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  • The User Formerly Known as 'Formerly DudeSnail'
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Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 07:58:46 »
I wanted to start a thread with horror movie suggestions and discussion, so here we are.

I will be posting movies I watch here, as well as a brief description/overview of the plot of the movie, a preview or trailer, and if at all possible a link to watch the movie. Feel free to post in the thread with suggestions and descriptions of the movies you've seen and would like to suggest to others. I will post them in the original post and credit you for the entry!

I watch 4-5 horror movies every week so I will try and keep the thread updated as much as possible with new ones I see, or old ones I re-watch!

NOTE: This is a work in progress, excuse the format for now and I will fix/improve as I continue the thread

Also as another note, I am not a great reviewer, nor am I a very good writer, so feel free to contribute any reviews yourself and I will add them to the OP, provided I am not planning on writing one myself!


Tourist Trap

First up is a movie I watched very recently and was introduced to me from Cinemassacre's monster madness series on youtube, Tourist Trap.

It has a simple plot, one familiar to many horror movie watchers. A few friends break down on an old back road off the main highway, and find an older man who has been living in the area essentially his whole life. The man used to run an animated mannequin museum until a newly built highway caused many of his customers to steer clear of the back road he was located on, and forced him to shut down. From there it's business as usual as far as horror goes, but is very unique in ways other than the plot. The killer is both creepy and original, and his method of killing is unique.

This movie made me laugh a lot, but it also genuinely scared me at times, which cant be said for most horror films I've seen.

(ratings are my personal opinion)


Full Movie:


An unknown killer, clad in World War II U.S. Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35 year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual Spring Dance.

This lesser-known slasher film was the ultra-violent movie of its time, brandishing more gore and “visible” kills than others of its era. This will please seasoned admirers of 70s and 80s slashers. MOVIES LIKE The Prowler: Happy Birthday to Me (1981), The Burning (1981), The Funhouse (1981). ALTERNATE TITLE: I believe that this is titled Rosemary’s Killer in the UK and Australia.

It has bad acting, a worse plot, and not to many likable characters, but it gets the job done. The killer is well done, great imagery, the effects are great, and it has some pretty suspenseful moments. Overall I'd suggest this to someone who is a big fan of this era of slasher flicks. It isn't gonna please the real gorehounds, but like I said previously it's definitely very violent for the time.

(ratings are my personal opinion)




This trilogy is an unofficial string of movies that Lucio Fulci filmed over the course of two years. They all seem to have the same fever dream-like quality that he is apparently well known for, and as a first time viewer of his work it took me by surprise, but by the end of this first film I was definitely a new found fan. Every one of these films had an atmosphere and feel to it that I can only describe as my own personal golden standard. The colors and lighting were all very much on point, the music fits all the films well and sits with you for some time after, the gore is exaggerated but very well done, and the pacing is very nice.

While I do love these movies, and they are as a trilogy new all time favorites, they are not without flaw.

The main problem being the plot in the movies. It seems like the plot took a back seat to atmosphere and visuals, like i said in the first paragraph there is a very fever-dream feel to them. The actors don't seem to match the current situation at times, they will react in very different ways than someone might think they should. There will be insane things going on around them but they just don't seem to mind. Sometimes the camera will randomly zoom onto things with almost no relevence to the story or the current situation. And sometimes odd things will happen with characters that might make you think they're just a figment of someone in the story's imagination. The other main thing is the voice over quality, as it definitely leaves a lot to be desired at times, but if you speak Italian you can always watch the originals.

I won't go in depth about the story of the movies as they're very hard to describe. I recommend watching the series and determining that for yourselves!


City of the Living Dead (1980)

A reporter and a psychic race to close the Gates of Hell after the suicide of a clergyman caused them to open, allowing the dead to rise from their graves.



The Beyond (1981)

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where after a series of supernatural 'accidents', she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.


This is a paid youtube version to see, as i could not locate a free version to watch.

House by the Cemetery (1981)

A New England home is terrorized by a series of murders, unbeknownst to the guests that a gruesome secret is hiding in the basement.

I wanted to say this movie is my second favorite in the series, my first being The Beyond. the reason I say this, is because it could have easily been my favorite, if it were not for the voiceover, and the kid Bob. **** Bob, Bob can go to hell. This kid ruins what could have been one of my all time favorites.




