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Offline Tarzan

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #100 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 09:21:56 »
O.O Holy **** you have no idea what it's like. First of all, the reason you don't see women in advancing in professional fields is because of people like you. Women, for whatever reason, are treated differently. I'm not saying they get paid less (although sometimes they do get lower starting salaries), but that there's an inherent gender bias that going to discourage them. Take the hard sciences as an example, specifically my field, physics. There aren't many women in physics: Why? Well part of it is that we're never really told it's something we can do. There are tons of women in biology. In fact, I think the field is almost dominated with women at this point, but biology isn't so taboo anymore. You're encouraged to go into biology and pursue med school/become a nurse/whatever you want to do. There are women already there, so you aren't going to get the weird looks or people acting differently around you because you're a different gender. It's much easier to stay in a field where you feel people can related to you.

But physics? The first thing that happened when I said I wanted to go into physics was: why would you want to do that? I got discouraged from the get go. Of course, I'm the type of person who doesn't care what people say, especially if all their life amounted to was being a high school counselor (yes, I was kind of an ass, but to some degree I'm glad I held that view). But other women? If there's someone there saying you can't do this or judging you for why you want to do something, you're going to think it's wrong to do so. Especially so when you're in high school and have no idea how the world really works. So women don't bother applying. My university has something like a 1:9 ratio of people entering physics/physics related (astrophysics is basically a physics degree), and in the upper classes it gets even worse. Why? Because women leave. You'd think the idea of getting easy scholarships would be enticing, but it isn't when you're being treated differently. And it's not just college you're treated differently, it's through the rest of your career: I will always have to try that much harder to get people to respect me because I'm a woman in a minority field. I'm just glad I'm smart enough that I don't struggle with it. I've seen so many women leave because they couldn't quite get it and it just wasn't worth it to them to stay. And most of the women I know are actually in astrophysics. I don't know the stats on it, but from my experience, there's certainly less women is something like condensed matter. I think that's because there are astronomy clubs in high school telling women it's okay to be interested in this stuff.

Everything I've said about physics can be applied to engineering to a less severe extent. The point is, this happens before baby making age. Yea, some women leave their careers, but there are still a lot who stay, and those are the ones who are determined to do so. They are the ones who have the passion, so there shouldn't be any reason these few women don't get far in their career. But as you said, they don't. Some of that is due to the fact that there is this gender bias. There have been tons of studies done that show under all things being equal, a man will more likely get promoted over a woman, even if a woman is the one doing the promotion! Women are really at fault here too. For whatever reason, our entire society likes to judge women harsher than men. And this stuff begins in high school with the way promiscuous women are called sluts and promiscuous men are applauded. Even I was guilty of slut shaming when I was in high school. There was a girl we use to call the cum dumpster. And thinking back, this girl had a serious problem. She needed attention to the point where she was willing to change her self to a great degree. She probably had a ****ty home life. But I never gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Point being, it's not because women are "wired" to have kids that we don't succeed. It's because there are more people like you telling us our dreams are wrong, that we have an accepted place in society and any deviation from it we get alienated. Men have to take care of a baby too. Sure, they don't get a long leave like women do (but honestly I think they should. Taking care of a baby is hard work and it's unfair that a father doesn't get to spend as much time with his kid and build a strong connection early on), but they're still responsible for the well being of the kid. Oh, and I forgot about all the other mothers judging you for going back to your career and not staying home and taking care of your kid. You'll get **** for that too. I don't think men really judge us here, although I wouldn't know as I haven't had a kid. But yea, all in all the reason women don't go far is because at every point in our life past graduation of high school is because the views in society tell us we shouldn't. But up until high school graduation it's all about women, so much so that I young boys' get treated unfairly and their needs ignored. That **** needs serious reform too. There's a reason there aren't as many male middle school teachers and it's complete bull****. Anyway, society has a lot of bull**** going on. If you want women to succeed, encouraging us past high school and trying to objectively view us as equals when you're in a position to give a promotion will do way more than any scholarship can.  I wish I had a solution for more men to be able to teach middle school with out the risk of getting fired over some idiot child who wants to claim sexual assault because you gave him/her a bad grade on a test. I feel that would help young boys have someone to connect to. But, you know, all men must be child rapists and women can't ever be.  :rolleyes:

I'm not that articulate so I'm sorry for the ****ty flow of writing. I know this probably didn't change your opinion since it sounds like you have a serious problem with women. But maybe someone reading who thought you were right might change their view, and that's all I can really hope for.

