Author Topic: Logitech G900 Chaos Review  (Read 7706 times)

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Offline Leslieann

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Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« on: Sun, 05 March 2017, 21:33:19 »
Note, post #7 contains an update.

So, tired of my G700S battery being dead by days end, even after turning down the resolution and refresh rate, using a larger capacity battery and such… I broke down and bought a G900.

Note: These are currently on sale at Best Buy for $106, which is probably the lowest you will see these though most of the year. Beware, they are selling out. The store I went to had 4 last week and by Sat, had only one, which was hidden.

So let’s dive in shall we…
First the box… It comes in what can best be described as a jewelry box wrapped in a paper sleeve. And it’s STURDY. While it’s all paper and cardboard, it’s really neat, and looks great. Until you open it.

Inside the holders are rather cheap and strangely, the mouse is inserted upside down. I get it, from a marketing standpoint it looks great on a shelf, and then you cheapen the inside, but this is a mouse that retails for $149. No one is going to go into a store and buy that sitting next to a $20 mouse without researching it.

This mouse is geared toward a segment who are buying it for the performance, not how sharp the boxing looks. People looking to buy this would buy it if it was sold to us in a paper bag, so it seems silly to me to have spent so much on this awesome jewel box, made worse by the fact that the inside is made from the same stuff as a drink holder you get from McDonalds (but dyed black) and it sits upside down. I just wonder what all this cost, because it's quite heavy duty.

The same goes for the accessories box that was included, it’s a handy place to store the receiver, receiver adapter (more on this later) and swappable side buttons, but this is a geared at being a desktop mouse. People don’t switch from leftie to righty, and once installed, this mouse will probably live as it is until it dies, do I need some special box for these parts? Odds are, if I ever sold it to someone or moved it, that box will be long lost anyhow.

Everything comes with.

This mouse has a nice, if older, classic feel, there is no pinky rest, or flares. It’s a more generic shape, which is also why it works for lefties. It’s a bit bland compared to recent Logitech mice. That said, this design actually works for more people than the stylized designs they had been using, and it feels good.

Take the MX master, the thumb buttons are placed to where I can’t even use them and it doesn’t fit lefties at all. The Anywhere 2, while I can use it, lefties also can’t. Other designs were also odd, like the G700, it’s very narrow on the lower left side, so if you claw grip it, it almost feel like a notebook mouse compared to some other designs.

This may look and feel bland (other than the stylizing on top and the logo), but it feels “normal”. Which is good in a that it works well, butI can’t help but think “why is this thing so expensive”. It lacks tons of buttons, it looks bland, it feels bland, the only “special” feature you can see while it sits there is the backlight logo, which isn’t really a big deal either. Yes, I know “the sensor”, we’ll get to that, my point is injection molding is cheap once you have the molds, if you set this next to an MG602, a G402,  or almost any other $40-$80 mouse on the market, the casual computer user would have a hard time figuring out which of them was the expensive mouse, and in fact would probably not pick the G900.

I’m not all about flash, I’m just saying the mouse looks BORING (still better than the G700/s).
With the light off, I’m worried it will get lost on my mousepad, yep, it’s that dull (and similar in color).

Where is it?

Oh wait, there it is. (Yes, it's on, yes, it's in full color)

Lit so we can find it.

I have to give credit though, allowing you to swap the side buttons from one to the other or use both, is fantastic. I’m not a leftie, but it’s nice to see a design that doesn’t leave lefties out in the cold. It also looks a lot nicer without buttons all over like the G700/s, that said if you need those buttons, you may want to stick with something else.

For those wondering, the scroll wheel lock/unlock retains the same style as the G700, you need to press a separate button, which is better than what they did on the Anywhere 2 mouse, where they moved middle click behind the wheel and the wheel unlocks itself. Not sure who decided that, but it was a stupid decision.

Quality of the product and materials
I’m going to focus on the wheel for second, and there is a good reason for this, almost universally you can turn the scroll wheel and instantly know a good mouse from a cheap one.

Don’t get me wrong, this mouse is well made, but in my opinion Logitech’s perception of quality peaked with the Logitech MX Revolution. The wheel in it was a heavy, chrome plated steel unit, with an auto-clutch (Oh how I loved the auto clutch!). Then they created a bluetooth model with used a cheaper silver coating, though it did have the autoclutch. Next models all continued down that hill, first removing the autoclutch, then using less and less metal, this one is no different (seriously the Revolution wheel felt like you had a dollars worth of quarters in your hand when you held it).

