Any chance for a colevrak homing kit? (with homing h/u/n/t)
Also, just to bring it up for discussion (I put this in the IC form as well) -- I really like GMK sets that allow you to use a single base kit and an alternate alphas kit to build out two boards (one standard layout, one tsangan -- for example, Red Dragon). From what I can see, the modifiers kit here is extremely close to being able to do that as well (for example, printed alphas + blank alphas + mods being able to fill out a TKL and a 60%). The most cost efficient way to accomplish that, I believe, would be:
- Remove one 1.5u modifier ("tab") from mods/ergo/40s
- Add one 1.5u modifier ("tab") to each alpha kit
- Add 2.25u modifier (second "return") to mods
If I'm thinking through the kitting correctly, that would get ergo/40's users all of the keys they need without paying for anything extra, while also allowing the mods kit to outfit two boards at the price of a single extra key (e.g. standard ANSI TKL and a tsangan 60% with split right shift, split backspace, and stepped caps). An alternative would be to just add an extra 1.5u and 2.25u mod to the mods kit and leave the rest of the kits alone.