I felt an urge to "refresh" this very old post
I was very curious about it, and what is all these talk about 1kHz polling rates.
first, i do play some games. the term APM is very interesting.
second, how many APM could anyone do?
lets test
mouse click only
https://jenniferdewalt.com/click_challenge.html60s, I managed to do 180 clicks sustained. for PS controller mashers, this should be easy !
keypress only
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/27310194/10s alternating 2 finger on left hand only. 110 presses total.
10s alternating 1 finger each hand. 134 presses total.
this 1 is fun, mash those keys !
in reaction, everything becomes slower by at least 10x.
https://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/statisticsthere is a comment that in the above website, over the years, reaction time latency increased. the perception is that our new OS and complexity of browsers added latency?
some university research on people using keyboards (pdf)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjpgZTi1cDgAhXHbX0KHYhOCnsQ5TV6BAgBEAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fuserinterfaces.aalto.fi%2F136Mkeystrokes%2Fresources%2Fchi-18-analysis.pdf&psig=AOvVaw0vmPiLa2DEKensO8qW4-BC&ust=1550420798359907average key to key interval is 120ms (8.3Hz = approx 500 APM in game terms)
including debounce and anti-ghosting, I think a 50Hz polling could be plenty (which is 3000 APM in game terms, keypress only)
if in order to have a generous key wear and tear debounce (at 10ms?), the polling rate in theory could be as slow as 100Hz. 20ms as some manufacturer datasheet suggest for extremely worn switches would mean 50Hz. which means, taking the switch to over 50million keypress?
what do you guys think about the above self tests + papers and stats, esp to influence on further designs of DIY keyboards?
this is interesting because, instead of using faster MCU, with more pins, it could be just a matter of expanding the multiplex and not have the 1kHz