The scroll wheel in this isn’t even a solid chunk, I’m not even sure it’s metal, though it does have it’s own charm. It uses some cheap “black chrome/silver” coating or paint, which is fine, but in no way has the same solid feel as even the G700, much less the G700S or the Revolution. It feels and clicks like a plastic scroll wheel from Logitech’s home lines, but, it moves nicely regardless. It feels closer to a Microsoft scroll wheel.

Enough about the wheel, what about the rest.
It all feels quality and I do realize Logitech’s quality hasn’t actually slipped, in fact parts are better than ever, it’s just they took a turn on design elements that leads to a perception that the quality went down. They just don’t look or feel like the quality items they once were. The look and feel of this mouse reminds me of gaming mice you see for $40-$50, not $150.

The cord
Those who bought a G700/s will rejoice! The new cord is not only thinner and more flexible The cord is also wrapped in what feels like braided para-cord. Suffice to say, it’s nice. Bravo Logitech for fixing this issue.


Using such a light weight scroll does have a side benefit, for a wireless mouse, this thing is LIGHT. Personally, I like a bit of heft, but it doesn’t effect this mouse as much as I would have though. When I first picked it up, I thought the battery was missing, and immediately my thought was “oh no, it’s going to be garbage.

How light, take a look!

Razer Mamba------------4.41 oz (125g)  (built in battery)
M325 ---------------------3.28 oz (93g) (single AA battery)
MX Anywhere 2 --------3.7 oz (107g) (built in battery)
MX Anywhere 1 ------- 4.41 oz (125g) (dual AA battery)
MX Master ------------- 5.11 oz (145g) (built in battery)
Mx Performance ------ 4.83 oz. (137g)  (single AA battery)
G700/s ----------------- 5.19 oz. (147g) (single AA battery)
G900 --------------------  3.7 oz (107g) (built in battery)

No, really, here's a few common wired mice for comparison.
G502 ------------------- 5.67 oz. (161g) 
G500S ----------------- 6.0 oz. (170g)
Corsair Saber  --------- 3.53 oz. (100g)
Corsair M65 ----------- 4.76 oz. (135g)  (with all weights)

I’ll leave that to experts, however, Logitech does include a utility to “tune” the sensor to your mousepad. I used it, did it do anything other than make me do figure 8’s at high speed, I have no idea.

I will say it tracks well, even on glass, has insane resolution, and while some claim it’s “the best” sensor you can get due to lack of acceleration, I personally see pretty much no difference between it and other “good” sensors.

I have a theory on why acceleration is such a big deal to some people.
Think of it like cars, if you are racing to 60mps hour, acceleration is everything. If however you’re driving to grandmas house, once you accelerate onto the highway and then drive at 80mph for 30 minutes, how fast you accelerate has almost no effect on the trip on the amount of time traveling to her house.

I think it’s the same with these sensors.
If you spend all your time at low resolution then you will see the effect massively because it’s always there messing with you. However, if you use a very high resolution, then that blip of acceleration you got at the start has very little effect by the time you get where you are going.

I personally use high resolution, and I have for many many years, I learned gaming on high resolution, so it doesn’t seem to effect me like it will other people.  Maybe it’s not the best explanation, and it could be completely wrong but it may help explain why some care and others don’t.

Multi System switching.
Like the Master and Anywhere 2, this mouse allows you to connect it to three devices, however you either have to move or use multiple recievers. Unlike other multi-system mice from Logitech and an earlier version fo this review, the mouse does not contain Bluetooth support.  If you have only one computer or only attach it to one system, this system means little to you, but if you do have multiple systems though, it’s awesome.

Battery life…
Logitech claims 30+ hours, the battery monitor is also saying that, despite using high resolution. Granted I turn off the LEDs, I don’t care and they just eat batteries, okay, maybe not, the logo was slated to consume 2 of my estimated 32 hours, oh darn! They claim with full lighting it lasts a mere 24 hours.

That much life may sound terrible, but compared to other gaming wireless, it’s actually AMAZING. My G700 even with lowered resolution settings would be dead long before the end of the day, and if I cranked the settings where I liked them, it would make maybe 12 hours, and that is after I installed a 2700mah AA battery. The fact that this gets even close to 30 hours is amazing to me, more-so when you consider the weight.