There's a reason tp4tissue is on so many ignore lists.  I think it's a safe assumption there are mighty few people on this forum who agree with his views.

Major props for the physics focus, btw!  My brother is a field biologist, and you're right, there are quite a few women in his area, but I don't think I know anyone personally who's chosen physics as a major.   :thumb:

Offline iri

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #101 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 09:32:38 »
are female physicists capable of splitting text into paragraphs?..
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline xmagusx

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #102 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 10:52:37 »
I think the main take-away for Koki at this point should be:

"Holy Hell, never ask any of these people for relationship advice."

That said, since you did ask, I think the idea is cute, sweet, nice, and whatnot, but I'd say it's better saved for someone you're actually dating -- a Valentine's day/Birthday gift or something of the like.

As far as asking her out, I'd suggest asking her out on an actual date, rather than just "going out with you." I remember that time well, and to the day I still have no clue what "going out with" or "going steady with" functionally means.
« Last Edit: Wed, 05 February 2014, 10:56:20 by xmagusx »

Online tp4tissue

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #103 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 11:37:35 »
I feel like this thread has turned into life advice

yeah, it feels bizarre. Geeks have girlfriends? Hey mate, go to a dating website for that info. I really don't think you should be asking geeks for girlfriend advice, unless your girlfriend is a geek also

no such thing as a TRUE female geek..

The majority of women are incapable of high-level Geekitude..

The reason is, they are hardwired to have children... and that seriously gets in the way of keyboard collecting.... or any other forms of  inane devotion to a purposeless cause.

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I'm really not sure if you are  serious or not. I hope not.

I am totally serious.....

Why is it that typically men go much further in the professional field....

Because on average it's the women raising kids and producing them..

Look at it this way in terms of "time costs"...

having children is 1 year of low productivity straight up (morning sickness, emotional swings).

+ recovery time, another year

+ raising the baby, sleepless nights, another 1 to 1.5 years.

+ monitoring and soccer practice for another 18 years before college..  another 5-8 years in total time spent on the kids...

So that 7 to 11 YEARS of time-cost from the female's age starting when she's 25-35.. which happens to be the MOST productive and physically fit time of that female's lifespan..

what is she going to do, come back at 40 and thrive in the workplace?  seriously?

Tell me that 7 to 11 years does not impact devotion to a career..

Why do so many women drop out of their career path after taking maternity leave...

Given the complexity and greater focus required of today's professional workforce..  women are ill-suited, because they are the primary population tasked with the biology to procreate and take care of children..

That's not to say they couldn't choose to not have babies, or couldn't be truly exceptional in focus, and possibly do the baby and the job equally well...

HOWEVER, that is the exception..

The majority of women will not be able to do that..

This relates to Geekitude in a similar way... women will not put so much pointless time (like men) into some dumb hobby unrelated to the well-being of their offspring...

They just wouldn't...

There are ones who do... I suppose... but let's not discuss that, because you can't do so without alot of name calling and depressing apologies in term choice.

O.O Holy **** you have no idea what it's like. First of all, the reason you don't see women in advancing in professional fields is because of people like you. Women, for whatever reason, are treated differently. I'm not saying they get paid less (although sometimes they do get lower starting salaries), but that there's an inherent gender bias that going to discourage them. Take the hard sciences as an example, specifically my field, physics. There aren't many women in physics: Why? Well part of it is that we're never really told it's something we can do. There are tons of women in biology. In fact, I think the field is almost dominated with women at this point, but biology isn't so taboo anymore. You're encouraged to go into biology and pursue med school/become a nurse/whatever you want to do. There are women already there, so you aren't going to get the weird looks or people acting differently around you because you're a different gender. It's much easier to stay in a field where you feel people can related to you.

