Author Topic: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline fohat.digs

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TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 06:57:01 »
I predict that he will be far more unhappy under President Vance than he thinks.

There may be very few people here to pick fruits and vegetables, for one thing.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 07:27:08 »
NO no, the republicans threatened to kick out the latinos and lynch black people every election, they never actually do it, not in massive quantities anyway, no more than the police brutality under democrat presidencies..

Tp4 thinks both candidates are Identical with exception to the American Ukraine war, and rate of environmental degradation.

Trump better on Ukraine,  worse on environmental destruction.

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 07:47:58 »
To be clear, Tp4 firmly believes Females would make for better presidents, they're extremely risk-averse by nature, that makes a big difference on environmental concerns. They're more forward looking. Angela Merkel, best leader ever.

The problem is, Kamala does not have the STEM background/ ruthlessness/ socio-economic/ or political CLOT, to bite into washington. AT best she would be a puppet like Obama, letting military industrial run wild doing whatever they want.  BIDEN is different, he has Clot, and old strings to pull, he might've gotten everyone drafted into the Ukraine war, but he did not let the military do whatever they want.

Trump is a puppet, but not an American puppet. You might look at this and say, that's treason, but let's analyze his properties. Because he is compromised by Russia, Functionally, we can say he's more "Sensitive" to the geo-political realities of the modern world.

America is NOT the dominant military power in the world. We pretend we are, but push comes to shove, we can't kill anyone outright.  We couldn't conquer Vietnam, we couldn't conquer Afghanistan, we couldn't conquer Iraq, we couldn't conquer Ukraine. We lost every one of the wars we started post WW2. And these were all "3rd" world countries w/ak47s.

So the American military approach to diplomacy has failed.  Let's TRY, Anything-Else.

American Veggies is our only hope. We can point a gun at people all we want, when they can shoot back, we'll both die.

You won't convert anyone with the military when the opponent has power parity.

For those of you who believe in a god, pray for the Palestinians. Their genocide approaches.


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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 08:13:51 »
As for racial problems in America.

It's going to get worse as the Socio-economic gap accelerates under Trump.

People are racist because they're poor, minds and pockets, they have nothing but their identities.

When you're super rich, you might pay racists to guard your mansion, but you care more about the color of your mercedes than the color of people's skin.

The majority of the truly wealthy class are not themselves racist, but they will not hesitate to mobilize the uneducated/poor racists to do the killing for them and launch operation meat shield aka WAR.

That is human-CIVILIZATION.

Offline chyros

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 09:23:28 »


Lol, any country that calls Biden a left-wing extremist is NOT ready for Bernie Sanders xD .

(as much as I think that'd be a good step in the right direction)
Check my keyboard video reviews:

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 12:53:08 »
Bernie is only a moderate by historical standards. But where today we have 2 VERY Right Wing parties,  Bern looks like a downright Communist.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 13:37:51 »
Basically, If they're is racist, and/or religious, they vote for Trump. Regardless of man or woman.


Offline fohat.digs

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Re: TP4 thought that both candidates were about the same
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 06 November 2024, 17:52:08 »

the concession speech

She would have been perfect for the job.

In this far from perfect world.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02