« on: Tue, 22 October 2024, 10:46:27 »
Well, I was issued a Windows 10 based laptop at work for new safety the problem is I hate typing on touch screens larger than my phone. The keyboard they have me is a cheap chiclet style low profile rubber don't that feels like garbage. So, I built a small work station on the inside of the door for my tools box. Using a JD40 and a GH36. The GH36 has mouse controls so no mouse needed.
Wow! That's some cyberpunk **** right there! All you need is to add an oscilloscope and a row of CD drives under the monitor housing.
I don't do any electrical work, only mechanical.
Current project.

« Last Edit: Tue, 22 October 2024, 11:21:54 by tp4tissue »