But physics? The first thing that happened when I said I wanted to go into physics was: why would you want to do that? I got discouraged from the get go. Of course, I'm the type of person who doesn't care what people say, especially if all their life amounted to was being a high school counselor (yes, I was kind of an ass, but to some degree I'm glad I held that view). But other women? If there's someone there saying you can't do this or judging you for why you want to do something, you're going to think it's wrong to do so. Especially so when you're in high school and have no idea how the world really works. So women don't bother applying. My university has something like a 1:9 ratio of people entering physics/physics related (astrophysics is basically a physics degree), and in the upper classes it gets even worse. Why? Because women leave. You'd think the idea of getting easy scholarships would be enticing, but it isn't when you're being treated differently. And it's not just college you're treated differently, it's through the rest of your career: I will always have to try that much harder to get people to respect me because I'm a woman in a minority field. I'm just glad I'm smart enough that I don't struggle with it. I've seen so many women leave because they couldn't quite get it and it just wasn't worth it to them to stay. And most of the women I know are actually in astrophysics. I don't know the stats on it, but from my experience, there's certainly less women is something like condensed matter. I think that's because there are astronomy clubs in high school telling women it's okay to be interested in this stuff.

Everything I've said about physics can be applied to engineering to a less severe extent. The point is, this happens before baby making age. Yea, some women leave their careers, but there are still a lot who stay, and those are the ones who are determined to do so. They are the ones who have the passion, so there shouldn't be any reason these few women don't get far in their career. But as you said, they don't. Some of that is due to the fact that there is this gender bias. There have been tons of studies done that show under all things being equal, a man will more likely get promoted over a woman, even if a woman is the one doing the promotion! Women are really at fault here too. For whatever reason, our entire society likes to judge women harsher than men. And this stuff begins in high school with the way promiscuous women are called sluts and promiscuous men are applauded. Even I was guilty of slut shaming when I was in high school. There was a girl we use to call the cum dumpster. And thinking back, this girl had a serious problem. She needed attention to the point where she was willing to change her self to a great degree. She probably had a ****ty home life. But I never gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Point being, it's not because women are "wired" to have kids that we don't succeed. It's because there are more people like you telling us our dreams are wrong, that we have an accepted place in society and any deviation from it we get alienated. Men have to take care of a baby too. Sure, they don't get a long leave like women do (but honestly I think they should. Taking care of a baby is hard work and it's unfair that a father doesn't get to spend as much time with his kid and build a strong connection early on), but they're still responsible for the well being of the kid. Oh, and I forgot about all the other mothers judging you for going back to your career and not staying home and taking care of your kid. You'll get **** for that too. I don't think men really judge us here, although I wouldn't know as I haven't had a kid. But yea, all in all the reason women don't go far is because at every point in our life past graduation of high school is because the views in society tell us we shouldn't. But up until high school graduation it's all about women, so much so that I young boys' get treated unfairly and their needs ignored. That **** needs serious reform too. There's a reason there aren't as many male middle school teachers and it's complete bull****. Anyway, society has a lot of bull**** going on. If you want women to succeed, encouraging us past high school and trying to objectively view us as equals when you're in a position to give a promotion will do way more than any scholarship can.  I wish I had a solution for more men to be able to teach middle school with out the risk of getting fired over some idiot child who wants to claim sexual assault because you gave him/her a bad grade on a test. I feel that would help young boys have someone to connect to. But, you know, all men must be child rapists and women can't ever be.  :rolleyes:

I'm not that articulate so I'm sorry for the ****ty flow of writing. I know this probably didn't change your opinion since it sounds like you have a serious problem with women. But maybe someone reading who thought you were right might change their view, and that's all I can really hope for.

You are mistaking isolate situations for the greater picture...

The distraction from "work" is nearly impossible to avoid when it comes to children..

A male generally can push away almost everything except eating and sleeping to pursue something..

A female can not do that..

This is the biological path I am trying to explain..

Women will on average run into far greater time consuming setbacks than men, SIMPLY because they've got the procreation responsibility...

I am not against women pursuing whatever they like...

YOUR experience is anecdotal... 

If you're still young... you might notice in the future in academia that what kills more female masters/ phds than anything else is "CHILDREN"..

