Red One.
Some problems.
So, Santa who travels w/ american military escort, is defacto monarch atop the most advanced technology on earth. His dominion alone decides who is naughty. He answers to no republic. He doesn't seem to be using the capacity for anything other than mining the Hearts and Minds (brainwashing) of children, indoctrinating them into an endless yearly cycle of consumerist consumption.
That about right?
Is this not EVERYTHING that is wrong with Civilization all in 1 movie?
The holiday cheer is skin deep. This is a grave dystopia. Our delusions run deep. This Culture isn't culture at all, it's a runaway fire.
Not even mentioning the enslavement of reindeer.
And through it all, the MILITARIZATION of Christmas, in all the characters, and the military industrial structure of Santa's organization. You know, because our daily digest of school shootings and kevlar backpacks is NOT enough. Santa with guns is our vision of childish merriment and wonder.
The writers, directors, producers, an entire conglomeration of people saw nothing wrong with this.