Author Topic: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?  (Read 10530 times)

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Offline Kavik

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #50 on: Sun, 04 February 2024, 11:55:36 »
I have figured out a routine that works for me: Exercising vigorously in my bedroom after work at around midnight for 30mins before I jump in the shower. 30 mins, 6x a week.

I have crunched the time numbers, and have so many times over the last 2 weeks made good intentions to go to the gym instead of working out at home. But it simply is too much hassle. If I were to go to the gym it would turn my convenient 30 minute workout into a drawn out 80min+ pain in the ass to get ready and get to/from the gym.

It just doesn't ****ing work. There is simply no time for me to go. If I had equipment at home it would be 100% doable.

Home gym equipment can be found for relatively solid pricing on Facebook marketplace or OfferUp

I was going to suggest Titan Fitness because it used to be insanely cheap (if one didn't care about some minor hand-fitting or RMAing certain pieces), but I just checked the website, and everything is approaching Rogue prices. I got my power rack shipped to my house for $306.10 in 2018.
Maybe they're waiting for gasmasks and latex to get sexy again.

The world has become a weird place.

Offline mohawk1367

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #51 on: Mon, 05 February 2024, 09:19:11 »
I have both gains and normal lunches.

I'm surrounded by teen-20 something year old kids who eat 3500-4k calories a day talking about how they are losing weight.
Meanwhile I have a cup of coffee and a stick of jerky all day, and gain 5lbs.

Life is a ****ing scam.

the last month or so my appetite has been really reduced for some reason and I've lost 7 lbs so far. dunno how or why but hopefully im finally getting that teenage boy metabolism i was always promised
someone needs to make an aussie keyboard community called QMƎɹ┴⅄. get it? haha :D

Offline iri

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #52 on: Mon, 05 February 2024, 16:04:28 »
I hope it isn't drugs :p
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline mohawk1367

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #53 on: Tue, 06 February 2024, 06:37:27 »
I hope it isn't drugs :p

Oh yaeh forgot to mention ive gotten into meth lately
someone needs to make an aussie keyboard community called QMƎɹ┴⅄. get it? haha :D

Offline pelfox

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Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #54 on: Tue, 06 February 2024, 13:20:31 »
walking my dog has become my favorite alternative to the gym. it's a peaceful way to stay active while enjoying the outdoors plus, the companionship. it's a simple yet effective way to incorporate exercise into my routine without the pressure of a formal workout and I just lift in my garage (work night shifts)
en boca cerrada no entran moscas

Offline TomahawkLabs

  • Posts: 115
Re: How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
« Reply #55 on: Tue, 26 March 2024, 09:48:50 »
I am in week 3 or 4 of early morning workouts. It is the only way I can fit it into my life comfortably. I wake up at 5 and spend about 50-60 minutes on the treadmill. My day is easier to ease into and my pants fit a bit better. The only downside is my bedtime is now 9:30-10PM instead of 11.

I am the type of person who once they are home after work will only leave if forced (kid's activity, etc). I just can't bring myself to work out after the work day.
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