Wireless performance
Logitech clams less than 1ms reaction time, I have no way to judge it, or verify it, but there is no lag. There hasn’t been measurable lag on wireless Logitech gaming mice in a while (so long as you use the receiver) and Logitech is well known for making devices that stay connected. Some people are just opposed to change.

They’ve been doing this a long time and so have I. If you place the receiver properly, it won’t have problems. Logitech includes a guide to help on this, though I think it’s a bit generous in terms of how far the receiver can be.

Speaking of which, is one of the oddities of this mouse.
Logitech has in the past included an extension with some mice to get the receiver up close, this one they forgo that and instead included an adapter that lets you attach it to the charge cable. This works but it means you have to unplug the adapter to charge the mouse.

On one hand it’s nice because most people have a micro usb cord hanging around, and it does fit into the accessories box but it means carrying an adapter. It’s a neat piece of kit, but shouldn’t be be necessary is my problem.


Concerns criticisms, praise…
I’m a bit surprised at how good it feels considering the weight of the mouse and the light weight wheel.  It’s so far from the norm for quality mice, especially a wireless one that you would expect it to feel cheap and it doesn’t. While this mouse looks more toned down than some as of late (a good thing to a degree), you end up with a wild center section, but otherwise a rather drab mouse. It’s almost like they designed the front to be stylish, hit their stride in the middle, and ran out of steam by the back and just went “meh, it’ll do”.

In your hand, it doesn’t matter, but I’m not asking for gold plating, I’m not even asking for Apple aesthetics, but a bit of styling could go a long way. It’s not ugly, it’s not gaudy, it’s just meh and looks boring sitting on a desk.

One concern I do have though is the buttons and how they hang out over the front of the mouse (and they are pretty sharp). Stuck in a duffle bag I could see cloth snagging one and trying to rip the button off the mouse as you pull out a t-shirt.

That said, it’s a nice mouse.
The included software is actually quite good, allowing you to adjust the lights (modes, color, and turn them off), resolution and even “tune” the mouse to your mousepad. Even more it will even tell you the power draw of each sub system (seriously!).

I would have also liked to see it have bluetooth.


You may notice the three indicator lights for battery and DPI not lit up. It seems that if you remap the dpi up/down buttons those no longer light up as they only light up when you use those buttons to change DPI. This seems contrary to what images of the mouse show. It would be nice to be able to light them as you wish. Especially since that is the only set of lights you can actually see while using the mouse.

So as I asked in the last mouse review…  Is it worth the money?
I got mine for little more than I paid for the last few top-of-the-line Logitech mice ($106 vs $99), so the pricing was insanely out of line like it normal is on this model ($149).

You would be forgiven for thinking it’s just another Logitech mouse, or a minor change to their gaming line. I’m not sure how to wrap this, and that’s because this mouse is so odd. It’s not wild and outlandish, it doesn’t really bring any new OMG features. Some gamers may disagree on that, but that was my conclusion.

If I’m hard on Logitech it’s because I like what they do, not because I dislike them, I’ve used almost exclusively Logitech wireless mice for years (I don’t do wired). Not for lack of trying, I’ve used alternatives and always came away frustrated or just annoyed I spent so much to get so little.

This however, is a damned expensive mouse, it looks like nothing special, it feels like nothing special. It’s so normal and average it just comes off as strange to be so expensive. At the same time, it feels normal, like an old friend who suddenly came back into your life after going away for a while and instantly feels like nothing changed.

Logitech pumps this up like it’s the next best thing to sliced bread, reviews make this out to be fantastic. It is, but don’t expect it to blow your socks off. It’s a rather (disturbingly) normal wireless mouse that just happens to have a lot of tiny improvements and while none stand out and should make you want to run out and buy it, it really is nice.

Post #7 contains an update.
Post #17 noted no bluetooth. Which has been updated into the review.

« Last Edit: Sun, 30 April 2017, 17:10:04 by Leslieann »
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 05 March 2017, 21:54:21 »
So if you weren't having battery issues with the G700s would you still use the G900 over it?

And thanks for the write up, I've been keeping a look out for a discounted g900 but just can't bring myself to pull the trigger yet.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 05 March 2017, 22:02:23 »
So if you weren't having battery issues with the G700s would you still use the G900 over it?

