and it is still alive and well within Washington.  Don't really see it changing much but thus far Trump has definitely kicked that perverse mantra down the road a bit.  Pretty difficult to completely remove it from the reins of power, since most Republicans still believe in their right to do anything much like the perverted fanatics in the Middle East and having the previous President using them to promote "Regime Change" helps to further distort the real meaning of fairness and compassion.

Since Isis came into existence under the previous incumbent what's left now is a totally damaged world where the main stream media is lost in it's portraying of the next deluded narrative.  Have to wait and see how they'll spin the next set of lies to promote their sick agenda.

Trump thus far has acted upon what he promised during his election campaign and so far he has been far more honest than Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama have ever been.  They all LIED to their constituencies and that is why the American Public are through with trusting anymore corrupted Political Parasites, who have constantly served the interests of Wall Street and the perverse Liberalization of the Planet.

I thought if it was posted on 4chan or Reddit then it's legit

The general population is fed a certain IMAGE by the Ruling jewish media, of how their leaders are..

Pot meet kettle. Not cool tp4. Not cool.


I used the term Jewish in a positive way..  But if you've interpreted that negatively, it's your own chip on the shoulder..

Yea, that's called reverse racism abjr...reported.

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #789 on: Thu, 02 February 2017, 20:17:32 »
so I read something about a Bodega strike in NY.... and then I thought to myself... is there anything your average Republican cares less about than a Bodega being closed in protest??? and I got nothing???  seriously  I kinda only know what one is because of watching Law & Order..  ;D

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #790 on: Thu, 02 February 2017, 20:23:32 »
so I read something about a Bodega strike in NY.... and then I thought to myself... is there anything your average Republican cares less about than a Bodega being closed in protest??? and I got nothing???  seriously  I kinda only know what one is because of watching Law & Order..  ;D

I could never get into law and order..

Not enough spaceships or robots..

Offline atarione

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #791 on: Thu, 02 February 2017, 20:32:54 »
so I read something about a Bodega strike in NY.... and then I thought to myself... is there anything your average Republican cares less about than a Bodega being closed in protest??? and I got nothing???  seriously  I kinda only know what one is because of watching Law & Order..  ;D

I could never get into law and order..

Not enough spaceships or robots..

ah... you got to watch the Law and Order Criminal Intent...for robots????

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #792 on: Mon, 06 February 2017, 20:25:54 »
so I read something about a Bodega strike in NY.... and then I thought to myself... is there anything your average Republican cares less about than a Bodega being closed in protest??? and I got nothing???  seriously  I kinda only know what one is because of watching Law & Order..  ;D

I could never get into law and order..

Not enough spaceships or robots..

ah... you got to watch the Law and Order Criminal Intent...for robots? ???

Of course not he fancies Det. Serena Stevens.  She is the hottest one in that show, the Mrs has to be out when I view Serena  ;) .

Would love for her to be an under cover Fembot ready for action with any perpetrator she apprehends.
« Last Edit: Mon, 06 February 2017, 20:28:33 by Elrick »

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #793 on: Mon, 06 February 2017, 21:31:06 »

Of course not he fancies Det. Serena Stevens.  She is the hottest one in that show, the Mrs has to be out when I view Serena  ;) .

Would love for her to be an under cover Fembot ready for action with any perpetrator she apprehends.

serena stevens ain' aht nuttn on tricia helfer

Offline Elrick

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #794 on: Tue, 07 February 2017, 20:46:43 »
nuttn on tricia helfer

Hey, hey...... Tricia Helfer shines in Lucifer.

She's better off as Satan's Mother here so leave it be.  Besides she only played a bit part on CSI many years ago.

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #795 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:28:35 »

I probably would have voted Hillary if the Democrat/Soros machine did a better job at hiding the rapes and other brutal crimes by Syrian/Middle Eastern refugees in Europe.

I'm not afraid of Islam: I'm afraid of religion.

However, if I'm a struggling American in a dire situation (although not as dire as being forced from ones home and country), I have to ask: Why all this compassion for immigrants and refugees, but not me?  Where is my help and team of protestors?

No, I generally don't pay attention to celebrity activism or speeches because they are not in positions of power that are responsible for decisions that affect hundreds of millions of people.  Celebrity fueds and controversies are simply a distraction to take our minds off other more pertinent matters, like how your elected and appointed officials are abusing their power.  That's what we always must be aware of and not allow wedge issues to pit us commoners in separate corners.

