Author Topic: Vote for Trump  (Read 181655 times)

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #500 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 11:40:01 »
I'm really afraid for the world right now.

Me too. I never thought that it could ever even happen at all, but this is turning out far worse than I would have imagined it could.

The idea that he would select the biggest fattest ugliest alligators in the country to populate his swamp should not be surprising since he is a pathological liar and only cares about wealthy people, but the White Supremacist/Radical Religious thing really blindsided me. During the campaign I thought that he was just talking that trash to stir up the haters.

There are more than enough smoking guns to derail his ascent: campaign law violations, conflicts of interest, foreign money, lawsuits, ineligible appointments, Putin, security breaches, the list could go on. But who is there to initiate and follow through with the process?

That's ridiculous..

What you are blinded by is not the Trump Reality..

It's the candy coated one you've lived in your whole life.

EVERY person of power work through lots and lots of MUCK,  to get to where they are, and to stay where they are..

There's never been any exception to this..

As for racism..  our biology makes us naturally "racist" to some degree, through kin-selection..

More or less would then later depend on intellect and purpose..

The majority of nazis didn't think they were better than jews, or that jews were somehow different but the party at the time needed someone to blame to unite the public.

It's unlikely this would happen again in that fashion, because hey America needs all the soldiers it can produce..

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #501 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 13:52:23 »
So Obama is having a press conference tomorrow....word on the street is he will be announcing a delay in the transition to President-Elect Trump because of the Russian hacking :eek:

Thanks for bumping the thread.  Let's get the band back togrther!

I'm assuming that means the inauguration date would be moved back, which is unconstitutional.  It would cause an uproar.  Check out the 20th amendment. 
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Offline dante

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #502 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 14:00:29 »
As for racism..  our biology makes us naturally "racist" to some degree, through kin-selection..

This is true.  Black women won't give us white men a chance.  It's not our fault we're not hung like a horse! :(

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #503 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 14:33:37 »
Obama confirms trump won fair and square. We can move on now.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #504 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 14:37:18 »
Obama confirms trump won fair and square. We can move on now.

I could've told ya'll that from the beginning.. hahahahahaha

EVEN if the Russians WERE hacking, and made the 100% difference that Trump won..

We as a NATION could never ADMIT, that our system was compromise by foreign government..

Think of the consequences..

The most POWERFUL Democracy spending UNLIMITED tax-Dollars funding the NSA.. Lost to RUSSIANS.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #505 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 15:18:24 »
Obama confirms trump won fair and square. We can move on now.

No, Obama confirmed that the voting and counting process proceeded mechanically as it should have.

Foreign intervention and deceit of the electorate is hardly "fair" even if it might conceivably be described as "square"
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #506 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 15:29:35 »
Obama confirms trump won fair and square. We can move on now.

No, Obama confirmed that the voting and counting process proceeded mechanically as it should have.

Foreign intervention and deceit of the electorate is hardly "fair" even if it might conceivably be described as "square"

That's narrow sighted..

What is foreign influence..

Countries are not isolate entities.  They're a cohesive function that we compartmentalize out of convenience.

Hacking is just as legit a political strategy if it works..

The next president will have a better hacking / digital security team..

That's just how we move forward..

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #507 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 16:20:13 »
The amount of times that the United States has intervened in the elections and politics of other countries is basically off the charts, whether by force or covertly.  Now all of our politicians are getting their panties in a bunch because some other country may have finally influenced our election.  Bunch of hypocrites, we are.

Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #508 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 16:49:07 »
message deleted
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 January 2017, 11:33:56 by dantan »

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #509 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 18:23:02 »
The amount of times that the United States has intervened in the elections and politics of other countries is basically off the charts, whether by force or covertly.  Now all of our politicians are getting their panties in a bunch because some other country may have finally influenced our election.  Bunch of hypocrites, we are.

The Democrats are always portraying themselves as good guys, but it seems all the hating so far has been on Trump. The news is totally one sided and very fanatical and alarmist.

Also, the Democrats haven't tried to win over the Trump supporters. Democrats seem to keep dismissing their concerns and are happy to stereotype them as a bunch of racist hicks. If New York is doing well, they don't care about Wisconsin and Pennsylvania's bad economy. These guys can starve or go to hell.

