Author Topic: Dune - Prophecy  (Read 2222 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Dune - Prophecy
« on: Mon, 18 November 2024, 03:35:24 »
Just started.

The first 20 minutes were incredibly sluggish, but by the end, one may begrudgingly admit interest has been piqued.

Game of thrones in space. Ok, but they really aught to explain the economy a bit better, otherwise the gravity of what they do doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Cinematography is fine. The framing isn't as nice/ grand as Foundation. It's alright, maybe stuffy due to the claustrophobic nature of the initial plot.

Can't say the bulk of the actresses are carrying at all. We understand the new holywood initiative to be inclusive of bodytypes and diverse facial geometries. However, the cast for the sisterhood is poorly conceived.

If they invoke/ predicate the power of the sisterhood on discipline/self-control, then how could it be that so many of its members, including mother superior, are potato figured.

The body is a reflection of the mind, Tp4 is feeble minded, therefore he's soft and doughy.  The sisterhood characters are unbelievable and do not capture the audience.


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Re: Dune - Prophecy
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 25 November 2024, 07:38:47 »
Episode 2,

Bit weary now, this is not very exciting, kind of like house of dragons. It's better then HOD because space ships>dragons,    but that only goes so far.

The plot has become a bit unbelievable, and oddly roundabout.  Is it just bad execution, or was dune not well written to begin with, mm..

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Re: Dune - Prophecy
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 02 December 2024, 00:13:56 »
I think the plot is fine overall. They're doing a good job working the spice organically into the setup. It was even more obscure in the movie.

Reliance on this one element of the economy to bring it all together. I don't recall if it was ever explained why spice is so miraculous and impossible to replicate.  If the totality of the (known) universe is dependent on it, it's confusing how little of the economy is dedicated to its study and advancement.

They also wouldn't be so damn "Harsh" to the planet of Arakas, since well that's the only damn place with the worms, if anything they'd attempt to heavily increase Arakas's net biomass to, convert TO worm (Stuffs).

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Dune - Prophecy
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 16:47:12 »
Episo 5:

It's becoming a bit tedious to watch. There's not enough episodes, for them to move so many arcs simultaneously.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Dune - Prophecy
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 22:25:49 »
I'm not bothered by there being multiple arcs.
Apparently the next episode is going to be the last. I want more.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Dune - Prophecy
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 23 December 2024, 17:01:23 »
Tp4 is confused now. 

Isn't the sisterhood literally holding all the cards? Aren't they sabotaging themselves with this convoluted pointless plot?

If they got the emperor with the indian girl, AND they want the princess to throne, they seem on completely friendly terms with her already, annnnd they're mother to that weirdo eye guy,  Wthell are they fighting ?

It's literally 3 sides that they fully control. 

This show is a stupid show.  Dune is a stupid book if this show is accurate.