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Offline tp4tissue

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Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 07:33:08 »

You kind of get this @ every single tech company that mostly has gamer dudes.

Guess it's just par for course that once a certain size is reached, the controversies hit public.


Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 07:59:23 »
Yeah when a channel gets as large as lmg (which was a 100 person team) exploitation and greed always take over. So those data tests that favoured the products they invested in (I always thought they were just entertainment channel didn't realise people went to them for advice) and worker exploitation is almost inevitable. Most tech youtubers rely on sponsors and promoting them to make money, but this is on a whole another level.

Feel bad for madison, the things she had to go through is horrifying to read. That response video they made to the initial allegations and not the madison stuff is so weird, like they make jokes about having a sponsor and promoting a screwdriver??? it's just tone deaf and dumb.
« Last Edit: Thu, 17 August 2023, 08:41:19 by Rhienfo »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 08:20:48 »
Not terribly concerned with the Sponsorship bias, since that's the whole point of the channel, I actually found it extremely hypocritical for gamerNexus to be criticizing another channel that produces the same type of content they make, they're not themselves perfectly accurate either.

As for the Madison allegations, this type of drama is so common in IT workspaces, I'm surprised they got as far as they did without a salty story.

At least Biden is working on the bill where harrassment in the Military is looked at by Outside of the military. This is really important. Because what's essentially Military HR finding the military not guilty of misconduct is not working. Documentary, Invisible war, documents this well.  And we go and criticize the rvss1an military for misconduct, hypocrites and badguys all around.

LTT did say they've got an external investigator going.

But honestly, this may not change broadspec, because more fundamentally, men are not formally trained for interactions with women. THEY SHOULD BE.

Overall, even if we had that training,  the ENTIRETY of the advertising marketplace EXPLOITS people's most basic instincts. We market and sell exactly the attitude and process which creates tension. The net result is an unhealthy construct of his and her circumstances coloring every decision/ action.

This division/ volatility is also endemic in our language, for example there are far more feminine terms with pejorative connotations.

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 08:59:46 »
Not terribly concerned with the Sponsorship bias, since that's the whole point of the channel, I actually found it extremely hypocritical for gamerNexus to be criticizing another channel that produces the same type of content they make, they're not themselves perfectly accurate either.

As for the Madison allegations, this type of drama is so common in IT workspaces, I'm surprised they got as far as they did without a salty story.

At least Biden is working on the bill where harrassment in the Military is looked at by Outside of the military. This is really important. Because what's essentially Military HR finding the military not guilty of misconduct is not working.

LTT did say they've got an external investigator going.

But honestly, this may not change broadspec, because more fundamentally, men are not formally trained for interactions with women. THEY SHOULD BE.

Overall, even if we had that training,  the ENTIRETY of the advertising marketplace EXPLOITS people's most basic instincts. We market and sell exactly the attitude and process which creates tension. The net result is an unhealthy construct of his and her circumstances coloring every decision/ action.

This division/ volatility is also endemic in our language, for example there are far more feminine terms with pejorative connotations.

Yeah I mainly care about the madison aspect of this (to be fair I expect most tech channels to be doing the sponsorship stuff, just not at the same scale as ltt) and harassment like this is so common place in a lot of workplaces, just shows how misogyny is still so commonplace everywhere. It's just sad when you think about it. We have done a lot, but we still need to do a lot more to have actual gender equality.

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:10:34 »
Taken more broadly, it's not isolated to gender equality,  the Problem is far more rooted in our animalistic /colonial attitude.

We teach all humans, to be tough / mean / combative, this necessarily creates a duality of being that is not consistent with how society must operate in co-operation to solve the 100 year problems we now face, such as climate change.

Women are at least as angry and aggressive towards other women as men are, though their expression is often less obtuse.

Misogyny comes from both genders. The way it's commonly reported / framed is inaccurate

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:22:37 »
Not terribly concerned with the Sponsorship bias, since that's the whole point of the channel
Not when they claim objective testing, compare products, and have an audience in millions a good percentage of which will only listen to them and take everything as gospel.
Not when they claim their labs produce better and more results than GN (who reacted upon that, at first).
Not when they lack integrity towards their audience when conveniently producing "wrong" results that favor their sponsors without any kind of disclosure.