Hating on white working people is also racism, but Democrats refuse to accept that. To them white people are only privileged racists, and never victims.

The Democrats haven't shown any more respect for the Republicans than the other way round. They don't want to accept that in many people's eyes, homosexuality and transexuality is wrong. If you took a world vote, most people everywhere would say no to gays. Including the Arab Muslims and Catholic Mexicans that democrats love.

So when democrats want to impose their gay rights on Republicans, Republicans find it unpalatable. The same would go for many other policies that Democrats like and Republicans hate. For example, amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants, unlimited entry to Muslims, taking in millions of Syrians, that kind of stuff. Most countries in the world would think that is totally crazy. Even Saudi Arabia is very restrictive on Muslim entry and doesn't accept any Syrian refugees. Now Democrats love that, that's fine. But if people who share your country object, I don't think it makes them monsters and madmen. If you start shouting Fascist and Racist at them, eventually they tune you out and only appoint their own people to political posts who ignore everything you say.

Because Democrats have created so much hysteria and lowered expectations so much, as long as Trump doesn't start a nuclear war on 20 January 2017 he will already be better than what most Democrats claim and everyone should be happy.

I wasn't referencing the Democrats in particular, as many Republicans have voiced their concerns with the alleged Russian hacking.

By making broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them, you basically are doing the same thing as the people you are criticizing.  That does not make for a very convincing or effective argument.
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Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #510 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 18:42:56 »
Just when I thought this thread died  :-\
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #511 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 20:08:04 »
The amount of times that the United States has intervened in the elections and politics of other countries is basically off the charts, whether by force or covertly.  Now all of our politicians are getting their panties in a bunch because some other country may have finally influenced our election.  Bunch of hypocrites, we are.


Who influences whom is merely a matter of Perspective..

The earth revolves around the sun.. Yes,  but the solar system goes around the giant black hole at the center of our galaxy..

So, is the sun making us do what we do,  or is it the black hole..

Everything that YOU BELIEVE exists in the middle,  and that belief has so little to do with what actually happens,  because everything outside of belief is so many orders of magnitude larger.

There is no true Unity of Aim outside of universal laws such as entropy..

We are not yet at capacity to talk about decisions..

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #512 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 20:09:52 »
Also, the Democrats haven't tried to win over the Trump supporters. Democrats seem to keep dismissing their concerns and are happy to stereotype them as a bunch of racist hicks.
The election is over. Time to move on.
The Democrats will have learned their lesson in four years.

The big issue now is: how much damage can Trump and his administration of hardline warmongers and climate deniers do before that?
« Last Edit: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:13:22 by Findecanor »

Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #513 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 20:40:13 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:27:59 by alienman82 »

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #514 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:22:26 »
There is nothing funny about that. I am being dead serious. We are facing the hardest, biggest challenge in the history of mankind - the very real possibility of the destruction of the biosphere that we depend on, that sustains us,  that everything we have is based on, without we have nothing, and the US president elect - the most powerful man in the world, is a giant douche going the wrong way.

That is not left or right. That is a fact.

Offline ygor

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #515 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:34:47 »
It's so cool when people use "left" and "right" to throw shade on another person's perspective. Why bother thinking beyond simple binaries? Like, shut up and pour me another glass of that Corpis Christi tap water... All I understand is some simple formulaic single-minded ideology.

Cleaning up the planet and ensuring the human species has a future in this universe is sooooo left, what dweeb. Who would be concerned about that?

Edit- This is sarcasm by the way.
« Last Edit: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:39:01 by ygor »
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Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #516 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:39:19 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:27:56 by alienman82 »

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #517 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:41:07 »

There is nothing funny

True that.

The 26% of eligible US voters who propelled the Orange Hitler into office may have (the jury is still out, of course, and it will take months or years or decades to know) precipitated a set of global disasters of colossal magnitude on multiple fronts.

We can only hope that the Einstein quote proves true.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #518 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:44:19 »
There is nothing funny about that. I am being dead serious. We are facing the hardest, biggest challenge in the history of mankind - the very real possibility of the destruction of the biosphere that we depend on, that sustains us,  that everything we have is based on, without we have nothing, and the US president elect - the most powerful man in the world, is a giant douche going the wrong way.