A newcomer to a fancy ballet academy gradually comes to realize that the school is a front for something far more sinister and supernatural amidst a series of grisly murders.


The movie starts off in a way that automatically has you questioning the nature of the school our main character is to be attending. After some trouble with her flight, paired with rain that has left her drenched from head to toe, she comes to the school only to find another young woman running from the building screaming out what seems to be nonsense. To top it off, when she makes it to the front door of the academy, she isn't even allowed in. As she rides away in the taxi she notices the woman from before running through the woods in a frenzy giving the chance to switch focus to her for a while. This leads to one of the best death/killing scenes I've seen in a movie to date. It genuinely scared me at one point, and the way the deaths were carried out was creative and well done.

The suspense in the movie is what kept it driving along, keeping you on edge almost the whole movie. The music score contributes to this, it's an incredible theme written and performed by a band named Goblin, a progressive rock band that has had their hands in some other films as well.

Susperia was an amazing film that kept me guessing for quite a while, and kept me more than entertained with it's wonderful imagery, great camera work, and well done gore.






Bill is worried that he is ‘different’ to his sister and parents. They mix with other ‘upper class’ people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing. Not for the weak of stomach

I'm not even going to write a full review for this, because it isn't exactly the best movie I've seen. What I will say about it, is that the last 30-45 minutes of this movie are pure unadulterated nightmare fuel.

(ratings are my personal opinion)


Full Movie:


A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber known only as the Tall Man, who keeps a lethal arsenal of terrible weapons with him.

I went into this movie, expecting it to be a color by numbers horror movie about a weird and possibly homicidal funeral director, What I got was a **** storm of crazy. Every character in the movie is just a little bit off it seems. The younger brother essentially stalks his older brother, the older one is somehow never rattled by anything (you'll see what I mean), and there is a random appearance by an old psychic grandma who never shows back up. Aside from it's weird characters, the plot barely makes sense, and nothing is explained in the movie. With all that being said, this is a great movie.

Lot's of good gore, the music is FANTASTIC, the Tall Man is very memorable and creepy, and the movie overall looks great. It reminds me of Giallo in so many ways, with the erratic scene changes, creepy music, and vibrant gore that pops out of the screen. It's no wonder after seeing this, that there is such a huge cult following.

(ratings are my personal opinion)


Full Movie:
Could not find a free link unfortunately.


After a series of murders bearing all the markings of the Jigsaw killer, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing the ghost of a man who has been dead for over a decade, and they become embroiled in a new game that's only just begun. Is John Kramer back from the dead to remind the world to be grateful for the gift of life? Or is this a trap set by a killer with designs of his own?

Went to see this with my wife as it is her favorite series of Horror, and had some low low hopes for it. I watch the saw movies as a guilty pleasure every now and then, but none have been as good as the first two films. I do like to see the new contraptions of death every now and then out of curiosity. This one was really no different, just trashy creative ways to kill people, a twist at the end, and a mediocre storyline.

~4/10 overall 6/10 deaths~
(ratings are my personal opinion)


The Babysitter

The Babysitter, directed by McG, follows Cole (Judah Lewis), who is madly in love with his babysitter Bee (Samara Weaving). She's cool and awesome in all the ways Cole is not. One evening while Bee is babysitting, Cole witnesses the unthinkable. Now he must survive a night full of first kisses, first broken hearts, and first encounters with homicidal maniacs (played by Bella Thorne, Andrew Bachelor, Robbie Amell, and Hana Mae Lee).

I went into this with very low expectations, and came out of it very happy, This movie was surprisingly good. Very upbeat and the comedy was great, making it feel almost like the Scott Pilgrim of horror movies. Lots of parts of the movie I didn't see coming, while others were very predictable. Overall this was just a fun movie to watch for fans of older horror movies and B horror, but don't go in expecting some sort of thrilling masterpiece.