I actually found it extremely hypocritical for gamerNexus to be criticizing another channel that produces the same type of content they make, they're not themselves perfectly accurate either.
Maybe you should listen properly to the whole 45 minutes video from Steve. I know it's a lot but he's got a lot to say, and made a very clear and objective point. He never claims he's perfectly accurate. He's got integrity though and reviews his videos before publishing them. Which makes him publish less often, and maybe later than LTT, and that was the whole point of his answer at first.
Oh and also they dont produce the same content at all. GN produce lab-level testing and actually disclose their full process. Then they produce maybe a bit bland videos (as they are not aimed towards entertainment) but very meticulous in their testing. LMG are just going "trust me bro" there and are aimed towards entertainment.

As for the Madison allegations, this type of drama is so common in IT workspaces, I'm surprised they got as far as they did without a salty story.
Toxic workplaces especially fast evolving startups are usually led by a group of tight knit friends who will silence any kind of dissent, very quickly, in a brutal manner. Been there too. A lof of crap will surface now.

At least Biden is working on the bill where harrassment in the Military is looked at by Outside of the military.
Why are you talking about Biden all of sudden, was this not a post about LTT/LMG who are Canadian to start with ? Maybe Canadian workplace laws should apply, we'll see.

LTT did say they've got an external investigator going.
They probably always had some kind of VC funding. The $100M buyout is completely out now that Linus talked out of his arse and dug his grave instead of shutting up and taking a lawyer to do the PR damage control.

But honestly, this may not change broadspec, because more fundamentally, men are not formally trained for interactions with women. THEY SHOULD BE.
Lol what. What is this incel nonsense drivel ?
« Last Edit: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:26:58 by Surefoot »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:25:49 »
Lol what. What is this incel nonsense drivel ?

The problem with opinion is that it's only accurate given the limited dataset of the person making them.

We have to be more open to the idea that just about everything we now know could be improved through training/ education.

Most humans operate with common-sense handmedown information, this is quickly out of date as every generation socially evolves.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #7 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:28:27 »
The problem with opinion is that it's only accurate given the limited dataset of the person making them.

We have to be more open to the idea that just about everything we now know could be improved through training/ education.

Most humans operate with common-sense handmedown information, this is quickly out of date as every generation socially evolves.
Still not getting where you are going with that. Women are human beings just as men. If you cannot interact normally with human beings, maybe it's not "training" you need but a proper psych eval.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:30:59 »
Lol what. What is this incel nonsense drivel ?

This is also an extremely good example of violent language / personal attack to distract from the subject at hand.

You are not discussing the issue, now it's a discussion to demean someone, so if someone is an incel or vocel, their opinion because of their lack of social-virility is less important, less true.

The attack avoids the context of the discussion entirely.

You claim to be against sexism, but then go on to make what's at its core a sexist remark, putting people who you don't know into boxes for no other purpose than to further your own Opinion.

You are exactly what you claim to be angry at, that is to say, Hypocrites all around. Top to bottom. Gamernexus, LinusMediagroup, Surefoot

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:40:26 »
The attack avoids the context of the discussion entirely.
Again, what's the point ? Where are you going with these, i repeat, incel-style statements ? Not an attack, just seeing the usual incel nonsense almost copy-pasted here, I know a lot of people spend way too much time on FB or listening to A.Tate who spread this kind of argument.

If you are trying to make a tangent from what happened to that woman (Madison) at LMG: I still do not understand where you are going with that argument. If the allegations are true (and another ex-employee has confirmed that may be the case..) there's zero excuse for what happened. I dont see why one would need "training" to become a half decent human being and not push another human being to self mutilate out of desperation.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:44:23 »
The attack avoids the context of the discussion entirely.
Again, what's the point ? Where are you going with these, i repeat, incel-style statements ? Not an attack, just seeing the usual incel nonsense almost copy-pasted here, I know a lot of people spend way too much time on FB or listening to A.Tate who spread this kind of argument.

I rest my case, you are incapable of self-evaluation, you are behaving exactly contradictory to your own criticism for sexist/rude/hypocritical attitude.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #11 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:48:58 »
Feel bad for madison, the things she had to go through is horrifying to read. That response video they made to the initial allegations and not the madison stuff is so weird, like they make jokes about having a sponsor and promoting a screwdriver??? it's just tone deaf and dumb.
My feeling is Linus still acts like he's that jank vlogger from the post-NCIX days while heading a media empire that was worth $100M before he shot himself in the foot, repeatedly.
Steve put it quite clearly: LMG is a big corporate entity and should be treated as such.
LMG exhibits all the symptoms of Founder's Syndrome and a good amound of Peter Principle since people in management positions are his friends from the beginning, and who have zero management experience. This is blowing up right now in front of our eyes.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #12 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 09:52:12 »
I rest my case, you are incapable of self-evaluation, you are behaving exactly contradictory to your own criticism for sexist/rude/hypocritical attitude.
That's surreal. You posted a (very) sexist argument, went to unrelated tangents (trying to derail the topic you started yourself..), and then accuse me ? Maybe you think I posted the teal text that says, i quote:
Quote from: tp4tissue
men are not formally trained for interactions with women
But that was you...