Let's put it this way than why should US tax dollars go to help other countries that aren't helping themselves?????   Is the US the only country that can help them I highly doubt it.  Maybe as a society we should stop giving excuses for individuals actions and start making individuals be accountable for there actions.  There is no accountability given anymore everything and everyone has accuses and if they can not come up with one someone else will.   As a society we need to stop expecting others to pay or do for us and learn to do for ourselves.  A good saying give a man a fish he will eat a meal, teach a man to fish and he will have food for life. 

The middle class US worker is getting nothing but taxes taken from them to pay for others while who helps them pay for thier families or pay to put there children/kids thru schooling.  As I have said before no one offers to help the American citizens that are a working providing tax paying individual/family but than again who are we just the people paying the bills.


The liberals, progressives and globalists on the left don’t seem very concerned with their own fellow citizens. They are more concerned with their jihad to spread their values to the rest of the world.

Consistently I see the media showing more concern for non-citizen Muslims, than for the victims of Muslim terrorism. If a Muslim is insulted in the NYC subway it makes headline news, but stuff about Christians being massacred in the Central African Republic by Muslims or Yazidis being genocided by Muslims tends to make smaller headlines.

Americans have been kidnapped and held hostage and terrorized and beheaded by Muslims for decades, and there are almost never any demonstrations. Now Trump follows up on a campaign promise and slaps a TEMPORARY ban pending extreme vetting on countries that have been a proven source of terrorists for years, and literally millions turn out to demonstrate.

Boston Marathon Massacre didn’t bring millions into the streets. Protecting the migration ‘rights’ of Iraqis did. Clearly the liberals prefer people who routinely shout ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’ over Boston victims.

I don’t understand why the US must ‘defend’ Europe against Russia. The EU has an economy 10 times the size of Russia, a population 3 times as big, and far superior technology. If Turkey is included, European NATO has 4x the military manpower that Russia has. All the statistical advantages are in European hands. If they can’t or won’t defend themselves, then NATO should be disbanded.

Likewise the USA has no business defending South Korea against the North. South Korean GNP is 40 times that of the North. Their population is 2x as big. They spend 3x as much on their military. Their technology is literally world class. I’ll bet that not a single member of geekhack does not have multiple examples of South Korean high technology in his home. If mad dictator Kim is still a threat to South Korea, that is because South Koreans are willing to accept a Kim dictatorship.

Madonna just took another two Malawi infants in for adoption. Like many Hollywood celebs, she loves making a big show of taking some third world kids from their homelands and raising them in conditions of great privilege. Strangely these celebs pay very little attention to the poor and disprivileged in the USA. I’m sure Madonna is rich enough to pay for a total overhaul of the Flint water system and Meryl Streep can buy up and fix entire neighborhoods in Detroit. But they’ll rather go to Cambodia and Ethiopia for their trophy non-white infants.

Liberals will beat and burn Trump in effigy, but not Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. That Der Spiegel magazine cover, portraying Trump as Jihadi John, really says it all. They can't tell an elected president from a murderous terrorist. At this rate we won't be able to tell Der Spiegel from Der Sturmer.

Recently Trump’s wall building and visa blocking have caused many Silicon valley hypocrites to pop out and make pious statements about liberal values. Quite ironically, Mark Zuckerberg just built a mile long wall to block off Native Hawaiians from accessing a public beach, and tried to sue and drive off hundreds of Natives from their ancestral lands. He has 700 hectares that he doesn't need to farm. Many of these natives have just a few acres to farm, surrounded by Zuckerberg property. He wants to deny access using legal tricks when access is already part of traditional Hawaiian land rights. To me, this is symbolic of the problem of liberalism. Their charity doesn’t begin at home. It begins 5000 miles away.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #796 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:32:13 »
Let's put it this way than why should US tax dollars go to help other countries that aren't helping themselves?????   Is the US the only country that can help them I highly doubt it.  Maybe as a society we should stop giving excuses for individuals actions and start making individuals be accountable for there actions.  There is no accountability given anymore everything and everyone has accuses and if they can not come up with one someone else will.   As a society we need to stop expecting others to pay or do for us and learn to do for ourselves.  A good saying give a man a fish he will eat a meal, teach a man to fish and he will have food for life. 