That is not left or right. That is a fact.

You guys are being childish.

It's not the PRESIDENT doing all these things..

It's all of us.. Driving everywhere.. eating animals at every meal.. playing video games..  Using cellphones.. 

Just as HE did not cause these problems,  He himself is also not the solution..

You want to change.. make money.. buy into political office.. Change..

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #519 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 21:56:41 »
There is nothing funny

True that.

The 26% of eligible US voters who propelled the Orange Hitler into office may have (the jury is still out, of course, and it will take months or years or decades to know) precipitated a set of global disasters of colossal magnitude on multiple fronts.

We can only hope that the Einstein quote proves true.

Can we not try to leverage this backwards logic? If reversed, it can also be said that only ~26.6% of eligible US voters voted for Hillary Clinton. While I am at it, might as well throw a half-assed claim that her victory in popular vote was entirely decided by the state of California.
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Offline ygor

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #520 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 22:08:03 »
It's so inconvenient to have to face up to the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin in the history of the nation. But, yeah, it was only all those welfare-check havin' beatniks in California. All 2.9 million of them (and rising). Who cares about the will of the people anyway? This is America.
I generally hate all keycaps. Keycaps are for poofs. Real men touchtype on stems. Non-functional artisans are awesome, I use them for the ESC key ... escape is for cowards anyways, real men go frontal assault.

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #521 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 22:26:25 »
It's so inconvenient to have to face up to the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin in the history of the nation. But, yeah, it was only all those welfare-check havin' beatniks in California. All 2.9 million of them (and rising). Who cares about the will of the people anyway? This is America.

It's the largest margin by anyone that has lost the electoral college.  Get your facts straight.
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Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #522 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 22:28:21 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:27:52 by alienman82 »

Offline dante

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #523 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 22:46:35 »
Politics bring out the worst in people.

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #524 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 23:02:26 »

It's so inconvenient to have to face up to the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin in the history of the nation. But, yeah, it was only all those welfare-check havin' beatniks in California. All 2.9 million of them (and rising). Who cares about the will of the people anyway? This is America.

This is the United STATES of America.  The Electoral College isn't perfect but it does give more fair representation to states with smaller populations and balances out the distribution of popular votes. I can see the argument with swing states possibly deciding an election but the popular vote largely favors urban areas. Also, the statement about California was largely sarcastic. There are a million "what-ifs" but even having every California voter be pro-Hillary, the electoral results would still be the same and there would be a ~4 million vote swing for Clinton.

@Alienman82 I have tried to chill out since the election and the last time this thread was bumped :)
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Offline ygor

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #525 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 23:07:53 »
It's the largest margin by anyone that has lost the electoral college.  Get your facts straight.

The Compromise of 1877 really was something.

This is the United STATES of America.

The War of Northern Aggression ended in 1865, homie.
I generally hate all keycaps. Keycaps are for poofs. Real men touchtype on stems. Non-functional artisans are awesome, I use them for the ESC key ... escape is for cowards anyways, real men go frontal assault.

Offline dantan

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #526 on: Fri, 16 December 2016, 23:21:49 »
no point
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 January 2017, 11:35:36 by dantan »

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #527 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 03:21:32 »

By making broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them, ... the same thing as the people you are criticizing. 

All I needed was for you to admit this.

I'm not saying Trump is a great guy.

I am saying that the democrats aren't great guys and don't deserve our sympathy.

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters especially in the economically poor northern states that swung to Trump. She did not show that level of care, and stereotyped and labelled these people. She spent all her time pandering to blacks, hispanics and Muslims. She thought that as long as she won the minority vote, white people would automatically vote her way to avoid being labelled racist.

This is the result. Hillary deserved to lose. Bush barely won Florida, but Trump took Florida by a big margin. Arizona is a third Hispanic most of whom are recent immigrants from Mexico, but Trump took it anyway despite his wall-building comments.

After election is over for a month the media is still full of shrill commentary about Trump voters being ignorant and dumb racists. Clearly unlike you, the experienced editors and famous op-ed writers think that making these "broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them" makes for "very effective and convincing arguments." Michael Moore does it all the time, and his democrat supporters lap it up.