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #13 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 10:01:10 »
I rest my case, you are incapable of self-evaluation, you are behaving exactly contradictory to your own criticism for sexist/rude/hypocritical attitude.
That's surreal. You posted a (very) sexist argument, went to unrelated tangents (trying to derail the topic you started yourself..), and then accuse me ? Maybe you think I posted the teal text that says, i quote:
Quote from: tp4tissue
men are not formally trained for interactions with women
But that was you...

My comment is an objective fact, there's no hidden context, it might be an awkward phrase but it's not untrue, and not sexist, it's literally what it reads. As plain as the sky is blue.

Your use of personal attack to demean a person you don't know, you qualify them as incel, then you push the point that this makes his opinions untrue with no evidence or logic to support it.

Incel is internet colloquialism for anyone you disagree with. And it is sexist because it implies that a lack of sexual conquest means the person is the lesser and his thoughts/opinions are lesser.

But we know this is a meaningless term, because anyone for any reason could be an incel. You can be too poor, too rich, too good looking, too ugly, too old, too young, too republican, too demcrat.

You've consistently demonstrated that your efforts here is personal attack and nothing else as you force the subject.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 10:01:47 »
You need help my friend...

My comment is an objective fact
It's not. Again, it's incel fantasy.

Incel is internet colloquialism for anyone you disagree with.
It's not. It has a very precise definition, for once.

And it is sexist because it implies that a lack of sexual conquest means the person is the lesser and his thoughts/opinions are lesser.
Wow. It's everything but. Read up on what it means maybe.

But we know this is a meaningless term, because anyone for any reason could be an incel.
Nope, only people who repeat the usual nonsense from 4chan/8chan/ATate/etc.
You realize you went VERY far from your original topic do you.

You've consistently demonstrated that your efforts here is personal attack and nothing else as you force the subject.
OK. Lets play. What, from your point of view, make GN act as hypocritical (from their 45 minute video you didnt listen to), just one example is enough ?
« Last Edit: Thu, 17 August 2023, 10:06:19 by Surefoot »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #15 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 10:02:35 »
You need help my friend...

You just need a mirror.. much cheaper than the help I need.

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #16 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 10:16:58 »

OK. Lets play. What, from your point of view, make GN act as hypocritical (from their 45 minute video you didnt listen to), just one example is enough ?

They've made same data errors in the past, corrected in footnotes. this is par for all channels which does data.

LTT is just another group of humans, they also make corrections.

LTT's Claims of objectivity, that's the claim, it's not perfect, there's no such thing as perfect objectivity,  the lack of perfection even in the context of material consistency does not subtract from the stated goal, which is merely a mission statement. You don't always get 100% on tests even if that's what you strive for.

That is why Gamernexus picking on a few reviews and saying these are false datapoints is hypocritical and mere drama fuel.

This is the same type of behavior as you calling people you disagree with incels.

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #17 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 12:44:15 »
I'll ignore your tangents.

They've made same data errors in the past, corrected in footnotes. this is par for all channels which does data.
Please point at just one example. Because so far, and AFAIK they always were straight forward and actually REMOVED their videos from YT then replaced them with the fixed version, whenever that happened (and that's not often at all). Which LTT never did, while it's systematic. Oh and to mention a small detail: GN de-monetized their video about LMG. While LTT "answer" video was monetized, with sponsor ads, and even jokes.

LTT is just another group of humans, they also make corrections.
The whole point of all of this, and the ENTIRE point of that 45 minutes video, is that no, they DO NOT make any correction, or even retract anything, actually they dig deeper with stubborn determination. See the perfect example with that Billet Labs affair, that was used to illustrate LMG behaviour towards their own mistakes. It's a really good example because they made a huge series of mistakes on that one, and actually did NOT offer any apology, as of today the video IS STILL UP, there's NO FOOT NOTE, nothing, and Linus' answer on their own forum was offering zero apology, played victim and blamed others.
So no, playing that "both sides" card doesnt work here.