They're pretty much always dropped from the program if they have one during that time...  ages (25-30)

You want to fight-the-power... that's fine, luckily modernity can compensate for women choosing career over children.. we have more than enough population..

You seem to want to blame some malevolent external force that is forcing all women out of academia and sciences..  That is simply not true...

MORE than anything else... the physics department would LOVE to have females..

What you're doing is protecting and rationalizing your failures / inadequacies.

Perhaps you just suck at physics.. Perhaps you're not very amiable.. Perhaps you're just an unlucky, ugly female, in a society that has too rigorously pursued a vanity-physique.

Have you considered any of those things before you've created this "enemy in men" which OPPRESS YOU in the field of science....

I had many buddies that stuck with science academia... and every conversation with them has always been, "dang, wish I could meet a girl in my field, then we can talk about ----------, and I'd love her so much..."

What you have are issues to work out... and you must learn to stop pretending that problems are always external.

Edit: Now that I read the rest of your post...

Notice your last line.... You're apologizing for something that no one would notice, or realistically take the time to judge you for...

Ontop of that, you admit to not being very articulate...

You may have a confidence issue...  This is likely why people may not take you seriously, because you never take the aggressive stance in explaining yourself...

So you see... your complaints about men are misplaced...  the problem is YOU.

Online tp4tissue

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #104 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 11:51:01 »
are female physicists capable of splitting text into paragraphs?..

next you're going to complain about me using the -enter key too much.

Offline Tym

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #105 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 12:17:37 »
tp uses too many enter keys...

...and too many [open] ellipsis
unless they have some unforeseeable downside (like they're actually made of cream cheese cunningly disguised as ABS)

Offline TheSoulhunter

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #106 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 12:29:40 »
The reason (most) males and females have different interests and are "gifted" for different things could as well be the result of evolution, eh?

Role/task allocation was more or less the same up until "recently" and that's what we adapted to trough evolution,
we are constructed to do the things our ancestors did...

Male: Made for hunting, protecting, exploring, conquering, etc.
Engineering weapons/traps, learn to "read" nature, outsmarting the enemy, being physically strong

Female: Made for reproduction, endurance and social tasks like communication, etc.
Strengthen relationships with others clan members etc., raising the children, caring for the weak/old/sick

Some decades of "let's completely change the system that worked for more than 100000 years" won't change that!
« Last Edit: Wed, 05 February 2014, 12:32:07 by TheSoulhunter »

Offline Hull

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #107 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 13:12:45 »
Create the game before you even think about starting dating, you wont have time to do anything like it after that.
When the game is complete, make sure you can insert any girls name in the future. Keep the game until already dating someone you really like and she likes you and you want to give her the "special extra". Its your secret treasure, and a source of confidence.

All stuff said about confidence, physical attraction etc are all true. Yes, there are also tricks you can use to get girls. Girls are like schools of fish and you need to catch a good one using the perfect bait. It is also all true about other stuff said here even if people can't accept, and does not need to accept it. Girls do get pregnant and it does take up a lot of their time, but it is equally important as a career, because raising babies is the actual future of mankind while careers are just a way to maintain and advance it.

Being geek, creating fantastic stuff and advancing the world and at the same time courting women are the hardest thing ever, you need all the help in the world so suck it in, digest it and practice. As already said inhere, taking the plunge and learning from mistakes is the fastest way to get laid (read married) but not necessarily the best approach.

I wish I had all this knowledge when I was young. Then my life wouldn't have been so boring.

Good Luck!

EDIT: Oh, I forgot. Some girls do like guys that are independent, so get a car for yourself ( The shine must be on you, not her ). Also, you asking a girl out sometimes has an incubation time in her brain which she might need to sleep on, before deciding whether you are the best man in her surroundings or not.  If she is interested you will know, otherwise move on to a more pretty girl.