New York Times op eds, has this article by Ariel Dorfman: Now America, You Know How Chileans felt. The CIA overthrew Allende to install Pinochet. Now CIA is claiming that Russia interfered in USA election. After decades of messing with other people's political systems, if you don't know how to protect your own election then you are a fool. CIA could have figured out Russian meddling before the election and taken appropriate steps instead of whining when their preferred candidate didn't win.

If Trump's side lost and the CIA reported Russian hacking, the Republicans would have probably blamed the Russians. And it would be the Democrats dismissing these claims, saying that US election was fair and Russians had no impact.

Although the press thinks Trump is the world's greatest bigot since Hitler, Trump is well known to love New York City. He has lived in NYC all his life despite non-Hispanic white people being a minority.

In contrast, Clinton chose to move out of places with many black people. She lives in Chappaqua, where nearly the entire population is white, with blacks and Hispanics at under 1% each.

So the 'racist Republican' is the one who lives among mostly nonwhite people all the time. The 'good democrat' is the commuter who lives in a lily white suburb where the real estate values can stay up because there are no black or hispanic people. I am supposed to be convinced that Hillary is not racist?

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #528 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 04:21:22 »

By making broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them, ... the same thing as the people you are criticizing. 

All I needed was for you to admit this.

I'm not saying Trump is a great guy.

I am saying that the democrats aren't great guys and don't deserve our sympathy.

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters especially in the economically poor northern states that swung to Trump. She did not show that level of care, and stereotyped and labelled these people. She spent all her time pandering to blacks, hispanics and Muslims. She thought that as long as she won the minority vote, white people would automatically vote her way to avoid being labelled racist.

This is the result. Hillary deserved to lose. Bush barely won Florida, but Trump took Florida by a big margin. Arizona is a third Hispanic most of whom are recent immigrants from Mexico, but Trump took it anyway despite his wall-building comments.

After election is over for a month the media is still full of shrill commentary about Trump voters being ignorant and dumb racists. Clearly unlike you, the experienced editors and famous op-ed writers think that making these "broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them" makes for "very effective and convincing arguments." Michael Moore does it all the time, and his democrat supporters lap it up.

New York Times op eds, has this article by Ariel Dorfman: Now America, You Know How Chileans felt. The CIA overthrew Allende to install Pinochet. Now CIA is claiming that Russia interfered in USA election. After decades of messing with other people's political systems, if you don't know how to protect your own election then you are a fool. CIA could have figured out Russian meddling before the election and taken appropriate steps instead of whining when their preferred candidate didn't win.

If Trump's side lost and the CIA reported Russian hacking, the Republicans would have probably blamed the Russians. And it would be the Democrats dismissing these claims, saying that US election was fair and Russians had no impact.

Although the press thinks Trump is the world's greatest bigot since Hitler, Trump is well known to love New York City. He has lived in NYC all his life despite non-Hispanic white people being a minority.

In contrast, Clinton chose to move out of places with many black people. She lives in Chappaqua, where nearly the entire population is white, with blacks and Hispanics at under 1% each.

So the 'racist Republican' is the one who lives among mostly nonwhite people all the time. The 'good democrat' is the commuter who lives in a lily white suburb where the real estate values can stay up because there are no black or hispanic people. I am supposed to be convinced that Hillary is not racist?

I like your energy

Lies.. you didn't read it..

Just like I don't read this stuff.....

Because they're dim witted enough to post in such length on the internet.

That is clear indication of their low intelligence, and comprehension of the medium..

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #529 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 05:06:47 »

By making broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them, ... the same thing as the people you are criticizing. 

All I needed was for you to admit this.

I'm not saying Trump is a great guy.

I am saying that the democrats aren't great guys and don't deserve our sympathy.

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters especially in the economically poor northern states that swung to Trump. She did not show that level of care, and stereotyped and labelled these people. She spent all her time pandering to blacks, hispanics and Muslims. She thought that as long as she won the minority vote, white people would automatically vote her way to avoid being labelled racist.

This is the result. Hillary deserved to lose. Bush barely won Florida, but Trump took Florida by a big margin. Arizona is a third Hispanic most of whom are recent immigrants from Mexico, but Trump took it anyway despite his wall-building comments.