(ratings are my personal opinion)


Dawn of the Dead

As hordes of zombies swarm over the U.S., the terrified populace tries everything in their power to escape the attack of the undead, but neither cities nor the countryside prove safe. In Pennsylvania, radio-station employee Stephen (David Emge) and his girlfriend, Francine (Gaylen Ross), escape in the station helicopter, accompanied by two renegade SWAT members, Roger and Pete. The group retreats to the haven of an enclosed shopping center to make what could be humanity's last stand.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the original Dawn of the Dead. It has a healthy mix of action and horror and is very b-movie, but it's definitely entertaining. It's got a different tone than Night of the Living Dead, but that's not a bad thing, and the infamous "political" undertones of the original aren't really there (do expect lots of jabs at consumerism though). Tom Savini plays a small role, in addition to his primary role of designing the zombie makeup, and he does a good job of stealing the scene.

The movie's action elements are a bit toned down--after all, the film was a low budget movie. There are actually times you might feel sorry for the zombies as well. The movie does a pretty good job of reminding you that the characters are in real danger, even when you get sucked into the "coolness" of their behavior. And it establishes relatively early on that none of the cast is safe from death. Despite this, it's one of the earliest zombie movies to actually develop a female character--we see her go from "nearly useless" to "quite genre savvy" over the course of the film.

The gore isn't spectacular by today's standards, but it was notorious at the time for nearly netting the movie an X-rating. There is one particularly hard to watch scene near the end, although hardcore horror fans won't be too upset by it. I wouldn't really call the film a gorefest, suspenseful or scary, but it's a classic for a reason, and pretty much every zombie movie since has drawn cues from either it or its predecessor.

My recommendation on Romero's Dawn of the Dead: well, you won't find it (legally) online. At least not for streaming. However, if you can get your hand on the Divimax DVD, you'll get one of the most complete cuts. You'll have a hard time buying it new though.

Credits to user Carcharocles for the write up!

~9/10~ - (Dudesnail's rating)
(ratings are my personal opinion)


« Last Edit: Thu, 18 January 2018, 12:57:24 by DudeSnail »


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 08:00:10 »

« Last Edit: Wed, 02 November 2016, 08:04:58 by DudeSnail »

Offline chyros

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 08:34:58 »
A topic after my own heart, I love horror films! Some of my favourites are The Shining, The Ring, and The Thing. Also a massive fan of the Alien and Predator franchises, although I think those aren't really pure horror.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 08:43:52 »
The movies that are really dark, and you can't see notin' and something jumps out at you really loud,  those are super scary..   

I've yet to find a scary movie with much substance that is scary..

I suppose if it were narrated too well, and coherent,  then it'd cease to be scary..

I suppose really distorted faces are still kinda scary..


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 08:58:38 »
A topic after my own heart, I love horror films! Some of my favourites are The Shining, The Ring, and The Thing. Also a massive fan of the Alien and Predator franchises, although I think those aren't really pure horror.

I'd say the original Alien was for sure a horror movie, but after that they were more action oriented. Predator I'd agree, but still great movies!

The shining is one of my all time favorite movies as well, the build up and suspense is unreal, not to mention the Kubrick visuals.

The movies that are really dark, and you can't see notin' and something jumps out at you really loud,  those are super scary..   

I've yet to find a scary movie with much substance that is scary..

I suppose if it were narrated too well, and coherent,  then it'd cease to be scary..

I suppose really distorted faces are still kinda scary..

I guess when it comes to most horror you cant search too hard for any meaningful substance. Some may have that and others wont, the majority falling in with the latter. But that's one of the things I enjoy about it, its just good fun and gore haha.

Offline chyros

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:09:19 »
A topic after my own heart, I love horror films! Some of my favourites are The Shining, The Ring, and The Thing. Also a massive fan of the Alien and Predator franchises, although I think those aren't really pure horror.

I'd say the original Alien was for sure a horror movie, but after that they were more action oriented. Predator I'd agree, but still great movies!

The shining is one of my all time favorite movies as well, the build up and suspense is unreal, not to mention the Kubrick visuals.
Yeah, the original Alien was quite horror-y as well. Amazing film, that. Although I also loved Aliens.

I love Kubrick films in general, in my mind he is without doubt the best film director of all time. He's made films of every genre and all of them are masterpieces, and The Shining as the horror Kubrick is no exception. The intros to my Alps Trilogy, as well as that of the IBM Battleship, are tributes to Kubrick's films. I had considered making an Alien intro tribute too, at some point xD .