« Last Edit: Wed, 05 February 2014, 19:12:39 by Hull »
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Offline Novus

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 05 February 2014, 17:35:16 »
All stuff said about confidence, physical attraction etc are all true. Yes, there are also tricks you can use to get girls. Girls are like schools of fish and you need to catch a good one using the perfect bait

Offline quickcrx702

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #109 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 01:09:59 »
I'm not going to quote the massive text blocks above, but I do think women in general think differently.  I have never met a female in the information technology field that works in a purely technical role.  There is no gender discrimination, it's just that they generally lack the interest in highly technical, highly boring fields.  In college I had females in my introductory programming classes, but by the time I got to the advanced level classes they must have all switched majors or something.  I don't think anyone is telling them not to do it, otherwise they wouldn't have been in the lower level classes.  I think they just decided that it was too boring for them or was too difficult.

In any case, if you feel discriminated against - which I can't really tell if that's the case or if you're just responding appropriately to previous statements, join the club.  How many divorced men do you know that have custody of their kids, even when the mother is a complete deadbeat loser?  There are some out there, but it is very rare, even if the mother is a drug addict and spends child support payments on expensive handbags, and YOU CAN PROVE IT.  I'm not divorced, I just have plenty of friends that are, and hearing their stories would make me think twice about a divorce if I ever get to that point.  Imagine paying almost $800 /month for ONE kid that you get to see for three weeks out of the year(mother moved out of state), and the mother lives with her family and pays NOTHING, and feeds the kid a diet of mostly ramen and lunchables, and spends all day on facebook.  Where does the money go?... there's no day care or rent involved.  Maybe that amount would be appropriate if she used the money on her kid, but she doesn't.  That was just a middle of the road example, I've got other friends who are even worse off than that.

The point of the story is that both men and women have to deal with discrimination, it's part of life.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #110 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 01:22:00 »

Online tp4tissue

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #111 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 05:56:22 »
I'm not going to quote the massive text blocks above, but I do think women in general think differently.  I have never met a female in the information technology field that works in a purely technical role.  There is no gender discrimination, it's just that they generally lack the interest in highly technical, highly boring fields.  In college I had females in my introductory programming classes, but by the time I got to the advanced level classes they must have all switched majors or something.  I don't think anyone is telling them not to do it, otherwise they wouldn't have been in the lower level classes.  I think they just decided that it was too boring for them or was too difficult.

In any case, if you feel discriminated against - which I can't really tell if that's the case or if you're just responding appropriately to previous statements, join the club.  How many divorced men do you know that have custody of their kids, even when the mother is a complete deadbeat loser?  There are some out there, but it is very rare, even if the mother is a drug addict and spends child support payments on expensive handbags, and YOU CAN PROVE IT.  I'm not divorced, I just have plenty of friends that are, and hearing their stories would make me think twice about a divorce if I ever get to that point.  Imagine paying almost $800 /month for ONE kid that you get to see for three weeks out of the year(mother moved out of state), and the mother lives with her family and pays NOTHING, and feeds the kid a diet of mostly ramen and lunchables, and spends all day on facebook.  Where does the money go?... there's no day care or rent involved.  Maybe that amount would be appropriate if she used the money on her kid, but she doesn't.  That was just a middle of the road example, I've got other friends who are even worse off than that.

The point of the story is that both men and women have to deal with discrimination, it's part of life.

Yup.. Tp4 concurs....

Everyone LOVES to externalize their problems...   it's discrimination.... that's racist.... I get paid less cuz they h8 me....   They themselves shoulder none of the cause.

I'm not saying discrimination CAN'T occur... but as far as female w/ a technical education, and can talk-shop, They are the sexiest thing in the world to a male...     If she can not leverage that fact, well... 

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #112 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 09:17:56 »
I'm not going to quote the massive text blocks above, but I do think women in general think differently.  I have never met a female in the information technology field that works in a purely technical role.  There is no gender discrimination, it's just that they generally lack the interest in highly technical, highly boring fields.  In college I had females in my introductory programming classes, but by the time I got to the advanced level classes they must have all switched majors or something.  I don't think anyone is telling them not to do it, otherwise they wouldn't have been in the lower level classes.  I think they just decided that it was too boring for them or was too difficult.