After election is over for a month the media is still full of shrill commentary about Trump voters being ignorant and dumb racists. Clearly unlike you, the experienced editors and famous op-ed writers think that making these "broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them" makes for "very effective and convincing arguments." Michael Moore does it all the time, and his democrat supporters lap it up.

New York Times op eds, has this article by Ariel Dorfman: Now America, You Know How Chileans felt. The CIA overthrew Allende to install Pinochet. Now CIA is claiming that Russia interfered in USA election. After decades of messing with other people's political systems, if you don't know how to protect your own election then you are a fool. CIA could have figured out Russian meddling before the election and taken appropriate steps instead of whining when their preferred candidate didn't win.

If Trump's side lost and the CIA reported Russian hacking, the Republicans would have probably blamed the Russians. And it would be the Democrats dismissing these claims, saying that US election was fair and Russians had no impact.

Although the press thinks Trump is the world's greatest bigot since Hitler, Trump is well known to love New York City. He has lived in NYC all his life despite non-Hispanic white people being a minority.

In contrast, Clinton chose to move out of places with many black people. She lives in Chappaqua, where nearly the entire population is white, with blacks and Hispanics at under 1% each.

So the 'racist Republican' is the one who lives among mostly nonwhite people all the time. The 'good democrat' is the commuter who lives in a lily white suburb where the real estate values can stay up because there are no black or hispanic people. I am supposed to be convinced that Hillary is not racist?

I like your energy

Lies.. you didn't read it..

Just like I don't read this stuff.....

Because they're dim witted enough to post in such length on the internet.

That is clear indication of their low intelligence, and comprehension of the medium..

I love you

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #530 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 07:20:37 »

By making broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them, ... the same thing as the people you are criticizing. 

All I needed was for you to admit this.

I'm not saying Trump is a great guy.

I am saying that the democrats aren't great guys and don't deserve our sympathy.

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters especially in the economically poor northern states that swung to Trump. She did not show that level of care, and stereotyped and labelled these people. She spent all her time pandering to blacks, hispanics and Muslims. She thought that as long as she won the minority vote, white people would automatically vote her way to avoid being labelled racist.

This is the result. Hillary deserved to lose. Bush barely won Florida, but Trump took Florida by a big margin. Arizona is a third Hispanic most of whom are recent immigrants from Mexico, but Trump took it anyway despite his wall-building comments.

After election is over for a month the media is still full of shrill commentary about Trump voters being ignorant and dumb racists. Clearly unlike you, the experienced editors and famous op-ed writers think that making these "broad, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people and placing labels upon them" makes for "very effective and convincing arguments." Michael Moore does it all the time, and his democrat supporters lap it up.

New York Times op eds, has this article by Ariel Dorfman: Now America, You Know How Chileans felt. The CIA overthrew Allende to install Pinochet. Now CIA is claiming that Russia interfered in USA election. After decades of messing with other people's political systems, if you don't know how to protect your own election then you are a fool. CIA could have figured out Russian meddling before the election and taken appropriate steps instead of whining when their preferred candidate didn't win.

If Trump's side lost and the CIA reported Russian hacking, the Republicans would have probably blamed the Russians. And it would be the Democrats dismissing these claims, saying that US election was fair and Russians had no impact.

Although the press thinks Trump is the world's greatest bigot since Hitler, Trump is well known to love New York City. He has lived in NYC all his life despite non-Hispanic white people being a minority.

In contrast, Clinton chose to move out of places with many black people. She lives in Chappaqua, where nearly the entire population is white, with blacks and Hispanics at under 1% each.

So the 'racist Republican' is the one who lives among mostly nonwhite people all the time. The 'good democrat' is the commuter who lives in a lily white suburb where the real estate values can stay up because there are no black or hispanic people. I am supposed to be convinced that Hillary is not racist?

I did not admit anything, I only made an observation about your statements.  You really just like to push your viewpoints about how much you don't like Hillary and the Democrats.

But your strategy is effective, you're basically making stuff up or distorting facts to push your viewpoint, which makes an actual discussion impossible.  Unfortunately, this style of argument is quite popular these days and many people are entranced by it.  A consequence of an era in which we are so saturated with information, that the truth can be glossed as we move on to the next topic that justifies our viewpoints.
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #531 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 07:22:37 »

It's so inconvenient to have to face up to the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin in the history of the nation. But, yeah, it was only all those welfare-check havin' beatniks in California. All 2.9 million of them (and rising). Who cares about the will of the people anyway? This is America.