The movies that are really dark, and you can't see notin' and something jumps out at you really loud,  those are super scary..   
They are neither true horror NOR are they scary. All they do is startle you. It's not frightening, just annoying if anything. All the best horror films manage without it.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:35:33 »

Prolly need to establish a Rigid definition for Horror first..

Because it would seem our English-Chyros will pick at it from within his own world..

Offline romevi

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:44:18 »
I'm not the biggest fan of horror films, but I'm always down for recommendations, especially if they can be streamed.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:46:33 »
Rest in peace to your discussion thread. It seems as though tp4tissue has discovered it at its inception.

What a true horror story.

Offline KetchyKech

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:49:39 »
Watch "Hush" on Netflix -- leans towards the thriller side, but man -- its very good!
"A deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence
when a masked killer appears at her window."

also "The Den" on Netflix is freaky af  :-[
"While studying the habits of web cam chat users from the apparent safety of her own home,
a young woman's life begins to spiral out of control after witnessing a grisly murder online."
« Last Edit: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:51:44 by KetchyKech »
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 10:59:47 »
Rest in peace to your discussion thread. It seems as though tp4tissue has discovered it at its inception.

What a true horror story.

Offline chyros

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #11 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 11:40:34 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 12:08:02 »
Watch "Hush" on Netflix -- leans towards the thriller side, but man -- its very good!
"A deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence
when a masked killer appears at her window."

also "The Den" on Netflix is freaky af  :-[
"While studying the habits of web cam chat users from the apparent safety of her own home,
a young woman's life begins to spiral out of control after witnessing a grisly murder online."

Gonna check these out this week to give them longer write ups for the original post, thnk you for the suggestions!


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #13 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 12:09:30 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

my first was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" followed closely by Scream 1 and 2, so im partial to the slashers haha. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are amazing movies though, imo by far the best in th series.

Offline chyros

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #14 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 12:52:12 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

my first was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" followed closely by Scream 1 and 2, so im partial to the slashers haha. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are amazing movies though, imo by far the best in th series.
Yeah, the rest of the series went downhill rather quickly. 1 and 2 definitely stand out, they're pretty amazing, the awful special effects notwithstanding xD .
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #15 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 13:13:03 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

my first was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" followed closely by Scream 1 and 2, so im partial to the slashers haha. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are amazing movies though, imo by far the best in th series.
Yeah, the rest of the series went downhill rather quickly. 1 and 2 definitely stand out, they're pretty amazing, the awful special effects notwithstanding xD .

1 and 2 had some of my favorite effects ever though! I always loved to 70s - 80s practical effects. Beats cgi any day.

Offline chyros

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 13:20:06 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

my first was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" followed closely by Scream 1 and 2, so im partial to the slashers haha. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are amazing movies though, imo by far the best in th series.
Yeah, the rest of the series went downhill rather quickly. 1 and 2 definitely stand out, they're pretty amazing, the awful special effects notwithstanding xD .

1 and 2 had some of my favorite effects ever though! I always loved to 70s - 80s practical effects. Beats cgi any day.
Well it wasn't CGI, but it wasn't very convincing either :p . That said, the films were good enough that it didn't really matter :) .
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #17 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 13:59:41 »
I recently went through a lot of old Hammer films, the ones with Christopher Lee as Dracula, and as far as "classic monsters" go, those are some of the best I've seen. Peter Cushings is the best Dr. Frankenstein ever put to film.

also, DudeSnail, if you're not a member of Cinemageddon, what are you doing with your life? Based on some of the **** you've been posting, you would love it there.

« Last Edit: Wed, 02 November 2016, 14:05:29 by Dr_Alphabet »
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #18 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 14:52:51 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

my first was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" followed closely by Scream 1 and 2, so im partial to the slashers haha. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are amazing movies though, imo by far the best in th series.
Yeah, the rest of the series went downhill rather quickly. 1 and 2 definitely stand out, they're pretty amazing, the awful special effects notwithstanding xD .

1 and 2 had some of my favorite effects ever though! I always loved to 70s - 80s practical effects. Beats cgi any day.
Well it wasn't CGI, but it wasn't very convincing either :p . That said, the films were good enough that it didn't really matter :) .