In any case, if you feel discriminated against - which I can't really tell if that's the case or if you're just responding appropriately to previous statements, join the club.  How many divorced men do you know that have custody of their kids, even when the mother is a complete deadbeat loser?  There are some out there, but it is very rare, even if the mother is a drug addict and spends child support payments on expensive handbags, and YOU CAN PROVE IT.  I'm not divorced, I just have plenty of friends that are, and hearing their stories would make me think twice about a divorce if I ever get to that point.  Imagine paying almost $800 /month for ONE kid that you get to see for three weeks out of the year(mother moved out of state), and the mother lives with her family and pays NOTHING, and feeds the kid a diet of mostly ramen and lunchables, and spends all day on facebook.  Where does the money go?... there's no day care or rent involved.  Maybe that amount would be appropriate if she used the money on her kid, but she doesn't.  That was just a middle of the road example, I've got other friends who are even worse off than that.

The point of the story is that both men and women have to deal with discrimination, it's part of life.

Well, yes, I agree it's bull****. I've ever heard stories of women who make more money than the husbands and the husbands still have to pay out the ass in child support. I know there's discrimination everywhere, that's why I mentioned that young boys get ignored during school and men can't be teachers for anything less than high school without being considered a pedophile. Those were just the closest things topic related things.

To all of you, I'm not a very articulate person, I apologize. The point is I'm trying to explain why I think why women are like this. It's not that I personally feel discriminated against because I over came that alienation feeling. And I don't think we should go that's life and do nothing about it. Maybe we can't change the ideas of stubborn adults, but we change the ideas of our kids. If you're a parent or teacher, just teach the kids empathy for the other gender. Teach the girls that they aren't stupid and that they aren't entitled to anything just because they have boobs. And tell them about men's struggles. Teach boys that woman are thoughtful and just as intelligent as boys and there's no reason women can't do anything that men can do.

I do believe that as a whole, right now, women have the better deal (In the US). Maybe not a woman in my position, one who pursues a male dominated field and one who has no intention of getting married let alone having kids, but all women averaged out have the upper hand. And even then I get scholarships I never applied for because I'm a woman in a minority field. So really it's not so bad for me either. Let's be real here. What do women lose out of this deal? Respect? A lot of us never really got respect outside encouragement from grade school teachers. It's not really a loss if you never had it. But you guys lose your kids and your money. You guys get put in jail for rape and then when you get violated you're often ignored based on a the idea that a guy can't not want to have sex. So really, I shouldn't be the one here fighting for this change. My gender has the better deal. You guys should be the ones who want it the most. And you know how you get that? You accept that you got **** on, get past it without harsh feelings, and encourage your kids to do better to everyone than the **** society dished out to you. If you sit there being resentful, nothing will ever change.

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #113 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 19:47:20 »
My god this thread got outta control. How has this not been locked yet?  :eek:
Check out my WTB/WTS/WTTF Thread!

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Offline Tarzan

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #114 on: Sat, 08 February 2014, 19:48:59 »
My god this thread got outta control. How has this not been locked yet?  :eek:

It was locked for a while, then it was unlocked for some reason.  I got nuthin'.

Offline iri

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #115 on: Sun, 09 February 2014, 22:52:22 »
Yada Yada Yada women are for making sandwiches.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline funkymeeba

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #116 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 00:09:02 »
Male privilege runs strong in this thread.
17:15 < vun> these are the healthiest crisps I've ever come across
17:16 < vun> mostly because I can't get the bag open

meebcats - my bad music

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #117 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 01:04:12 »
How many times has TP been muted?

Offline HongKongFui

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #118 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 12:58:03 »
3.  Always act like your are listening.

hehe, funny...

Offline TheSoulhunter

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #119 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 14:06:27 »
3.  Always act like your are listening.

hehe, funny...

> That moment when she realizes that you were not listening and asks you "Are you even listening? Yes? So, what did I just say?"

Offline iri

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #120 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 15:14:05 »
3.  Always act like your are listening.

hehe, funny...

> That moment when she realizes that you were not listening and asks you "Are you even listening? Yes? So, what did I just say?"
"something about the murder you commited last week"
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline davkol

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Re: Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #121 on: Mon, 10 February 2014, 18:57:33 »

Offline riotonthebay

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Asking a girl out through a game?
« Reply #122 on: Tue, 11 February 2014, 05:36:02 »
Male privilege runs strong in this thread.

Holy ****, you can say that again. This thread is like a lightning rod.