And thanks for the write up, I've been keeping a look out for a discounted g900 but just can't bring myself to pull the trigger yet.
You're welcome, I too have been watching, and when I saw it for that price, I had to just do it.
It won't be getting cheaper than this for a while (one to two years?).

Anyhow, as to the question...
IF you have issues with acceleration, maaaybe?
With using such high res for CAD work, the battery was an issue. Ignoring that though... Like I said, this mouse feels like an old friend, it's familiar, I always hated the G700 shape. Is that worth paying so much though, not at all.

The G700 is a good mouse, I've had 4 of them (I'm really hard on mice), if it's working for you, there's little to gain. Now, if it breaks or you do have problems, absolutely I would say consider this. Unless you need the extra buttons.
« Last Edit: Sun, 05 March 2017, 22:04:30 by Leslieann »
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 08 March 2017, 22:57:41 »
So I splurged and got a G900....

My initial thoughts are I like it but I've got to get used to not accidentally hitting the side buttons.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 09 March 2017, 00:18:20 »
So I splurged and got a G900....

My initial thoughts are I like it but I've got to get used to not accidentally hitting the side buttons.
I'm having trouble with the right click, I keep hitting it on accident.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline ygor

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 09 March 2017, 00:22:11 »
I've had my g900 for a while now. I like it a lot, but I'd be curious to try the g403 wireless.
I generally hate all keycaps. Keycaps are for poofs. Real men touchtype on stems. Non-functional artisans are awesome, I use them for the ESC key ... escape is for cowards anyways, real men go frontal assault.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 09 March 2017, 03:53:48 »
I've had my g900 for a while now. I like it a lot, but I'd be curious to try the g403 wireless.

You can not compare the quality between the G900 and the G403.

The G403 seems very poor in quality overall, plus I hate their scroll wheel which doesn't work as well as it should.  The G900 is like a well made Bentley plus I've always loved the Free-scroll wheel on this particular model.

Get both of these, then you'll see which one shines and which one needs to be placed back down into the basement, with all the spiders  8) .

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #7 on: Sun, 19 March 2017, 17:16:58 »
While happy with the mouse, what I said to Spamray and anyone else questing getting it still stands, unless you have a reason to replace your current mouse, don't.

It's an awesome mouse, but it's not going to bring anything new to the table for most people. If you need a new mouse, great I highly recommend it, but there are few who should get excited about this mouse, other than lefties and low DPI gamers, other mice will serve you just as well as this, for a lot less money. Would I buy it again, absolutely, but I would wait for it to go on sale again.

And I did figure out how you keep ALL the lights on, seems Logitech buried a setting. It's even more complex if if you only use one dpi setting like I do.

Be aware, using all three DPI LEDs will use about 1/6th of your battery life, as will the logo. Leaving both on all the time will eat up 1/3rd of your battery compared to leaving them off. I get about 21 hours with 8000 DPI, and 1000hrz refresh rate.

In the Logitech control panel:
Go into the settings for the Control Panel

Go to the G900 tab (why it's hidden here, have no idea.)
Check the DPI lighting always on box.

While it's on, but it may only have one or two lights, so lets enable all of them.
Go to the onboard memory settings page:
Make 3 dpi levels (not profiles), even if you only use one, set 3 or more and use the third as your default.
If you only use one like I do, set the third as default and remap the DPI keys so you can't bump it.

On the lighting page:

set your color and brightness
(due to a shadow, the color is slightly blue on the DPI compared to the logo)
turn on lighting for logo and dpi
Change the lighting effect to how you want, I prefer it off.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #8 on: Sun, 19 March 2017, 21:18:33 »
I'm having trouble keeping the lights OFF on mine. They keep coming back on.

And I'm still clicking both right click and right thumb unintentionally.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 19 March 2017, 21:37:06 »
Sierra has a bug with scrolling and I installed a program to deal with it, and it was resetting my lights. Make sure you have nothing interfering with it.

There was also a bug on Windows a while back where the Logitech program was resetting the settings any time it was opened or updated. I would get it set how you want, then maybe uninstall the app, see if that stops it from happening.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline chuckdee

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #10 on: Sun, 19 March 2017, 21:51:04 »
I'm having trouble keeping the lights OFF on mine. They keep coming back on.