I think we just have different tastes in effects haha

either way i agree that they are good enough that the effects dont seem to matter at all


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #19 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 14:56:19 »
I recently went through a lot of old Hammer films, the ones with Christopher Lee as Dracula, and as far as "classic monsters" go, those are some of the best I've seen. Peter Cushings is the best Dr. Frankenstein ever put to film.

also, DudeSnail, if you're not a member of Cinemageddon, what are you doing with your life? Based on some of the **** you've been posting, you would love it there.

I have actually never seen the classics, not even the Hammer stuff. I've always been way moreinto obscure trashy stuff, with LOTS of gore and old practical effects. A good example being the new Hatchet series, some of my favorite movies of this era.

Never heard of Cinemageddon though, i'll make an account and see what its all about tonight.

edit: it appears that I need an invitation to join, thats lame.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #20 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 15:14:19 »
Horror movie junkie here.
I watch horror movies since I was a kid (like 5 years old).
It's about 15 years I try to watch just what is worth it: I don't want to waste time on terrible movies, basically if a movie scores less than 6 on IMDB I pass to another one.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #21 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 15:17:35 »
Nice thread, I am also a big horror fan, sadly I saw till today almost all good horror movies (I know so far), I am hungry after new stuff. I also love to watch splatter movies, gore movies, all the funny stuff  :D


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 15:55:36 »
Horror movie junkie here.
I watch horror movies since I was a kid (like 5 years old).
It's about 15 years I try to watch just what is worth it: I don't want to waste time on terrible movies, basically if a movie scores less than 6 on IMDB I pass to another one.

IMDB scores on horror are definitely not a good indicator haha, horror is trashy, all over the place, and very subjective. The general public want big blockbusters as their horror movies, or the tried and true classics. But for someone like me all the best horror is less well known, grimy, low budget, and not well received by most. Horror is a genre that is made in such a bulk because its so cheap to make a good horror movie, and that makes it almost like an undiscovered territory to explore!


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #23 on: Wed, 02 November 2016, 15:56:11 »
Nice thread, I am also a big horror fan, sadly I saw till today almost all good horror movies (I know so far), I am hungry after new stuff. I also love to watch splatter movies, gore movies, all the funny stuff  :D

Let me know what kind of stuff you've seen before and thinngs you liked and disliked, i may have a few suggestions


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #24 on: Fri, 04 November 2016, 09:55:11 »

An unknown killer, clad in World War II U.S. Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35 year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual Spring Dance.

This lesser-known slasher film was the ultra-violent movie of its time, brandishing more gore and “visible” kills than others of its era. This will please seasoned admirers of 70s and 80s slashers. MOVIES LIKE The Prowler: Happy Birthday to Me (1981), The Burning (1981), The Funhouse (1981). ALTERNATE TITLE: I believe that this is titled Rosemary’s Killer in the UK and Australia.

It has bad acting, a worse plot, and not to many likable characters, but it gets the job done. The killer is well done, great imagery, the effects are great, and it has some pretty suspenseful moments. Overall I'd suggest this to someone who is a big fan of this era of slasher flicks. It isn't gonna please the real gorehounds, but like I said previously it's definitely very violent for the time.

(ratings are my personal opinion)



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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #25 on: Sat, 05 November 2016, 08:05:25 »
Nice thread, I am also a big horror fan, sadly I saw till today almost all good horror movies (I know so far), I am hungry after new stuff. I also love to watch splatter movies, gore movies, all the funny stuff  :D

Let me know what kind of stuff you've seen before and thinngs you liked and disliked, i may have a few suggestions
ok, I forget to mention my GF and I love booth horror and splatter movies, the films I didn't saw have she in most cases already seen (its funny on our first date we watched two splatter movies). We booth rape and revenge movies but there are not such many of them.
In this genre I think I saw anything good, the best movie for me so far in this genre is the remake of I spit on your grave (only the first movie). Its for me the definition of rape and revenge.
I enjoy goreflicks really much, here is a short line up.
The Saw franchise (I love all movies, I saw them thousand times)
Crimson peak 2 (my alltime favorite), *edit: not crimson peak, which is also a good movie, I mean wolf creak 2
Hostel (1)(I love it)

Splatter comedy
Tucker and dale vs evil (so funny)
Deliverance (dark humor at the best)

I like also slasher movies, zombi movies and so on.
I don't like such much the old movies, I saw the classics but enjoyed them not such much.