The middle class US worker is getting nothing but taxes taken from them to pay for others while who helps them pay for thier families or pay to put there children/kids thru schooling.  As I have said before no one offers to help the American citizens that are a working providing tax paying individual/family but than again who are we just the people paying the bills.

The liberals, progressives and globalists on the left don’t seem very concerned with their own fellow citizens. They are more concerned with their jihad to spread their values to the rest of the world.

Consistently I see the media showing more concern for non-citizen Muslims, than for the victims of Muslim terrorism. If a Muslim is insulted in the NYC subway it makes headline news, but stuff about Christians being massacred in the Central African Republic by Muslims or Yazidis being genocided by Muslims tends to make smaller headlines.

Americans have been kidnapped and held hostage and terrorized and beheaded by Muslims for decades, and there are almost never any demonstrations. Now Trump follows up on a campaign promise and slaps a TEMPORARY ban pending extreme vetting on countries that have been a proven source of terrorists for years, and literally millions turn out to demonstrate.

Boston Marathon Massacre didn’t bring millions into the streets. Protecting the migration ‘rights’ of Iraqis did. Clearly the liberals prefer people who routinely shout ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’ over Boston victims.

I don’t understand why the US must ‘defend’ Europe against Russia. The EU has an economy 10 times the size of Russia, a population 3 times as big, and far superior technology. If Turkey is included, European NATO has 4x the military manpower that Russia has. All the statistical advantages are in European hands. If they can’t or won’t defend themselves, then NATO should be disbanded.

Likewise the USA has no business defending South Korea against the North. South Korean GNP is 40 times that of the North. Their population is 2x as big. They spend 3x as much on their military. Their technology is literally world class. I’ll bet that not a single member of geekhack does not have multiple examples of South Korean high technology in his home. If mad dictator Kim is still a threat to South Korea, that is because South Koreans are willing to accept a Kim dictatorship.

Madonna just took another two Malawi infants in for adoption. Like many Hollywood celebs, she loves making a big show of taking some third world kids from their homelands and raising them in conditions of great privilege. Strangely these celebs pay very little attention to the poor and disprivileged in the USA. I’m sure Madonna is rich enough to pay for a total overhaul of the Flint water system and Meryl Streep can buy up and fix entire neighborhoods in Detroit. But they’ll rather go to Cambodia and Ethiopia for their trophy non-white infants.

Liberals will beat and burn Trump in effigy, but not Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. That Der Spiegel magazine cover, portraying Trump as Jihadi John, really says it all. They can't tell an elected president from a murderous terrorist. At this rate we won't be able to tell Der Spiegel from Der Sturmer.

Recently Trump’s wall building and visa blocking have caused many Silicon valley hypocrites to pop out and make pious statements about liberal values. Quite ironically, Mark Zuckerberg just built a mile long wall to block off Native Hawaiians from accessing a public beach, and tried to sue and drive off hundreds of Natives from their ancestral lands. He has 700 hectares that he doesn't need to farm. Many of these natives have just a few acres to farm, surrounded by Zuckerberg property. He wants to deny access using legal tricks when access is already part of traditional Hawaiian land rights. To me, this is symbolic of the problem of liberalism. Their charity doesn’t begin at home. It begins 5000 miles away.

This might be the best post I've read in a while.

Offline katushkin

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #797 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:34:34 »
Ít's funny when you say liberals can't tell Trump from a terrorist when it's clear that most republicans can't tell a regular Muslim from a terrorist either.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline digi

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #798 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:38:18 »
Ít's funny when you say liberals can't tell Trump from a terrorist when it's clear that most republicans can't tell a regular Muslim from a terrorist either.

It's funny that liberals hate America and Republicans don't.

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #799 on: Wed, 08 February 2017, 10:45:49 »
Ít's funny when you say liberals can't tell Trump from a terrorist when it's clear that most republicans can't tell a regular Muslim from a terrorist either.

It's funny that liberals hate America and Republicans don't.

By "hate America" you mean letting immigrants and refugees in, right? Granting asylum to US Military interpreters, families fleeing conflict and political persecution, right?

And by "don't hate America" you mean setting fire to people's property, right? Just because they have a different religion which they are free to practise because of the constitution, or preventing people with visas and green cards from coming into the country, which is protected by the constitution, right?
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
Katushkin's Clearout | Twitter | Steam | Instagram| Discord - katushkin