Author Topic: WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?  (Read 1452 times)

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Offline fohat.digs

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WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?
« on: Thu, 02 June 2022, 11:23:59 »
Seriously, what is the goal or purpose of randomly killing a bunch of unarmed strangers who are just living their lives and minding their own business?

What kind of self-fabricated anger motivates somebody to blindly lash out in mass killing?

The usual answer is that online "influencers" have stoked them into such a heat of blind rage against "da gub'ment" - and convinced them that after "x" number of random killings a race war will be instigated that will "cleanse" the US of brown people - that their actions are part of a higher mission and that they are not merely justified but are actually contributing to the greater good.

I don't buy that explanation, it is just too far detached from reality. Nobody could be that gullible and have that little self-respect.

Could they ?
“This isn’t the same Trump that got elected in 2016, he’s worse.”
“Something snapped in this guy — for real — when he lost in 2020,” Biden said, suggesting the former president was “unhinged” and was the driving force behind a mob of his supporters overrunning the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."
“He can’t accept the fact that he lost, it’s literally driving him crazy,” Biden said.
He added that the former president “wants to terminate the Constitution” and “says if he loses there will be a bloodbath in America.”
“What kind of man is this?”  Biden asked. — June 3, 2024

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 10:46:16 »
Where does this colossal fountain of hate come from?

The Buddha taught life is suffering, and that the roots of suffering are desire and ignorance. Sometimes stated as wishing that the world is not the way that it is.

I get that, I think that we all do. But that is a personal emotion, and the natural response or challenge is a striving to make yourself and the world better.

So what are these freaks trying to do? What are they trying to accomplish? If they are so impossibly angry at the way their life is to allow it to continue, then it makes sense to kill themselves to relieve the suffering. I get that, too.

But why gun down schoolchildren or pedestrians with your military weapons? If you are trying to do something that you might imagine would improve the world as it is, why not target a billionaire or a politician, someone who is actually operating the levers of power?

And I understand full well that guns are just tools. A good carpenter could build a house with just a hammer, a hand drill, and a hand saw - but how long would it take ?
« Last Edit: Fri, 03 June 2022, 12:39:25 by fohat.digs »
“This isn’t the same Trump that got elected in 2016, he’s worse.”
“Something snapped in this guy — for real — when he lost in 2020,” Biden said, suggesting the former president was “unhinged” and was the driving force behind a mob of his supporters overrunning the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."
“He can’t accept the fact that he lost, it’s literally driving him crazy,” Biden said.
He added that the former president “wants to terminate the Constitution” and “says if he loses there will be a bloodbath in America.”
“What kind of man is this?”  Biden asked. — June 3, 2024

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 11:12:03 »
Terr0r1sm is like cellular hypoxia.

when you take normal cells, deprive them of oxygen, they Turn Cancerous.

This happens at every level of society, and ACROSS nations.

The Western desire for fish, beef, chocolate, coffee, sugar, narcotics directly sponsors slavery in Africa, south east Asia, South 'Murica, m1ddle eas7.  It doesn't make sense to grow things that you can't eat, then sell it, when you're starving and don't have enough food.  Yet, this is the world as dictated by the Amer1(an capitalist system.

This unchecked hedonism, is what is starving the entire biosphere of LITERAL Oxygen, and so we have cancer cells, as we have cancerous hughmahnn behavior. 

Within OUR society,  we deprive people of their fair labor compensation, we deprive them of time with their family and children, we deprive them of ADEQUATE SLEEP, Adequate education, Adequate healthcare, and the many hypoxic cells then turn can(erous.  Hence domestic terr0r.     

It just looks normal, because it's a LARGE SWATH of society,   we're basically at Stage 4 metastatsis as a whole.

Very soon, climate catastrophe,  refuge movement,  labor friction, infrustructure collapse,  un_managed nu(lear stockpile, and poof,  we all die,    ~1 to 3 million years reboot with the Reptilian race.   

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?
« Reply #3 on: Tue, 07 June 2022, 09:05:28 »

But why gun down schoolchildren or pedestrians with your military weapons?

I am starting to ascribe it to such a towering sense of self-loathing that 99.99% of us cannot even imagine it.

Something along the lines of "I am already a horrible and worthless person, but I can go out in an act of such monstrous evil that the world will finally take notice of me."

Is self-respect becoming obsolete in an age of fear and anger?

“This isn’t the same Trump that got elected in 2016, he’s worse.”
“Something snapped in this guy — for real — when he lost in 2020,” Biden said, suggesting the former president was “unhinged” and was the driving force behind a mob of his supporters overrunning the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."
“He can’t accept the fact that he lost, it’s literally driving him crazy,” Biden said.
He added that the former president “wants to terminate the Constitution” and “says if he loses there will be a bloodbath in America.”
“What kind of man is this?”  Biden asked. — June 3, 2024

Offline treeleaf64

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Re: WTF are these relentless terror attacks really all about ?
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 08 June 2022, 23:46:14 »

Terr0r1sm is like cellular hypoxia.

when you take normal cells, deprive them of oxygen, they Turn Cancerous.

This happens at every level of society, and ACROSS nations.

The Western desire for fish, beef, chocolate, coffee, sugar, narcotics directly sponsors slavery in Africa, south east Asia, South 'Murica, m1ddle eas7.  It doesn't make sense to grow things that you can't eat, then sell it, when you're starving and don't have enough food.  Yet, this is the world as dictated by the Amer1(an capitalist system.

This unchecked hedonism, is what is starving the entire biosphere of LITERAL Oxygen, and so we have cancer cells, as we have cancerous hughmahnn behavior. 

Within OUR society,  we deprive people of their fair labor compensation, we deprive them of time with their family and children, we deprive them of ADEQUATE SLEEP, Adequate education, Adequate healthcare, and the many hypoxic cells then turn can(erous.  Hence domestic terr0r.     

It just looks normal, because it's a LARGE SWATH of society,   we're basically at Stage 4 metastatsis as a whole.

Very soon, climate catastrophe,  refuge movement,  labor friction, infrustructure collapse,  un_managed nu(lear stockpile, and poof,  we all die,    ~1 to 3 million years reboot with the Reptilian race.   

hi tp, this is half weird conspiracy, half correct : ) Hahahaha

This is the cat and pat!!!!!!!!