I don't saw much Koren/japanese movies (but my Girlfriend saw many of them). I saw the Guinea Pig movies and some other stuff.

I like splatter and gore movies out of the killers sight.

I also enjoy horror movies.

Most of the horror movies today are crap, for example the Facebook horror bull****.

I want to hear your suggestions, please be don't upset if I know the most of them :) .
« Last Edit: Sat, 05 November 2016, 11:12:40 by slot demon »

Offline PollandAkuma

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #26 on: Sat, 05 November 2016, 10:37:02 »
I really love the Shining, such a good book too. I've also watched Psycho which was pretty suspenseful. Another one is the Exorcist, though I have to say I wasn't horrified or scared, but really intrigued by the priest. TBH I don't really like movies that are too gory, I remember I recently watched a gorey one on the plane, and it just made me very confused...


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #27 on: Sat, 12 November 2016, 22:49:19 »

This trilogy is an unofficial string of movies that Lucio Fulci filmed over the course of two years. They all seem to have the same fever dream-like quality that he is apparently well known for, and as a first time viewer of his work it took me by surprise, but by the end of this first film I was definitely a new found fan. Every one of these films had an atmosphere and feel to it that I can only describe as my own personal golden standard. The colors and lighting were all very much on point, the music fits all the films well and sits with you for some time after, the gore is exaggerated but very well done, and the pacing solid.

While I do love these movies, and they are as a trilogy new all time favorites, they are not without flaw.

The main problem being the plot in the movies. It seems like the plot took a back seat to atmosphere and visuals, like i said in the first paragraph there is a very fever-dream feel to them. The actors don't seem to match the current situation at times, they will react in very different ways than someone might think they should. There will be insane things going on around them but they just don't seem to mind. Sometimes the camera will randomly zoom onto things with almost no relevence to the story or the current situation. And sometimes odd things will happen with characters that might make you think they're just a figment of someone in the story's imagination. The other main thing is the voice over quality, as it definitely leaves a lot to be desired at times, but if you speak Italian you can always watch the originals.

I won't go in depth about the story of the movies as they're very hard to describe. I recommend watching the series and determining that for yourselves!


City of the Living Dead (1980)

A reporter and a psychic race to close the Gates of Hell after the suicide of a clergyman caused them to open, allowing the dead to rise from their graves.



The Beyond (1981)

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where after a series of supernatural 'accidents', she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.


This is a paid youtube version to see, as i could not locate a free version to watch.

House by the Cemetery (1981)

A New England home is terrorized by a series of murders, unbeknownst to the guests that a gruesome secret is hiding in the basement.

I wanted to say this movie is my second favorite in the series, my first being The Beyond. the reason I say this, is because it could have easily been my favorite, if it were not for the voiceover, and the kid Bob. **** Bob, Bob can go to hell. This kid ruins what could have been one of my all time favorites.


« Last Edit: Sat, 12 November 2016, 22:54:41 by DudeSnail »

Offline alienman82

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #28 on: Sat, 12 November 2016, 22:58:39 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:41:30 by alienman82 »


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #29 on: Sat, 12 November 2016, 23:01:16 »
Nice thread, I am also a big horror fan, sadly I saw till today almost all good horror movies (I know so far), I am hungry after new stuff. I also love to watch splatter movies, gore movies, all the funny stuff  :D

Let me know what kind of stuff you've seen before and thinngs you liked and disliked, i may have a few suggestions

Looks like you're into it all almost! Just stick around and Im sure some new stuff will roll through to keep you satisfied  :thumb:

I really love the Shining, such a good book too. I've also watched Psycho which was pretty suspenseful. Another one is the Exorcist, though I have to say I wasn't horrified or scared, but really intrigued by the priest. TBH I don't really like movies that are too gory, I remember I recently watched a gorey one on the plane, and it just made me very confused...

Sad to hear man, gore being the main reason i love horror. I love shocking imagery as well as just a good gore fest for the creativity of the kills.

