Author Topic: [IC] KAM Command [GB Oct 4 - Nov 4]  (Read 29784 times)

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Offline mvkb

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[IC] KAM Command [GB Oct 4 - Nov 4]
« on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 18:41:05 »
Group Buy is now live



Our alien robot overlords are here, and you too can join their squadron of nuclear-powered spacecraft by purchasing this set of controls keycaps. This is will be a one time offer available from October 4 2021 until November 4 2021 at an electronics store on-line e-commerce website*. Don't miss out on this amazing deal!

*Internet connection required.

This set is an homage to the sci-fi books, TV shows and movies we all grew up with. It takes inspiration from a bunch of them, and adds its own little twists. Every single legends is custom designed, including the made-up alien-overlord language. The name "Command" comes from "By your command!", the Cylon battle cry from Battlestar Galactica.








RAL 3020 (Traffic red) and RAL 9005 (Jet black)


Premium made deskmats, 900x400mm, 4mm thick, $25.




Command TKL - $250

The Command TKL is a premium acrylic board made by Protozoa. It's based on their successful line of GLITCH/FROST boards. The colors match Command, and it comes with a custom-engraved top plate and solder PCB with custom screen printed artwork which supports a knob in the top right corner.

Command Knob - $45

Also produced by Protozoa, this knob fits the Command TKL and all other board with standard knob support. It's milled from solid aluminum, and features a unique hot-swap mounting method. Includes both red and black rubber bands.

Command Artisans - $40/$50

Another Protozoa collab (I really like them in case it wasn't obvious). 2 solid aluminum caps, 1u (escape key) and 2.25u (return key). Bead blasted aluminum, with black resin infill in the vents. They're a completely custom shape, designed to match the theme and the KAM profile.




Keyreative was kind enough to provide me with a full set of samples. The colors are absolutely stunning and the legends crisp, but let's dive into some of the obvious issues, and how I'm planning on making this one of the highest quality keysets out there.


These are just samples, and a first round of them too. No alignment efforts were made during the production of this first set. Good news: These legends are super easy to align because they're all pretty much a rectangle.


Depending on how the light reflects off the caps, you can kinda see a blue-ish tint. Keyreative is working on this (it's caused because of the pigments they use), and if that doesn't work, I'll slightly tweak the color so it's closer to black. Worst case scenario, there might be a reddish tint in the black.


You might've seen this issue on some other KAM sets, but sadly there isn't a good solution for this. So instead of having homing bars for Command, I asked Keyreative to create a scooped 1u KAM mold instead (something they don't have today). This won't have the discoloring issue, and provides the tactile feedback you need to know your hands are in the right position.


Code: [Select]
[url=][img width=142 height=80];topic=113780.0;attach=272225;image[/img][/url]
« Last Edit: Mon, 04 October 2021, 08:46:49 by mvkb »

Offline Cubic // esc lab

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 19:02:08 »
The quality of this IC  :eek:

Offline hali

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 19:57:23 »
this is super friggin cool

Offline _IanOfEarth

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 20:06:57 »
Cannot wait for this!! Insane kitting and renders 😍

Offline Cylent

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 20:50:29 »
kit renders are sweet, great job on the unique legends.

tl;dr sheeeeeeeesh

Offline Faceman76

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 21:42:56 »
The blank alphas seal the deal for me.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

1800s and heavy springs

Offline aethernet

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 22:06:10 »
verrrry cool!

Offline Mr Chrome

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 22:22:43 »
What the heck. Why is everything in this IC so good? The legends and style are incredible.
“This plastic rectangle is alright. The plastic rectangles on top of it, though...”

Offline Brioric

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 22:24:11 »
Really cool design, I love those blank alphas

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #9 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 23:08:41 »
so amazing, this is very cool! :thumb:

Offline HappyB0T

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #10 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 23:15:07 »
I started to internally baby rage that the mods were generic - then I saw the international kitsssssss. Good ****ing job.