This is the United STATES of America.  The Electoral College isn't perfect but it does give more fair representation to states with smaller populations and balances out the distribution of popular votes. I can see the argument with swing states possibly deciding an election but the popular vote largely favors urban areas. Also, the statement about California was largely sarcastic. There are a million "what-ifs" but even having every California voter be pro-Hillary, the electoral results would still be the same and there would be a ~4 million vote swing for Clinton.

@Alienman82 I have tried to chill out since the election and the last time this thread was bumped :)

I hear this viewpoint about the electoral college quite a bit, and it is a falsehood.  The electoral college allows the parties to craft their platforms to appeal to a small subset of swing voters in 10 or less states because those are the voters that decide elections these days.  Trump did a better of job of that this time around.  I recommend checking out the two videos below and let them do the explaining.

Basically the vote of a person is not influential if they did not vote for the winner of a state.  A popular vote allows votes that are not in the majority in a state to influence the election, including within small states.  Perhaps voter turnout would be higher with a popular vote, as people might feel their vote will matter more.  The Republican Party has won ONE popular vote since 1992 (W in 2004).  Seven elections, one popular vote win.  They know that they cannot win anymore without gerrymandering, without the electoral college, without low voter turnout, without swing states.  But facts don't matter anymore, so why do I bother.

« Last Edit: Sat, 17 December 2016, 07:40:58 by vivalarevolución »
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #532 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 08:33:50 »

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters

Like lying to them about getting jobs for them while simultaneously taking away their Social Security and Affordable Health Care?

How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #533 on: Sat, 17 December 2016, 08:56:16 »

Clinton could have done things like address the concerns of white working class voters

Like lying to them about getting jobs for them while simultaneously taking away their Social Security and Affordable Health Care?

The collapse of welfare is due to the fact that America can no longer dominate CREDIT..

This is a flaw inherent in fiat,   Not a one off choice by any politician.

For the last 50 years,  America produced things that could not be made any where else...

That made the difference...

Now it's much harder when everyone's learned our stuff..

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #534 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 21:30:36 »
The entire inauguration felt like a goddamn church sermon, how many ****ing times do they need to bring up God and have yet another decrepit out of touch cardinal or priest talk more religious sanctimonious bull****?
And what the actual **** is with his cabinet choices? It's like the League Of Evil over here, this is absurd and surreal the rogues gallery that is being put into power right now.

What a complete ****show this entire election was from both sides: Dems putting up a completely unlikable robot criminal, and the Reps putting up a racist misogynist with zero political experience. Then one wins by literally rigging the election process and everyone is just cool with it. Absolutely absurd, and yet all the upset people still just sit around with their thumbs up their asses not doing **** to change anything. Just roll over and ****ing die America.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #535 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 21:37:55 »
Why do people act like selecting the lesser of 2 evils is not a supremely important act of choice?

If one choice is even slightly better, it is imperative that you take it!
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline MandrewDavis

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #536 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 21:41:42 »
The entire inauguration felt like a goddamn church sermon, how many ****ing times do they need to bring up God and have yet another decrepit out of touch cardinal or priest talk more religious sanctimonious bull****?
And what the actual **** is with his cabinet choices? It's like the League Of Evil over here, this is absurd and surreal the rogues gallery that is being put into power right now.

What a complete ****show this entire election was from both sides: Dems putting up a completely unlikable robot criminal, and the Reps putting up a racist misogynist with zero political experience. Then one wins by literally rigging the election process and everyone is just cool with it. Absolutely absurd, and yet all the upset people still just sit around with their thumbs up their asses not doing **** to change anything. Just roll over and ****ing die America.

I was waiting for someone to revive this thread today. Voted for the guy, but damn it will be a whole lot easier if these next four years aren't a continual ****-show.

Why do people act like selecting the lesser of 2 evils is not a supremely important act of choice?

If one choice is even slightly better, it is imperative that you take it!

First time I have agreed with Fohat within this thread.

I've come to view humanity as predominantly monkey business.

My Classifieds Thread

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #537 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 21:55:10 »
First presidential speech I've listened to in ~8yrs.