Psycho is a really good film as well, one of the best of it's kind and spawned a genre of movies within horror that will always be my favorite (slashers)

The shining is a whole other beasts, and as far as Im concerned is a masterpiece, the fact that Stephen King didn't like it makes me sad considering what a good movie it really is.


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #30 on: Sat, 12 November 2016, 23:04:20 »
Silence of the lambs watched last night.  disturbing af.  hannibal is a decent followup but not quite as disturbing

I liked the conjuring 1&2 and Annabelle also decent.

I need to watch more of these movies

I actually have never gotten a chance to check out Silence of the Lambs, it's an era i havent quite delved into much, not even the big names like that. i think ill add it to the list though, because I wanna see it for sure.

I loved the Conjuring movies even though they were well out of my preferred type of horror movies. Annabelle is one I haven't seen though, would you suggest it to others?

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #31 on: Sat, 12 November 2016, 23:05:51 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:41:28 by alienman82 »


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #32 on: Sat, 26 November 2016, 15:18:19 »

A newcomer to a fancy ballet academy gradually comes to realize that the school is a front for something far more sinister and supernatural amidst a series of grisly murders.


The movie starts off in a way that automatically has you questioning the nature of the school our main character is to be attending. After some trouble with her flight, paired with rain that has left her drenched from head to toe, she comes to the school only to find another young woman running from the building screaming out what seems to be nonsense. To top it off, when she makes it to the front door of the academy, she isn't even allowed in. As she rides away in the taxi she notices the woman from before running through the woods in a frenzy giving the chance to switch focus to her for a while. This leads to one of the best death/killing scenes I've seen in a movie to date. It genuinely scared me at one point, and the way the deaths were carried out was creative and well done.

The suspense in the movie is what kept it driving along, keeping you on edge almost the whole movie. The music score contributes to this, it's an incredible theme written and performed by a band named Goblin, a progressive rock band that has had their hands in some other films as well.

Susperia was an amazing film that kept me guessing for quite a while, and kept me more than entertained with it's wonderful imagery, great camera work, and well done gore.




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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #33 on: Sat, 26 November 2016, 23:11:13 »
Event Horizon - Hell is only a word; where we're going is much much worse.

1408 - It's an evil f'in room!

The Conjuring

The Conjuring II (both are the true story the Lorraine Warren wouldn't talk about until after her husband had passed)
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #34 on: Sat, 26 November 2016, 23:17:13 »
In all fairness, I've been watching horror from such a young age (I first saw The Fly and Hellraiser 2 at age 8) that I don't really get frightened anymore watching horror films. Some horror video games can be much more potent than films, though.

Ever played the original Aliens vs Predator PC game as a space marine, in the dark at 2am?
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 26 November 2016, 23:25:21 »
Forgot, for sheer suspenseful terror, the original Japanese version of The Grudge, Juon.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 26 November 2016, 23:32:51 »
One more - for the best 10 minutes of gore ever in one place, The Cabin in the Woods.
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Offline alienman82

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #37 on: Sun, 27 November 2016, 10:28:14 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:33:59 by alienman82 »


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #38 on: Sun, 27 November 2016, 11:46:36 »
Event Horizon - Hell is only a word; where we're going is much much worse.

1408 - It's an evil f'in room!

The Conjuring

The Conjuring II (both are the true story the Lorraine Warren wouldn't talk about until after her husband had passed)

Event Horizon is on my watch list for sure.

Im current'y sticking to the pre 2000's for the thread just because that's where my personal interests lie, but would be more than happy for others to submit a small review of newer stuff. Then I could format it for the OP.

I checked out the Conjuring films recently though, REALLY good for modern horror movies. Loved them actually.

i'm going to watch some of these :thumb:

Awesome man! Good to hear  ^-^

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #39 on: Sun, 27 November 2016, 12:42:43 »
Re-watched a bunch of the old Hellraiser films again recently; man, those films just remain good. I can't think of anything out there that's like Hellraiser. It's not the type of horror film I usually watch as it's not particularly scary, but the universe it's set in and the atmosphere is somehow really compelling. Back home I even have one of those puzzle box props for on my desk (a cheap one). I keep wishing I'd brought it with me D: .
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #40 on: Mon, 28 November 2016, 15:09:31 »
Re-watched a bunch of the old Hellraiser films again recently; man, those films just remain good. I can't think of anything out there that's like Hellraiser. It's not the type of horror film I usually watch as it's not particularly scary, but the universe it's set in and the atmosphere is somehow really compelling. Back home I even have one of those puzzle box props for on my desk (a cheap one). I keep wishing I'd brought it with me D: .