Offline 1391401

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #11 on: Mon, 12 July 2021, 23:46:10 »
I love this.  I feel like it's what every "gamer font" keyboard wants to be except its awesome and not terrible.  Any chance we can get a "clean" render of the caps without any filter in front?  Great IC.
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Offline Skok

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #12 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 00:22:13 »
Any chance we can get a "clean" render of the caps without any filter in front?  Great IC.

echoing this. looks really cool otherwise

Offline sagarsiddhpura

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #13 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 02:10:54 »
There should be clean renders so that people can see things.

Offline Tom Sparrow

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #14 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 03:05:33 »
Very cool IC! Well thought out and executed. However, with all those effects and stylistic choices the render don't really show the product. I would love at least one where I can clrearly see what I am getting into :D Otherwise very good sir!

Offline salgiza

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #15 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 03:06:10 »
I'm really amazed at the originality of this IC, and with support for lots of international layouts and not just NorDeUK! (Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!)
My wallet is looking worried at me  :D

Offline AshF

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #16 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 03:08:23 »
This looks really nice

Sent from my ASUS_I003D using Tapatalk

Offline jaekid

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #17 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 05:41:33 »
VERY WELL THOUGHT OUT. Great job brother!

Offline Bub

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #18 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 06:59:48 »
Any chance we can get a "clean" render of the caps without any filter in front?  Great IC.

echoing this. looks really cool otherwise

Adding to this. While i see the importance of having fancy renders to get people excited, their main function is to display the product accurately.

Offline mvkb

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #19 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 08:29:29 »
I added a photo of the samples Keyreative made to the IC post, I encourage everyone to read through the issues, and how I plan to solve or work around them.


Offline Neely_12

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #20 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 10:29:49 »
This is super cool. Might I suggest normal icon mods? would look a lot cleaner with all the stuff going on with the alphas imo. GLWIC!

Offline HelloThisIsDog

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #21 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 15:13:11 »
I’m so hyped for this, after copping Camo and now this, you’re killing it!!

Offline Bl4ck

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #22 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 15:25:24 »
I added a photo of the samples Keyreative made to the IC post, I encourage everyone to read through the issues, and how I plan to solve or work around them.

(Attachment Link)

Great job addressing the problems.

But weren't they doing doubleshoot and wouldn't this fix most of the problems ?

Offline mvkb

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #23 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 15:27:26 »
But weren't they doing doubleshoot and wouldn't this fix most of the problems ?

Doubleshot wouldn't be a viable option for this set since every single legend is custom.

Offline Adelscott

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #24 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 18:36:22 »
It's a very original set. And there is a French kit!
On top of that I fell in love with the KAM profile with Wraith that I have been using every day for almost 4 months, despite  alignment issues.

I like the alphas but I'm not sure about the mods. I will be watching how it all unfolds.
Please think about ISO users, add a split left shift to your "alice style" keyboards

Offline cthalupa

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #25 on: Tue, 13 July 2021, 21:28:14 »
Been awesome seeing this set develop! Renders and the IC in general is all sick

I added a photo of the samples Keyreative made to the IC post, I encourage everyone to read through the issues, and how I plan to solve or work around them.

(Attachment Link)

Great job addressing the problems.

But weren't they doing doubleshoot and wouldn't this fix most of the problems ?

Despite some poorly worded emails causing mass confusion, Keyreative is still perfectly happy to do reverse dyesub when it makes sense for the set, and this is a set where it definitely makes sense. Mold costs would be quite high to get this done in doubleshot. I'm also not sure they have doubleshot molds for KAM at this time in general, someone else would have to chime in there.

Offline ectoplasmatic

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #26 on: Wed, 14 July 2021, 12:19:03 »
you know i'm all in for this...!
so smart to do language compat this way with keyreative MOQs.