My favorite part of the day had to be W. and his poncho.

Offline ANightOnCloudNine

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #538 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 21:56:17 »
cant wait for justin to let trump ruin our logging and milling industry

Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #539 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:01:21 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:15:21 by alienman82 »

Offline nubbinator

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #540 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:05:09 »
stop bumping this thread.

He won.. that's it.

Here's his victory dance

Offline ANightOnCloudNine

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #541 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:07:29 »
stop bumping this thread.

He won.. that's it.
I'm allowed to express my opinion my dude, all i hope is trump doesnt go through with the free trade thing otherwise hes going to put my father out of a job that hes had for a long time and get rid of an opening of a job for myself in the future after i recover from cancer, and my mom is disabled so she cant work either.

Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #542 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:13:44 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:15:18 by alienman82 »

Offline ANightOnCloudNine

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #543 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:15:18 »
ive ignored it. i kinda think trump is a big ol weenie.

Offline alienman82

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #544 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:19:33 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:15:10 by alienman82 »

Offline kurplop

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #545 on: Fri, 20 January 2017, 22:40:47 »

 [A]ll i hope is trump doesnt go through with the free trade thing otherwise hes going to put my father out of a job that hes had for a long time and get rid of an opening of a job for myself in the future after i recover from cancer, and my mom is disabled so she cant work either.

I understand your concern. I think that sentiment is one of the reasons voters in the US put Trump in office. The so-called forgotten men and women Trump spoke to were tired of stagnant wages (if they still had jobs), underemployment, and degraded occupations, while they heard pontifications about the unemployment rate dropping to record lows; numbers that don't account for those who finally gave up and left the workforce.

I was waiting for someone to revive this thread today.

Ha! We know it was coming, didn't we?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #546 on: Sat, 21 January 2017, 08:00:45 »

tired of stagnant wages (if they still had jobs), underemployment, and degraded occupations

Precisely the things that Trump has absolutely no power to change, even if he had the will to do so.

The forces of globalization have been entrenched since the 1970s, and have continue to escalate and accelerate. Slapping protectionist and isolationist policies on US trade now will be counterproductive in the extreme. The only way to slow or reverse the flow of money and jobs out of the US would be to incentivize keeping them here. Unfortunately, most of the damage has long since been done, and you can't put the toothpaste back into the tube.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline daerid

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #547 on: Sat, 21 January 2017, 08:49:20 »
I understand your concern. I think that sentiment is one of the reasons voters in the US put Trump in office. The so-called forgotten men and women Trump spoke to were tired of stagnant wages (if they still had jobs), underemployment, and degraded occupations, while they heard pontifications about the unemployment rate dropping to record lows; numbers that don't account for those who finally gave up and left the workforce.

Unfortunately, although he might be able to bring some of those jobs back, the march of progress won't be stopped. The vast majority of those jobs weren't lost to outsourcing or foreign companies, but rather automation.
And that's going to increase. If Middle America thinks it's been hit hard already, they ain't seen nothing yet. We're going to see a loss of jobs here to AI in the next 8-10 years that will be staggering.

For the people that voted for him, Trump is a tourniquet. But (to continue the metaphor), the bleeding can't be stopped, only slowed.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #548 on: Sat, 21 January 2017, 11:11:05 »

the bleeding can't be stopped, only slowed.

Meanwhile Ryan and Pence will be doing everything in their power to strip away Social Security, Medicare, and all other forms of health and social relief, while DeVos eviscerates the educational system and Wall Street is freed to run amok again.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline abjr

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Re: Vote for Trump
« Reply #549 on: Sat, 21 January 2017, 12:06:57 »
And what the actual **** is with his cabinet choices? It's like the League Of Evil over here, this is absurd and surreal the rogues gallery that is being put into power right now.

And these are the exact same types of people he derided Clinton for taking money from. Billionaires and Wall Street insiders. He's not draining the swamp he's actively plugging the drain so more crap floats to the top.

I think that sentiment is one of the reasons voters in the US put Trump in office.

No to split hairs, but the people didn't. The States did. Neither candidate got the majority, with Trump not even getting the plurality.

He might be easier to stomach if he could learn to exhibit a little bit of decorum. Not holding my breath.

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