Im in the process of writing up some stuff on the first 2 hellraisers, which are my personal favorites. Really really love the first one though, just for the nostalgia. One of the first really ****ed up movies I enjoyed and a young lad.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #41 on: Mon, 28 November 2016, 15:34:05 »
Re-watched a bunch of the old Hellraiser films again recently; man, those films just remain good. I can't think of anything out there that's like Hellraiser. It's not the type of horror film I usually watch as it's not particularly scary, but the universe it's set in and the atmosphere is somehow really compelling. Back home I even have one of those puzzle box props for on my desk (a cheap one). I keep wishing I'd brought it with me D: .

Im in the process of writing up some stuff on the first 2 hellraisers, which are my personal favorites. Really really love the first one though, just for the nostalgia. One of the first really ****ed up movies I enjoyed and a young lad.
Yes, the first two ones are definitely my favourites too, 3 and 4 were a bit weaker. Still fun though. Personally I like the second one the best, it's absolutely intense, and it takes the lore to a different level.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #42 on: Mon, 28 November 2016, 15:40:00 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 01 March 2018, 13:33:06 by alienman82 »

Offline DanD3n

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #43 on: Wed, 30 November 2016, 06:06:47 »
If you want over the top, almost comical, practical gore effects, see Dead Alive (aka Braindead, in other parts of the world), made by no other than Peter Jackson.

If you want something gory and disturbing, with a bit of philosophical twist, see Martyrs.

If you want a non-gory, non-jump scary, ghost movie, made as a mockumentary, see Lake Mungo.

Offline Waateva

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #44 on: Thu, 11 May 2017, 10:19:32 »
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #45 on: Thu, 11 May 2017, 20:48:09 »
Event Horizon is on my watch list for sure.
Yeah, Event Horizon is one of the freakiest movies I have seen in the horror genre.

I also remember watching the original 1968 Night of The Living Dead when I was a kid (when I was around 8 in 1989) on Halloween. Man, that was scary and I didn't sleep much that night.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #46 on: Fri, 12 May 2017, 07:20:55 »
I think, the generic formula  for horror,   is making no sense,   ugly characters,   in the dark,   some sort of gooey red stuff here and there.


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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #47 on: Fri, 12 May 2017, 07:52:16 »
I think, the generic formula  for horror,   is making no sense,   ugly characters,   in the dark,   some sort of gooey red stuff here and there.

It depends entirely on what you want out of a horror movie. That formula is surely true for a brain-dead good time horror movie, but the same thought goes into great horror films as would go into a great drama or comedy.

I personally prefer just some good visuals and well planned creative death scenes because it appeals to me. But someone else could like horror movies that make commentary on society, or make you think about your mortality, or even just a movie built on pure tension with no blood or death.

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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #48 on: Fri, 12 May 2017, 08:17:17 »
I think, the generic formula  for horror,   is making no sense,   ugly characters,   in the dark,   some sort of gooey red stuff here and there.

It depends entirely on what you want out of a horror movie. That formula is surely true for a brain-dead good time horror movie, but the same thought goes into great horror films as would go into a great drama or comedy.

I personally prefer just some good visuals and well planned creative death scenes because it appeals to me. But someone else could like horror movies that make commentary on society, or make you think about your mortality, or even just a movie built on pure tension with no blood or death.

Not to mention that horror can blend very well with other genres like comedy, drama, and sci-fi with the resultant mish-mash having the best (or worst) of those genres.  Horror also seems like a genre that has no problem poking fun at itself, it allows a lot of different commentary through the material, and horror movies can run on a shoestring budget allowing some great movies to be made that would've never came to fruition in other genres.
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Re: Horror Movie Suggestions and Discussion
« Reply #49 on: Fri, 12 May 2017, 08:18:34 »