I was just catching up, but my favorite pre workout is a cup of strong black coffee, with creative mixed in.
Ray, everyone posted great options. All of which will not help without your own motivation. Only advice I can give, and it may sound condescending, but if you want to do it, do it. Nobody can tell you how to make time, but if you can even find 15-20 minutes during the day for bodyweight exercise, that's better than nothing. Over time, that will turn into 30, then 60. I personally do not recommend exercise before bed. You will find it harder to fall asleep, and get worse sleep 9/10 times. Your body needs sleep in order to properly recover. Another thing that will help greatly, is to analyze your diet. If you write down everything you eat for a week, you will quickly realize what would need to be changed. There are many diets out there that work well. I have done Paleo, and gotten great results. I will be switching over to Keto very soon.
Regardless what you end up doing, good luck and let us all know if we can help you out.