Offline minicap

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #27 on: Wed, 14 July 2021, 19:51:17 »
Very cool set! The prototype looks great, I'm hyped for the KAM scooped homing keys! GLWIC

Offline Newsbusel

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #28 on: Wed, 14 July 2021, 20:21:31 »
remember when there was this much effort put into interest checks? The first set that has caught my eye in a while, really amazing work.

Offline hottrout

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #29 on: Thu, 15 July 2021, 06:52:11 »
Love your work here, renders, kits and effort get 100%.  This is what an Interest Check used to be like.  Great work, very interested.
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Offline Lazesummerstone

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #30 on: Thu, 15 July 2021, 18:49:56 »
This is actually so good. I love how this set is kind of taking a hard stance and creating a fantasy on the keyboard. I want this A LOT.  :eek:

Offline factoryofidols

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #31 on: Fri, 16 July 2021, 00:06:32 »
Man this set is just begging for shiny KAM. Very interesting concept interested to see how it goes.

Also the kit images with the filter over the whole thing make it really hard to read.

Offline Koniotaur

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #32 on: Fri, 16 July 2021, 13:20:15 »
Everyone on board captain bucket!

Offline Mr Chrome

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 16 July 2021, 22:33:51 »
I added a photo of the samples Keyreative made to the IC post, I encourage everyone to read through the issues, and how I plan to solve or work around them.

The samples look fantastic...! Always glad when a designer orders in advance! It’s good that you’re pushing for scooped KAM homing keys. They really should fix their homing bar issues, but at least it’s a solution. Personally, I think the ‘colder’ black colour is a nice contrast to the red, but interested to see any changes.
“This plastic rectangle is alright. The plastic rectangles on top of it, though...”

Offline phatmasterq

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #34 on: Sat, 17 July 2021, 06:39:17 »
bro, big respect for the quality of this IC and already having samples and doing something original and creative. personally, i would love to see some sort of text modes - themed appropriately. but, i'm piqued and would cop as is to support the creativity.

Offline JoltFX

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 17 July 2021, 10:43:52 »
I really like the uniqueness of this set interested to see where it goes!

Offline MadBinton

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 17 July 2021, 15:17:31 »
Wow, the set I never knew I needed. Looks incredible, really hits the mark on the theme.

On the right retro board, I'd totally feel like a 90's vision of a bad guy. Like a commander in with NOD or something.

Either way, joining these, but I do think it'll be quite a while before this will arrive to me being a KAM set and all.

Offline kidviddy

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #37 on: Sat, 17 July 2021, 18:12:00 »
Very nice looking set!  I'm especially impressed with the all the international kits you have offering widespread international support.  I have just a couple of comments/suggestions:

  • Your standard alpha kit includes two extra keys for generic ISO support even without buying an international kit.  Please consider doing the same for your blank alpha kit, which is currently missing the keys to the left of enter and to the right of left shift.
  • Since you already have such great international support, it would be remiss of me not to try and push for one more: Japanese/JIS layout.  Since you don't have kana sublegends (and I'm not suggesting that you add them), and since KAM is flat profile, and since your mods are unlabelled, it would not require too many keys to create a Japan Kit in line with the other country kits you already have.  I've taken the liberty of throwing together a KLE file: This just covers the alphas; you could consider adding a mod key or two in there if you wanted to cover the extra keys JIS has on the bottom row, but honestly I think the mods you have in the standard "modifiers" kit should suffice for most people, and you already have a 3U space in "spaces", so you're most of the way there already!


Thanks for considering!

Offline mvkb

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #38 on: Mon, 19 July 2021, 07:35:35 »
Your standard alpha kit includes two extra keys for generic ISO support even without buying an international kit.  Please consider doing the same for your blank alpha kit, which is currently missing the keys to the left of enter and to the right of left shift.

I was hoping the non-scooped F and J keys could be used to fill those gaps. Is my math off?

Since you already have such great international support, it would be remiss of me not to try and push for one more: Japanese/JIS layout.  Since you don't have kana sublegends (and I'm not suggesting that you add them), and since KAM is flat profile, and since your mods are unlabelled, it would not require too many keys to create a Japan Kit in line with the other country kits you already have.  I've taken the liberty of throwing together a KLE file: This just covers the alphas; you could consider adding a mod key or two in there if you wanted to cover the extra keys JIS has on the bottom row, but honestly I think the mods you have in the standard "modifiers" kit should suffice for most people, and you already have a 3U space in "spaces", so you're most of the way there already!

Thank you for putting this together, I will add a Japanese kit later based on this later this week.

Offline kidviddy

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #39 on: Mon, 19 July 2021, 10:42:36 »
I was hoping the non-scooped F and J keys could be used to fill those gaps. Is my math off?

Ah, no I think that would do it, though it would mean that ISO blank users would not have the option of using non-homing F and J keys.  Maybe that's reasonable -- it seems like homing keys would be more important when there are no legends to guide you. At any rate, worth being aware of the tradeoffs I guess!

(For my part as a JIS user, I actually need three extra keys rather than the two that ISO needs, but your second "B" key has me covered there)

Offline Havattack

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #40 on: Mon, 19 July 2021, 13:38:20 »
If those goes well, you should consider running this set in alternative color ways in the future. Would look dope  pink on blue, or pink on purple, or orange on blue, etc, etc.
All though the current colorway does have a cool retro Terminator HUD look to it.

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #41 on: Mon, 19 July 2021, 14:36:39 »
neat  :thumb:

Offline mvkb

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #42 on: Mon, 19 July 2021, 18:22:31 »
Added an international kit for Japan, huge props to kidviddy for helping me out with this one.


Offline nineleveno

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #43 on: Fri, 06 August 2021, 11:23:30 »
Any chance for a colevrak homing kit? (with homing h/u/n/t)

Also, just to bring it up for discussion (I put this in the IC form as well) -- I really like GMK sets that allow you to use a single base kit and an alternate alphas kit to build out two boards (one standard layout, one tsangan -- for example, Red Dragon). From what I can see, the modifiers kit here is extremely close to being able to do that as well (for example, printed alphas + blank alphas + mods being able to fill out a TKL and a 60%). The most cost efficient way to accomplish that, I believe, would be:

  • Remove one 1.5u modifier ("tab") from mods/ergo/40s
  • Add one 1.5u modifier ("tab") to each alpha kit
  • Add 2.25u modifier (second "return") to mods

If I'm thinking through the kitting correctly, that would get ergo/40's users all of the keys they need without paying for anything extra, while also allowing the mods kit to outfit two boards at the price of a single extra key (e.g. standard ANSI TKL and a tsangan 60% with split right shift, split backspace, and stepped caps). An alternative would be to just add an extra 1.5u and 2.25u mod to the mods kit and leave the rest of the kits alone.

Offline andreiborisov

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #44 on: Mon, 09 August 2021, 06:59:23 »
This is here will be my first KAM set, so beautiful. My only suggestion it to add a second 3U spacebar.

Offline clickpig

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #45 on: Mon, 09 August 2021, 07:42:03 »
these look fire, love the presentation

Offline Finite

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #46 on: Mon, 23 August 2021, 08:05:22 »
Nice presentation for your IC. Definitely eye-catching and interest garnering!

Offline kiwwi

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #47 on: Mon, 23 August 2021, 10:28:00 »
Looking very nice!

Offline radam

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #48 on: Wed, 25 August 2021, 07:51:07 »
Would it be possible to have f-keys and arrows separately, as well as in the mods kit? I'd like to pick up an ortho kit, and I could find a use for arrows and those f-keys without picking up the entire mods kit. They could be used as novelties. It's not so much the price, but extra wasted plastic.

Offline harlekein

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Re: [IC] KAM Command
« Reply #49 on: Wed, 25 August 2021, 08:49:15 »
Any chance for a colevrak homing kit? (with homing h/u/n/t)

Please OP!