You don't always get 100% on tests even if that's what you strive for. 
And either you represent it properly in your tests with error bars, or if everything is completely off you just pull the video off YT until you make a fix. Or at least you give your editors time to review the video instead of giving false information to millions of faithful viewers.

That is why Gamernexus picking on a few reviews and saying these are false datapoints is hypocritical and mere drama fuel. 
"a few", "false datapoints", care to elaborate, because the videos he's pointing at are still up on YT for public viewing, anyone can verify and attest to his claims. He's factual. Meanwhile you are giving a subjective evaluation, of something you obviously did not watch.
What's in it for you ? Do you have stakes in LMG ? Do you feel personally attacked because people point out at very public failings from LMG ?
« Last Edit: Thu, 17 August 2023, 12:47:44 by Surefoot »

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #18 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 12:47:30 »
I'll ignore your tangents.

What's in it for you ? Do you have stakes in LMG ? Do you feel personally attacked because people point out at very public failings from LMG ?

I'll ignore your trolling.

Please reflect on your sexist and attack comments.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #19 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 12:49:05 »
Please reflect on your sexist and attack comments.
Maybe stop posting incel nonsense and keep to the subject ? What's in it for you to white knight for LMG ?

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #20 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 12:50:40 »
Please reflect on your sexist and attack comments.
Maybe stop posting incel nonsense and keep to the subject ? What's in it for you to white knight for LMG ?

Maybe stop calling anyone you disagree with Incels ?

These 2 channels produce the exact same content, make the exact same mistakes, but gamernexus has chosen to create drama where none exists.

Offline Surefoot

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 13:06:23 »
Maybe stop calling anyone you disagree with Incels ?
Not sure what you're about here. I reacted to a comment you made about women, which is completely out of topic (so was the Biden comment, wtf) and probably inserted here because your train of thoughts went that way at that moment or something in that spirit. And that comment is straight out of the incel playbook. I never call anyone "incel" as it's not a throw-in word for "people I dont agree with", it's a very precise word with a precise definition that you're repeatedly trying to ignore. But whatever, enough with unrelated tangents.

These 2 channels produce the exact same content
Wow. No they dont. Not even close. Have you ever watched just one of their videos ?

, make the exact same mistakes,
Again, not even close. To my knowledge and until you prove with just ONE example the opposite, GN never publised for example a graph with completely wrong data like 50% off or even 300% off like LTT did. Actually for a much, much lower margin of error they did pull over a vid from YT until they could re-test and get proper results. So give me just ONE example of a publicly visible video where GN misled the audience with completely wrong data.

but gamernexus has chosen to create drama where none exists.
"none exists", you seem to have missed the whole sequence of events that started this (LMG employees sniping at GN and HUB, considering them as "lesser / smaller"), and again, Steve didnt want to create any drama to start with, he says it very clearly in that video you still did not watch, he just pointed at a lack of integrity from LMG as a big soulless corporation, and provided verifiable data points. The drama started when LMG instead of removing the video about Billet Labs and sending back the block, kept the video up, sold the block at an auction, published confidential data on their YT video, and blamed everyone but themselves for it. LMG created the drama. LMG pushed their employees to the breaking limit, to the point one of them had to self mutilate to get a reprieve.

Again, you are trying to shift the blame away from LMG: what's in it for you ?

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 13:15:48 »
Maybe stop calling anyone you disagree with Incels ?
Not sure what you're about here. I reacted to a comment you made about women, which is completely out of topic (so was the Biden comment, wtf) and probably inserted here because your train of thoughts went that way at that moment or something in that spirit. And that comment is straight out of the incel playbook. I never call anyone "incel" as it's not a throw-in word for "people I dont agree with", it's a very precise word with a precise definition that you're repeatedly trying to ignore. But whatever, enough with unrelated tangents.

You're proving my point exactly, you've made all of this about your personal attacks. And you put anyone you disagree with in a camp.

The biden + military harrassment comment was relative to the need for outside investigation which is happening at LMG.

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #23 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 13:35:37 »

 bkrownd:"Those damned rubber chiclet keys are the devil's nipples."   >:D

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Linus Tech Tip Allegations
« Reply #24 on: Thu, 17 August 2023, 17:44:20 »
Show Image

Yeah I checked this last night and woke up to this lol