And I'm still clicking both right click and right thumb unintentionally.

Mine just stay on all the time.  Haven't tried to make it do otherwise.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #11 on: Sun, 19 March 2017, 23:41:21 »
I'm having trouble keeping the lights OFF on mine. They keep coming back on.

And I'm still clicking both right click and right thumb unintentionally.

i had that problem in a razer mouse.. I just cut the leds out.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #12 on: Mon, 20 March 2017, 01:42:29 »
I'm having trouble keeping the lights OFF on mine. They keep coming back on.

And I'm still clicking both right click and right thumb unintentionally.

i had that problem in a razer mouse.. I just cut the leds out.
Yeah, but that's a Razer...  :))
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #13 on: Mon, 20 March 2017, 11:55:08 »
I kind of wish they'd take all the good parts of the G900 and remake the G700s, lighter weight (I didn't realize how heavy the g700s felt), nicer clicking buttons, newer sensor. I could also do without the lights.

My G900 seems to be possessed, if I lock my workstation the lights come on on the mouse, if I put the workstation to sleep the lights come on. Maybe I'll try as suggested above and change my settings then uninstall the logitech software and see if it sticks.
« Last Edit: Mon, 20 March 2017, 18:34:45 by SpAmRaY »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #14 on: Mon, 20 March 2017, 12:02:07 »
I'm having trouble keeping the lights OFF on mine. They keep coming back on.

And I'm still clicking both right click and right thumb unintentionally.

i had that problem in a razer mouse.. I just cut the leds out.
Yeah, but that's a Razer...  :))

and this is logitech..

I'd cut into anything if it got the job done..

//Tp4, best engineer.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #15 on: Mon, 20 March 2017, 17:27:39 »
I kind of wish they'd take all the good parts of the G900 and remake the G700s, lighter weight (I didn't realize how heavy the g700s felt), nicer clicking buttons, newer sensor. I could also do without the lights.

My G900 seems to be posses, if I lock my workstation the lights come on on the mouse, if I put the workstation to sleep the lights come on. Maybe I'll try as suggested above and change my settings then uninstall the logitech software and see if it sticks.
The G700 is FUGLY and I always hated the shape, but it is a good mouse.
Give me a Revolution with G900 internals. Maybe an extra pair of side buttons, $150? TAKE MY MONEY!

It's not just the G700 that's heavy, as I realized last night when I went to use an MX performance.
Here are a few more to compare sorted by weight.

Corsair Saber  --------- 3.53 oz. (100g) (wired)
G900 ---------------  3.7 oz (107g) (built in battery)
Corsair M65 ----------- 4.76 oz. (135g)  (Wired, with all weights)
Mx Performance ------- 4.83 oz. (137g)  (single AA battery)
G502 ------------------- 5.67 oz. (161g)  (Wired)
G700/s ------------------ 5.19 oz. (147g) (single AA battery)
G500/s ----------------- 6.0 oz. (170g)   (Wired)

The MX Performance is about 30% heavier and the G700/s is about 40% heavier. Even more impressive is it beating some wired gaming mice which don't even carry a battery. There goes one of the argument people trot out about wired being better. Even the G700 is lighter than many wired gaming mice, I'm still scratching my head at that (6oz? wtf!).

(Note, these new weights have been added to the review)
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline nxtruong

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #16 on: Mon, 20 March 2017, 21:33:03 »
I was panic when I saw the title "g900 chao". I thought logitech just released a new version of G900 when I bought G900 few days ago :)))

Thank for your review! It's a great mouse.

Offline daerid

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #17 on: Sun, 30 April 2017, 12:06:36 »
If I may offer a correction: this mouse does not support Bluetooth or multi-device setup. The USB receiver is the only method of wireless this mouse supports. You can move it between devices, but it requires moving the USB dongle as well.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Logitech G900 Chaos Review
« Reply #18 on: Sun, 30 April 2017, 17:00:02 »
If I may offer a correction: this mouse does not support Bluetooth or multi-device setup. The USB receiver is the only method of wireless this mouse supports. You can move it between devices, but it requires moving the USB dongle as well.
Wow, yeah, good catch.

Review updated to reflect that.
« Last Edit: Sun, 30 April 2017, 17:10:25 by Leslieann »
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion