Author Topic: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]  (Read 3446 times)

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Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 08:31:21 »
::What is this water?

Nu(1ear fuel is essentially on - fire for a period of years. The blown out melted cores of the fvkvsh1ma reactors are still HOT, and in contact with leaking ground water through the basement complex. They also need to pour additional water in for cooling/ shielding purposes.

~Some of this water is collected and stored in tanks.

::Are they running out of space?

No, there is an exclusion zone several kilometers wide. This land could never be used for anything for thousands of years,  Running out of space is just an excuse they're using.

::Why are they dumping the water then?

Tanks cost money, maintenance costs money, Tanks break down, they're only rated for 5-10 years, they need to be constantly replaced, They're dumping it because MONEY.

::What has it cost?

Japan has spent around 200-600 Billion dollars thus far, it is expected that the entire ordeal will cost around 2 Trillion dollars.

There is significant doubts as to whether a clean up is even possible. As it stands, the technology required to do the task does not yet exist, they are no where close to the core, the high rad1oa(7ivity destroys even our best robots.

::What else is leaking?

There is 300 Tons per day of untreated, uncaptured ground water in contact with the melted core, which flows out to the pacific ocean since the disaster occured in 2011.

Thats 300 x 4549 days (Aug 24, 2023), = 1,364,700 tons of Extremely rad10a(tive water getting into the ocean.   This is today, tomorrow, and the next hundreds of years.

::Is the release water dangerous?

The unfiltered water leak is extremely dangerous.

The filtered pumped out water is ALSO extremely dangerous.

::What do they filter out?

It is relatively easy to filter out the heavy stuff, even though they can't do it @ 100%, for things like Str0nt1vm 90, Ce5ium, etc.

They can not filter out what's known as Tr1tivm. This is heavy hydrogen.

::Is Tri1tivm dangerous?

YES, it's extremely dangerous, because it bio-accumulates up the food chain, exponentially increasing in concentration, and as it's doing that, it's converted by sea creatures into ORGANICALLY-bound Tr1tivm. This means, it takes years for it to exit the body, instead of weeks like vanilla Tr1tivm. If you eat fish, you will be getting a slot machine dose of very dangerous toxins.

::The Nv(lear industry says Tri1tivm is not dangerous?

They're Lying,  Regular Trit1vm exits the body relatively quickly, in weeks,  Organically bound Tri7ivm takes YEARS.

Regular Tri71vm is not so great for you either, remember exposure is persistent if you live near a nv(lear plant, which MANY people do.

::How do heavy atoms damage me?

Hot particles release either Alpha/Beta/Gamma. It doesn't really matter which one, if this stuff is inside you, it's like having microscopic machine guns going off inside your body, the bullets are powerful and plentiful enough to SHRED cellular DNA, cells with stochastically damaged genetic code then either Die, Mutate, or become Cancerous.

::What can I do about it?

Don't eat Pacific Ocean Fish.

Don't eat Atlantic Ocean Fish, they dumped tons and tons of radioa(7*ve waste only 70 miles off the coast of NJ

Noti(e all Nv(lear reactors are near bodies of water, for cooling purposes, they all release dangerous rad1onu(lides

Don't eat Fish

Don't eat anything from Japan.

DO NOT buy Japanese rice cookers, or food/cooking adjacent goods.

::I thought Fvkvsh1ma was fixed, they had an olympics about how it was fixed.

Sports washing, it's not fixed, it's not fixable for 100s of years at the very least. Perhaps 1000s if the technology to clean up is not invented, as it's only currently hypothetical, we are NO WHERE CLOSE. 


Offline pixelpusher

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 09:47:33 »
Okay, all makes sense... except... if they're dumping because of money why not just go to the world at large and say "we cannot afford to hold this water any longer and need money to keep from destroying the planet?"  Maybe wealthy nations won't chip in without a huge debt incurred on Japan.  So Japan says, okay then, we will dump.  I feel like there is more to the story, but I'm sure the full truth is unknowable.

These opinions are just bought out by Japan and should be discounted then?:

« Last Edit: Thu, 24 August 2023, 09:53:40 by pixelpusher »

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:16:15 »
I feel like there is more to the story, but I'm sure the full truth is unknowable.

The full truth is , all nu(lear plants and adjunct industries release radi0nu(lides. All n-p0wer plants release large quantities of Tr1tivm.

There's simply no cost effect way to filter it out. Not undoable, just too expensive.  We have a misconception of money, in the end, it's an exchange of labor and resources,  the $dollar amount is illusory.

Every $Dime, Japan spends on this, is the conversion of Japanese Human Lives into a rad1owaste dump, be it filtering, building tanks, researching clean up technology, etc.  That's physically, literally, what it is.   You are taking human lives, and putting it into this dump.

Now, the Japanese don't have a choice, they have perform this sad exchange for 1000s of years to come.

The nu(lear Industry is about the illusion of power, the perfunctory press service in maintaining the Monopoly on Violence that Nation states are emblematic of. All these facilities in all countries pollute. To say Japan can't dump the water is hypocritical, any nv(lear nation complaining is hypo(riti(al, as they all do it.

It's important to remember however, that everyone doing the wrong thing does not absolve the crime. This is a crime against humanity, to pursue selfish maintence of the capitalist violence industries, WHILE the climate and nature is burning out from under us.

We shouldn't have these industries, is the point, it's stupid, it's dirty, it's short sighted, there is no return on investment, it represents an existential risk that can turn over at any time.   If the wind in Fvkvshima in 2011 was blowing toward the country instead of at the ocean, the Meltdown would've cut Japan in 2,  you could not walk across Japan from north to south without a shielded tunnel. That's how severe it would've been.

As the great Crocodile Dundee once said.  2 flees arguing about who owns the back of the cat they live on.

These are 2 flees armed with cyanide and all the while they create new toxins to kill each other, they're killing the cat. It is a surety to Oblivion.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:19:56 »
But if this is a big enough concern that you don't think anyone on the planet should eat fish from any ocean, doesn't that seem like pretty much the end of the world soon?  What do we have, 10 years?

I'm assuming if the fish are unsafe enough for consumption, that means the fish will all die soon.  And I'm pretty sure that if all the fish in the oceans die, the oceans would be catastrophically changed.  Surely that would also result in severe changes for the planet at large?
« Last Edit: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:23:35 by pixelpusher »

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:29:36 »
But if this is a big enough concern that you don't think anyone on the planet should eat fish from any ocean, doesn't that seem like pretty much the end of the world soon?  What do we have, 10 years?

I'm assuming if the fish are unsafe enough for consumption, that means the fish will all die soon.  And I'm pretty sure that if all the fish in the oceans die, the oceans would be catastrophically changed.  Surely that would also result in severe changes for the planet at large?

All the fish in the ocean are nearly dead.  Most fisheries are 95%+ depleted.  We collectively bottom trawl, scraping the sea floor, roughly the size of Australia every single year destroying the underwater habitat.

The ocean IS catastrophically changing, the weather pattern is more and more biblical each year. The california flooding we just had. Fire in canada displacing 20,000 people. Fire burning 800 people in Maui to death.  Floods in Africa displacing 20,000.  Flood in China, Drought in India killing farmers, entire rural villages.

You and I are not rural farmers,  for us, there is some degree of insulation, it's as if we're looking at another world. No, this is our world.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:34:52 »
I think you're spiraling. 

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:39:19 »

wealthy nations won't chip in

The human race will be bankrupted many times over by the environmental devastation that we have produced.

Yes, inhabitants of poorer areas will continue to flock desperately to richer areas, but there is not enough money in the world to rectify the problems.

We don't know how to fix it, anyway, even if we had the labor and materials available.
“This isn’t the same Trump that got elected in 2016, he’s worse.”
“Something snapped in this guy — for real — when he lost in 2020,” Biden said, suggesting the former president was “unhinged” and was the driving force behind a mob of his supporters overrunning the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."
“He can’t accept the fact that he lost, it’s literally driving him crazy,” Biden said.
He added that the former president “wants to terminate the Constitution” and “says if he loses there will be a bloodbath in America.”
“What kind of man is this?”  Biden asked. — June 3, 2024

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #7 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:41:49 »
I think you're spiraling. 

Reality hurts.  That's why we humans have the capacity for selective ignorance. Sanity wouldn't be possible without it.

That doesn't change the fact that what we face are 100 year, 1000 year problems, while our collective economic system only thinks as far as next quarter.

That system dominates our perception, Most of us only look as far as tomorrow.

Tp4 has looked into the abyss. You are right in that we don't even know if we're off the cliff.

The Denial is necessary, it is logical, because without which, why bother with the charade of living.

So, sure, by all means, if there IS any hope at all, the flame must be fueled by some level of looking away.

But you know, we have to be careful here as alot of the WORK that needs to be done can not be done blindly. The consequences are dire and have already made landfall. .

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 10:58:10 »
I've never been one to turn a blind eye to environmental issues.  I do believe our actions have caused immense damage to the planet.  But if we truly have unleashed world-ending devastation that we won't even understand how to fix in the next thousand years, doesn't it seem pointless to worry about it on a daily basis.  It would simply be completely inevitable no matter our actions, correct?  It's not that I deny the fact that the world has serious issues, it's that I have hope in what we can do to fix it in those next thousand years.  It's a choice of optimism instead of pessimism that wears blinders for sanity.  I find it a healthier way to live, even though I won't live any longer than the rest of us.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Fvkvsh1ma water dump [Long]
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 24 August 2023, 11:14:22 »
I've never been one to turn a blind eye to environmental issues.  I do believe our actions have caused immense damage to the planet.  But if we truly have unleashed world-ending devastation that we won't even understand how to fix in the next thousand years, doesn't it seem pointless to worry about it on a daily basis.  It would simply be completely inevitable no matter our actions, correct?  It's not that I deny the fact that the world has serious issues, it's that I have hope in what we can do to fix it in those next thousand years.  It's a choice of optimism instead of pessimism that wears blinders for sanity.  I find it a healthier way to live, even though I won't live any longer than the rest of us.

You misunderstand Tp4 pixelP.

We are in fact in agreement. Tp4 considers ignorance necessary, You call it optimism, but it's more accurately selective ignorance. Against all overwhelming evidence that we've overstepped the planetary boundaries,  we still bow to managers and pay taxes.

There is no criticism, Tp4 can not judge PixelP. Judgement is a capacity reserved for aliens, forces of nature or gods.